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Show 10F The Salt Lake Tribune, NEW Is.sl 19, l'IWi Sunday January 9 Quiet Company Will Change Its Tune in Super Bowl Ads 4 - and upscale audience that a company like Northwestern Mutual Life wants to reach, said Santo Saliture, the company's ad manager. Northwestern aims at increasing awareness of its name in the two ingame and two commercials it has purchased, he said In one of Jhe commercials, an insurance agent for another company is shown serving food to guests who are watching television as a commercial for Northwestern Mutual comes on. Despite the mans efforts to distract them, one guest asks if he sells the policy being advertised "No only a Northwestern Mutual agent can do that, the host says glumly as he takes a bite on a stalk of celery Northwestern hopes to incite intere est in its comercials with a ad in the Wall Street Journal on the Friday before the game that will Dont make this recommendation if youre watch the Super Bowl life insurance convinced NEW YORK (AP) Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co which calls itself "The Quiet Company, is trying to make a little noise this year in connection with the Super Bowl , broadcast The Milwaukee-baseinsurance company is introducing a new product it calls CompLife and is supporting it with a series of advertising and merchandising tactics linked to the football game It is buying television commercials on game day, newspaper advertisements both before and after the Jan. 26 contest and magazine ads later in the week. In addition, it enconaged its 5,000 agents to hold Super Bowl parties for prospective clients and offered to reimburse them if they rent televisions for the occa- . Hmnl Cnunud of S, Inin I O ld, a I" 111 (GNMA . Dated: A $8,013,457 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF SALT LAKE CITY MULTIFAMILY MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS FHA Mortgage Loan Hartland Apartments Project) G)-Insur- SERIES 1985 Decemlx-- 1. 1985 r December 30, for Current Interest Bonds for Compound Interest Bonds Due: 19K5 March 20 and September 20, as shown herein Interest on the Current Interest Bonds will be payable on March 20 and Septernlier 2 of eat h year the "Payment Dates commencing Mari h 20, 1986 Interest on the ( '(impound Interest Bonds will accrue and be payable at maturity or upon earlier redemption The bonds are issuable as fully registered Imnds in the denomination of $5, (XX) principal amount in the case of Current Interest Bonds and $5, (XX) Interest maturity amount (representing both principal and interest payable at maturity) or any integral multiple in the case of Compound Bonds IVmcipal of and premium, if any, and inU'rest on the Compound Interest Bonds will lie payable ,rt the principl corporate trust office of .ions First National Bunk, Trustee, in Salt Lake City, Utah Interest on the Current Interest Bonds will he payable by check or draft mailed to the person entitled thereto It is anticipated that the Bonds will be secured hy a GNMA Security to fie issued upon completion of the Project desirdxd herein by PULLER MORTGAGE ASSOCIATES, INC. MATURITIES, AMOUNTS, AND INTEREST RATES $2,050,000 Current Interest Serial Bonds full-pag- pany more than 1 8 million. It provides a good example of how a company can get maximum mileage out of its decision to buy time on televisions most expensive show. The Super Bowl attracts the male 1,095 nnimun pre-gam- e sion The total effort will cost the com- $ K t uinphanie with certain covenant in the indenture retelling to the Bondi di -- igm-d lo meel the d the Internal Bevenue ('ode of I 954, as amended the ('ode"i. under law n gul.it nun. rulings anil requirement income i the date of the original delivery of the Honda, inU'rest on the Honda is exempt from present leiieral judicial deiiamna existing rnsi during whit ti su h exemption from said taxes of interest on any Bond for anv taxation, exiept that no opinion is expressed aa to the from Bond flond IS held hy a person, who, within the meamnn of Section lOdthUldl of the (aide, is a "substantial user" of ho iliucs financed " of t tah jx'rsonal prixeeds or a "related person In the opinion of the Bond Counsel, interest on the Honda IS a lao exempt from presen! State ini nine taxes .Sis' "TAX F.Xh H'I B )N In llu- - (Interest Payable Semiannually) ... cash-valu- is e ho-hu- ffiM-X- 00 T Compatible OIOK Ram I.u.illel It inter Port ot-. hAp.in-m- n '.i 12 ( 111 C' iicell Si .'iliOK ea een Mnmtul I)( )S 2 11 'iilur S tem $133!) 0(1 20 Meg. hard disk (add $687.00) 'IBM XIi Registcii'd trademark id International Business Mai hmes ( YEAR WARRANTY! 1 QUALITY PRODUCTS SINCE 1975 BURG0YXE COMPUTERS 200 K. OIK! I'd). .55.5 . -- 1389 Sat. 10-- 2 Host 100 South, SLC, UTAH) multi-famil- it housing project located in y KIRCHNER MOORE rVl kjVU& COMPANY LNC. a wholly owned subsidiary of Drexel Burnham Lambert Group, Inc. st we will lie moving to 1 300-un- THE BONDS ARE LIMITED OBLIGATIONS OF THE AUTHORITY PAYABLE SOLELY FROM PAYMENTS MADE ON, AND SECURED BY A PLEDGE OF, MORTGAGE LOANS (AND ANY INSURANCE PAYMENTS MADE WITH RESPECT THERETO) AND AMOUNTS (INCLUDING INTEREST EARNINGS THEREON) HELD BY THE TRUSTEE. THE BONDS WILL NOT BE PAYABLE FROM ANY OK THE AUTHORITYS OTHER REVENUES OR ASSETS. THE BONDS ARE NOT A DEBT OF SALT IaAKE CITY, THE STATE OF UTAH OR ANY POLITICAL SUBDIVISION THEREOF AND NEITHER THE FAITH AND CREDIT NOR THE TAXING POWER OF SALT LAKE CITY, THE STATE OF UTAH OR ANY POLITICAL SUBDIVISION THEREOF HAS BEEN PLEDGED TO THE PAYMENT OF THE BONDS NOR ARE ANY OK THEM LIABLE ON THE BONDS. THE AUTHORITY HAS NO TAXING POWER. THE BONDS ARE NOT A DEBT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OR ANY AGENCY THEREOF. SO., S.L.C., UTAH Ml Mon.-Fri- The Bonds are lieing issued by the Authority to provide permanent financing for a Salt Lake City, Utah. 1 1 5 South Main, Suite 420 Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 (801)538-035- 1 This announcement is a matter of public record and is not an offer of securities for sale or a solicitation of an offer to buy these bonds. didnt know until I called that I could consolidate The more you deposit, the more you earn-a- nd all of my no penalty hang-ups- ! monthly bills at a rate this Its an exciting new offering, its flexible, its todays best way to earn highest money market interest and keep total control of your money. low! 12.37 11.99 PLUS 2 POINTS ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE 7.788 7.50 $10,000 to 7.518 7.250 7.25 $24,999 The CITY LOAN HOTLINE City Consumer Services A City Federal Savings Company $2,500 to $9,999 M b hTd Rate $25,000 and up 801-531-88- 81 A Yield Deposit Full Term, Fixed Rate Home Equity Loan 7.00 Nationwide Financial Services Network of Over 300 Offices Equal Housing Lender Sell it for cash. use t a classified ad to find a cash buyer for the musical instrument no one plays low-cos- at your house. Now you can combine your other investments into an Insured Investor Account for high rates and total liquidity! BOTE With our Insured Investor Account, you can pool CDs with your less accessible investments-a- nd withdrawal to a penalties-insuper-liquiearly account that offers complete investment flexibility. d AT TE Your account Insured safety. insured safe up to $100,000 by an agency of the Federal Government. is Convenient access. wmn Write up to three checks each month on this account or withdraw funds in person" as often as you like. You can also deposit into your Insured Investor Account at any time. 531-847- 2 When you re at The Summit, you re on top SUMMIT The Kearns Building, 140 South Main. Salt Lake City, Utah 84 101 want'&ds 3371000 ft Utih adverliieri oututlr the lot al I 8KW.2 9lHh Dial 1()l 1 V Unlimited dqxisils ancl withdrawals $2,500 minimum deposit Up to three i hecks and three transfers ht month Rule and yield subject to change daily Yield assumes today's rate and reinvestment ol prim ipal and interest lor one year ft , k h' Salt Lake City uumk inMirci in Jiuunmi K ,m Aiihhv ni (mv.'rmm-n- i The Kearns Bumlmit M0 South Mam Salt Like City Utah S t 101 (Minr,:iiaSi72 Dark City The Summit Sarmi(s Binhlmif 1750 Ihrk Aivnue lirk City, I 'tah tsoiir,.n!:ur |