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Show Meet ihe man whos S.L.s newest fine arts landlord By Nancy Mclich Tribune Staff Writer The temperature in Des Muines was hovering around 15 below as W il and liarn McLlrath loaded a headed for a "warmer" climate It was Christmas and the present he was about to unwrap was a new job in Salt Lake City Though unwillingly leaving a wile and three cats behind until summer NlcElrath has taken up professional residency in a small Capitol Theatre office overlooking Second South. He is the new director of Salt Lake County's Fine Arts Division, which means he is in charge of running and maintaining the Capitol Theatre, Symphony Hall and the Salt Lake Art Center (He succeeds Steven Horton who resigned in 1984 ) Born in Sioux City and raised in the small Iowa community of Moville. NlcElrath played football in high school and later graduated from Iowa State University with a degree in industrial engineering bad knees kept him from entering William Perrys profession. McElrath's .elecLon ns tin- - i is landlord was in part ba-t- d on his previous management experience with the Iowa State University Center (fwo yea. s' the Sioux City Municipal Auditorium (four years), and most lecently assistant director of the Civic Center in Des Moines Though the dust has not had time to Tve only been on the job for settle a couple of weeks" the congenial NlcElrath was more than willing to talk about his new assignment and his - new home "Utah has a fine reputation as a state where the quality of the arts is high." said NlcElrath "Kay (Mrs NlcElrath) and I often thought if we were to move from Des Moines, the cities we would choose from would be Minneapolis, San Francisco, Seattle or Salt Lake." A year ago the desire to change locations became a reality when Kay NlcElrath grew disenchanted with the touring schedule and small bud PVP announces current season only half over, Promised Valley Playhouse is already making plans for another, the 1986-8- 7 theatrical season lineup for the main stage productions Using the theme "It's the Ticket." PVP will present three musicals, a premiere, a Christmas classic, a fantasy and a French comedy The lineup and the running dates are: Lionel Barts Oliver," Sept 12 With the - gets she faced as general manager of the Des Moines Ballet "We decided to look fora city which was strong in performing arts and that might have jobs opportunities for both of us Minneapolis St Paul was eonsid ered but then NLElrath heard of the opening of the fine arts position in Utah He applied, flew out in September for an interview, went home and learned his wife had been offered a position with a convention center in Des Moines Not knowing what the answer would be in Salt Lake City. Kay NlcElrath said yes to the Des Moines job Two days later, Bill NlcElrath was told the directorship in Salt Lake City was his for the taking "Kay felt it only right to stay there for a year, so I came out alone and have the assignment of finding us and the cats, a place to live by June " NlcElrath believes being an "outsider" in his new job has its advantages "I don't know all the ins and outs of what has happened previously and therefore can't assume anything All of .s a e going to have to talk to ine another and I anticipate an dialogue between this office and the tenants and people we serve (Tenants include the Utah Symphony. Ballet Weat, the Utah Opera CompaDance Comny. the pany, and the Repertory Dance Theatre. In addition he will work with the management of the Salt Palace, the county s Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Fine Arts Advisory Board. His immediate boss is Diana Felt, director of adnunstrative services ) "I guess you could call me a landlord in the sense that I will notice the stains on the carpets and the light bulbs that are out, but my primary concern will be to serve the back stage and the front of the house, to keep both the performer and the patron happy. I want to operate these facilities as properly as I can, see that the equipment is well maintained and that the customer who comes through the front door is treated in a cordial manner. Ultimately ac-tv- e y 1986-8- 7 through Oct 4 i he customers are the people who pay the bills here apd the ones I consider the most important " NlcElrath made it clear that tie is not a promoter, adding. ' It is not my job to get George Benson here It is my job to sell the facility and the city to those groups who want to bring the George Bensons to town One of our projects in the near future will be to make the promoters aware of what we have to offer and see if we can accommodate them. "I have the utmost regard for the talent of artists, but I can't do what they do, so I do this. I try to approach things in a practical manner and believe that when you are dealing with boards and county personnel, emotional responsas just don't work Those people want facts and figures I'm going te get a lot further if I say, 'This is what we need and this is what it is going to cost ' I am an advocate on behalf of the tenants to the county and vice versa, but ultimately, what the owners sav has to be law " Though not familiar with all of the complaints which preceded him. NlcElrath said he had heard that some people have been unhappy about the seating arrangements at the Capitol Theatre His response- "I could give you the best seat in the house and then someone 8 feet tall would sit in front of you and what could you do9" NlcElrath, who says his immediate staff, which consists of an accountant, an office manager and an events coordinator, is basically new and at the moment is busy attacking just the straight management issues "We're getting records in order, becoming familiar with the newly installed systems, and trying to run ourselves in a businesslike manner . when ire understand whats going on. then well be able to tell others. As for the change in climate, hes not complaining too loudly about the weather "It seems like next to summer here to me, but I wouldnt mind seeing the sun. I havent seen it yet and well, we do have sun in Iowa 1; in Spite of 8 Dec. 20 Webber and the and Tim Amilzing Rices "Joseph Technicolor Dreamcoat," Jan 16 Feb 7 Maxwell Andersons "The Star- 4- I ak 1 J.tnu,ir riun I'l, ITlii - - . .',v ' - ? i I . Tr it William McElrath moved from Iowa to Utah to accept position as director of Salt Da-tati- x . one-ma- Feb. 20 March 14. Musical adaptation of Sleeping Beauty, March. 27 April 18 - Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewes "Brigadoon, May Directors and cast members are to be announced PVPs general manager Thomas LIVE ENTERTAINMENT LJ WITH LEMON 7.29 INCLUDES Relish Dish, Soup & Choice of Potato, Fiesh Vegetable Don't forget our Mr. T-BO- Salad, & Di ink PLUS: FREE Shrimp Cocktail Ind. !.k Thick-Cu- 14 Oz. t $49 2 or NE TOP SIRLOIN STEAK each PLUS ALL YOU WANT TO EAT SALAD BAR Prices Good Sunday Through Thursday Open 1 1 :30 A.M. 'USE MM m i..Jf wnwm&RHdaw 0 IS BEST - LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Is btST - I LIVE ENTERTAINMENT IS BEST - &MaOfic 107.5 I The SPECIAL EVENTS CENTER presents Parker said season ticket holders may renew their same seats until April HALIBUT n 237-200- H Jlf CHICKEN FRIED Tickets are now on sale for Victor Borge's "An Evening of Music and show. April 4 at Mirth," his Hall Symphony Tickets are $15 50. $13. and $11 and are available at Capitol Theatre box office, 50 W. 200 South, and at all ZCMI Datatix outlets In the 40 years he has lived in the U.S., the Great Dane" has done almost everything an entertainer can do; he has performed on radio, in films, on television, on Broadway, in nightclubs, and at the White House. Borge has brought new audiences to the concert hall with his mixture of comedy and music. Borge has performed in Salt Lake City numerous times, most recently with the Utah Symphony. une Stott Photo by Wick Ewan Lake Countys Fine Arts Division. He succeeds Steven Horton who resigned in 1981. Borge will be back in S.L. once again - Wagon, Adaptation of Henry Nan Dykes "The Other Wise Man," Nov 28 Lloyd u main stage season lineu Molieres "The Doctor Nov. Himself," Oct. 17 Andrew Thf ''alt rad()jallmusi(-- ' allmem()riks TO Z MEET 1 m - Z "MARK TWAIN" starring h 00 m iA MR. F.X. BROWN Kingsbury Hall University of Utah m 2 m 73 -- 4 Three performances: 31 & January z February st 1 S 8 PM Matinee, Feb. 1 m 2-- st 2:00 PM 4 3! cd m ti m Tickets ovoilable at all Datatix Outlets, Salt Palace, x Capitol Theater. Triad Center, all ZCMI stores. -- 4 Special Events Center and Kingsbury Hall An of live one man sensitive production unusually theater Questions, group orders, information call 2 581 8314 j m 2 z"4 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT IS BEST LIVE ENTERTAINMENT IS BEST LIVE ENTERTAINMENT IS BEST , 7 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT IS BEST jtyj a fivers ft S ui m BO m zH H z (faiffi? Get a lean Roast Beef 5 beverage ui 2 zH z 03 m at participating Arby'si' through January 25. 1986 Not valid with any other discount i t ) H m Offer available participating Arbys in Salt Lake City, American Fork, Bountiful, Cedar City, Layton, Logan. Murray, Ogden, Orem, Provo, Price, Sandy, Spanish Fork, St. George, Taylorsville, West Jordan, West Valley City, tvanston, Wyo TO z Sandwich, bap of fries and medium At m JOHNNY MATHIS with ORCHiSTKA LIVE ENTERTAINMENT IS BEST ) 4 (WtnsaiRit) |