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Show © VolumIsesule ,VIl SRR e B - 7| Fermer Ed len " Resident nD. : Woods Takes o May 1999 Ak ~John Perry Award fer/Exeellence rn*f{. . over 2,600 flighit hotirs, and has - L *-{_fCommand | _by Davzd Klock ~ made merethan 600eamer arrested- 5 % g : -1 1an drn g S : e |O v August 29 1998, peacefulwerld furyeurkrds togrow*}_"‘ fl i.-;_sacrrfrces navy hfe demands rsrr m” : ";_f.*?fff:,';[_‘Electremc Warfare. He has logged-‘-“ t-fi-‘worrh , e “There are alot ef sacrlfrces e; Davrd currently hves Out81de of o leavmg your famrly for six' months, Seattle Washington with his wife ~ ~ missing stuff like homecomlngs fit_’Debbre and therr three chrldren o _birthdays, and anniversaries are all_i]‘-j : Commander Woods- recerved hlst?’f & ‘big deals. The thmg that makes it Davzd Klock is.the nephew of'[.‘:.,}"f1:‘,-_ highest honor when he assumed*"’. ‘all worth while is reahzmg that, '..'Davzd Woods. He is a sixth gmde L Commander Dav1d B Woods of & ‘because yeu re out there 1t 18 amore" : _. ,student at Valley Elementary thmgs;{"_"*‘f_';f.command of his squadron, VAQthe United States Navy does -b g Heisin charge of two hundred 132. ~ that most of us onky dream about- ~ men who fly and maintain the EA-"-I' - flying navy jets at the speed of - 6B PROWLER, its mission is ~ sound in combat over: Iraq or “tactical electmmc warfare. The § e et e o s - landing on an aircraft carrier. He squadron’s most recentdeployment § J | - has briefed the Under Secretary of ~ ~was on the USS EISENHOWER. & ~ ~ the Navy, and escorted governor “We deploy for six months. 180 § Bangerter to the Bush inaugural “His ot 1mpressrve‘;7"""’;':5days we live, eat, work, and sleep--v"};_»C,_,ir E. " ceremomes | . . ~ on the ship. We maintain the = § , »quahty, however, is how much e - aircraft, and fly ‘em on and off the - cares for other people just. like. you. - aircraft carrier. We sail all ever the andme, and the. sacnflees hemakes;;f' world; ‘and -carry out -U.S. " o ,.,for us.. - ~ | Rt .-dlplomacy & & T C o lurmg theseifl-fif g Commander Woods was. rarsed e Celebrate the 4th of J uly m Huntswlle! 6:3 0 a T 645 am T00a m.é{:{,—.?"f...?i:*i'jfi,'Bfeal‘dfas 't i'f‘n’:f" 4 . iarathen=»fRegrstrano : _fl*Mmr Mini Marathon/andMountam Brke _7 30 2 m e{-»f-:;.-,gRace Begms ’ § =~ " . Weber High School, he wentonto ~ entrust me to make “_jfsouam;r;g ;,Flag Ralsrng sure they come. § ~ thel. S. Naval Academy graduatmgfi;; . back safely. It doesn tmatteri -~ Ticket Boeths fwe & ,435:900ama, . i 1981. Hethen proceededto flight- - ‘are out at sea, hvmg inside a a9 30am. " Parade L abeut my two hundred men. Thelr _ _'-1n Eden, Utah. Graduatrng from;j;-f;_{j_;-,f parents, their wives, their families - school at NAS Pensacola and " machine for six months, or whether ~earned his wings in Aprll of 1983 ~we are flying in combat. - My only In 1997, he oraduared from the -j guard agamst that is to rnake sure - ‘\;.?they are fully trained, so we can ~ bring them back Safe and seund s gTMMmmm”’ A | Bt The Navy 1s very eerreus" ‘_“busmess but it is not Wrtheut its -The | ~ humorous mumenta - Commander’s favorite is, “When a . ~ seamian crosses‘the equator for the ~ first time; they call this ‘Wog’ day. It’s when King Neptune accepts you ~ into the trusty Shellback world.” He 'went on to explain the elaborate ~initiation you must endure,’ “This . ~ initiation mcluded charges bemg‘j " brought agams‘t youina mock court - accusing you of being a ‘slimy : e - C dmmander Davzd B Woadrr - : '*'pollywog ‘The Shellbacks (those who have crossed the equator before - ~ you) make the pollywogs drink truth - serum and crawl rhreugh green | naval War eeiiege wrth a Master g ~ 'slime cause you’re a slimy - Degree in National Security, a'nd"f?’fffi.f?f;?'f:pellyweg ‘Then it ends up you have ,. Strafl:egre Srudres Duri ing his 18 - to dive into a bathtub of green water- year naval career, commander ‘to get all the slime off you. “You - Woods has eempleted numerous - ~ throw your clothes off the back of m a ~deployments, including Suppmtmg;»-;‘;.fififi,j_5:5-_the carrier deckWaand ty fiare prel you ack Thar s »‘»Shefib Operation DESERT STORM . He has‘; ‘_ TZ MI NI S US “aboard the ~ received numerous decorations and : aWdrds including the Vice Admrra1~ F mally, Commander Weede was asked, “C0n81der1ng all the.__f-_'_;: %’deeri,eeer;@grs"fl| ' "3 d~@.' 8. Siate ??fim%d%fi .fiéeerfie§dfeeg%ez’r '- Medee Location: s;e»?rar"‘ % ““m 'erfi:«rre iy e/i 5 /99 *””"?' “%Wz»c"bfe“ ;?e }‘El ‘, @& - 10:30a. .. Patriotic Program(rnLDSChurch) Auction 11:30am. isyreupm?;f a{:.Games (Park Center} - L 2:00pm. 400 pm. T00 pima e “Rodeo (Plck Up Number theNrght ';foré)’ ';" | ‘Pet Show - Music w1th a D J or and “fff?¥i§8(M)prnékifJDanee(é Gazebe) FIREWORKS!!! B o |