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Show Page2 - ,'\‘__.;APARTMENTS cont from naae 1 < household (defrned by number of f’]ff_bedroorns) per day, accordmg to Weber County engmeer Curtls ',;f‘Chrtstensen SN £ CANYON.... Z - Sprlng has come . took my Sunday stroll last week along' ‘themain roadway, I became aware of = the large amount of canyon . visitors. .. with out-of-state license plates. . I ‘“'"?;Tj_g;;;:.:~ ’ ;,*:,?:-}-,thought of all the ¢exposure the canyon . will receive before, dunng, and after the' . the 2002 Winter Ol ympics. It made , ,;_,canyon,,,,,, but it’s not the usual cold _ ~ me also appreciate those membersof The petttloner Glen Klanian | wet days but warm with the rays of ~ the Ogden Canyon Club who, twice =~ ne creeping over the Gray Y a year, pick up all the trash left by ‘:i_’;_firepresentlng his father Gabriel - ‘sunshi Cliffs and down the mountains to the - those who litter the 8- mile canyon in. ?""’-Klanran recently asked the county to. homes below. The snow has almost - order to keep the canyon looking its ‘ grant an extension to delay, the | ~melted all up and down the canyon, - “Sunday best.” The clean-upisnot f;:constructmn of the apartments until '__jfj‘__and signs of life are everywhere. -1 - “exclusive’ to c_nh_;memb ers-_,;x YOU : _-:,Sprmg of 2001 so the apartments w1ll ~ can see the tops of my daffodils trymg ; i‘_:r;;TGO CAN HE P e -~be cornpleted d1rectly before the | ‘to break ground, and my nelghbor S - spring flowers farther down the-_'__ifjl , ANNOUN CEMENT Hel pus "SCheduled 01ymp1c events. The :‘canyon W1ll soon break mtobloom f*glve the canyon an “m depth”_{‘:}.;_ - property owner’s contract, that is _cleamng....,not just a dustmg' T currently bemg negotlated ‘with 1 Isaw my flI‘St kayakergomg down : ~you have property within thea”" e | f__'SLOC specifies that the organizing . the Ogden River, and my hearté*j--iicanyon, ask yourself, “How does ‘vi;.sklpped a beat ‘as we lost one last my property look....cluttered with Comm1ttee will have exclusrve useas | - year. Safet h, is so important, and an - old rusting vehicles, rottlng tlmber[‘ e first tenants of the apartments and ~awareness t at the riveris not as “user laying around or stacked in piles, . - _construction spemficatlons will have ~friendly” as it may seem. There are -broken fences, or discarded old “to be modified to meet’ SLOC S ~ lots of undertows large pieces of old - unused appliances that didn’t make =~ ."‘requtrements Normally, if a | pipes, ‘cement, and tree debrrs Bit to the garbage dump? Most of = ;.‘f'fi‘developer falls to act within a tw0-~ _;anchore ' d to the bottom of the river ~_our properties can be seen fromthe - that can cause non-motorized water;" - Ogden Canyon roadway, and so year perlod he/she loses approval craft all kinds of problems The word} ~e can either add or take away from ~and has to begin the process all over -},;SAFETY cannot be 1gnored' the canyon’s beauty Please helpus'f?{? SRR , ‘agam undercurrent zomng standards mthls endeavor ‘ P ;, A couple of weeks ago a moose ~'_;was enjoying its lunch on the bank of e "lhe SPRING OGDEN CAN Y.N - In apubllc heanng wrth the Weber :‘-’f"the O gden- River behind The Oaks 24 CLEAN UP AND DYERS WOAD "_County Townshrp Plaamng ignoring all onlookers. “Further . REMOVAL will be held on Saturday, -".-"Z‘Z_Commlssron meeting held on March | downstream a fly fisherman was | - May 22,1999,9:00 a.m. Meet atthe ~16,- the extension to delay trying his hand at catching the big lot adjacent to the Alaskan Inn. 1 Browns that frequent the deep pools. HELP US MAKE THIS EVENT A constructron of the apartments was | along the underbrush. That is what’s - i GREAT SUCCESS. YOUDONOT - granted. The extension for a 24 ! so marvelous about lrv1ng in the "HAVE TO BE AN OCC O MEMBER"- month extension carried by a3 -1 " canyon......the abundant scenes of TO PARTICIPATE. ol ~ vote, with Vice ChalrSandy Tuck of | nature, and people enjoymgx - OUTDOOR BARBECUE WILL BE?%‘, T ;—5L1berty opp031ng : | L ,_.;themselves : g - HELD AT THE OAKS AT 12:30 Youtoocan enJoy what we canyon . PM. Ifyouhavea group that would '_4‘,:‘,4;__"_folks see daily.....Mother Nature is like to help us, please call 392 8743 e '*ff?"constantly changtng the scenes As l{ Lorme Murtagh e I L S eD e e ............................. 3 B ’%&% Ll e b T S L S e e e e R e e es s, |