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Show .~ Volumel, IssueVIII i . May 1999 NORMAN con L.f rom “e 4- , and a e t u b l‘l T T Fund” set up at Flrst Securlty Bank include = her surgeons, *anesthesrologtsts hospital room, medlcal.-a. her insurance, with Even | have vague symptoms Often there‘ ‘rehabilitation, lab tests and after-. A are no symptoms, even when the . co-payments are astronomical. She care treatments. The operation | - disease has -been in the body for ~ is able to work on her birdhouses usually takes six to eight hours. until she becomes fatigued, then - years. Symptoms include: fatlgue o ? ‘Once the p}rocedure is completed, stops to rest, returning to her craft Y()u tiredness, loss of appetite, or ‘when she: feels stronger. Thei"- Mary will e on medication forthe § stomach pain. Only in rare cases “birdhouses, which are truly umque a rest of her life to keep her body from § | yatients have the characterlstrci{ % To thefollow1ng people who | | o yel owing of the skin or the whites ~and lovely, keep her busy and give - ‘rejectmg the transplanted hver helped make the Preparednessfif’_ her a chance to contribute to the ~of eyes or fingernails that is often Workshops and Preparedness Expo, You can find Mary S btrdhouses . | | assocrated W1th hepatttls There are-,fif?{ : ~community while providing her j__at South Fork Garden Center, and § | S e A T w1th the opportumty to help raise ~that was held at Snowcrest Junror'}' ” T ~ at many of the First Security Bank_ | g tin 10 ahuge success: Hllge Aprrl ~ Branches. ‘The Eden Branch of the | :nghon ~ First Securrty Bank has some of her | ~ work ~ “Mary - Fund” ~collect on display, and there is a Allan Mlllet Norman Houses For Life Chuck Mrllet established at each branch to& -T*Sherrte Ellis donatlons | 'Chis Wri ght . You can phone orders for LarryJ ohnson | - birdhouses straight to Mary at 392- 0666, fax them to 393-9346, or send | ,,Dolores Manley her your best. WlSheS ~at ""Teresa Hunsaker __Normanl158@,aol.com or at 158 | 3¢ Ogden Canyon Ogden UT 84401 1 ,Mrke Harvey Rod Hyatt P Wrth the‘ whole Valley_. | *Kenny Wri ght | community pulling for her, perhaps | ‘Ltnda Spencer Mary will e on the road to full reCOVEry very soon. Mary Norman 5 Bzrdhouses several forms of hepatltls a virus . _funds toflght her 1llness which gets into the liver and begins “to turn healthy liver cells into more- ) Mary and her husband pray* She said, “The Lord never virus cells. The most common yg.,often gives you more than you can. forms of hepatttls are A, B,and C. B and C can become acute and may ‘handle.” After hearrng her story I ‘take over six months to recover - asked her “Are you sure?” e from. More than 5 million people “Oh yes ’ she replted % I arn i ~in the Unlted States havehepatrtrs'? : . certain of 1t ',B or Coil s Norman | Mary had a rareform of hepatrtts B has A funny motto g One from which her liverwould not - “Heaven don’t want me and Hell is’ - recover. Mary needs a transplant ~ afraid I'1] take over so you all are ~ stuck with me.” i Itis charactertstrc},_'_ Mary was in noshape to receive “of her mdomrtable inner strength. the transplant that she needed. Her “new doctor prescrrbed aregimen of medtcatron exercise, and “When one steps into Mary’s home ‘one instantly feels calm and peace. Everything she spoke about was diet, which 1ncluded the need to eat “’74._" - positive. She wept-only when | - 7” to bring up her weight and get ~describing how wonderful her her into shape for a transplant. ~ - Slowly, Mary began to improve, to gain weight, and to get some energy _back. She had hope again. Sheis -on aregimen of medications which husband was, and how much she loved him. She has a gift of “kindness and unselfishness that i85 rare to find in any healthy person, an g,nunt nn l let alone someone whose every cost between $1,000 to $1,400 per ~ breath is a blessing from heaven. She waits for the call that will tell - month. Mary takes over 30 pills “her that-a liver is. avarlable cacall ~each day, and though she is finally ~ which could come at any moment in condition to undergo the surgery, ~ She keeps her cell phone nearby at. she 1s often fatigued and will - sometimes lose energy, causm g her - all tlmes to suddenly fall L 2 Mary reflects on what 1t means to receive a liver. . . “It means that Mary s lack of energy and ) | _«r:‘:aampsem rma &a‘ e‘.fit?sr pmr?;:mm Monaaleotrio ,@@r”@f Sfoves _‘ Weod, coal, fuel ol b Jiavrs, . fuwrangsces amfi‘ BIOVEE abin powar carniers i ¢ §|18 ZFeonerators Gas, Pl Bolar walter hesfiing Radiant Floor heallng Ff’@fiaflfi rafflg&mfl‘arfl js@mr gbmi M#zrmg someone has to d1e formetogeta | Wingd generators extreme medical condition have Myddro generalors ~kept her from being able to do so -lives.” She ponders this gravely WQ !‘em" ffi'ft@r;&‘ ed her However ‘her physician he “many of the things that she once to see that she would be getttng a # loved domg Having been raised a §| ',Heat ;&:Pcn%eru - “farm girl”” she once felt she could- - liver from someone whose life was - already gone, relieving that burden - §| do anything. Now she can’t even Pesed | B from her mind. Still, the grief for Bax ;?g?Eflfi*"fi L’L push a vacuum. Her condition I 1-801-7i45-2OOR made it impossible to keep a job, ~ the family of the loved one who will . . Earfldn@ummst m‘t one day die in order to provide her though she babysits at Tiny Tot - ~ Daycare two days per week inorder ~ With the organ which will save her - to let her friend, Evonne Creamer, ~life is in her eyes, in her heart and who runs the nursery, attend the LDS Temple Mary fills e days in the - company of her friends and her “beloved cats and dogs. Their seven children live away from home so ‘she depends a lot on her neighbors ‘and friends. She taught herself how to make the beautiful birdhouses that she sells to add funds to the “Mary Norman Houses For Life in her thoughts. She resonates with ‘a reverence for life, every day she tries to serve those around her. Her. - are strength and ‘resolve extraordinary. No self pity found here. She flghts the battle with her | illness in a quiet and dignified way. ~ § Her very presence seems to demand | respect and awe. | Far | The cost of the surgery alone is E “$288 OOO 00. Thts total doesn t; | hank |