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Show N e ‘May 1999 e At e e -399-8401, and/or attend the public hearrng at the County Commission TP i g T s O B T A | B By Shanna Fmnczs By Shanna anczs ‘a sensitive land ordinance to protect specrfic areas of the Valley, such as ‘mountain and hillsides, wetlands, }§ - entry corridors, and river corridors, this meeting is a pubhc hearlng etc. For the Comrmssroners to have regardmg Liberty/Nordic’s petition the planning staff move ahead on " to become legally designated as a this issue, as mandated in the master o ‘Townshrp Plannrng Drstnct .]-al_--_plan, more residents will have to | fpubhcally ask for them to address ey An onglnal draft of e newsrgn | - these issues. If thlS is a concern to. g ordrn ance, ‘regulating the you, please “contact the rcial Slgns T construction of comme ~ the Valley, only allowed for signs Commrssroners Protection of the Valley’s mght skies through hghtmg ‘to be constructed of matural -, 4inanceq s another issue that has materials, i.e. logs, rock, metal etc. been brought up, but not acted upon . Signs made from plastics and other £~ by the Commissioners. Again, it ~ synthetic materials were not to be e will take more residents verbalizing g ~ allowed. In addition, back lit signs ;;_therr desires for this before the were not allowed. For example, Comrmssmners wrll respond ~ electric lighting plaeed between doublefaced plastic signs. An i ~example would be the newly “constructed First Securrty Sign in front of the new bank in Eden. In Another 1tem of mterest that wrll : be discussed in the June 3 meettngis the Lrberty/Nordrc petition to all of the public meetings held prior ,_:.'».z,become Planning District. & TownshipIf it passes, the to the development of the new Countywrde Plannrng District will desire to maintain the rural - atmosphere of the area. With this petitioning district. They will be appointed by the Weber County to reflect this mandate. Because of g+ volvement in local planning r—, e T T i 1 o 0 e e e T directive, ordinances were drawn up i Wright' s GetAway Lodge m Nordzc Valley and large Jetted tub surrounded by", i far, the most relaxrng and “memorable bed and breakfast you’ll - black marble, and accented w1th,, o ever vrslt "The owner’s and ~ waterfall spigots, help create an objections by the ~ now, for some residents, is that with - T T e Y T S ™ N Sy ~ around the Valley, commercial proposed sign ordinance, or to voice your support for theii, contact the ~ County Commissioners, Glen Planning mittee News and Ken - work, and lanscapmg—-—atmosphere - could glide away for a mrdmghtw journey. ‘The room boasts a 60 inch “ becomes the byword. It’sfoundin “the rich Australian Cyprus wood big screen TV, complete wrth DVD movies, and all the remote control' B floors,. the cabinets made from a power you could hope for single 100 year ¢old Douglas Fir, the The Eden PlarmmgCom— %3 - held monthly, tentatrvely the tapestry .covered walls, and the - . second Wednesday of every 5, “beautifully painted murals that ; | CONTINUED on page l7 . month at 7:00 p.m. in the Mansell encompass the bedrooms, carrying the occupants far away from the outsrde World | s el o ‘Real Estate Office in Eden. For ‘more information, call Shanna Francis, chair of the Eden ?lan— G ~ ning Committee at 745-2688. oo : . 5 ik GISGSESE i, ., - . . GRS % ¢ VSNBSS WO 2 ”"%%f‘fifi%rA “gaxz % YR L;,,F\“v- SN - S N B g % SRR Dyt i eI ] : 5. SRS NS Y COFEOEEY : e : 52 R o . SN TR - : i e PR : 5 RACA N 5 1 : e v g ' » SUSISSS aSiSe, NS ARARRAS . AR BN AR AN RO, SRR PR AR WA, 2 e, i o e — e o, v —— i complete with colorful tropical fish, Takrng atour of the bed and . winter wonderland The murals/»' dep1ct scenes from our mountam~ i breakfast I became keenly aware of vistas. Sitting on the all whrte sohdf,_ the amount of thought and detail oak sleigh bed, you feel as if you that had gone into its design, finish % - Burton, Camrlle Cain, ‘began long ago. Debbie states that separates theroom—thebedonone grate "'-1'5,/recreat10n of the Valley’s magical - centers in this mountain agricultural "- mittee would hlre to invite local and resort area will begin to look residents to get involved by like any other hodge podge attendrng the Eden Plannrng ~ commercial area in “anytown” Committee meetings. They are ~ U.S.A. To voice your concerns for this reinstatement of plastic backlit signs allowed under the oewly have spent the last three years it was Kenny, though, who had the ) - s1de the 1s1and glassshower onthevg e “vision of the elegant and expansive log and rock mansion that overlooks - | The Moonhght Rendevous isaf : the Valley below 'deno commercially zoned property’_gj,‘-;;' unforgettable atmosphere.. A 250 ‘gallon salt water aquarium, bringing together this dream that Huntsville ~decisions, and have a voice in the - Township Planning District, - passing or fallmg of local zomng . - restrictions against plastic, backht : ordmances L signs were removed. A concern area, and other multiple-areas of - s designers Kenny and Debbie Wrrght Commissioners,“and will have »zoned property in the Wolf Creek e When you escape ‘to thrs_} ot beautrful mountain retreat, you The anht place to go 1f you - come, not for a night out, but fora address this issue personally w1th want a mght out with just the right "v complete experlence Walklng into | “‘g"]fllf;lll: E;T»_lj_ the Aloha Suite is like being the Commrssmners | “ambiance, is the T whls ked away | from Nord Nestled away, lc Vall GetAway Lodge ey i The County Commlssroners | ‘high in a wooded mountainside “intoa tropical paradise. Theisland ~ have also put on hold, indefinitely, above Nordrc is thenewest and by_-; j ,;\_Pnlght Skle%_;canopted H__;.»_v_-_l;;,.:a“an bed,]] o ~the almost 70 acres of commercially T Place - meeting to be held on June 3, and Ogden Valley. Also scheduled for T TN e e e PN e e Pt e ————— i o P e e N Tt e ST T A publlc heanng has been set .,for June 3, at 5:00 p.m., in the , County Commission Chambers for the County Commissioners to hear - arguments in favor of, or against, a newly proposed sign ordinance for e s e Tt et PO T o s g i TP L e e T e e e T e The er e Brschoff at the county offices at ".master plan for Ogden Valley, ~ be created with a board of seven residents repeatedly verbalized their - ‘members who are residents of the T VolumeLlmevm ‘A][Délgg‘?‘]l‘;‘> AN | |