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Show A Watett T - o teward ptemetmg esteem as well time cate aad hefete and attet‘_ _ - as learning. They’ve enccutaged.-"' -~ school care thh a sepetVtsed bus Eet the teal adventamus hew X | capand then’ sctwces te E‘Etfil’llSVillClfl my little gir! to shine,” ‘says parent .- schedule to and from Valley. dees sleeping tn a tent sound! : fi,, l.ll" ~as the ‘Jalley grows. ~ - .»Chtcl( Batnes student @ypsy s Elementaty Scheel ‘While the A T - don’t be fooled, a night’s stay here [ ~won’tbe like any other camping tt‘tg"f' . "l‘he curttcalaat tanght at @ld B aa you've heen on-there aren T . | - - center offers an cpen ‘enrollment, - e Dave and Ruth Mat’ttn cwners' - Chris and Becky caution that space -~ Ftt’e House Child Care is well - of the Hearthside Banquet and s ltmtted,gse teccmmend that g “planned and theught out. Chrisand Reception Center stated, “We know interested parents reserve a sdt fGK’;; ELREieS | Becky believe that y the ‘best - how hard it would be to find good thetr children early. ~ { educational programs, “do more child care--a place we could - - "The Care. Center zs now than just teach the children to say- ~ completely trust leaving our 'enmllmg for fall. Don’t miss the ~ = - | the alphabet and how to count. Qur ~youngest daughter Kate. We also - opportunity to treat your owh S { programnot enl3. reaches the minds ~ knew child care pr0v1ders are ~ children to “Becky Days!” The | of the children, but their hearts as -jf’generally underpatd for the " center is located at 5568 East 2200_; BT ; Well Self—esteem and effective - Important service they give which, North in Eden. Call anytime, at . | relatlonshtps are the main goals of - sometimes, compromises quality. - 745- 5600 and talk to Chsor I our program.” ' Becky, owner,. - With these two thmgs in mind, we " | ' [ teacher and dtrectnr of the center, | thought finding a really good{?‘_. "'?SCEENCE cont frem page 13 | states, “We are aware of the great facility, highly unlikely. We have | responsibility we have as partners been extremely happy and satisfied [ with parents in teaching and - with the service we get from Old | ir,'»lfl',“hugsin. thts atmosphere and thef_? “nurturing the children.” Chris, who ] Fire House Clnld Care. We use them ' v " 'f?% EREH@@S? - cent ftcm page l l cettt ftetzt page l6 Whghts GetAway:.:i,:_,‘.dge teaches and“We manag - only only rocks in this lithosphere, comeI elabor the when esthat office,a ates, feel | jet fuel. In thls year 'S phase of thei project, Taylor has been working ~with Dr. Walker chemistry ~ - schedule;}f professor at Weber State Un1versxty,j G RS * necessitates, or when we just want “using the Umver51ty S GC/massfijfi?__,;; el from,; if you choose, the rocking of - “child feels good about him or ~ to spend a day on the slcpes In fact, § spec—high tech equipment that =~ .v,f“the mnstc from the sephtstlcated{*; ‘ herself, and gets along with others, - Kate enjoys her time so much that § allows scientists to follow dt‘jerent-;_;- KRN - sound : system butlt into the bottom tt s easier fcr that Chlld tc succeedo % often she would rather have a | bacterial concentratton “and of the bed that rests at gmund levelf};f}}?* When our work ‘Becky Day’ than a day at home! | structure and, in this case, its efi’ect‘.? Their preschool curriculum is great! _on the break down ofsynthettc Jet-a,j..._** PR e {;chtldcare “l’ve had many pecple.-,,‘ - | We appreciate, and thoroughly Wlth twe skyltghts JUSf" ~ask me how I can be around all these - recommend Chris and Becky and ey | ‘| i "'cverhead you ltterally sleep nnder"i-j i kids all day, and T always reply, their able staff and volunteers for | - the stars. .Open the skylights, and;j ‘What ‘other j@b could you have - the 110% effort that they giveat Old | Erlk is a nmth grader at “where everyone is jumping up and ~ Fire House Child Care. -We have ’f Sncwcrest Junior High School. He . the music of the creek and the voice down with excitement when you - used their service since they opened placed second at the state N thetr docrs almest three years agel”‘j-,_' | cempetttton in the Mtcrehmlcgyy.f A ‘can you work and get 1000 hugs a - [ _ Division. ‘For his project, ‘Btile 7 | *complete thh at‘elaxmg t'ull,_‘f}j__' ~day, and be told you're loved?’” . .]*ld Ftt'e chse Chtld Cat‘e_ : “studied the effects of natural | "]shcwer saana gL il S0 “Becky further explains that from a prcwdes a service which has gameclfi: -essential oils, found in common very young age, she has been ~atremendous amount of acceptance | 'sptces such as cinnamon, thyme S L The cempletten ef the Wt’l ght S - surrounded by children. She was ~and - support form the Valley ~oregano, and cloves, as a growth: | : ,GetAway has been a Valley wide ‘the youngest of six kids, and - community, and the owners have _inhibitor on or’gamsms that cause £ e ) g . i 'mStde the canvassed sheltet S5 e ;légk?flififfiifiiefigi | waik througit the door? Where else '~ project; in that a majority of the . e2 artisans, supplters have been local residents. Thei suhccnttactors and o impressive murals were pamted hy arttstBruce Woelsey Aft’equently stayed at her hrethers found that. they are able to. prevade;~tv- nephews " - and breakfast sometime in July.. ‘have had to share my love and -Until then, they are’ offertng an ~ "ftntroductcry rate of $150 for an all night stay. Kenny and Debbie - Wright manage their bed and i ‘5‘745 4848 ‘Erik’s science . millennium approaches lives seem For thetrefforts andplacement??" | ~ busier and more complex than ever. | ,j,in the State Fair, both Erik and - Owntng a pt'eschoolhad been._ - Old Fire HouseChild Care can Th@ Wrtght s w1ll haveanv""‘Becky s dream since chtldhoed “I “*et‘fimal grand opemng for their bed feel blessed for the epportuntty e food spoilage. and sisters” homes on the weekends' - ) an indispensable. service to dual ’teacher at Snowcrest is Dave ~ income families. as well as stay at | |“{JCHkiHS | S "help out thh her mecesandc': home ‘moms: ~As the new accgmmodate parents who are on - I their way to work, or just trying to ‘talents w1th the children in our Valley. l ‘have ‘a"deep love for -children. . wheneverIseca child, § my heart honestly feels warm 1 msnde and l can’thelp but smtle” [ Taylor received their trip to Philadelphia, a tour of Washington - balance out their agenda for the | -D.C., and Gettysburg, expense free. _week. Old Fire House Child Care | Dt ’antel AlsupandhiswifeHeidi - provides drop-in care as well as | sponsored Taylor, and the Weber .~ - regular enrollment. Not only can it | E County School Dlsfrtctsponsoredij,_j\"::f... f - untangle schedules, it provides a : Ertk | L - warm and friendly place forchildren § breakfast with the help of their four _to learn, socialize and have fun at. § - Other lccal students have also o, children Toby, Andy, Alisha, and | Customers rave :“.ld Flree! Oid Fire House Child Care is open =B : been recetvmg recegnltlcn for thetr e - Jeremy. For reservations-or more | .chse Child Care pmvxdes a - from 6:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., offers - science fair projects at the district .~ information, call the anhts at 801— “consistently nurtunng environment. ~ ~~ o B| Thelr phllesephy 18 geared greatly breakfast and lunch full and part;?-t_“ -and state levels. ‘Carin Welling, daughter of Calvin and Kathy ‘Welling of Eden, took second place L at the . %a»atth .ataaa ahdlaatséaaatsm '? % * | %agfg; dlStrlCt level ln the BOtany A‘ Division, moving ontotake second place at the State Science Sta and. te | ' Engineering fair held at Weber er at S Unlvetsfly Carinis a mmgrad Weher ngh Schcol ,;; - Sncwctest ,lr Htgh Sehecl -,_ -\~- 1‘“' R students alsc did well at the State . . competition. Eighth grade student ~ Chase Jones took third - at state in. . ‘Science " Division, and JeffWarnerand Chris=~ the faaes fiaehatmaa Jepandent Insurance fia@%’?fi 5§ata tfa, %’%fl?& Env1ronmental - Brown, in a combined effort, took- "~ thlrd place in the Physws DIVISIOH i,.".' N Nmth grade students Candy Froerer and Rachael Lowe received an excellent rating for their PrOJect in the Soc1al Behavmral B J?'l_-%‘aae %%S?ey fieaeaaffaa ffer dttf %“aw teatteaaaa é‘tfeef-:.' E e DlVlSlOn = . |