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Show *realley News ‘ G PagelS May 1999 : NEWS cont from page13 4. ~George in honorof their son w‘ho.. E Rachel Mtllet - pen and mk drawmg i B e e e T e »_?'Jusun Hunter - pastel drawmg Sara Moffitt - pencil drawing ~ was a student at the"COllege ‘Hewas TEACHERS are toughwa1t untll .v ~ killed in a car accident in 1998, rrght Katie Ipson - mixed medla you get a boss ~ after graduatron Kenzieis pursulng monoprint IF YOU THINK YOUR 5. FLIPPING BURGERS isnot | __beglns ina ]ob for a begmner e - 6 1T SNOT YOUR PARENTS" FAULT if you mess up. © .responsible! s 7 ~ | You are This is the flip sideof - got that way taking care of you 24 B rERe «hours a day for 12 to lS years '8 LIFE IS NOT INTO SEMESTERS You don’t ~ bt Katre was selected as a frnahst 58 get summers off-not even sprmgf " for Outstandmg Sophomore,_ ~ break. You will be expected to ~ show up on time, ready to work,_; Student. Lastyear she received the ’-‘_Outstandmg Freshman Student v'f‘éerghthours a day for 50 Weeks ’Vyear @ s 9. o - THERE ‘WILL "BE CONSEQUENCES for not award, and attended school her - Bowler Famrly ‘Full oaBetes activities. They were part of the ~team that successfully petrtroned to ~~~~~ O : year20()() § ;ifjtl'. , mmamsal Weber Hrgh ~ home some of the highest honors 'VWarrlorette for ‘,School o ~ the school can offer. Kenzie - received the award for Outstand1ng o N Amanda Gleaves daughter of Freshman_Student for the 1999 ‘_,Kevrn and Wendy Gleaves was | awards T he honor 18 awarded to selected as a warriorette for next ' ~ student from the ‘Valley selected. Amanda will be a Sophomore at S school year. - - Weber High durmg the l999 2000 g B S _é’é{’?r AR fik s E?l"tlilf’i zg' &‘;3‘flifs‘}”‘!’% : * ..-fim owt g“gfi muafi%Q‘??“z"B cok, you mgtw | o 9t Grade Students of the Month -8B Alex Hogge and N 1klaus Spendlove - - B K. 11l invibe moms,dadr&: ?ods. o o Let the kids foin in the é;t%;{;}wrt wtrkrfggihe ktds fiafl: wrt?r;éamramag} R ',".3?t-:émr%w | s R ',8th Grade Students of the Month:f-{? it R ;maragfl?b’? ] élgogmmrEszllifr rgr;‘lm S lar g -~ achievement, extra-curricular . _involvement in a worthwh1le”,,'_f;;_i_*"7“‘ Grade Students of the Month:t}‘IR : ! - endeavor, attrtude toward school \”Em1lyF uller and Mrchael Taggart“_;--- fil—f-u‘v;i'_,"‘:’}:{;»'freshmanof outstandm g academrc e Rebecca Cox and Jason Kamerath‘ - - 5 ?E?u, pttkszgaerraw=rt gfts " March Students of the Month for | _Snowcrest , .Vlnsztzatwrr& | - year’s school year. She was the only . Kenzie Wflgh“t?‘ RN N - ~ 'Lrberty Student'; A‘ "Mak'es | College successfully, Kenzie taking and classmates, and recognition brought to the college by the . student. ; %aardaafi:ra ok, changedln toth e'a B & CollegeeffeCtrve Dixiecollege - have four year Lo 'lanny and Karen Wrrght of Liberty and Katie Dickson, daughter of ~ Doug and Tym Drckson D of Liberty, both ended their year at Dixie - . ~Turn Downs %?ra%eama - Kenzre Wrrght daughter of». ~ PR R 'aeeaaefaaaz Rlde‘r ~Scholarship for 1998 - Katie - Graduated this sprmg from Dixie following the rules and not meetlng> _other people S expectatlons - Emmilou Wllhams ® za%h'Swta 101, fi}gdéfi *? @‘4‘*’*“3’ ~ sophomore as the rec1p1ent of the with her associates degree. She will be leaving soon for'a one month study abroad program to CostaRica, 10 LIFE ISN T GOING TOBE it -a program sponsored by Weber i ~ “outcome based.” ‘You won’t be State Umversrty ~ given as many chances asyouwant to do the job right. ‘Standards of Both gtrls were nommated by | ’performance will be alot hrgher i 'therr peers, and then- selected as than in hrgh school e winners by a panel organized by the school. Both girls have been actlve B o Valley Grrls Leave T herr Mark at ‘m._ church, school, and civic | anre College S ; | T Spaint ower, Michelle Stcrey, L ".Katie"D'z‘ck&on; s DIVIDED' Cheerleaders for nex.';.n : Chrrstensen won 1% Place Eli «fmclude ‘Allison Jensen, Kiera s - Powell won 4" Place and Leah Blngham "Chalee Crltchlow m A ~~ Martin earned an Honorable v Shantel Marsell Shelby Shepherd i vh 2 a2 e Mentron at Dlstrrct level ' Haley Spalnhower YOUR PARENrs WERE NOT ALWAYS BORING. They ~ ~in the Jr. High division. Jayne my life” and f‘You are not my P i Student bod offrcers selected;-_' R S for the 1999 - 2000 school year for =~ - Snowcrest Jumor ngh School are, s - Eli Powell - acryhc pamtlng , - as follows: Fr ol ~ Annie Mamott mlxed medra $ t en rd r Pres " monoprint e . Katre Spamhowe - Emily Songer - prlsma colored ~ Jon Garrison - Vice President Christopheér Burton - Vice Presrdent | pencrl drawing | Shawnee Green - Vice President Ennly Songer won Best of Show . Krlstle Toponce Vrce Pres1dent & degree in earth sciences. “beneath your dignity. Everyone _Sk Hawk Student BodyOffic Ay Selected for Next Year Kenzie was also a finalist N SR e LR ' Weber School Dlstrlct Names Art 1 Show Wmners R for the D1x1e Sp1r1t Award, which ~ Snowcrest wasrepresented at B - recognizes, “unique students that S the Weber Distric Art Show and § = . e - have captured the heart and soul” - Pavtiec Compertlon by tem outstandrng f Cormar Roawrl “of Dixie College as demonstrated . artlsts as follows : oy | . by attitude, involvement, and ,’ ?nwl”z.am‘ywdy sarl}; s enthusiasm. In addition, she won : ?%rtng JouF garme gfi&l" Shon the Bowler Famrly Full Ride ‘,,Jayne Chnstensen acryhc pamtrng | i lé brmgmr &mh?f.‘f’.fi‘ ~ Leah Martin - acrylic painting 1>‘f.'_,f}Scholarshlp This scholarship 1s:.ff;Megan Haleacryllc pamtlng ‘;*’-;;{.;ifi*-f._f_;':'gg;;;;;j;ff.-:‘grven by the Bowlerfamrly of St.. v B F 3 g"* * & wsrs ar}m&'tm o7"-‘ji';s_ '}fllf&ifi{’: &‘lfi h |