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Show | Pageld May 1999 ' Dustin Kate Poulson daughter o Huntsvflle—i—Neva Pearl Corbett | of Kimberly Smith Poulson and | -McKay died Apr11 16, 1999 at =~ - Travis Poulson of Eden was born - Columbia Ogden Reglonal Medical " . Center. Her passing was peaceful, " and she was surrounded by her/ N S | Hoiden Schenck sonof Juhe_fi rlovmg famrly April 14,1999, Martmez ~ ‘Robin Story Chrzs Allen Chris £ ":llen son of Kent and - Susan Allen of Eden ‘has been _e | "/,Argentlna COI’dOba mission. HIS e . mlss1on farewell will be held June'v; [ E ~ 13th, ~at 1.50 a.m., -at the. = = o -]‘-Huntsvflle U ah Stake Center Eden~' "j_[IIWard Elde‘; o B 5 pemth b e 1908 ~made their home in. Huntsville, where they raised their four--:*i_'-',}.f-“'-' f"r‘i'hl‘lstensen SOH Of Layne and She marrled s 1975 Grant}.f Neva devotedher 11feher to “famfly Gifted in accountmg and-_’ 11 1929 They ' ,[;September Qiter divorodd: On Tone.4; 1054were she - office management she chose to use ‘*gz_those talents by workmg as an ~ married Rulon Snow Gardner He o 1ndependent bookkeeper so that she},_p_-» % o dred May 7 1974 - could be at home with her family. =~ - Neva gladly shared her talents with - - , = the1r eagle scout award; Mac After 11v1ng brrefly Washmgton Terrace, Neva and John- ST Smlth DeYoung -‘.*chlldren John d1ed March 10 Three scouts 'from the L1berty III' ward troop 13, have recently earned 8 in ‘Harry and Juha ~ R0 ‘Tennesse Nashvrlle M1ss1on 3. -'Huntsvrlle They were.marrred 1n5?l‘i.,:‘_’f'"‘ HUHtSVlHC,} Utah, a.:jer TOponce son of Toponce of Layton, will serve in the " b, 1 Kaysv1 le ~ the Salt Lake LDS Templeon Junef _ ; . . Thehna wasborn 11 1947 November 2850 iSharon Strickland of EdenandNed -~ Todd - Merrill Beckstead in Pocatelloon "’Thelma Leana D eYoung Read . February 20, 1940, and they were R, later dtvorced It was in.gden that ; i ~called to serve in the LDS{)*_ e Schenck and Schenck of Eden was born Apr11 ~ N eva was bornJuly 27 1920 in 2R | -Montpeher Idaho, the daughter of SR 1999 ? - "~ Foshay (Frank) Mlller Corbettand % J ake Travrs Tooneson ofAng1 £ - Mary Netta Critchlow. Her growing Bott ‘Toone and Travis Toone of - up years were spent. alternately in - Huntsville, was born April 16,1999 the railroad towns of Montpelier, - Pocatello, and Nampa Idaho, and = - Ogden, Utah Neva married Perry{ a IRANIE, n Christensen; Robin Story,[[’j‘ Lynette Doxey and JeremYfl_T}‘ S ~ She was reared and educatedin s , - son of Chuck and Dixie Story; and Ogden and graduated in the 15'class ;Pattlllo were matried on Saturday,_,_,--._ - : at Weber High Scheol in 1926. She Andy erght 50 nofKenny and"_ May 1st, in the Logan Temple. A ”"‘,’_"{f"xtaught primary and is a member of SR V";‘fi;ijebbreWr1ght ~ reception was held that evening. ‘the Layton 37* L.D.S. Ward. She thsrdeRecept1on - at the Hear | | Center: :[Sunday school and in the 4-H= ~program. She loved to knit and: = =- taught many others thatcraft. She " loved children and was known as ° fj_enJoyed taking excursions in the: iy ~mounta1ns and collectmg rocks Tl ‘Nana’toallthe neighborhood. She blrds - .}"'t‘:’i',’-eflloyed readlng, flowers W 7 ,SerIlg and crochetmg - - chfldren she worked for many years in‘the Huntsville Ward pnmgr)},l and e Neva had an admrrable capacrty,. B for happiness, even in the face of Survrvrng are one son and one_ “her poor health of recent years. She “_daughter Lew1s (V1rg1n1a) Read, ~= was adevoted grandmotherand was -~ Kaysville;. Karen Dayle (Dale) . most content v%hen in the presence - Johnston, Clearfleld one step son . Rulon B. (Margaret) Gardner, St. % - George; 21 grandchrldren 47 great;;fi L grandchrl dren Also surviving,a _ -~ brother, T - - her. Neva’s grace and dlgmtymthe R ~ - 'frrends Connie, Cody, Belva in the Salt Lake Temple. A~ reception was held in their honort-f’ at the Huntsvflle Chapel L N evais surv1ved by heri children: She was preceded in death by aJ ames C: and Carson W. McKay of son William Read and a daughter, - Ty n _Dolores Klmbal Also two brothers * NevaPearl Corbett McKay ville; Susan McKay of ~ Huntsville; ‘Sandra McKay and L ;,*Blarne Bdhngs of NorthOgden;and @ =~ ~ AngusDan McKay of North Ogden. - She has ten grandchildren; James - W. McKay, Cyndi McKay, Staci . -~ McKay of Huntsville; KymberliM.” . - and Jason Turner of Lehi; Stephani ~ ' McKay of Washtngton DLCo Melani McKay of San Jose, CA; . Jared Ward of Seattle and Jennifer = -~ Ward of North Ogden; Shelley M. i -‘;{"g{"- Q = i & fw'i ot - and Reuben K. Clark, and Angus ij - ;g;‘a . fié}"‘s 4 ff'*'?,é Efifé‘;fié’"hr’_ }i'g.f..; Fe 8 ”é‘fz . - &Jfl 9"’ f’ Al Rebecca Lund and Ryan K}{?fi' s chhman and Steven Mark ---_._,Sevy were married on Ma.r.:._;.-rslxth};,_ o R DeYoung, =i friendship and company of Dawna Tourangeau, who helped care for 'Quortsrde AZ; a sister, Evelyn face of adversity and sufferinghave: ‘Lewis, Ventura CA; and special - « been anexample to all who knew'i " Lund- S evy . Mac Christensen Ltonel of her grandchlldren and great- grandchlldren ‘She: enJoyed the e wg g"?}{‘3’*g}gg;&« {w b T.J. McKay and Amber Batchelorf e * 'of WashtngtonTerrace e -y Neva Shfe was brrghtened by -"-fl».'~z'j"her three great-grandchildren: Tyson Riley Clark, Angus Logan3 :.*-Clark and Courtney AnnM cKay |