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Show o e oo g P VolumelIssue VIL s TR €~ e g . 3 B . o L TN — , . S ‘ _.' . T L e ‘ e e 7 s s e S ey g s e s, e f'f improves fertlhry and - "?,naway. eipS t@This c@mnm dlseases Vo + . e, . gerrnkfier ’Erps Warer snrngs rnar grnw, Hike gr’assSB ‘ 1 ’E‘anrs and trees. Adjust your . e e | 4 } & 5 i e + i i o e ot oy e O N g NlN - S L Ys‘ A rain switch will ,'.\Approxrmately 62% nf Utah A,SGHSO 3 : | Members of the AmerrcanLeglon automatically shut off watermg ¥ Plam low water and dmught- ' residential water use goes on ~ -~ -r”"—'¢.'-§—~':0"y—%—'_—""\»’v‘v"\'-, T .~ outdoor watering season, ‘which i1s1 ~sensor “senses” > when the SOll has considered by professionals to be dned ent and turns onautomatreally ~about Utah-friendly landscape | .veterans that have been laid to rest;fi.-iff'*lf Ls " |‘materials, such as low Water plants “in our Valley ‘The Leglon also ~ too high, and unhealthy for most N ~~ APy AT (= e TN b St ‘.'_‘-;yr)u will be able tO manage ,. Il your A layer of mulch (3- 4;, L T T T . AT Eo R o ey it ‘f _plants in the same water need “salute. The services are scheduledflf‘:.k?.A'?‘-"?-*ff»,»-‘..; ~; zones. Censrder the water needs of | 'for local cemeterles asfollows G - Lawn Trns _"'iffi'Warer rrghi - that s arnrght e o - plants as you develop your - landscape, and segregate aeeerdrngw ;‘;.,"LrbertyCemetery 8 00 a m ~ S T o © Watering when it’s eooler allows Aerare year ann, rhen ever‘seefii;_-: to water needs | g p e A AP i e e - e Use muleir amund bemg absorbed mto saturated soil. 't ,‘ pfiams B provrdes permanent white woeden’f?f* | crosses for the graves of these,'f; trees and“ ) soldrers upen request | (G 4 e 3 . . H e T bushes and trees = inches) cools flower beds, slowsthe | - Gravesrde memorral outdoor waterlng practices more j serv1cesf:‘,,};f.:flj-*,jé"-‘f' Permdrcaily adgust yaar, - evaporation of morsture and also.‘ | effectively. Join us in learmng to g -rnclude musrc rhe playrng of the‘,ifi‘f‘_,.'f*fjf automatic trmer to coincide with “use Utah S Water ~wisely.” mhlblt Weeds | - { taps, presentation by a guest;'._fi.‘._ Remember-— be water smartand do,‘ - weather changes. Don’t set it once . and the tradrtlonai 2lgun " V and then lea\«e it for the waterrng Hyrfimzane - Plant srmllar type, | """"_""speaker : 'yourpart’ | ' . ~ "/Memonal Day, on the grave sites of Rl your local nursery professmnals' ght Aver@ pudfiirng Thrs is ev1denee often means watering less in Utzh. of overwatering. Typically the ;By 1mp§emenl:1ng these simple ups | excess water will evaporate before ¥ ;‘, | place Amerrcan F]ags eaeh eve of landscapes in just a five month - during rarnstornls ‘while a moisture ~ resistant trees and plants. Ask ~landscapes. In fact, watering Gl v;jwater to get te the met zonewhere_< | ~and topdress it with compost. M@?JGW VI@W Cemetery (V"'A.’_~.»‘;:,.O'Wer R el ~ Aerate in the spring or fall then Generafi’E’rps | rt isneeded - C@metery in Eden) 8:30 am. N R ~overseed it with a seed mix. - -s e designed for Mountain West Usca snnr eff nezzle for your hese Vi Waier a deep-7"eep seak yenrf ' ’:;'i'i"flfonrltalnVrew Cemetery"‘(i ‘ppe - lawn to the root zone where it won’t - ~conditions. Talk to a knowledgeabie;];; -to averd Wasting Water PR 7 i’ eemetery ’m Eden) 9 OO am _NUrsery. or ieeal Usuy. Cnuntv‘"’?’ . evaporate qurekly, and where itwill Extensren “ Use a breem rnstead of ahnse re L b o e - do the most good: By using a sml L O e eiean drrveways and srdewaiks ~ probe, you wfllknowWhen and how : reeommendatrnns SAE 100am.. H”nts"lliee agent much to water : e Laaefiseaprng ’Ergrs The Urah Water Conservaneni driveway, Asrdewalk and fences. = E}rversrfiy yenr Eanfiseape A " i ST ,I*erum promotes landscape with trees, bushes beauuful‘“ They won’t grow — - but it dees o The Ogden Valley (,hapterOf o e -landseapes that are famziy friendly, merease your mamtenance eesrs' flowers and lawn can be more water | - the American Legion has scheduled e T ,backyard habzmz‘s with butterflies, " ami energy efl’wrent whlch can save | d 1tsannual grarvesrdeservreesthat are | IS ,,y@u mgngyv Imfesr ina rarn SW rteh or mmstnre . 'birds, and other Wfldhfe . season. | | sprrnkiers so-you don’t water your Watermg Tips B rhreag}nem the year and wen Hear:h 1 B - ~ SRt Dl for f TR b I Ler yem' grass grow. Let youri Don t leave warer heses rnnnrng . grass grow lenger (21/2" to 3"). earelessl}' Use a shut eff nezzle org-’;, D@n’tmferwater Excess watermg means that fertflrzers and pesticides Longer turf means less waterlng‘.‘.’,‘;;;f.' gointothe groundwater rather than - - .and mowing. o to the reot zone. -E";\. SRR Leave grass ehppmgs en the lawn as a mulch i i Check and reparr leaks m prpes hoses, faucets and couplings. : Outsrei‘; leaks can be extremely If anyene - Servrceman/ weman sgfa‘v’esrre.'i;_{‘_f,j;;-;i‘ | pleasecontact PatPoulte_; '3576 SN e S rt 1s wmdy, wait a day 1If you have Fertllnzehghfly in late faiE wrth a -~ ‘wasteful, espeelally when theyfi_,__.*_ S lan early mornlng canyon’ breeze | “natural erganic” or “slow‘f 5 ‘eeeur 1n venr malnwater hne release” fertilizer. ~ Natural f ;f water atanother ume of day i i) Aveld Watermg on wmdy days If’ fertrhzers release nutrtents siewly_; TyL 1 A I GKE‘S' EE% _UBEHWuT’AH ma THE EVEH!HE flF APRIL zs ma EETWEEH THE g ,..:.:it"rscovsTHE n GOOI1 s .fi;ff?;..msccvm Hfluas OF m m M AND munuaaur F mu HJWE AnwnwFaHMATlafl.'Ta-;f;*;fj?': i \CTIC . W‘Efi ;mwcsmme THEGFFFEHSE m nussmu FLEAEE GALLPUSTAL o ~mmLLmTH neEmsa cauuw $HERIFF s flFFrcEM‘ |