Show faculty forum by lee F gledhill the faculty is quite proud of the graduates from this school who are now attending college they all se seem em to be doing well and to be having a good time the changes we see in them as they come back home after being away at school are pleasant to note some of these young people have gone to college as the recipient reci recipients pien ts of scholarships each year at fradua tion there are several opportunities As a rule the seniors have rot been too eager about applying for scholarships applications sh be made by the end of march we usually have scholarships cholar ships for enow now col ee egre branch agricultural college brigham young university westminster U university diversity of utah utah state agricultural collet arton arlon college as well as opportune opp itice to try on several competitive scholarships young people should be encourage cd ed to go to college apparently our future depends upon trained lists and such since league basketball begins this week let lets s say a word about referees referees used in league games must pass a test and be tidied by the utah state high school activities association in this region the actual assigning of referees is made the responsibility of each lea gue after trying several methods of assignment during the past eight or ten years we have finally found one which works pretty well the referees in this area living mostly in price and helper have an anfor mal organization of which albert is the spokesman referees for the high school basketball games this winter will be assigned by that group we used this flus plan last sea son and it seemed to be a solution to our troubles |