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Show ‘g en«'~ .,alle eWS May 1999 VDARK HORSE cont from page9 ‘What You Need to | Know About Parkmg and Drweways Dear Ogden Valley Resndents, | NI, I like Horse in 1995 | Celebratlon' Monday, July 5th The most recent i-ROK prolect i | was completed in 1997. It 1s a sixteen song CD entitled The§ T e L W 5 e I TN M QU 00 1 AT e B e R e T e, LN Liberty Iays and - Spencer, Kathy Montgomery, | ~ Dennis Montgomery, and all the 1 PO ~Valley will take the course during O we_go through. ‘have turned out to be a bit of an;,}f_‘g oxymoron, this cohesive nucleus Mall to P. Box 214 notion that there is a music market§ 3 segment out there that has been B Eden Utah 84310 climate, while asphalt “gives” with continues to hold together on the the upheaval and settling of the others who give up their personal and with a little ground, time to teach this C.E.R.T course. I maintenance, lasts longer. Whrle‘ hope that more residents of the | broken up concrete can’t be ~ the fall sess1onWhen o o thaw1ng Avery huge thankyou to Lmda' ~ Concrete breaks up qulcker in our NI e T Tt AT W - A offered agaln it w111 be e _awaiting just such a. niche. They § '~ repaired, and has to be removed at - will probably never be able to act_-, - additional costs before another their age. Dark Horse is strll the i- (Try surface ='ROKband can be laid, inexpensive ¥V e ‘slurry seal can be overlaid on | deteriorated but structurally sound | 5"Regma Wendell '} asphalt for a completely new - surface, avoiding costly resurfacing. By applymg sealer to both every ~three to five years, you can delay the aging process, extend the life, T ,Notncefor Boxl OrderNeedlessly ‘and help keep. these expensrve P Delayed Teie TR TS g S NGt R, el N T T o 1 T Y e g I Y L | Clrcle Py | Iwas contacted by several upset : ‘af‘;res1dents of Nordic' Valley on do it yourself and ‘save, or call professronals to save you the mess : : ' T e - Tuesday, April 27h in regardsto a When deerdlng on any surface | ~.resurface or seahng, watch out for T ',-posted on their doors Monday the “fly-b -night” companies, ~ evening, April 26", regarding water “usually not ocal, that come through' from the NOI‘dlC Mountarn Water bidding the work cheaper ‘What :Cmnmmy ; S s e you don’t see—the subsurface—is the most important part of the job. It S Resrdents areVery upset that the needs to be done gprroperly, or netther concrete or asp alt will turn out Ry _dwater system is unsafe due to ~ possible contamination, and the ~well. Besides the inadequate subgrade, you may not get the material date on the official notice is April - 19™. There was a shareholders’ ~ down at the proper depths bid for. meeting, for residents of Nordic By the time you discover the Valley, held on Wednesday, April” problems these people are long . 20" at Snowcrest Jr. High, and there ~ gone. Most local companies do ‘'was no mention of any type of *| estimates free, and care about the . quahty of their work because it’s so | & L problem with the system -} visible, and they work on referrals. | . . tffl Use hcenced contractors, and ask to see work they’ve already done if || company waited until after the ~you’re not comfortable w1th what' property e e et g : : n 2 SEETE LS Ty, |8 - concerns on the status of the quality " maintenance of your investment, which makes concrete last longer of your drinking water, please | and can make the life of your contact Larry Scanlan with the State asphalt 1ndefm1te Division of Water Quahty, at 801— I G 536 4204 | N Whether you dec1de on concrete N B asphalt or a combination of both, | & "»‘.,:.T.Deszree Stokes e with a little care and maintenance, | B at leerzy/Nordzc Plannzng Chazr ---uu---------------they will add to the apgearance Bl B e s S e TR - utility . and value ofyou ome and‘-._ e - o @ Y | JH | B RS | |@ 2 - enclosed information on where to “cents to $1.25 per square foot. The final consideration is care and ~ call.” If you have questions or | il | | @ Gt | then life of the surface. Concreteis excellent for parking areas, and A Due to the numerous amount of ‘asphalt for driveways. To help keep L phone calls which I have received ~ from concerned residents, and ~both areas clean, approaches " -because I have no involvement as “between the end of a driveway and tothe Nordic Water system, I have “the road can run a as little as .95 - 34 voredon. | | - In choosmg a surface cost is |H | ;*usually the first cons1derat10n A followed by purpose of the area, | @ o p.j.._“....t_._.-,.:n.._._,_,.__wM‘...___,,.....,._,,.,._?...‘,..«....4...,”.,_s._,_.t‘_,._,- - - notices. The meeting was regarding o updatmg the system, and an increase " in water rates, whrch needed to be | 4 ~_shareholders’ meeting to post these | you know Leded '~ find it ironic that thev waterf! W .. T e T Y P ~notice of boil order, which was 1 -0 Laura 745- 1328;)07, i -or Carol 745-3973;[‘;51 o To contact Dark Horse call 1-' § .5‘800 434-5949, or visit them at www.mp3. com/darkhorse ‘Click § on “Instant Play” to hear-a sample§ ~of their latest CD The Wmner s - investments tookm new. “Youcan . g to keep |t snmple) Any questlons contact:] i | Bden 2 AR TSP T T T s By Cory and Kathryn Thompson to take th1s - opportunity to let you know how If you get tlred of shootrn rocks T Shart Logo Contest ‘enlightening, and what a great ~ through your snowblower, or having ~ experience it has been to have just - a pile of gravel at one end or the Winner’s Circle. While the album§ ~completed = the Commumty | ~other of your driveway be the end I is obv1ously their best effort to day, § f De3|gn a T Shtl’t - Emergency Response Team “of winter, consider several thingsin it does smell a little like an attempt § ~ (CERT) Tramlng that was offered deciding whether to go with a new - by the band members to act their § by Weber County. It is a definite ~concrete or asphalt driveway or | age Musically, The Winner s Circle § Desugn the shlrt tor - must for your own personal - parking area. Many people ask what is slightly more mellow than its § the difference is. There are ~ knowledge, as well as for the predecessors, perhaps as an § _training received to help each other | advantages and dtsadvantages to enticement o to the ‘fl,adulthfi ~ in the event of a disaster in the both. Concrete gives a beautiful contemporary market; The lyrics of | Pnze $25 for the look to property, but it’s’ more ‘community. After takmg this some of the songs are slightly more § ~expensive. - It’s better for parking Wlnnmg entry course, I feel much tuure nfrdcnt ;_palatable to-the casual listener. But -j.. | areas, because fluids that drip from. ~ about how to keep my home safe, " cars can eat asphalt. Living in the - the group’ s unmistakable style is | . and how to care for my famrlyin a AII entnes must .-"Valley can cause problems for both still in tact. And though intellectual, § medlcal emergency S1tuat10n || surfaces, because of the freezing - squeaky-clean rock and roll may Be |n by June 5th NI ~ Would :The sze on Earth soundtrack was produced | and published by Darkj._J f |