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Show bll The Salt I. ake Tribune, Sunday, January 19, l4Kfi CLASSIC TDADITietlAL STYLE CONTEMPORARY OAK FINISH DE3m POGB LASTED SAVK CHOOSE FROM: COHTEISPCaARY DXGASG5 GUDOTTG Va and more! ROCtCHXGOB STATIONARY CHAIR Sturdy bookcases with the look of beautiful oak! Choose from three sizes, sure to fit the space you need to YOU CAN'T ... A VALUE TO fill! AFFORD PASS UP! CHOOSE FROM 3 DIFFERENT SIZES: 36", 4" and 60" 84 so" 69 48" 54 30" 18TH CENTURY STYLE DINING ROOM This elegant dining room features imported Mahogawith ny solids and richly grained Mahogany veneers, beautiful double pedestal table, scaled for todays smaller dining rooms. COMPARE AT OVER . $1000 mastef bedroom comes eaupoed witn headboard pier cabinet and mirror, storage everything you need to lurnsh and I'ghtbnUge built to economy win bedroom your las' from j'l wood and wood products, this furniture has features you would expect to find on more expense hardware and furniture such as dentil moulding s a beautiful Moral motif on each piece Now that this furniture can finally aord to buy Come m dt suh unbelievable prices you its an you n evef need and bee this pier bedroom suite Thib SAVE V2 NOW ONLY Stanley SPECIAL INCLUDES: 2 PIER CABINETS, MIRROR, STORAGE HEADBOARD and ' a i PURCIIASE...SAVE LIGHTBRIDGE Whan you Buy TRADITIONAL STYLE 50 off tho Comploto sot SAVE (SZ&atPtTu OCCASIONAL TABLES Your Choice End Commode Cocktail Table STANLEY'S stonel'igm PRICE! We made an excellent buy on these elegant contemporary arm choirs, in two styles. The one rocks, and the other doesn't! Choose from a variety of beautiful colors and fabrics. Hurry, at these prices, they won't last long! $QO 50 OVER 50 ROLLS TO OPtf CHOOSE FROM ALL Va OFF v ...ON A HUGE SELECTION OF... OCCASIONAL TARLES Pretty French styling with hand inlaid tups. Sold originally lor over $199' 100 $Kfl95 RrW ...AND FOR THE ' DISCRIMINATE BUYER... VHMIN WOOL PLUS CARPETING Elegant Plush Carpof at 100o Virgin Wool. Sx rolls only Slktffy irregular. Qvooso from 3 color Tf A R05E. BlUEfltLl, STEPPING STONE GREY REG. $59 SQ. YD. tf porfocl O NOW O Lamps Pictures ONLY. Flower Arrangements Accent Pieces COrJTEr.lPOQADY STYLE AM o You won't believe the savings on this exciting seating offer. This exciting sofa and loveseat combo features a clean, contemporary look with button tufted cushion backs and seats. Because of our incredible volume buying power you can enjoy 50 savings during this fabulous sales event. HOW y2 PRICE NOW ONLY you're receiving a tax refund, R.C. Willey's own credit accounts make it possible to purchase NOW and by paying off your purchase by May 1st , . . save all interest charges on that purchase! (Previous purchases do not apply). Even if you're not receiving a tax refund, when you pay for your purchose by May 1st, R.C. Willey deducts the interest! (A Minimum downpayment may be required). If ... at 10 A.M. MANY ITEMS IN EVERY THIS EXCITING SALES EVENT BEGAN MONDAY JANUARY MANY ITEMS DEPT. ARE Va PRICE, (with the exception of TV, Electronics, Appliances and ALTHOUGH NOT Va PRICE, REPRESENT SENSATIONAL HOME FURNISHING VALUES! 13h ga7E UP 7...26, 30 'Tzr'yi mse MU3BAY ALL SALES ARE FINAL! E. 6600 S. Rh. 261-66TORI HOURS: Open Weekday 10 tmm to 7:30 pm Frl ID-- 9 So 10-- 6 Closed Bondoy 861 CONTINUES MONDAY 10 am until 7:30 pm '' 'll ACCOUNTS: i. 71 FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED r?irv WE CARRY OUR OWN CREDIT c. Wlttey'l MH coot EKICT QH05DD HOMHHURNISHINGS handle yevr he 41 month m payment. re Credit Pept. If for some reason you're not familiar with R.C. Willey's brands we carry the following famous lines which are included in this incredible savings sale: BURLINGTON ARMSTRONG MASLAND LEA SIMMONS LANE BERNHARDT VAUGHN IMPACT KINCAID CENTURY DIXIE STANLEY HYUNDAI CHROMCRAFT and MUCH, MUCH MORE! WE HONOR: V ) ... A O.A 4 A X4AAXA4 -- e A4-- 4 J.-- A jm. A A. IA A A A .4 A |