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Show 100 Help Wonted 100-H- Wonted elR Help Wonted 100 100-H- Wonted elp iMNI wts allowance financial planning Engineers up tu W.Xaj mutifrxv ing 3 year fra tnuq proum AxCen-l- nationoi floor oi imtnu-hoseeking ambrtvjus individuals with business experience Win be k oined lor eater responslbiimes and ecv rungs, investment and or v Otd RANGE TEST ENGINEER SYSTEMS UT 841 Edwards Force Bose, Co. Auf Are you o seasonal professional wtth experience mUarge instrumentaof Fiber Optic tion, Microwave Communication systems assembly and test procedures. Requires B.S end of least two years exp. In test engineering and ATE programming. Experience with surtoce mount corronent testing desirable. protects procedures. Requires experience, understanding of Analog and Digital Circuits along with Mechanical Skills. preferred. in systems Integn ness desired. Mahxe career oriented only need apply. Excellent earning potential. Ms. Hayward, FLORAL AND WEDDING DESIGNER wanted for work at Utah Cafts, 3220 South State. Cali FLORAL DESIGNER, Experienced. Part time. Apply 3995 South Redwood Rood. stretching verification and voUdo- tton possibilities and reoentng new heights In turnkey svstei. s devel- FLORAL Designer. $4.50 hr. Select Employment Agency opment. If feel you've gone as far as you can to your career, we will FOOD SERVICE prove otherwise at VERAC offe tor LIMITED opportunities sonal career growth. Invites applications per- Please forward fidence B.S. resume your In con- for Director of 9605 Scronton Rd, Suite 500 San Diego, California 92121 nve FOSTER CARE: Agency needs dedicated odufis, single or couples to to allow troubled youth ages reside with them. Supervision provided Poid position. GENERAL HELP uWe ideas soar" 100N Employee Owned An Equal Opportunity Emptover WAVE EXCITING OPPORTUNITIES ff ENGINEER ElMAC has an opening for an R Equipment Design Engineer. A BSEE or equivalent b required with 2 years or mare of experience with RF equipment and circuit design, operation and trouble to microwave up to shooting; 50 KW. Experience wtth other types of electronic equipment will also be a plus. Some protect management is also desired os the engineer wW be responsfcle for managing protects from concep-. tion to completion turnkeyThe equipment will be used In the manufacture and testing of power Kibes. grid, planar, and L. in Hong Kong, Imagine yourself London or the South Pocffic while receiving on the lob frolnng In fields. one of sixty challenging Excellent benefits Include rapid advancement, 30 days vocation per yex and higher education opportunities, ff you ere between 17- 34, and In good physical condition, call NOW! EXECUTIVE Secretary $14,400 exper. In loans, excel benefits, professional atmosphere. Stacey. Acme Employ 1. ment Agency, FARMER NEEDED for remote central Nevado alfalfa firm. Pivot FASHION SALES for Glod Rogs new store. We are looking for an enthusiastic, ambitious, fashionable person wfm several years experience in women's retail clothing sales. S6 per hour otus commission. Send resume to: Glod Rogs, 2047 East 3300 So., Safi Cfiy, UT 84109. e Please send resume and salary history to: Le PERSONNEL DEPT. Varian ElMAC 1678 PIONEER ROAD LAKE CITY, UTAH, 84104 SAIT Eguol Opportunity tie Must be repoir balers, swathers. etc Career opportunity for qualified person. Send resume to: Owner, P.O. Box 66689, Scotts Valley, CA 95066. irrigation operation. to maintain and ElMAC, Division of Vartan H a world leader in the mfr. of electron tubes TV. for the broadcast, AM-Fmicrowave and communications, industries. Employer FIELD REP Large mortgoge servicing company needs part time person to cover the No. Safi and Bountiful areas Inspecting properties and contacting delinquent borrowers. Self motivated and reliable transportation 0 must. Send resume: Mortgoge Maintenance, PO Box 7764, Safi Lake Cfiy UT 84107 Le WANT ADS -- Engineer- music, our stereo equipment company must hire and troln several tndtvtducfe to work In new business In Safi Lake. 50 per week (override pro$77 gram, Incentive, commission, bo- you like nuses). No experience be shop In necessary. Must appearance. For coll Don, GENERAL OFFICE Accounts receivable and general office clerk. Light type, 10 key, filing. Must be dependable. Experience helpful. Bookkeepings and oc counts recelvtble exper. necessary. Salary negotiable, based beneon exper. MedfcaLdentai fits. Paid holidays, vocation. Apply In person. Certified Warehouse and Transfer, 4 10 Wright Brothers Drive (1 mile West of ofrport). GENERAL OFFICE for long or short term temporary assignment. Must type 40 4m, and Interview have previous experience. Professional cpper once ond afittude a must. Friday payday. Never 0 SLC or fee. Call Lynne Midvale. Joon Cencor Temporary Services. GENERAL OFFICE Wont a fun lob? Come on In to Utahs largest portrait studio. tor our customers to have portrotts tcrien. No selling, $3 JO per hr. plus bonus. Me GENERAL OFFICE credfi union needs efficient, occirate person for general office Small work. Knowledge of collections helpful. am. only. and IBM 3603 terminal Coll Scott, GENERAL KEEPER. Rockwell International's Collins Defense Communications Division, a leading manufacturer of domestic and foreign defense oriented UHF, VHF, and HF transceivers, has an immediate opening in it's Parts Storage GENERAL OFF ICE Pleasant, non sr oker. Telephone, typing, filing. Some credfi work. weekdays, 1 only. Department. OFFICE, GENERAL ELECTRICAL ENGINEER for UTAH FUEL CO. SKYLINE MINE Requirements: Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering with a minimum of three years experience. and benefits package, including health and dental plans. For confidential consideration, please forward resume or (801) CERTIFIED OFFICE' TECHNICIAN SNOWBIRD will troln. Co. EMERGENCY Mature and reliable. Sandy area nr. Sneillng & Sneiilng Employ ment Agency GENERAL OFFICE Accounts Payable Clerk Computer exp. hetpfui. 10 key and typing skills required. $5. hr. Depending on exp GENERAL OFFICE: (WILL TRAIN) Must type 50 wpm. $716 mo. Quofity Employment Agency: GENERAL OFFICE hr JOBTELL Employment Agency GLASS $4 CLINIC Temporary seasonal. Wednesday, Thursaoys, Fridays. iOom-eptechniExperience os an cian required EMERGENCY ROOM CLERKS for Kerth. GLASS install $1000 plus ma Select Employment Agency GROCERY Manoger, oppressive, hard working, manoge krpe convenience store, future advancement In choin. Must know all facets of grocery business. Send picture and resume to P.OBox 520085, SLC, Ufrri 841520085. Grounds Keeper $200 k. JOBTELL Employment Agency GYMNASTIC COACH, part time. positions avoil. Tiny Tot Instructor andor girl's Cali coach. Other clerk will be on as coM needed require ER or medical Both positions of 60 wpm, medical terminology and computer experience. Must be flexible and hove good PR skills. experience, typing Please come immedtoteiy and lout an application form. No telefll In phone colls please. ALTA beginning level HOSPITAL for appt. holr stylist wtth clientele wanted for new Hoilooov salon. Booth rental. Cali for appt. Sue, HAIR Syllst wanted to do mens and womens holr. Call Shirley for Interview, HAIRSTYLIST WANTED Mone Tomer, 29 South State Belvedere hotel. Booth rental percentage. Call Carol. Human Resources Department 9660 South 1300 East Sandy, UT 84070 Equal Opportunity En plover HOSPITAL SERVICES Hay cross JORDAN HAIRSTYLIST. Booth rental avok. in central Sandy toe. Newer salon. 11 or Coll Dave. WEST JORDAN, UT a DIRECTOR Utilization Review management position wtth an frmovafive Safi area health plan. Responsibilities will indude development aid maintenance of utilization information systems and policy and procedire development, individual must possess top level communication skills (oral and written), be a self starter, and have Le PHARMACY TECH Part time position working afternoons pm 4 days or pm - 5 days. Strong bock (round on CRT data entry, bookkeeping and typing required. CaM nursing management experience. Utilization review experience h required, as Is o degree in rxrv log, (Bachelor's required, Master's preferred). Compefitlve salary and frinoe benefit packope. Please send resume with salary requirements to Code 0199 in care of this newspaper, P.O. Box 45838, 7 for details Director Human Resources 1045 Eosl I si South )84I02 Employer HOSPITAL TECH lllll part tfrne poslttoA available tar o (Toduo fe iheapist. Rotation between evening and night Bochekrs degree in 0 Blologi-co- t Science or equivalency re- shifts. Rotation weekends. quired. PERSONNEL Bochelors degree In a Biological Science plus veer fun time related kft experience or equtvo-tenc- y required. over ouMrlunfttei. Company ansporkjtion provided, far aid interview come to 3575 So Mam Si Monday thru frtdoy T cat Joaneymon Job shop experience required Tout and dye experience helpful. Must hdvt required toots. Compefitlve wuge sfr uctu e ana good benefits Appry at Myifrohom Corp, 14 So. Pioneer Rd, Si C. UKfrv MACHINIST Minimum 3 years expe-tenet Must hove requir ed hand tools wrtti well rounded expert nee. Apply between 9om Skin staff U East 800 South No tee Weekly Pay. ton Le Machine Oper Sid hr. JOBTELL Employment JANITOR Hotter Experience analyzing tors and eiearoardtocroms employer and LEASING Agents needed, tikri income potential In the auto teas! Skilled in using various types ot field Prior auto sates prefern but not required CaU 801 for interview. Must be willing to work any shift LEASING AGENT, residential leas(not revolving) ing agent, full or part time. License req. MUter It Co. Parker has a cometttive waoe and salary program and an excellent benefit pockoge If han- - 425 WEST 2675 one indMdual In aggresive, ond expect good rewards 0 pm YOU CAN SEU HOTEL Part time convention set ip and banquet wattressev Experience preferred Apply in person, Quality WITH A CLASSIFIED ADI Inn Airport, 5575 West Amelia Eartiart Dr. Equal Opportunity Employer 237-200- 0 1100 Plymouth Sa Marti Mogno area Alert ekferty woman needs help wtth personal and meals. Verifiable refer- LIVE-I- are SR. MANUFACTURING ENGINEER Individual must be capable ot assuming technical products In an responsibilities ot advanced technological, high precision atmosphere. A working knowledge of gyroscopes and accelerometers for inertial navigations applications preferable. or more years related Engineering degree required. Five necessary. experience Excellent company benelits and working conditions Send resume In contidence to: electro-mechanic- 9 $650 mo. JOBTELL Employment Agency LOAN LOAN CLOSER lit Coiitril Syitimi Alt: Piriowtil Diiirimnt 2211 Wnt North limpid Silt Like City. Utih 84116 GildiNCt (juif Opportunity Employer Division M'FVH send resume to: B. Better 204 E. 3rd So. &JG, Ut 84111 FREST0NE LfVE-i- Equal Opportunity mu rciioir Immediate opening. Established Mortgage Company hos Immedl-dat- e opening for a person experienced to all phases of loan cfoeina. Knowledge of FHA, VA and conventional regulations. Send resume to Bob Dver, 3808 So. West Salt Ctty Temple, Suite UT 84115 INSTRUCTOR Women's body budding Instructor. 1 Eves. Cart Mr. Hansen. Le INSURANCE SALES Experienced ogent urgently needed We have more qualified toads for We, health and dbablltty, than we can handte. These leads ere pvt of o marketing system that artows us to work In the small business market, wtth people who octaarty writ our products. We oiso offer top products ond commissions. Call ask LOAN PROCESSOR, sakry commensurate with exper. Outstanding apply, wtth an expandtag mortgage co. that has never had o layoff. Excel, advancement potential. Marge Sneillng Sneillng Employment Agency LOAN PROCESSOR Experience required, to process FHA, VA ond conventional loans. I Advancement ICA H05F1TA1. Opportunity Employer Ctsper, Wyoming 1140! opportunities. after Jan. 22. 1915. MORTGAGE CORP. I Employer MF ST SECURITY LEASING CO. MANAGER, DOCUMENTATION DEPARTMENT Supervises and works wtth staff of responsible for preparation of legal documentation for commercial tease transactions and related customer contact. Must hove bochelor's decree, previous similar experience In low firm or financial institution and superior organlzafonai, analytical, and language skills. Send resume to: EksAyn Anderson First Security Leasing Co. 381 East Broodway, SLC, 841 An Equal Opportunity MEDICAL RECORDS DIRECTOR Charter Hospital, a member of Charter Medical Corporation, is a new 80 bed psychiatric facility scheduled toopen this April in Las Vegas. We have an immediate opening for a Medical Records Director. inResponsibilities for this position will clude structuring our entire medical records department. The ideal candidate will be an RRA with previous supervisory experience. This is a, i excellent opportunity to become involved in a new facility from the ground of up. We offer a competitive salary free state taxation plus comprehensive benefits. Qualified individuals are invited to send resume and salary history to Charter Personnel Department SL1-1Hospital ot Las Vegas, 2225 East Flamingo Road, Suite 104, Us Vegas, 9, NV 89109. An equal opportunity employer. CHARTER HOSPITAL OF LAS VEGAS 11 Employer Materials for Interview. j with work comp. Outstanding opportunity wtth national compony. Salt Ctty postton. Call Mfce Boten (602) 6 INSURANCE for level insurance company. Entry Cterk typist 40 wpm. 4 Le Respiratory Therapist Certified or registered WANT ADS General Engineer 237-200- 0 MACHINIST vo 'n r ec'-"- t jt v for ccreer-tth solid I'vj ouah Must have mofhir' erperfen uv 4 years euertence to the control of numerical operation moch toes as well as conventional vertical mills, and engine lathes, totomotiond offers an attractive tatary and fringe benefits BGA pockoge. For oddtttanal Information, please contact the Employee Relations Department at BGA INTERNATIONAL P.O. Box 209, Sett Lrfre Ctty, Ut 14 16 A Division of Bcrier Inter nationoi an equal opportunity employer Construction oriented WAREHOUSE SUPERVISOR At the All American Gourmet's new Salt Lake City facility, you'll find plenty of opportunity for career growth and personal All recognition. As part of the General Host family, the American Gourmet Company Is a member of a growing highly successful organization. Consider your role In this exciting start-u- p operation. be responsible for supervising the traffic, warehousing and Inventory control activities e within a frozen food processing facility. In for this position, you will provide hands-oleadership and In the shipping warehousing employees The successful candidate will hlgh-volum- 15-2- 0 n Architect Construction oriented .... Dental Assistant These are positions. full-tim- e ,rrer conW' ittinQ1 For further information, please contact the Personnel Service at extension 1558. (801) s 582-156- We ,ve'oP' eS7dooiP'0Veipen ''seeWfoOOteeP0''0' .(coT c'f joaW' Me Operating Room Surgical Head Nurse For further information, please contact the Nurse Recruiter at (801) 582 1565, tV'-- beeper innuEiu- aa a A r- -- receiving functions. Will also have significant responsibility In sourcing and selecting reliable carriers for raw materials and finished goods. Applicants must have a minimum of years materials control and distribution experience with a working knowledge of MRPcomputerized Inventoiy systems. A BS degree In Traffic Management and APICS certification Is 3-- 5 Registered Nurses LITTON or AOE- FOR male physically handtapped student. Sakry, room and boad wknds. After 6 vtedyi. INSURANCE Clerical ma Outstandtao oppty. as commercial Mr asst, for som we wtth propcom 4h and g exper. Men tw.V . ju t v lnq. NO Ft Jnl 768 8444. Snell g Sneu. Agency INSURANCE claims odusfer S24K per yer. 3 plus years expertence-muttMin- e dakn wtth emphases Pharmacist Excellent opportunity for a Quality Engineer with BSEE or ME plus minimum of 2 years related experience. Will be responsible for maintenance of high quality workmanof the art ship practices and corrective action in a state instrument and electronics environment. Major emphasis . will be working with people on product line and follow-up- further information cnit: For LIVE-I- r. MEMORIAL or natjona cowry I2UE fed Stmt o Fortune 1500 store Firestone offers one of the strongest comprehensive benefits pro- ams to the Industry. If you hove 5 yeas successful experience as o retail store or auto service manooer and are an ambitious sett starter, you could qualify for this exceptional career opportunity. College education is a plus. ences ond transportation required Sakry negofkrite. Cart am and 9 pm 2504055 MBAENGINEER ee In seeking an experienced MBA wtth additional assistant. Multi-lin- e or Physics. E.. M. rating abrttty preferred Computer High Tech compony. Send terminal experience helpful, but resume wtth transcripts toe not required Minimum 3 yean H.G.M Medkal Laser System rati v exp tone. CaU 2 3959 west 1820 South, SJ..C 84104 THE VA MEDICAL CENTER IS RECRUITING FOR THE FOLLOWING PROFESSIONALS: 2nd Shift FACT) You can grow wtth 500 Company wtth over locations to the USL f FREED Chrysler MtySnyaw Emptoymnl Coonbnatt earn an excel tent storting sakrybonus pockoge commensurate wtth experience. NOW for his or her efforts. Apply this Monday fc30 Further your Career Success Firestone has an immediate need for Retail Auto Service Center Managers. t FACT1 You can qualify to become a business partner and share In store profits as an owner opero- To FACT! You can We are looking for sales. Must be NORTH Salary negotiable plus an lent benebt package. Please submit resume and sal-arhistory or call collect: (307) Ac Equal LIMITED meet the minimum requirements for this position, call or apply In person you Cart tor ANYTHING and hare a FACTS setups Undo Meredith Emptover a and ferred. Duties long term electrocardiographic RESPIRATORY THERAPY recordings using o computer as- Therapist or Technician needed tc Equal Opportunity Emptover sisted analysis system. Responsiwork PRN, primarily on ou afterMFHV ble for generating reports of renoon shift. Must be at least CRTT INSTRUCTOR TRAINER In business cordings and emptying the Hotter eilgtte. morketln management, recordings. CaH and appllcotons occpeted be- - accounting and related courses UNIVERSITY Of UTAH e tar o or needed results oriented management PERSONNEL HONEER VALLEY HOSPITAL BS 101 Annex Bulking, training progrom. degree and 968-906business experience required to Salt Lcfce City, Utoh 84112 ! contribution to o hoM mce Equal Opportunity Employer equal opportunity employer preperation of promotabte ( HOTEL line merehandHJng and service HOMEMAKER mongers. Cali Ml. West Cortege of RESERVATIONS AGENT- Homemcfcer part time needed far Business and Technology tar an Home Health Agency. Car and Friendly, dependable person to 4654)221. appointment: valid divers license necessary work in Reservations office. Type INSTRUCTIONAL Aide position, pert 7 am-3 pm, various days 50 wpm. plus good references. time in small private elementary far appointment Cali school. Must follow preserved HOMEMAKERS NEEDED THE WESTIN HOTEL UTAH program, relate well to minority To work wtth the ekterty and the chlkfren and be cfcto to fce DOam Apply Tues. and Thurv handicapped. Full or part time. Main at South Temple chcrge of small (frtxtas. Training. 1568 So. 1100 East Equal Opportunity at an OGDEN, UTAH 84404 Equal Opportunity Employer. QUALITY ENGINEER MfcNT- - SAiES MANAGEMENT One of the finest auto dealers In the Rock Springs, Wyoming areo Is looking for a manoger to sell finance and Insurance services to our customer v The Ideal candidate win hove years business exper fence, banking small loan or Insurance bockpound Cortege degree preferred 2 weeks formal training. Excellent sakry wtth bo- pap yean or experience preinclude analysis of subsidiary of Costal Energy Company, and is an Engineering MANAGE a PARKER HANNIFIN equal opportunity moni- UTAH FUEL COMPANY ...where science gets down to business MANAGEMENT TRAINEE thoroughly. 278 59 3, Monday only, MMSEKIICs ly a Agency MA'D' $4 SO" HduR.SErECT Employment Agency: Investment pionning with O progressive company, cart First kwetkx Cmpuutlms We from tv INSURANCE Unigard insurance Group is current- States attorn tutor e per sonnet. In work ing with o top soles or gonliafion m this company We otter complete fr or tong pruvam. no Irovei excellent income potential, unlimited advancement oppurtunfty. ft you are bonaubie, hove mature ludgmeto. the ability to matters, o good employment bock pound and can can begin framing mmedtoteiy Edith Johnson, mfh for Mr. Maxwert. is aa fr are DEPARTMENT KARL KELLEY International TO a Nationwide expansion, an eskAXithed Wail St invettmefft Fkm h seeking ogg resslve. tndvkWs to loin corue reciter ed reuetentativ and management trainee proam. luO new monogemenf 8c alnees have been promoted to the position of Division Manager since ivJ and oki goal Is to promote 100 more In the nexl two years For o rewvdlng career in Management intern Progrom Dufies win be In the v to of pr dk eel sales, tor tag and MACHINIST INVENTORY .Pari time Only. RUS inventory speclortstv Dovs only Starting 5 am.. ojtv Must hove own phone and car No guvan-teeor daw fiextoie schedule Great tor housewives, students or otiwv 10 Key helpful. Storting wuge $4.71 Applications being tefrenon jarv 3808 So. West Tempie, Sufie 2A ond Safi Cfiy. interview testing same day RGiS is an Equal Opportunity Emptover. management trainee DUE NO EXPERIENCE tor Supervisor Housekeeping NECESSARY facility. The Ideal tong term MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN MANAGEMENT TRAINEE condldote will possess manageriSchool District No. 2, Greeo River, Are you fired of layoffs, seosonol al experience and o knowledge of hos a Maintenance Wyoming work, tow paving fobs? Looking cleaning equipment. Outstanding nus opportunity. Confidential, Electric ion position avoidable imtor a career change? If you benefits Inci. fife, medical and This Is 12 month posimediately. please send resume to: Pat Ryan ouoilfv; dental Insurace, poid time oft and 6 Associates, 6825 East Tennestion. Application deadiine, Jan. 24, uil foctorv training educational assistance Apply in 1986. Qualifications see Avs Bklg. I, Suite 101, DenState of WyoCenImmediate Income Convats Htiihoven at person CO 80224, Attention: Bab Eiectncoi Codes The readver, ming ter. 41 So. 900 East, SLC advancement Ketm ing ond use of plans, specs and aptitude testing equal opportunity emptover h dtoaams Sizing and rtv wiring HOUSEKEEPING ge Eastern electrical monufix e stafiatlon of conduit Correcl wire JANITORIAL nights taring concern MANAGEMENT TRAINEE- SET YOUR OWN HOURS sizing and Installation of wire tor 6-- Start Immediately iood requirements Trouble shootCouples welcome. 2 positions avoil. HOUSEKEEPERS nerr 2100 So. and Redwood Rd ing 480 10 VAC, 24 VAC, DC (tad OPENINGS for Manogers to the field $1,200MONTH To work every weekend or some OHMS. How controls function. 6 hr 2 hr 5 days wek. Cali Of PERSONNEL. INTELLIGENCE, GUARANTEED weekends and some week do ys Mon and Tues. only Thermostats, magnetic starters, If you are over 18, own a car, and on an on coll born. finance, communications, Contactors, transformers, motor ond SHIPBOARD OPERATIONS. consider yourself o cut above the JANITORIAL: Mature Husband and confroi centers, moin disk button norm, coll Monday, 9 am. I p.m., Monogemenf trotnlng given for review wife team for part time office Accepting applications centers ond panels, fire alarm NO experience necessary 27 7)44. from 8 am. 4 pm Monday thru Cleaning. Coll systems. Intercom systems, clock QUALIFICATIONS: Friday. systems, (both high and tow voltU S. Citizen MANAGEMENT 8 age). standard procedures and Years old JANITOR $140 wk. safety precautions safeguardtag Good health JOBTELL Employment Agency EXECUTIVE LDS HOSPITAL s persons and property from BA BS degree JOB DEVELOPER INSTRUCTOR-TemporarCache Chomber of Commerce arising from the use of Coll. Navy Officer Progroms, HUMAN RESOURCES DEPT Bosk knowledge of elecEducation ond Minimum 5 yrs. experience to man 8TH AVENUE & C STREET tronic control systems. degree In related rea andor aging small to medium size orgaon equal opportunity employer nizations. BA Detfree to economexperience desired in employment reodiness ond creating Must meet the requirements for or ics, business or o related field employment opportunities. Apply Send resume be ctoie to do the following: highly desfrftate. MANAGERS tor krge ccxrt-mein person, 1776 So. West Temple. HOUSEKEEPER 1. Licensed Masters Electrician and references on or before Feb. EXCELLENT wtth l Me Opptftantty Close 13016 1. 1986 to: Wovne complex central facilities, R. Paul. Presl-amthe State of Wyoming. managers and assistant managsuch as recreation room and laurv Equal Opportunity Emptover Corhe Chamber of Com1 Pass o phycicai examination as ers tv apartments ond condomto- (fries, must be dependable, excelof the Herald Journal merce, per school policy. JOB DEVELOPER Temporary torn protects. Good people skirts, 39 So. lent benefits. Apply at 75 West 300 No. Logon, Ut 84321 Education and degree in related 3. Work alone and be self motivaf ed work ethic, and experience ItT 2A West Temple area andor experience desired 4. Hove a valid Wyoming Driver's MANAGEMENT general repoirs and mointonanoe License. in creating employment opportuHOUSEKEEPERNonny. Experirequired. Deliver resume apply ip Northern uteri firm Is seel Work from 1 lifts. and 10 iodders, poles enced Refs. nities. Apply In person, 1776 So. . to person: an exper fenced qualified mar days plus 0ft per 6. Operate a lift truck. month. Private suite and kitchenWest Temple. Oose 13086 er for tocMtty In Salt Lcrie area. Do other fob assignments as 8 ette. $300 mo. to start. Candktote Is expected to accept Wartoce Associates Management . Equal Opportunity Employer reeled 165 South Moin, Suite 500 future executive monogemenf HOUSEKEEPER, live In. Salary plus i. Be able to work wtth other crafts. JOBS WITH POTENTIAL Soft Lce Ctty, Ukri 84111 position. Decree or equivalent benefits. Mature Individual. Some of leadexper. capable required, 15 Immecfrote openings! Opportunity cooking. MANAGE AAENT School District No. 2 Is o Licensed Exceling and supervising tor travel, education, personal Contractor wtth the State of WyoHOUSEKEEPER for residential lent company benefits. Send reYou suptv pawfh guaranteed. Liming. This Master Eiectrican's homes, apfs., condos, flex, hours, sumes to D. Nelson P.OBox 671 wrttingness to team, we supply the cense Is the basis for the District Call Debro Brigham City, Utah, 84302. skirts. Excellent starting salary No. 2 Contractor's License FUl TIME MANAGEMENT HOUSEKEEPERS $6 hr. wtth and benefits. yerrs MANAGER ASSISTANT throuftti the State. The applicant JOBTELL Employment Agency high school dtatamo and good must ocree te fhH condition. POSITION AVAILABLE SMOOTH OPERATORS CALL Send letter of physlcoi condition, application to: Must hove knowledge of custodial IMMEDIATE OPENINGS outside Oregon Personnel Office, School District No. Salt Ltfre City Audio Electronics maintenance and the use of call company opening new office on for 2, 400 North First East, Green Rivchemicals end supervising peoFebruary 1. Openings on staff tor er, WY 87935. ple. Local reft, requfred. Sakry LAB TECHNICIAN tortentong positions: Novy Pilot Training School District No. 2, Green rtver, negot. Call for interviews Assistant Manoger, Manager The Navy needs pilots. Fully paid Research position wtth Wyoming is an Equal Opportunity vetiroy diTravel avoilaDfe for flight trotnlng protram open now Emptover and works In compliagnostic company tor BS MS wtth those who to college grduates, i4 to age in IX wtth Title tisance qualify. microbiology experience regulations. CaM Mr. sue c attire. Send resume with refexperience necesscry. ExcelTimer, lent pay and benefits. Must be kr erences to Let) Tech, P.O. Box MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT uncorrectexcellent health, hove 2338, Ft. Collins, CO 10572. 1986 EXPANSION PLANS at Maintenance worker needGeneral Seeking agpessive ed 2020 vision and be o US. dtt Memorial Estates requires two marketed to work full time. Prefer someemployee hr entry-levzea Call outside additional Must wtth AS in mechanical one managers. ing management poettton to shopOregon cart Novy Direct be dtie center also would ping management nd prefer lie engineering, Officers get reponstofifiy fast! to recruit, train, and motivate. LABORATORY TECHNICIANS electrician. WKi work on HVAC marketing wtth experience to reto $60,600 opportunity. $30,000 INDUSTRIAL SALES REPS Wanted The State Health Lctaoratary Is seektort, advertising, and promotions. system, chillers, boHers, etc Medical Insurance, technicians tor Coll and explication accepted Send sakry history and resume to Expanding territories In Utoh one retirement, ing laboratory and poid vocation. into Wyoming Cotorodo P.O. Box 1577, SLC, Utoh 14115, kfcfrio, temporary positions. Proper es PIONEER VALLEY HOSPITAL MR. HOLT: Arizona and Nevada Excellent and identifies samples tar asbesAttention: Personnel. t tos. Requfrts using a microscope commissions. The company has been In business for over X and dtetinguishino colon. Start equal opportunity employer yeers. Send detailed resume to Febrwry 3rd thru June 1986. Cart Code 0086 in care of this newspaper MAINTENANCE P.O. Box 45138, S.LC, Utah 84145 Equal Opportunity Emptover Growing health club needs LABORERS $4-hr. responstrte tndhriduals full and part time wtth maintenance JOBTELL Employment Agency INSPECTOR McM Mikcotton in perLAUNDRY Attendant. Pvt or tart son to 10300 So. Redwood Rd, time ovart. Must be reepons good South Jordan, Utah. MACHINE PARTS wtth people and over 21. 13.561. to start. Apply ah Klean Machine, MAINTENANCE Person. Experienced Needed for property man2763 Sa Highland Drtve. agement firm. Salary based on LAUNDRY workers needed apply experience. Send resume to: 535 PARKER Hannifin corporation cur Opening loi director ol medical records Id 282 tied In person only. Hofei Linen SerEast 4500 So. eD170, SLC, Utah 84107 rerrfly has openings ki our West 5120 acute care faculty Dube Include management of Amelia Earhort vices, inspection area Successful MAINTENANCE HELPER. Own Dr. pmv Mon. thru Frt 25 employee In medical records, transcription, and tools. Apply at: 252 So. 500 East. applicants must meet the follow Lead Carpenter $1800 mo. frig requirements: Equal Opportunity Employer ubllxabon renew. Must knowledge ot quality JOBTELL Employment Agency assurance and JCAH standards lor medical records. Managers Minimum 2 years mochfrie perts STOREAUTO BSA wtth inspection experience least 3 Candidates should possess SERVICE CENTER MANAGERS solid experience as director or assistant diSkilled In blue print reodtag LEASING AGENT the ability to work successfully wtth rector Aggressive management compaFomHkrtty wtth ANSI Y14J ana ny looking tor teasing ogent wtth medical stalls: strong admlnisbabTe, Qscal FIRESTONE sales experience. Willing to troln geometrical toterancing communication, organisational employee reright person. Please send resume to P.0 Box 7156 Mtroy lit. 84107. Ability to perform precision part excellation skills must. ST. MARKS HOSPITAL CONTACT: Rockwell " Help Wontsd 100 Help Wonted bare Immediate part time position avail tie. 8pm to midnight shift. Type 70 wpm (verified). Wide knowledge of termlnotog iecessary. Must be (tale to type 100 Hnes in a 30 minute test. 1 year experience as 0 Medkai Transolpttonlst in hospital setting perferred. RESEARCH DIAL C5 19. 1986 H"1"""" interns SJC UT 84145 HEALTH CLUB RT-- 1 MANAGEMENT $75 000 PVUS 1st YFAR Our mum brtiton durtor mtowestern financioi setvk.es firm Is developing a management staff for tutor e expuns ton. ft you can sen, hire, from and motivate oftters to the potential you can qualify tor our dtte PHARMACIST Registered Phcrmacist needed permanent part time position (Saturday and vocation relief) at our Medical Oinlc Ptxrmocv. UTILIZATION REVIEW SLC, VALLEY HOSPITAL HANDYMAN $6 hr. JOBTELL Employment Agency HEALTH tool dtsfr butarshlp seeks wnt buckpaund individual in or N C machining curve it to fr um Ung pusmon as sates eng rveer, also accepftno resumes tor experienced sales engineers. medtaa benefits, travel expense aid ca aiuwance Send resume to Cod 055 In of fhti newspaper, PO. Box 4S8JI Safi Ufretfty, UT 84145 umng of 100 January day, v VIEW HAIR 539-777- Rockwall Intarnational (SLC119), Collins Defense Communications Division, 5520 W. Harold Gatty Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah 84116. Equal Opportunity Employer MF. Litton Cily-Sun- Mutton tuss HOUSE KEEPER needed part time. Traveling executive needs clean, house and childcare tor 12 yr. otd Good condfiionsneg. Live In Good deal tor mature college student. Send tetter or resume now P.O. Box 520751. Utah, 84i52. Will respond to oil qualified applicants. HOUSE CLEANING. $4.50 per hr. Must be dependable have phone, ttU I0:X pm. car. Experienced Residential Glazer needed. Pay according to exper One part time. 3 days per i Need own tools. CaU ask 7om- - 3:30pm, wNh rotating i arrhythmia Responsibilities will include, evaluating and recommending new material handling equipment and methods, cost analysis and justification of capital purchases and engineering support for the present warehouse system. The candidate must have in one or more of the high volume small following areas: part storage and issuing warehouse systems, i.e., record control, tracking software and identification systems application, methods, work measurements and layouts. Rockwell International offers an outstanding compensation dovs O week. Experience required clerk, Wordprocessor. SECRETARYBOOK SU50mo. Great com pony. Fun boss, fast raises. Call now. Pam Alto View Employment Agency. GENERAL OFFICE. $900mo. Work log In an exciting atmosphere with the stocks exchange. CaU by IfrOO AM. Pam Alta View Employment Agency. GENERAL OFFICE $880 mo. Exciting position. Work weM under Wall Street atmosphere. need you Afio View EmNancy ployment Agency. GENERAL OFFICE $6.50 hr. Part time days needed for this conge-nlboss. need you. Stocev, Acme Employment Agency. Automated Material WareSaisa Stacy Peteraon lake Salt machinist fr HOTELS RECEIVING BEVERAGE CLERK The Sneraton Triad Hcfiei and Tawws are now accepting applitor receiving beverage cations include preclerk. Qualification vious receiving experience, good organizational skirts, detail or tent ed and knowledge of liquor and State kjwv Must hove knowledge of 10 key and able to irfi heavy obteds. Please send resume or apply: Personnel office, More, Toes., am. 255 So. WerL, between West Temple, &J..C. Utah 84 101 Equal Opportunity Emptover M F'HV TECHNICIAN Interested in o arreer in herriti and fitness? Good Income and Recent merger has created openings for manager trainees, receptionist, oerablc instructors, and swimming programs. Applicants must be enthuMecicd Typist siastic, welt groomed ond tmmedkrte full or part time position motivated. Mt.e application ovoitabte. GENERAL SECRETARY $800 mo. Negotiate shifts. Type person to 10300 South Redwood 70 wpm (verified). Medkal terGet some banking and computer Rd South Jordon, Uttfi. minology necessary. Rodtatogv a experience. Will train on alt. Call HOL TER TECHNICIAN medical typing experience hlghh right away. Call Nancy Alto View Employment Agency. desirable. 237-200- 0 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER call Wonted elp inventory me one of AuUttar tfwentwv An xo i O ge t pt aftokStonui m vwrtory Mrvufrt is now OLiwrflng apphLUtiuos tor iMimunent pat time trio some posfikmt Poto frulrrtng program with ruplO mer it pov mu after tompie-tto- resume, references and salary requvemeats to. Vke President. Marketing 5151 East Bruodwav M'O Tuscan, to 12 ono 157 ROOM Typist, File Receptions positions avolKOle, term. CaU Mono Afta View Temporaries. No fee, We pay hourly soary. e GENERAL Immediate lobs for unskilled people and others, dtspiov and customer service openings. No exper $1000 per mo. Work In local vea Call Monday and Tuesday only, GENERAL HUMAN RESOURCES DEPT. 8TH AVENUE & C STREET SLC, UT 84143 an equal opportunity employer-m'f- INCORPORATED OPERATING ice -- Part time general 2fut dovs per week Computer experience necessary, insurance background helpful Wage negotiable wtth experience. Cali am. between LDS HOSPITAL VERAC or OFF Grahom Tom For Immediate consideration send resumes to OMNIDATA, INTL Attn: Director of Engineering, P 0 Box 3489, Logan, Utah 84321 R.F. DESIGN 100-H- Wonted 100-H- elp DOCTOR Of WES 240 Room hotel opening winter IWe In Tuscan, AUuna Mm 4 t ears experience required. Must i e and be atm to travel. Send general GENERAL OFFICE TtPiST Far vceiety spot in casual office hours per week Requires neatness, fun personalty, good rets, and accurate skills $5 hour Can Joan for OetoH. Cencor Employment Services. 661 East 4O0 South SlC Food Services. Qualifications Include excellent leodershp and public relations skills, along wtth 0 BS and min. 5 years proven experience In management and clinical dietetics field. Masters degree preferred. Excellent pay rates and o comprehensive benefits pockoge offered. Please SUxntt resume in confidence fr: You should have 0 Bachelors or Masters degree or equivalent in Engineering and be cole to Interface effectively In 0 military customer environment. tor appeucim FOOD SERVICE DIRECTOR errytovee owned company where challenge is routine ond LDS Hospital, 0 d tertiary exfor are rewarded where you core teorhtoQ ond referral center cellent accomplishments with UNfor the Intermountoln Region ENGINEER Wonted elp NOTH office posttmrv Telephone skills, good typing 0 must Word processing helpful $850 month. Call Vicki 328 1787 or 378 17V3. We're on B.S.M, required. for bringing designs Responsible from engineering Into production, coordinating documentation ana FITNESS & HEALTH Ceiesfr tol Bodies Studios, private framers with bockound to teochtnQ or people motivation skins and PR Health nuts welcome Background in ft! HOL the application of odvanced Range Systems spark your interest, discover the rewarding world of VERAC We're setting the poce in Range If boards, sealed connectors PRODUCTION ENGINEER tar people kxno. knowledge with Real Time telemetry communications, rodar data FLORAL DESIGNER. Interviewing distribution ana processing voice for experienced Hora Designer. and data networking... If so, you Must hove yr. designing exper are exactly the type of person In retail flower shop. Please call Is tor. INC VERAC, looking for Qppt. MECHANICAL DESIGN ENGINEER Responsible for pock oping of potable battery powered electronic equipment. Requires experience In design of environmentally sealed plastic enclosures. Experience with mold design, LCD dise keyplays, Attn. Mr. Larry jensen. to Utah and 10. Looking Southern boslt work wtth engineering team from concept through production phose to design ono test ability. Respunslbiime include brad design for ATE compatibility, specification and set up of ATE herd-wa- r e and software, writing of desirable. insurance Ikense Is preterrea send resume to. NfcL PO BOX 1834 Sx C Far csvf Marketing, ENGINEERS WIH 100-H- 111 HIM GENERAL ADMINISTRATOR Need people o sonaitty with 0 9 OMNIDATA it o lost or owing, hgr technology compony voJved tn development of ponabte Oota recorder. Our product innovative oewgn in ft t of AO, tow power dig( ta, htgh tpeed pgro proceswrv RF telemetry Hrmt, and other. W offer and an eueuenf fgtary and benefit package toclufrng profit vaino. Help Wanted 100 I desired. You'll find challenge and reward with us. We offer a competitive salary, comprehensive benefits Hk cr,jr, plan, and recognition within a large, stable corporation. For Immediate consideration, send your resume to: The All American Gourmet Company, 5475 Bucknell Drtve SW, Dept. Atlanta, GA 303 36. THE AMERICAN GOURMET COMPANY Equal Opportunity Employer MF - 11 |