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Show he Ogden Valley News May 1999 AR Valley g | Every Monday: Ch1ldren the Ogden for ddlers atS Storyt1me ~ Preschoolers and To | May le"' Senlor Cotrlhon at Weber H1gh - School - 8:30- llpm . lerary at 10: 30am and 11: 30am & 'Arrshowstarts at 10 a m. Gate fees are $3 00 9 per carload | 22 Ogden Canyon Sprmg Clean—up -Every Wednesday After school programs for 'May grade school children at 3 30 4 30 p m. at the | e ':May 23“"' Last Sunday that the Ogden Valley. | Library will be open on Sundays. They w1ll ey Every Wednesday FREE Adult Com uter | - TesumeSundayhours in October Ogden Valley L1brary Classes at the Ogden Valley Library at Alternating Worldw1de Web Wordperfect."”"i. & - Call to reglster L F5 | !‘ 3 - ~ ..... | _. "_May 31“"’ Memorral Day Hohday No School June 1¢t: Senior Yearbook N1ghtat Weber | ngh School 8:30 p.m. | 4 June 2‘“" Weber Htgh School Graduatronat theLDee Events Center 8 p m. .ot ' June 3% Skyhawk Assembly hosted by 9th & Grade Class Officers at Snowcrest Jr H1gh at8, e May 25“‘ : N1ght Academtc HonorsAssembly -;t----'eam. Parents Weleome' G o s Every Thursday Semor Meals at the Ogden - at Snowcrest Jr. ngh at 7pm. S L | - Valley Community Room at noon.. $2 00 June 4“" School semester ends Valley | Seniors $4.00 ages :59 and younger. Elementary, Snowcrest Jr.H1gh and Weber | 'May 25“" Choral Concert at Weber ngh o > f;f[Hrgh - School in the audltonum T= 9 p m | ~ Every 2™ Thursday: FREE Senior Blood - Pressure and Glucose Check at the Ogden | 'May 26‘“ : Program on Olympzcs forthe}.4 o | Valley L1brary % ":Jlme 5““ Grand Openmg of Utah BookNooksj | Family Preparing as a culture at the Ogden ~at2pm. located at Rainbow Gardens SRR # Every 3“‘ Thursday Senror Foot Chntc at the'.Valle()i( llbrary 7 p m. Refreshments wrll be | . Jnne 5““* Grand Opemng of The Rambow served. Ogden Valley lerary 1p.m. Cost $5 00. o ~§.Tratl 8 a. m. See ad for detarls , B ', “May 2’7“‘° Brcycle Rodeo atValley It will be in the evening. They ~ e wrll sell btcycle helmets at the event Ftrst Day of Class at Weber State St Aprtl 11% - Ju.ne 13“‘* Steve Songer wrll be the featured artrst at the Ogden Valley Lrbrary Elementary May 17 B | Umversrty for the summer term _May 27“‘ : Sprmg Orchestra Concert at June S“‘« Natronal Trarls Day Actrvrtres begm e - 6:30 a.m. at Rainbow Gardens at the mouth of et ~ the canyon - - June 9‘*“ Ogden ValleyTV Translator | 1 Snowcrest Jr. Hrgh at 7 p m. Recreation/ Special Service District will meet May 19%: Sprtng Dance Show at WeberHrgh - atthe Ogden alley Lrbrary 7- 9 p.m.. 8May 27““ Semmary Graduatlon from Weber | School 5 9 p.m. m the large gym. High School will be held in theOgden | Tabernacle at 6 p.m. : May 19““ Tony Awards at Weber Hrgh School in the auditorium. 7 -9 p.m. | May 20" : Scholarship Award Assembly at ‘Weber Htgh in the au 1tor1um 7-9 p s May 29“" Air show atthe Ogden-Hmckley | ” June 11- 13““ Red Rock Rendezvous 9 a.m. -— | 9 p m._ Mountarn Man Run, Dutch Oven " : -*-Arrport ‘ 9 am. -3p. m. Gates open at 9 a. m - create 2 new, meamngful thought provokmg | entertammg frctrtlous story of Luke Grady and,;, R R ey - his near death experience. The light and , ”.sound ' ( T he z-ROK’Band ) These four ori gmal members spent all of 1991 humorous script, written by Bryce Taylor of - Skokie, llinois, skillfully constructs a framework -for the eleven hard—htttrng songs that comprise “in the studio preparing their first album, “The | f’*;the bulk of the show. Each character in the script s The album was diverse, and - Love of Gold.” 1s portrayed on stage by a member of the band B unexpectedly good showing. The term is also established a unique Dark Horse style But it used to refer to a political cand1date unexpectedly “was a style that would soon take on a new Contmued onpage 10 nominated, usually as a compromise between - ~dimension. In November of 1991, Just as the-'r;:{f' o S The chtronary defmes DARK HORSE asa httle known contestant that makes an factions. Applied to a rock band the name .-'recordmg effort was concludrng, _ translates into an unexpectedly good style of . - David Carver, a polished guitar player - . music that appeals to a very w1de audrence ~ with over 25° years experience joined ‘the band. Dave loved the clean new - - The band Dark Horse orrgmatedinWeber ‘County, Utah in 1990. Brad Vause: and Judy Qutst sound. He loved the srmphcrty of the music. But to Dave, the lyrics were had performed in a rock band together for over l anythmg but simplistic. This created five years. Eventually they ‘became weary of an intriguing contrast that made it ~ performing the same material as every other ) difficult.for him to classify this music nameless group among the hordes of hopefuls. into an existing category. Inhis mind They were personally dissatisfied with the lyrics the music of Dark Horse required a “of some of the most popular crowd-pleasing new genre. Dave believed that to a songs. The songs did not reflect their attitudes, person who really wanted to “tune | their values, or their life styles. Some of the lyrics in,” this new product would offer a ~ seemed to be polluted with mundane, 1ncoherent wealth of discovery along the way to _fphrases that made a very weak attempt to pass as a destination. He called the new ~ artwork. Brad and Judy perceived themselves music i-ROK, an abbreviation for as artists. They were firm believers that for a rntelleetnal rock and roll. Theirterm ~ song to be good, the lyrrcs had to'stand alone as ‘was not intended to suggest a higher poetry before the first not of music was played rntelteetnal plane nor was it intended ‘The solution, of course, was to vvrrte therr own ‘to isolate itself into a scholarly corner. Tt was still mainstream people treating ""rnate“ral ‘ ~ mainstream tepres fora narnstrean", B Erae “ran been a sengwrrtersince l@?d _tle andtenee ';fl:.lrad written some new material that sndy belie ved _-.izeenld gain :a rellevflng Together they began to ‘search for musicians who were rnterested in -.jinelpl g create and perform the originals. They -wantedto create a unigue, commercia 1 sound and ~identity. The unique identity was the key to -enlisting drummer, Bill Davis andgu itarist, E rent It rs rntellee tual” in the,, ‘sense that it offers more than a hook line arrtlr a beat to those who wishto rpl_ers below the surface. To the ~casual rrstener r; isnrdrnary terlr alld,] o roll. The ’ F’ii"‘l‘ = e 0““33 "; 7) -fla*«w r"nfn oy 1-ROK concept = N was o ‘ tnes ‘Whetton. They were both convined that success ».i;-*"lrrving force behind the band’s * .in music would be contingent on performing a ~ second major preyee t, The Life on ~strong original set. Dark Horse was born of a Earth concert. This 18 esselrtrally a. willingness to do whatever was necessary ic reader stheater set to music. Itisthe o [ |