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Show Page 12 © VolumelIssue VII The «l‘gden Valley N ews S o s e May 1999 / —_ Snowcrest Students TR ' e ‘ R SEON Fhes i Local Students Excel _fim FFA Competmon 3 On Apnll3 and 14“‘ the Weberi? Rob St1llwell admmrstrator at -:ngh School FFA (Future Farmers ‘Snowcrest Jr. ngh actually ;of America) orgamzat1on‘[;,-_; - climbed up on the roof of the school | ,partrcrpated in the BYU sFFAField =~ ~ to tape black pager over the skylight - Day. The event was held in the creating the ambiance of “evening” ~Animal Science Facility at BYU. . “in the mall area where the last dance - Weber High School FFA adV1sor1s'g'3'-"' of the year was held. Boys and Girls | Mr John Kellet S i ~were dressed up for an evenmg of music, dance and... well. . oss1 Varrous Judglng teams from-f:_-..—_,’f[f{r:-*« The girls ghttered in the dark _.around the state partrcrpated in Six. v n determined to dance with or W1thout dlfferent Judgrng events. The . - male companionship, while the boys sat along the sidelines eyeing [ students are judged from thelr,i-,j;f;'-“ - them. Teenagers milled about trying 3 scores on written exams, and “hands =~ to converse over the music as ‘on” application of their knowledge ‘teachers and staff chaperoned. i;",of the sub]ect Event categorles Laura, a secretary from the office, "mcluded v b ! roamed about taking pictures of the L krds hopm to get a few good shots ~. —-—Poultry _Dairy Foods* | inthe din, I mean dim light. The DJ S - Justin Chatterton had equipment set Se ,}”‘_'““‘____Meat Jlld glng up for music videos with a huge “"i-f—-Lrvestock screen and speakers, big and loud —Dairy Cattle “enough to blast any young person L iy s N e S S e o 2 g T e, T e BNy Lastfi- ance of the ‘Season Held for R T o M e b e, i Valley ~ lementary Students Give a Faeellft | e P into a dancing mood, at the north-;o -—Horse Judgmg “end of the mall area. Participantsof the dance paid a $2.00 entrance | Weber Hrgh had two teams consrstmg of four part1c1pants on fee, or areduced cost if they brought - ~and the only complarnt seemed to. - ~can of food for a donation to the each team, compete in each event “homeless. All in all everyone - except Horse Judging. Studentsfljg__ff!..'_j,fji-.;* seemed to be having a good time, from Ogdén Valley participated in ‘Poultry (1 team), Dairy Foods (2 ‘be that the dance was too short. teams), Meat Judging (1 team),and. Thanks to all who worked to make. ‘Dairy Cattle (1 team).. Students- , = ~ this event fun for ourJumor Hr gh_ | Students N § from the Valley thatcompeted dtd o ;_.,hvery well | e The last day of school for* | | ln the Poultry d1v1sron team “A”‘fi el Snowcrest wrll beJune 4th ‘consrsnng of Cari Montgomery,~;_s;;_;_.,..»fl"} 3 | Ashley Tyner, April Wangsgard,and =~ | Melissa Gurnsey took fourth place’ - | overall. In Dairy Foods, team “A”, =~ sh consisting of Bridgette Christensen, I Laurel Evans, Tagan Housley, and - The Ogden Valley News 18 proudfi‘ | Lance Brockbrader placed for thirdto sponsor an essay contest. The I in a tie. The “B” team took flrst - essay contest will feature fathers.- e ‘overall.. The “B” ‘team was comprrsed of Cari Montgomery,S “Ashley Tyner, April Wangsgard, and busmesses ‘The first place wmners | Melissa Gurnsey Competlng _"j”_essays will be published in The*“ - individually in this category were, Ogden Valley News, June edition. Bridget Chrrstensen who took 4th “Authors of the first place._f “high and Ashley Tynerwho took lSt - Two essay writers, from two - different categories will win gifts - that have been donated by localh - winning essays will win eithera i I 4 : father, from The General Store ora k ln Meat ]udgrng, the “A”team":f* el _prize donated by Coast to Coast. = Second place winners will win a f,l’consrstmg of Lance Brockbrader 'Bridget Christensen, Camersonfi_fj:.;f;f?';-:f coupon good for two ice creams ."\ * i e A | McFarland, and Laurel Evans took The titles to be used for the, { 9" overall. Abe Wangsgard- -~ essays are: “The Funniest Thing My ~competed mdrvrdually inthisevent. - Dad Ever Did” or “Why My Dad is Team “A” in the Dairy Cattle ~a Hero.” A first and second place category took 4" overall. Team “A” wmnmg essay w1ll be selected from participants includéd Cameron - . @ 7 : . B B i Most Vehicles. Not‘valldwuth any o!her specaal ‘Ogden stor e only. Rwa' daleRd. S _ Explr% 6/15i99 i S ot ~~ ‘ REG, 539 %5 . STATE EMISSION AND .I_NspEcT;loN ALIGNMENT @ mmmmm: gfi» sseos s un—mmmmm | 'hrgh breakfast or lunch, with hér or his - from The Oaks. .’gn3675 & B Most v?&crleez.m ';9‘ valid mm any other special. . 75 Rner da!e Rd Explrs 6115/99 F ol - l= I . HMost Ve!uc!es. Not v alid weth any other speclal; 8 Ogden store onfy. AR = 3675 Rlvadale Rd. Expares 6[15/99 : SN SAME AS CASH 'FINANCING " | W Most Vehcles. Not valud wuth any otherspecnal. =) 0 gden store oy - 3675 Rwer dale Rd. each title. 5 ‘| McFarland, Laurel Evans, Bridget Essays must be between 180 to & B Chrrstensen and Abe Wangsgard ks 50 words lon g. Everyone is | eligible to enter. Age of the author - will be considered when judging § The nextscheduled event thefi{ Vi - content. Send your entries 1 early L students will participate in is the . = May 30th is the deadline. Send your | Desert Peak Invitation. Thisevent _entries, along with your name, s - - sponsored by Tooele - andr_'_. address and age (unless over 21) to ‘ .;Grantsvrlle InJ une the teams wrll_g SN THE OGDEN VALLEY NEWS . O BOX 130 EDEN uUT 84310 | 35 = Nt o Sy ’f- compete at State. If they are. “successful in the state competition, =~ § they will move on to the Nationals- = = which will be held in Loutsvrlle fKentucky m November R If you would lrke your essay B" Parents of the FFA students fromz,-, :}jf “the Valley are Kelly and Joan stamped envelope ‘A great big thank ou to the? Bi | .;Wangsgard Steve and Gaylynn;r busmesses who donated the prizes - Tyner, Dennis and Kathy Montgomery, and Jill Gurnsey—-——allj, for this contest; The General Store, returned send a self addresse ~ Coast to Coast and The Oaks. We | of Huntsville, and Brent and;f_'[ appi‘e ate u1c1rsupport of thepaper }.Kareleen Chrrstensen of Eden i |