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Show e A \ Nolumel; IssueVIII - o | Page11 | '5 L May 1999 R l Truth orConsequences Motorcycles& Have You Walted Thzs LSpart twoof a sevenpart sertes L ;:‘Too Long? . | WhatIfIt’s Too Late To 4o ’f_Fund College? Soalr worth of extra equipment at no My mother always sard that the B - L 0 ld Frre _'-_youse Child Care - for example, will cover $3, OOO ~ ; ‘ may not be covered Darryland additional cost, and replace your :‘Center ~only drfi’erence between men and ~helmet if it is damaged in anIf your chrldren are nearrng the 1 boys are the price of their toys. iaccrdent—rf you werewearmg rt | By e college years, and you haven’t put 0 ‘Well, toys are no longer marnly away enough to help them through, { for men. Recreational vehrcles are Before ' you buy a new toy,” be ~don’t despair. There are a few | fun for the whole family. All we % sure to get an insurance quote and/' strategies amilies use to cope with have todo i18 look out on the road or inquire whether your company 1 oron the reservorr to see how .-:~f’t~3w1ll even insure it.. Many compa--Student delays entering college 1 ~ higher education costs, such as: - .. -Student lives at home and“l-”f - much our toys are a partOf our 5_’ " nies will not insure bullet bikes, darly llves commutes to college. | Student works part t1me SRS et Sabrzna Peart Chlldren squeal andgrggle.f " excrtedly as Chris’ Daugaard makes - ~ hisentrance. He jogsinto the main S~area of the child care center and =~ ~begins to spin his tale. Itisareal Jet skis, or 4 wheelers—espemally - treat to the children who take thelr S ~onyouthful drivers. Most claims - places qurckly around him as he’fl e o fMotorcycles have had to be ~ ‘begins the story. Every child sits on vehicles of this type are due to. ‘tall with wide eyes as the narrative - . “insured for years. Now theymust ~inexperience. To limit your risk = been have children “The begms . be covered all year long if they are ,.g ~ become educated, test the waters. Becky{;f' mornrng,” all _fl;;f,_;waltrng 1 regrstered and licensed for road There are motorcycle, personal - (SR Grants scholarshrps, programs | can help | - - | Many colleges offer grants and'*f | use, and, effective January 1, ,water craft, and other recreatronal i- Daugaard explams Story time has : - Interrupted my interview with vehicle courses given almost 1998, the State requires that all posessing SR *scholrs .quahtres hps that otheStudents university wishes | § [}motorrzed boats, including per-ket ';'*-_ii,,_f_,every weekend. If you complete ~ Chris, yet, given me a genuine . ~ -to attract, for example, scholarships - insight into the atmosphere of the ~sonal water craft need tobe i “an approved course oumaygeta (o ¥ ke R for athletic abilities and outstandmg | insured year round. Travel trarl-— S lO%pgrscount = on yor)llr bike ll)rg boat{.f}:if??é';;?fcemerd This a place where funlurks‘« s academrc accomplrshments 47 Frnancral a1d may also be L gy avarlable in the form of educatronal? S "loans and grants ; e S You can get assrstancefrom the,?_f-%; Federal government in the form of 1 g | The Pell Granz‘ Program Thrsr_:_;_;-:.-: _ Lt - insurance. You may also receive a _-;'.-;-%_-_-}arounevery comer.; -1 ers, 5th wheels etc. are covered and entrcrng toys are drsplayedf';* ,;mvrtrngly Ere i " need-based student aid program o | | atronal Vehrcle to your autopolrcy Ay fié'o ffers grants in varymg amoun ts (SR Supplemental Edu c atzo nal»;‘_‘f"j;v’,: can be added to your pol1cy i - Vacation liability can save a Many of us may feel thrs is a year. If youdon’t havea campus-based program offers | our various toys three to six i gmonths out of the year. Luckrly, s ,j;,grants based on need " A Perkzns Loan __“f‘program 1s- -~ ‘under gradu ate ymewhenntthe | e monis which oversyour | qadshabegins e - vacation for only a few dollars per' ei students It offers | “summer will be more fun when ave a lay up perrod Of three to House owners. ~ Chris and Becky have a variety of 1mprovementsf.f ~ planned for the future. - Soon theysummer fun will not be marredby';3,"*"'_;171*.w111 be installing security cameras - s L;-wondermg rfyour toys are o In the classrooms and various other oo i o B : -’covered ;",;i-:f*"roorns at the center. Acomputer lab ;»‘ wish: llSt ” . ~ is also on the school’s College Work Smdy Programs ofier | tion that RV’s are automatlcally . i . you are comfortable knowmg that i ',jrate There is a huge mrsconcep—-v» -j~ you are protected. Be sure your g LAt - a P The Frre House convemently;fil IO located just north of the Eden park, sits on an acre of land offering a = _homeowner S pollcy, be sure all ~ spacious, and completely fenced ~ jaddrtronal equrpment 1s lrsted ‘play area outside. ~Each staff . ] youcan find companies that wrll memberisscreened and trained,and Program Th1s-“ “insure your RV’s ona yearly . -There are many other optlons : “"‘”’requrred to take chlld development‘f i avarlable to ‘ | if;_polrcy to keep your bank or the ~ Call us, or check with your agent and graduatey state happy, but these policies i f if you have any questions. Your - - classes, CPR and First Aid. Theseif‘-'f e S -classed are pald for by the Old Fire =~ a low 1nterest rate;:; ;f...;h jj.?;g:TOpportunzly Program Thrs Federalf“ | ‘waste of money, since we onlyuse L | for liability only by the vehicle 1t 10% discount if you join a motor—.v~’”f{]_’f'i'iy; : Back in August of 1996 Becky L - cyele association such as HOG or is bemg towed by and does not iand Chris Daugaard opened the ,.'requlre insurance. If your bank ‘\-»?BMW ‘Boats, motor homes and - doors of the newly remodeled Eden | requires more coverage, or you _"personal water craft have srmrlar -_ Fire Station. Bays, where fire trucks A e dlscounts and courses avarlable - had once waited for emergenc1es L ~ desire extra coverage, you may S purchase physrcal damage only g | V;"F\'-'-were made into -expansive = policies on a specific item. Many Motor Homes and Travel Trarlers -- classrooms where colorful pictures . = ,gompanres mal)), add your recre__v,,_y ~ insurance have many options that ! '"""%“:‘;;fflemployment to students based on X " covered by your home or auto | Q_demonstratedfmancral need | “policy. This kind of coverage is E | available only by adding RV’s to : or morelnformatzon contact »;.,’;One computer has already been’ ‘F L E Stafi”ord Loan Program Students . | your auto or home policy. Ifit’s ~-with a demonstrated need can 1 not'in wrrtrng your RV S are not - Wayne Peart at 745- 2728 or . donated by a Valley resrdent Chris -+ . borrow money for college from| lrkelyto be covered | o WPEART@AOL COM R and Becky also hope to be able to et prrvate sources such as banks, credit § ph ‘unions, S&Ls and the College 1 Check yourpol1cyto see1f guest . A iCONTINUEDon pagel7 . Slreege]t l’gg%fsarg ?gagfite{}?;;ragoosfi | passengers are covered, and to see | whoisallowed to drive. Most ,;‘::fcommercrally available loans o - ~ | policies only cover drrvers who B B Fmancral ard is al/so avarlable" "are l1sted on the pohcy through most states. Eligibility } f§ . | ' S criteria varies from state to state, but - _'»,__}IS your helmet and extra equlp—S - most states target their programs to - ment covered? On all bike, boat | or RV’s the vehicle 1dent1frcatron _';fit.fiassrst students n frnancral need. _]number tells the insurance com-- Determmmg elrgrbrlrty for{fI -pany what the factory installed. lf SR oI - financial aid is done by comple ' | e X g .- you orthe sellers add anything, .the Free Applrcatron for Federal‘ ' _you may need to schedule it, or 1t9 " Student Aid (FAFSA) prepared by | the U.S. Department of Education, . | j:fLavarlable through- "_rvigh schoolol L ll | Wayne Peart - guidance counselors colleges and”}f" }':-_umversrtres S " - Reprinted from Mi innesota sze5 o f'*-;:o"llege Accumulalzon Planner . . B i «‘:?\«Faxe : lji'»ifll_:‘Provzded by: Davzd L Carver and f R ~ equity — but life insurance cash | ~ values, nonqualified annuity values [ | ~ and qualified plan assets are usually i ';jf":_.not drsclosed N | P | Ry Generally, you must drsclose e personal assets — rncludmg home i A xl‘ B o R gy ¥ . " o 4 lllll ' Servrng All Your lnsurance Needs - ‘4 - e BO | - L |