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Show Volumela Issue VIII L | e ’ AT T DR e S .*1.1‘4"\‘-"*: S R A ~,v...vfef«:az.'-:-.n.:;et:;:a:r-v",,fz:_.fi‘tr_ R : _',;Back Care°Facts & AT S o A ST N A g o i Se iRy m L There is obv1ouslyno way to e ,Ftctron N i | predtct accidents that cause back pain, but there are ways to minimize - the likelihood of accidents. stments "or:' o l : 'adju "Spina | 1njury that could worsen and lead‘ \;F_ig.tig_lt‘-_ ron rmed by s nlpulat .,_,»ma can be perfo ‘to chronic problems In situations where you are unsure of the cause ~ anyone. For f"c'(llke situations where your back iy ' it Because | s\;pmal' Fact *adjustments are non-invasive, ;;‘_example ‘wear non-slip shoes; By Dr Lewzs Harper suddenly “locks up” although you - avoid long hours of standing, . ~can think of nothing that happened) drugless, and are associated with - very few side effects, people often sitting, or sleeping with unhealthy . Many, many people suffer from ~ postures; drive defensrvely, and use 1t 1s often helpful to examine the | back pain each year. Inspite of this, causes of your pam ‘with an there arestill many untruths out - appropriate ladders (not boxes, ‘assume that they can be one But you any by 1nd1v1dual who is famllrar with the red ste mmr fad . chairs or stools) when reaching for there about how to appropriately ‘allow an- manage back pain. Following are . . high places. For more detailed ° possrble predrsposmg factors. - »;_j-fishould NEVER ed ahfi son nqu ust »your adj to per -tu Doing this will help you understand some common behefs followed by o information on preventlng back ~ spine. Chlropractors are very well . pain—especially if you have already FIRTTE R N how daily activities affect the health “-*-flt-thetruths | experienced an eprsode———talk to of your back, and will lead to more - ~ educated in the mechanics of the your Doctor of Ch1 ropractlc Bl o cmtton. Back pam isa fact of | ~educated decisions (and hopefully”‘iffl spine and the entire body, as well ~as the many techniques avarlable for L lrfe for mostpeople——-—learnto hve S fewer back problems) manipulation. After a careful S Wlth lt o i g L IEL A Fwtwn.t The only thrng to do o ~ | v for ‘back pain pa is take a paln rehever Fact J ustbecause back parn is and wa1t for 1t to go away ~ common does not mean it isnormal. - ~ examination, that might include =~ cmtton. There 1s no research to - palpation (examination by touch), | suggest that chlropractlc helpsback e ~ personal health history, x-rays, | paln g and other neurological tests, . Fact Thou gh amaj ortty of back An estimated 80% of the American *~ '":«_f*i.dtagnosuc tools, your Doctor of. ~ population- will suffer from some - 'pam cases are caused by a fairly = Fact Thrs could not be moref ~ Chiropractic chooses the spinal form of back pain in their lives. - simple-problem and are often selflimiting (will go away eventually) 5 untrue. In 1994, the Agency for - ‘adjustive techniques that are best st g Though so many people suffer from ‘it, few know how to prevent pain - - some causes of back pain are very - Health Care Policy and Research, - suited for your condition AND you e Your spine is not an area of your . serious. ‘For example, if you have ~from happemng in the first place. ?;ezllrtlh Ointlh; %usm?:pg:aillte:f‘:_.__- body that unquahfred peopleshould A . In order to not only prevent first- ~ ‘back -pain that worsens with a be playmg with. ~time back pain (if you are fortunate sneeze, cough or laugh, is not released a chnrcal practlce guideline | o enough to have escaped it so far), ~relieved by lying flat on your back ¢ for health care providers that Fwtzon.- Once pam isgone Ican = - but also to prevent recurrent ~ with the knees supported, | skip-appointments and forget ~ episodes, you must look at daily accompamed by tingling, numbness L ~ discusses the valldrty of commonig;fjf"' - activities and determine problem G doctor ~ or weakness in any other body area treatments for low back pain.. Thfl?fi;f_{?;.*f S recommendatlons -areas that could lead to fatigue of (legs, arms, etc.), or if you are also - ‘researchers who developed the ~ Fact It is very 1mportant that the body’s muscles. Prolonged * vomiting or feverish, you may have: - guidelines compared the amount , you keep all appointments and for ~adisc problem, or other spinal e - sitting or. standrng with poor and quality of research availabl follow all of the doctor’s then ~injury and you must seek care and ts ~ posture, improper lifting habits, ~these common treatmen IMMEDIATELY. SR ~ unusual activity without proper. - determined which had enough recommendations to guarantee a "'?!u-"-‘-;complete recovery and lessen the - warm up or experience, as well as 1 thlS 1s Sie frrstrsode . research to Justrfy its effectrveness'}f’" | ood i of re-injury. If your many other act1v1t1es can.lead to }“ and use. Sprnal mampulatlon the"fl o Doctor 'of.{’i,}”rr";-:-hrropractrc finds that D! y parn " back pain, if pain is becoming a “ another: type of care would better fit gt ~more frequent occurrence, or if you 4 - have been involved in an accident ~ as one Qf the few - your needs, he or she will make the R “(whether at work, in a car, at Home, ~or at play) you should seek w{rth enough.,.;_,’p.g:;r appropriate ' referral. . Chlropractlc is a team approach to years—if it drdn 'thelp, Peoplef’f = - your health so it is’ 1mportant that you become an active partner in that : e team(FCER/Stayrng Well) o g I S : DR ; R RRCOD | R P S - . ’ . _,_“.H"""_'..‘. Sa—— i A0 g u LN . BTt gl =~ s S S . g —— . it N o B Rk : ‘. Pyygrran . """“‘_'r "'—")i‘.“ e ey _— L g AT Ve Tt et Kg ANVMOMSL. ANMIMMN & . s P VNN . 2 a52 A . L NAARANN L P NN . NI SO VIS . E ANIIMAT vl < MM < DM LRo s O N MONCRT s BE : Y o i e 3 . . : & ..... o ’ S osdis S eSS S SOSNEIs steeesoiy S R SEB000"] OGN0 W. A i : S i AT BRI S X 5 . v Dete?upment {mnpam Shasess I il 3 v Kga u%cttf»f i, o, - i 3 5 PR o . ’ . and equipment rental s Western Real Estate aurl_-" % . %pccu’aéwzua i «,m*rlé enttute repan ‘f et : " DO . P RTCPRN RREREETEY . . SLEN | o o ks o5 . . WSS SUTONR, | OOV s SRR SOPSION TN wed b G . F and cenenacs . . i . RS ' . ' ...... ' - Your The chrropracttcéff profess1on hasi-'-7f‘f-:t-;"~“-if_'-"~with you to better your health. | wouldn tuse 1t “ l%tl? 'f.;;f‘f'*“"‘ttce AT ’l i ""ta%%et Remaf aml ‘%"eg:rarr LR N _;;ch1ropractor is interested in workm g chiropractic Care.tO»fule«em.ean;;f{a-:: been in existence for over 100 umrtt of U m 24 -hour | ol |