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Show oy APttt Lo Volume i 3 IS’S;“e:iVI_II | j AN B 0gden Valley News ettt ‘May 1999 B AT SR AR de e O AT AP AP —Obtain a $500,000, 1% loan from ‘the Bureau of Water Resources e T (A —Obtain a $744,875, 2% loan from ~ the Federal Department of Water N e ‘Bureau (Sunrise has et e begun the application process and e -—Utrhze 1mpact fees from new Tforty eight (48) stockholders connectrons and a $3.00 base rate . ~ (NMWI) Stockholders’ Meeting. There were two primary agenda could mcrease toa base rate of $52 ) - attended the ‘Annual Nordic “increase to service the debt (a base . Mountain Water ‘Company, Inc. - fee of $25 not $22, however, the rate e e e T e e On Tuesday, Aprrl 22 1999 If and wh-en proposed condo W,e items: first, the election of three (3) 5 board members and second, voting developments take place, funding ona proposal to drastically iimprove. - the $1.3 million project would be ”the entrre water system | assisted by the’development. | unacceptable levels of bacterta Resrdents of Nordrc Valley who _-obtam their water from the NOI‘dlC . ~ they, currently, have found no ‘unsafe levels of contamination. But ”“Lany Scanlon from the State Office _ of Drinking Water cautioned that _ because the current water source is “7'73”{unapproved for safety, it is o By Shanna Franczs ‘avarlable ) O eie B - AN T IO Pt isad e e AN< e o Y e e - already | Valley / Tdvrsed to Boll Water 18 conftdent that the montes are . | imperative that resrdents continue - to boil their water until an approved ..source of water to supplement the borl thelr potable water overthef":- “well is created.” At this trme the‘ next two or three months Resrdents ks water is, potentrally unsafe who use water from the upper [ system, well number one, havebeen -~ A new prpelme is slated to be“ “advised by the Utah State Division vmstalled that will carry water from o - of Water Quality to boil all water the lower wells to the mrmmally(v ~upper well. Y _used for cookmg, drmkmg and - producing ,Unfortunately, this could take_ up to has no control { brushing teeth. The water should two or three more months_ I f The three neW/reelectedboard - ‘over the approval of development ‘be boiled for a minimum of three 27- residents have further q mmutes ' _'*members are Rick Snyder Kerth o plans for the Valley_;,"_s & - they can first contact Lynn 1 B Downs and Rle Foy P of - the - NOI‘dlC For further quest1ons please I Well number one is-notf—;;,:-, fi%Company at 745- 6645 or the Weber:- e i S Sunrrse Englneerrng, Inc contact one of the NMWI board ';.-pro_-vrdm g adequate amounts of & County Health Departn | ,presented a very comprehensive and - members | the needs of - *'Department of Env1 water to accommodate ~ professional study of the entire residents in the upper areas of - NMWI water-system including . 627-3076 Kelth Downs ‘Nordic Valley. To keep water - status, needs Costs, time frames and ~ Rick Foy . 745-5694 supphes from dryrng up completely, ‘rationale therr : for ] Gary Pllkmgton 74\5‘1-4318; from an unapproved source water jrecommendatrons Therr slrde : is berng routed into well number’.«;,.'f".f‘ state offrce at801 536 42"745-0111° | - presentation was accompamed bya ~ RickSnyder one. While the county has been::{. Kenny Wright 745 34844 L ~ comprehensive 12- -page handout momtorrng the water for_f‘f' : outhntng the englneenng study s At the " ‘meeting, However, NMWI Sunrrse _ i Engrneerlng recommended that a new well be drilled, the pipes for the current dellvery system be | “replaced, and a 500,000 gallon § - storage tank be built. It was noted | “that the government will soon be- | requiring all water. _systems to be capable oich e e .- _-Resrdents of Nordlc o T T In Nordtc"Valley :there are el o presently 318 platted lots which could be served by this system that e currently have not been built on, and e that the existing system is mcapable of provrdtng water for -~ During A “winter months, the upper well has S B ‘completely run out of water for thep_ past two years. In the final analysis, e ~ it'was determined that the exrstmgf: | system had outlived - its e - serviceability, and that it would be.} | \,.__,,......W__. e S o i e ‘a mistake to continue pouring } money into a band-aid approach of | e ex1st1ng; .;water.”j “fixing” th e problems. After all questronsp 'w-ere,-_} * o+t addressed at the 1Cettés, P e | stockholders voted to ‘accept the | =t o ' recommendations ‘of Sunrise: e Engrneerrng, and 1nstructed the et | ompany to proceed immediately ‘ -———Drrlla new 16' well new well site AP A tank s e gy T e , —Construct a new 500 000 gallon -.—lnstall new6" 8" and lO” prpe el " e o e " T o i ottt et et et} e - T e o ,_17'* 999. '———-Installchlormatron facrlrtres at | i i e e e N o o Tt Y, dethet it o approved ‘with recommendatrons as follows The Ogden Valley Newswould like to print a winning “Picture of the Month” in each month’s ptpe size.) v theme. 4 historical photos of the Valley -'Send. | -about the. ip.r_lcture.. _possibly the newspaper edltron__ At the end of to print a Valley calendar using the THE OGDEN VALLEY NEWS PO.BOX 1300 ' :;}EDEN UTAH 84—310 the following year, we would like ‘would like to know somethmg The pictures may also be ;'your prcture to | --lnstall flref;hj"d_rants (Currently' ~ winning pictures. Thecalendarwill be made available for sale. So get there is NO .frre protectron, your cameras ready and start primarily due lack of storage capacttyand rnadeouate color, and should depict a Valley‘ ~who took the prcture Also | L shooting! Or;irf you already havea Ee sure to mclude you' 1ame, favorite photo, send it in. Your i}address telephone numbes andthe pictures may be black & whrte or - name of the person — if known -~ “dpproximate date, and the who | {’what and when about it. l)lease 'note col‘lecred prctures_ i will becoriie the property of The ”@gden "Vallef'*!,;News so be sure to ep a copy. for yoursel’f Yoo , |