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Show et g et e e el e May 1999 o ; _ L_;'.,A-"-LocalACthltleS | Planned for 1 N atlonal TrallsDay R i :1,;:'l; e e e e e e T ifrstsecurity.ank D rawing i e e By Shanna F ranczs In honor of Natlonal Tralls Day, i.;_Saturday, June 5. National e e e | -’~‘='act1V1t1es have been planned for . S Dayisa day for outdoor enthusiasts. - honor":;,l = get. together and f.;gf‘{commumty members who have “come together to build trails and = | to a S SN 4,5 e e § e o o et g W et 1 N o -,’._ 3 nature walklng “When you ‘reout ,j_u,,_walkmgin the woods it can seem’ | asifthe trail has always been there,* socrety ;“-; e ~said American Hlklng mmdeneBavflL' " in America would not ex1st wrthout'\ | . human effort Workmg together, “citizens, legrslators trarl clubs, it I e - e T e T ! s S e S s S T e b e ™, T N o L .:.,' ‘protect America’s open spaces. It | isalsoaday towork on trialsinthe i_i-;.‘commumty and enjoy Trails Day activities such as h1k1ng, running or e 05T eg Trails - e O et e ‘businesses and land managers get e i trarls bUIlt& e e et T Local act1v1t1esfor June 3 have ,'f 5 been planned co- sponsored by the:. .. e o “_""_"'Bab and Peggy thtle of Eden won F irst Securztyz Bank s ]S’ place N A prize, a big screen TV from R.C. Wlleys in the Eden Branch’ s | ,Nordzc Valley She won a campzng f‘fgrand opening drawzng held last month.. The thtles commented i Super_ysports USA. ,Thzrd prize, a " ,"_‘thai it was the fust thing they haa’ ever won. They were the big g . e - winners, also winning a $50 gift certgf" cate from Hungry Wolf " Restaurant, one af several przzes that were drawn for durmg the e e 4 _«<k ) %{_%agaa:'sz.'.' ’ L . sfi”%agg: sfig %fl S A R L | i | on a new section of trail on the north I Numerous trall hikes, Auduboni}__.[;ia-s-*"' Tun, and gurded walks, a fun | additional actwrtres are slated for‘ : _the day | An outhne of the days act1v1t1es, | | ) mclude R Goldworks Fme Jewelry 103 Historic 25th StOgden 8440l Tel 393 2971 1 & Jones & Company Salon Hlstorlc 25th StOgden84401 6 30 a.m.: 'llme predletedFun Run I5K (predict your own time!) Juice I and rolls provrded courtesy of 1 | Cream O’ Weber and Great Harvest’ ¢ o 57, "’iBread Co - | e s, ) mde{aemlam awem e b 8 0() a. m.. Wlldflour Bakery : donatmg a Contmental Breakfast ' 9:00 a.m.: Openmg Ceremony | Community awards given to ! s“Outstandmg Trails Bullders and 5 _ffAdvocates ey . ."9 30 a.m.: Hlke to Hldden Valley (Strenuous) Led by Elliot Hulet, =~ Co 3‘LT e% wr . Insurasce 25 a L E‘e;resaere* g . . : . . - sored by Rainbow spon and named the Rainbow | side of the canyon highway. 1Tel: 621 7lOO i ;,Ogden Canyon ‘A new portion of “trail, 2490 Harrison Blvd, Ogden84401 | Rainbow Gardens at the mouth of Trail, will be dedicated. Volunteers;;‘i;;;*"’:' f will have the opportunity to work =~ (al yom lfii‘ffil E AR T - fl,rdo] *"g'slr;a*a{ssa* efra‘:a% Recreatio . T - &xem‘wa ce Ffledaefie D Watercrast sponsored by the Slerra Club I | | P | ‘ | 9:30 am.: Hike over Indian Trail. (Less Strenuous) Led by Lee_ , Nebeker i | " *'9 30 am.: Gulded walk down the":v i Ogden River Parkway (Easy,.’ . ‘Wheelchalr | Acces31ble) 9; 30 a.m.: Tratl bulldlng, sponsoredby Ogden Trails Network Brlng & | shovel rake etc e e | Gardens "Bahama Brofize, - e g"aa’a‘% %eaelzae; éa Hse l:eaeféar service . T : = ' . 1Summer Fashion Show benefittnng the YCC Weomens Shelter we are pablfishrngthe sponsor ’S addr'esses. L5, Ovener gé&g &fg%“fi 2% - : r of Eden. to Shelley Finde Ski arid Sport, went fDueto the high yolume ol‘ reqaests to help theSpmng/ | lmfs%”i’“ly afiwf’*é § W rem—n— V_...w..v_‘..,.,._,_w.__...a\«__ ,M, T_( ks, Diamond Peak equzpment from: Oshmans;-: S ~County Pathways. . new mountain. bike from - { activities will take place around:;;, tte tton° T e o ;j‘j'celebratzon 'Ogden Trails Network and Weber | st Securi lt}’ Banks second plac e prize went to Kathy Land Of gy e g F or more znformatzon onthe days events e contact Mary Hall, chair of the Trails Day | Celebration, at 334-9680, or Geoffrey Ellzs e e e / . . - of Weber County Pathways at 393 2304 |