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Show I ‘§# S BULKRATE " . POSTAGE PAID: _PERMIT NO. 11 | EDEN - LIBERTY “sa310 "HUNTSVILLE - 84317 OGDEN CANYON < 84401 HCR843A0 , | " :’BySabrzna Peart Mary Norman hved anunusual life from the very beginning. She was : adopted when she was four vears old ~and absolutely adored- her adoptlve family. They were farmers and she learned 'to bail hay, and beoame ! Rodeo Queen in Panguitch. She | describes herself as a rough and tough | “Tom Boy type Nrne | years ago Mary Went to a "Vfunctron at the American Legron m | Huntsville, where she met Michael. ‘They were together for two years when Michael informed her that she “would be a “Norman” ‘by- the ~ following day “They were married ~immediately, combrnrng her three children with his four daughters, and “settled down in Ogden Canyon to then‘ combmed famrly ‘. ’-Brman and Daxton Sorensen wzth Moose cow while members of The Utah Dzvzszon of Wzldlzfe;_;_ 2 'rarse " Resources ready her for relocatton The cow and her cal]C wandered through Huntsvzlle town 1 E Norman thought she had a had 'eventuallv ending up inthe back)ard of Stanley Wangsgard s summer. home “;case of stomaoh flu When she frrst became ill. Stomaolr flu was going 5 lans r New E?en Apart~ ents| around and she never thought to g0 § By Shanna F ranczs see a doctor. Mary said she “had no. ~use for doctors,” and seldom sought “medical treatment. Mary became PropertyownerGabrrel Klanranis allowedf or the construction of | increasingly ill. Flnally her husband ;--}-'.*inegotratrng with the Salt Lake .,apartrnents in commercial zones, and I Michael bundled her up and hterally Olyrnore @rgantrrng Committee ~ the newly adopted Valley: Wrde‘i-- : carry her to the -emergency room. rgency Y ~ (SLOC) to construct apartments to ordrnanee that mandates a three acre [ There, though she was dragnosed as. ~house Olympic athletes for local " minimom per nmt for resrdentral;g ~having liver drsease -she was" not s - venues that Snowbasrn wrll host in development “tested for the cause of the d1sease or o ‘the 2002 games -given adequate care. . She was. On August 24 l999 the Utah State hospitalized for ten days and sent e il December of 1997 the county o,_ ‘.,Department of Envrronmental_vr_.v | gave approval for the construction of ~two, 14-unit apartment complexes, to home to die. The doctor gave her six Quality, Division of Water Quality ‘months. No tests were run to show ‘what had eaused the deterioration of . ~ be built directly behind the Valley “approved- the petrtloner s proposed her liver. That was in October of ?under ground trenoh septro system - Market and the Eden Professional 1996. She continued under this . Center. The proposed complex-——Eden ; 'i~-’,f’§;;‘:thaté purportedly, is designed to “doctor’s care for some months, her ~ Village Apartments has been ~accommodate 11,409 gallons of |} ~-{ health deteriorating rapidly. She lost - controversial in the community due, waste a day for the 24 units. “In : ~ in part, to the large amount of sewage = - “contrast, a septrc system fora smgle' f?»nearly 200 pounds frnally werghlng m at 65 lbs - that will be generated and expelled ~ within a four acre area. The proposal ~ made it into the county planning _ ~ -process a month ahead of a newly ~adopted county wide ordinance that . - rescinded a prevrous ordrnance that;_, DR ] T R e enacs TR W TY @minsams m i ..-lnua.mmm ' TP . e family resrdence is required to have the capacity to- handle 250 to 400 Too weak to evertllft her head gallons of sewage per person m the | }-Contmued on page 2 e 1 { - . Mary was cared for by nelghbors——* | whose praises she srngs———-untrl ; frnally, she had to have in home care by anurse, Waite Johns, who became her ° angel ” After caring for Mary | for a while, Warte observed that her | care was insufficient for her needs. | He then did some research and, in { April of 1998, found Dr. Thomason | | whose care literally turned Mary’s - health around. Mary weighed 65 Ibs., and since she was told that she had - only six months to live, Mary had I 1 givenup hope and was waiting to die. S Ll | ’*-Mary affirms that Dr. Thomason “gave me hope Frorn that day on ‘she began to improve. Dr. Thomason '_s_zfi;.a'-"sf- -:m.. 41.1-'-1'.- ~stressed that she had options for - !:EII "! _:l:i . ""'. ’l::." —-""'..- 'né..fll:l;'.:: ‘ h"{‘i"a":'. '.. _ :;;.:.l_nl. P i l!'-___-!l il 1 . :._:;,_,_"'_"f ol [ g et . Ederi li'rofeSSlOnalCenter - 5 . B Valley Market .~ = | s " Eden Village site plan located behind Valley Market treatment. He dlscovered through | many, many tests that she had . ‘ ~contracted a very rare form of | hepatitis which had become chronic ! 1 and had, over time, caused the B R damage to her hver | ) A B 1 Hepatltls sufferers sometlmes . Contmued onpage 3 |