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Show -We Salute Our S ‘Graduating n gh . ' TIPPETS, Marissa : VANSCOYK '_‘Congratulatrons to our1999 MeganM "VAUSE, Daniel B. VIRGIN Brian R g o ALLENJosie - ALLEN, Lizel ANDERSON, TylerE. - ASTON, Allison © " BAIR, Trevor = CARTER, Merisa CHAPMAN,Dana Michael N '~ Jaylynn | held at Weber State Umversny,to . 2 ErzkObergwzth hzs wmmng pmject statelevel earmnghrm the ablhty}‘v, $oin ~to compete for the third year, inthe ~This I am today; o Taylor Oberg wzth hzs wmmng pro]ecz i . workmg on his PI'OJCCt in dlfl’erent - steps, entermg the competrtron each Note The stafi” of The Ogden Valley News be selected to partrcrpate m the\ "- year with a different phase of the - apologizes if any graduates’ names have - - inadvertently been left off of this list. Please " contact Shanna Francis 745- 2688 lf youhave-_ , »‘-'yany correctzons Thankyou \ DS - Tanya 2 Jih e 'HARRIS, Krlstrn HART, Scott Student News HARTMANN, RebekahR, ' HASENYAGER, Maithew Internatronal Science "HECKELMAN, Jenna HE . - HEDGES, Rose. - at the International level, the U.S. _Philadelphia, Pennsylvania earlier ~ Air Force first place honor and cash;\‘ e - this month_\i‘-*fiTaylor’*'brought home, award for his efforts in studyingradand e}’», e for thesec nd year in a row, the i ;isolatmg mrcrobes that wrll deg % 'CONTINUED on page 15 ,lace award N HICKS, Lame = e B ctass ofircers for the 1999 2000 | B ~ school year. Sénior class efficers»,f_; '\HENNESSY Zachary R i ’HOFFMANN Ryan JAMES, Mehssa L ) JENSEN Cassie IENSEN. Kate | nominated include Josh Tanner, son 1 of David and Teresa Tanner; Stacey | Ropelato, daughter of Jerry and ~ - | KELLEY, Kami S. % - KILGORE, DannyG ~ | Carver, son of Dave and Lmdal N | Carver LAYTON; Stacy - LUND, Nathan M MANLEY, ZenaE. © MILLER, Holly ~ . MARTIN, Benjamm D. ~ MASON, Tiffany J. ' MASTERS, Erin M. ~ | - ~ Layton; and Kate Wood, daughtel"*_i"f‘f~ MALAN, Chrtstran - MOFFITT, Zachary W -MONTGOMERY, Cody T MONTGOMERY Jared W NAYLOR, Herdr NEFF, Adam K. . NIPKO, JohnR. '~ O’KEEFE, Kelly R PAASCH, Kelly S.. PEART, Laurel ~of Bob and Susan Wood - PETERSON, C: Adam PRATT, LisaL. : Reprmted from permlssronof the - Utah State Umversrty Extensron'-., i =¥Eyt “Service Source: DavzsLlfestyles Newsletter | ._,_,f'May I 998 R 1 i 1. LIFEISYe "FAIR. GetGetused . o “toit. The: average teenager uses the phrase 1t s not fa1r about 86 tlmes!; Y o ROBINS, ‘2 THE REAL WORLDi‘~‘ 1 - 1 WONT CARE AS MUCH about Robert R. ' ROPELATO, Marc R ROWE, JessicaD.. - SANCHEZ, MomqueA ~SANDERS, Hallee J. LSAUNDERS Candlce . SHAW, Michelle ~ SHUPE, Craig S SHUPE, Tyson G ) 'SNIGGS Ashley - SPARKS; Misty J. ° e : ‘TSPENCER Stephame | - SPENDLOVE, Cameron S SUMMERS Marle |, e PRATT, Mark E PRICE, Tyler- RICHARDSON, JennyyA - S Ten Rules Klds Won’t Leam m: ;,"School' e . ’PERKJNS Kevin ~ ~l Jumor class offrcers nommated e | are Alisha Wright, daughter of | g | Kenny and Debbie Wright; Cory .4 % | Layton, son of Rod and Connie {| oy, LARSEN, ChrlstmaJ - LEE, TiaN. -~ & Darinda Ropelato; and Dave | : JONES Me]anre | B ,a day e K R Regquiar O L oy FT | 1 R yourself-esteen as your school does , Thrs may come as a shock? " 3 YGU WON ’T MAKE $40 000 ayear out of high school. ‘You won’t ‘be a vice president or have a fancy car either.. You may even have to ~ wear a uniform that doesn t have a "-‘desrgner label. e CONTINUED on page15 | and-‘ ;_vpronject Lastyearherecerved also 'Engineering Fair that was held in - HASTINGS, Melissa HAWKS, JoshuaM. o0 'f'r.,f}_Internatlonal Science and - Engineering Fair. He has beenfl*" , Lours L’amour HALDEMAN, JessreM HALE, Katherine HALVERSON, { that I w111 be tomorrow FROERER Vrctorla GOULD, =~ - their times, lack of good fortune e ' . or the quirks of fate. o 1 .Everyone has it within his power to say,fl - . DREAGER,Holly DUFFIELD, Matthew W - EVANS, Andrea M. "FRANCIS KyleL -~ T = of thing he wished to be. o Only the weak blame parents, therr race DICKSON, Thomas S GOMPERT. Michael ~ } sons of Craig and Lynette Oberg, 1 placed high enough in this year’s | State Science and Engineering Fair, 2 ‘rflto shape the clay of his life into-the sort DOXEY, Thomas E. . Two students from Lrberty,. | _-brothers Taylor and Erik Oberg, ~ by environment, ‘heredity, and movements ~.and changes in the world about him: T hen there comes a time when 1t hes ' ~within his grasp ' DICKSON Damel DOMAN, Scrence teacher isLorlne Radle. Th1s year h1s prOJect took flrst at the*-_i,-}w--.__-_" ey Up to a pomt a man’s life is shaped - ~CHRISTENSEN, Brrdget CHRISTENSEN, Jeff L -~ CHRISTENSEN,Mac . . CHRISTENSEN, TylorG - -/ CLARK,Crystal J. .~ CONWELL, Nrcholas P DANGERFIELD J ake - DAVIS, Bradlcy | - I 'By Shanna F ranczs | TR | TOUNG, -_CarSOP W | - CALIFANO, Carla . : iR Taylor Oberg 1s an eleventh.‘.i_ Sy WYDNER Kari M. BUSHELL, Logan R." ~ ; ;;';—-_Competrtron -~ WRIGHT, Andrew D. 5 - WRIGHT Benjamln "BURTON, Matthew presented by the U, S Alf FOYCGafl.‘lz'-’. $3000 cash award ‘, Internatmnal ‘ -~ WELLS, Travrs J. WHITE, Richard V ~ . WILSON, NatalieJ. WINEGAR, Ryan " - BLEDSOE, Douglas M. 'BRIMHALL Brian N WANSGARD Abe K WANSGARD CodyL ER,MartyA. WILD WILLARD, StephameA;fi . - BOSTWICK, CrystalM .. | First Place Honor At Sacei i G WELLS TravisL WADMAN Tasha L - ;Local Student Wms _'THOMPSON John F School Semcrs | ‘ ¥ 'TAGGART Emrly ",TANG Kelvin C. ~~~~~ | LR RRR / .’-‘"// 2l .‘.‘%lmv.-vzv N”m/ .'mr flv”s Wfl quma.m-m P RSRI13D 0 IARRRIT BRI RS ki ol |