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Show t Unfurnished 200 200 Unfurnished Aportments U U Ve of city ye bedooms, r (urpvt. dupes. tab, Vvwer, nte upptturcy,4Moye sfrxuge, yud, Cleon; $JS tnctodes found poho heat tor 2 Aevm 3e3 8055 weenauys 4 fo 5 NEAR UOF U Very nice spouous I bdm m modern oean, tresh, roomy Air, ioundry, prkg $?eS mo 1700 dep oil adufr, no petv See fodoy 741 277 HOUADAYHOMf $450 bdm., 22 H East jvuo So No days 3 nsyrm APARTMENTS HKlRlSE APARTMENTS 1270 up Lfce new beuuntut I and 2 bdm Hoc, caput clubhouse tennis No pets. 2385 East 6895 So bedrooms. 2 hour' of townhouse or Gas heat or etectnerty Excellent West Jordan focohon. Close to ihjptnfl areas, partis, chur cries, and schools. Stoves and rings From $780 to 1315 512709 Chore VISTA PARA BEAUTIFUL 2 bdm. apartments. location near town and Air University child OA Security $?50 Grd $285, 2 BEDROOMS Free microwave with years lease Dishwosher, disposoi, carport, hookups, toundy bosnetbaM and B8Q area 85 10 So. State 566J14 and S3 10 East $265. 2 BEDROOMS bdm. u. and m quiet 659 So. Main, Midvale VER LANE APARTMENTS FREE microwave. Luxury ond 2 bdm. Easy excess to University ond Belt Route. Indoor swimming Covered pool, sauna, jocuzzl parking, foundry foe limes. From S3 50. 1591 So Foothill Dr 204 So. 7 1200 bdm., So. No pets. 1295 4725 West QUIET beautiful, 2 bdm. south eost loc. Lovely creeks and ponds. Paho. Dishwosher, disposal. Carpet, dopes. Carport. All bullt-mNo petv 1275. dis- and BEDROOM, Jon. Rent free. Air, gos flrept., range, refrig., disp., dishwshr. Cette TV avoil. Carport coin indy. No petv 3176 So. 9th East 2, SUGAR HOUSE TWO BEDROOMS Hook-upDisposal. Parking. FREE first month's utilities and last months rent. D00 SMG 1304 SO. 1700 EAST Redwood Grove Brand new apt. community. 2 and 3 bdm. and Fomiiy. FREE Cette TV. ELDERLY AND HANDICAPPED Newly remodeled studios and bdm. No Storsl Adults only! Bus by front door. Adult Rt LIBERTY PARA. Adult. 2 Bdmv 1310. fireplace, heat pd. f 6PIT0L. Bdm. Clean, Roomy. MJST SEES Manoger DOWNTOWN Bdms. From 1190 230 So 300 East, Manoger RENTAL OFFICE CLEAN, LIKE NEW 2 bdms., 2 baths. 6864 So. 1150 East, S.L.C Washer dyer, fireplc., covered gcroge, apples. Pool, tennis. 1425, or collast month tree. lect So ONE BEDROOM NEAR U. Dishwosher. Dlsposd. 1325 includes utilities ond use of laundry. No kids! No pets! 2 p.m v 2 near town. CLEAN 2 BDRM. Located of 4653 bdms. Dishwosher carport. QuiWest Harmon Or. West Valley 1100 off 1st mas. rent. et City. parking, no pets. 1300 ma 1150 dep. Rent, 1260mo. $150. deposit, Cdl or Porno, MONTH FREE RENT CLEAN 2 BORM Located at 744 No. 1 Bedoom and 2 Bedoom CLEAN, Irving. Choice Avenue Location hook- parking, ups, children okov. no pets, !265.mo. 1)50. Deposit. Call Jonlce, FREE RENT 2 bdm., hookups, dishwasher, new point, car- HOLLAOAY . nice, clean mo. 760 0 dopes. Hookups. 1315. NO pets. 2. 265-20. East 3900 So. BROWNWOOD-- oir, pet, 2 of U U. 2 bdm bdm Mgr. 3440 So. NEW bedoom, covered parking, 1740 month, plus 150 oft 1st 3 month rent Pool, good location No petv 267-- 143 WEST South HOUADAY dishwosher, air Free foundY. 1345 inci. 4751 So. 2165 East hockiev 4406 HoModoy Btvd 1325 per martfh. an util coeh paW by owner. Phom 255-- 4 W7, r BORM newly 2 bdmv. hookien, PLEX 4 carpet, dopes, hook, oir yard Marrteds. No pels, smokery LARGE 2 bdm. condo. Coveted prkg Balcony. Hof tub. 1300. No kidSpetv 246 E Helm Ave I BDRM pet ok 1735. SmaM South bdmv, refrigerator, waster and more. 451 East Fairmont Or. balcony, covclosets, odultv 3 HEAT PAD. 1 (2456 So.) Tuft Co. BEDROOM Duplex, area of 900 East 400 So. 1360 ma plus utttv Ask tor Roes evenings, morning. 2 BEDROOM Townhouse. 1335 ma 1200 deposit. Dishwasher, dhpos-a- I BEDR00M-- 2 BEDROOM, 195 FREE HEAT $290 Redwood 8281 So. woman VVurtong 7 Ned child EAST SiOE basement apt. Excellent location, no smoking or petv Utttv pold. Student, or single working person. Coil CUTE BEDROOM $210. 722 E. 3rd Sa LOVELY DELUXE 4 PlEX 1325, 2 bdm, dishwasher, air, 3167 Sa 400 East, No Petv 2740 LARGE NICE 1715 cfosetv J5 mt 3I5 Sa 1300 East 277-- 0 $245. 1167 OMue avenues Charm Gdheid. bdm. cdpef, dopes, I NO DEPOSITM e $325 2 bdm. U. Frpic., oil appi.. near dopes, extras. or 5 2 528 So. 100 East LARGE 2 washer bdms. Sugar House area Carport Com wash. Carpet Drapev Ar Deposit rea Aduitv No pet 1275. eve. weekend. SUGAR MOUSE, bdm, $280 BEDROOM. New point, new pet Close to $250 car- RENT- Nice 2 bedoom duplex. Fenced bock yard. Gos flrepioce, dishwasher, oir. S335month. Ask tor Bob. 3 ALL UTILITIES PAd Very small bdm. Deck. No smo-k- e petstidv 7th East 1st So BEDROOM f., private front and bock entrances, $300 mo. Includes gas ond water Year lease would be 1775 LIGHT AND AMY DOWNTOWN APTS. BDRM. HEAT INCL. $300. 234 EAST 100 SO.3 SMALL 2 bdm, dose to. Prefer stogie ar younger couple. AM utilities paid 1330 ma PLFX S290 Hookups, no pets, SX.C 1100 FREE RENT This Week Only! 2 bdm, oir cond $265 ma 3333 So. 1300 Eost. LOVELY rmr hosp7 U. No smoke, pets, kids, $250 75 N St. Clean. 1 PAID -near town bdm. d From $250. U of ma and U. 2 bdm, Bedroom with 743 Sq. Ft. FROM 2 Bedroom, IV2 Bath with 990 Sq. Ft. FROM Weeks free. asii annul our Overtook Point LUXURY STARTING AT $305 Ml Specials Villa Franche 3440 S. 500 E. 467-202- 3 4740 ances, hookups, atte TV, 390 East 7700 South, 3 BEDROOMS, lrg kitchen and tom rm Super nice Canyon hrrtgf gnhrn OR Rkm East 1281 7 Sa Bedoom, Frpic bdm. In nice Rose Part 1275mo. Small dog ok. LARGE WEST JORDAN AREA-nebdm. Adults only No smokers, no petv 1250 mo, $100 deposit. MH.LCREEK bsmt. 2 bdm Washer dyer, frpic. Carport, appiv No smoking Uttts pd 1320. East. Must see. 2634450 SPECIAL RATE tor 1st 2 menthv 2 bdm condo. Cdport, pool, Capitol Htti area ONE West 4100 bdm, Sa Carpet, dopes, refrig, stove. Disposal $250 mo. plus dep LARGE bdm. with washer dyer hkupv New carpet ond ila Good loc West Jordan. $250. 5370 12- - PLEX. Vet y Nice 2 Bdm.. Dishwosher, Frpic, Air. No Pets! $775 plus Utttv MURRAY NEAR Remodeled U. ment apt. 1275 smoker. bdm,. bose- Incl. uflllttes. Non CUTE BEDROOM! New CarpetLeveforv Pay $750 1100dep. rm, Residential TWO BORM. townhouse. oir, dhhwoster. Fenced $335 2 2 r waster-dye- utttv baths, BEDROOMS, Sa Soft no polcL hookups, Large $225. street days dopes, eppi, Ldte, bdrm, carpets, Na Mota. S10 5215364 or ? $715. CLEAN bdnv flrepioce, no petv Downtown location. Call offer 4 pm. Joort BAOCLOR APARTMENT, bdnv, dote to, Westslde, $250 Including utttv Lots of storoge. 900 S. E. 262-909- 4 8 00 a.m.-6:0- 0 12.00 NOON-5.0- room Easy accass to Fully equipped kitebem WaWerdiyer hookups Fireplace! avail Rasannd covered parking PaUobalcsnies wMi storaie p m. p.m. heXad porl Maar-wMa- Lighted t norcise room tamis courts 4700 So. 2930 West ovtntooe 1 shopping 1325mo. KHM1 bdm 7400 S. Just E. of 115 561-313- CLEAN I autM- -' 966-013- 2 500 N. C7 vein ESTABLISHED LOCATION 2 Clubhouses Tennis Court 2 Swimming Pools Cable TV Models Now Open 550 East Fort Union Blvd. (70th South) 5 Buu'h Open Mon.-Frida- PHASE y 10a.m.-7p.- Sal 10 a.m.-- 5 p.m. Sunday Noon-- 5 p.m. PG RATED, $215 ind. utilities. New bdm. No petv Off street prkg 315 Eost 7670 So. your apartment with your first month's rent and deposits paid) SUGAR HOUSE $450. Gos Included. 2 bedooms. New carpets, No dogs. GAS and water pold. Clean 850 Lake St. Off street BOUNTIFUL 2 bdm bdm. parting flrepioce, includes gas. smoking, no petv $350month DELUXE Sugr Wallace Associates 2 bdm. House, uFj CURRENT No yard townhouse. ok, smokerspetsl 8 ond town, ktos 2 or 3 bdm, Ike new. Air cond. Only 5 left. 5665254 THE Na turn, 14. utilities studio, $135,521-7997- . BASEMENT Apt Nice bdm Utils pd. 10 MocArlhur $265 bedoom 313 3rd Avenue. Avoiktte now. $250 LARGE hookups, 8 1380 includes ail uMv East So. 1300 4725 WALK TO forge HIU West 134 bdm $745 400 2 No. hn Jr BEDR00M5 No pets. East 300 So. bdm.. oil elec, Lincoln, 938 U. SO. hookups, 1235. No pets NEAR U. bdm, part utttv petssmoke $230. FREE No AVENUES One bedoom. $725 1205 Heat pokt AVENUES BDRM $295 Laundy toettv 7 pdking S200MONTH. Studto. Gas paid. 203 East 700 South. See Mgr. 6 EAST Sa Temple loc, 2 bdmv, 2 bothy $450. bdm TWO to. Tentt West Bdm, ABOVE Capitol. Ldge bdm Are ploce, covered prtg 1365 LARGE 2 bdm apartment, 376 4th Ave. $235. E. 3065 WEST Jordan, kids. Refs. bdmv 2 3 $225 ONE bdm. condo no peto, bdm $275 bdm. 1380. Low come assistance avoil. 5665254. bdm. $295 and paid FIREPLACE. 438 Na Center, bdmv, pool. $345 ALL PrkesLocattons! ISO Off First Monthv CoH Tom bdm BEDROOM $175ma 150 deposit, 158No.Motn1, Midvale 5666557 BEDROOM 321 4th Ave. Off St. pdking, hookups, 1250. 1 Hook. WV.C Fenced yard. 2663561, BEDROOM bsmt. $185 including uttt NEAR U. 2 bedoom. 200 So., area Foothill 1288 $350. SUGAR HOUSE. Ldge We pay utUlttev 1240. BEDROOMS, refrlg, stove, only. 2874 So. 3rd East. 2 BEDROOMS. I Covered prtg Extrosl bdm. near -East bedodfiv 2 CLEAN coil 2 Modern, $310. 1 In- UTILITIES 1350. In BEDROOMS. 2 South SLC. In Sa East. NEAR 33rd $225 No EAST side 2 bdm, very clean. mo. Warren Lloyd $ Co. NEW remodel. $235 STUDIO, utttv paid, dep. $100. Clean. 1485 Sa 945 East 361 hookups, dishwasher, S 1295. no pets, In, $240mo. 4662055 $775 AVENUES bdm. New carpeting Heat pd. NEAR UNlV. 2 bdm. Garoge. 1473 South 1300 Eost. 1350. 2 close bdm, HEAT, NT 7300. MURRAY Clean 2 bdm., 171 East 4500 So. 1285 4666959; AVENUES Bedoom Quiet Area $250 atte Free 13 10. 1882 So. vk BEDROOM Dittex So. High land Or. $345 2 2 Ner 2131 BEDfWI BEDROOM with or without lure utttv Included. $250. 48673 1230. BEDROOMS, kids ok, by school. 1074 Sa 740 Eost $250. 2 hdjL. Xb4hn, 1300 NEWER DUPLE hookups, 1)71 Emery $225 SUGAR HOUSE 1894 Sa 200 East. dean, Eosf quiet, 1734 9 or call Atomedo bdm 2 1350. pd, Bdrms. nice. 46618 rent, ht paid. HOLLADAY new deluxe bdm, hookips, air, dishwosher ! nice U, slu, 0 BEDROOMS, nke caprt. Hookupv 1205 W. 440 So. ONE-utilities turn. bdm, flrep-oc178 A" S $285-- 136 UTOPIA: 1 bedoom New carpets. Hook-up- v SANOY DELUXE-bdm, carport, hkpv, $270, $150 dep, NEW well Insulated, bdm, 2 pool, covered porting, $350. 262 2183 bedoom. Hookupv AVENUES. $200. bdm. No petv 1315month. No petv 825 Third Ave. NICE 2 bdm.. fenced yard, $290- 2 bdm, ample stor LARGE 1325 $275, no petv Coll Dove, oge, odutty 51 Eost 600 So. ONE 2 bdm. 730 So. 1200 AVENUE bdm. near Holy Cross East. 425 Sa 9th Eost. hosp. No kids or petv MURRAY, Ldge 2 bdm. hookups, BEDROOM 2 $350, Hkpv parking, 140 467-carport. All electric. $295. 2914 SJfreston (1900 E) BOUNTIFUL -C- LEAN 2 bdm. Only 2 BORM Hoikxtay modem, carpet, $240, 20 Sa Hwy. 89, 2921821 dope, 5285 In NICE LARGE dea 2 BEDROOM APT. $230. 4667928 EAST Sa yard $195 eoch. 760 EAST 100 So. Ldge uttt. paid 5 762768 wtth Sandy bedooms 100 bdmv, aN m Furnished Apartments 1022 AVENUES $200 4 rooms no pets, no smokers, BEDROOM apt- with Good toe $210. 4665515 NICE DELUXE amenities, 4? ip ORLEANS INN HOTEL service sultev Fully equipped and 2 bdm. Includes phone, TV wtth coble, pool, pvt. dub, mold service and more. Dolly, weekly or monthly ratev $213790. Futt hkpv B0UNTFU Sandy bdm, hookups Covered parting $290, SUGAR House studto, nice decor. $225. 1877 Sa 900 East. NEW aptv wheel choir 7 accepted. Heat poid. 4070 South 9th East. Small Pets accepted on special Interview. stairv 4664125 2 bedoom furnished occesv Child en under 2 MOVALE clean, forge 2 Complete room, no 415 Nokidspetv PARK APARTMENTS and 1 4th Ave. 136 ONE MONTH free rent. bdm. Necr St. Marts Hosp. 5827242 $200. DARLING WOODLAND SL.C or Airport 2 BedoomDen ond Bedooms FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED minutes to 10 1 bdm. $255. WESTMINSTER PARK APTS. 453 west 1500 South, BntfL - 3 bdrm. $400 BEDROOM 175 Eost 4500 Owner ogent So. $255. CONVENIENT LOCATION BEDROOMS, heat pd. Super occess to wort, shopping, U Of I and 8 U. Near Trolly Souare. petv 930 Edit J00 So. bdm. Furnished and unfum. a $235. NICE 1 bedoom. basement, 3223744, South Jordan area No AVENUES HEAT PAID! Call BEDROOM EXECUTIVE TOP FLOOR DUPLEX WITH YARD. By Capitol, $220, 4865901 Greg SANDY 3 bdm. condo. 1390. BEDROOMS. 5770. 3568 West. Aft. ) pm wkdoyv 2950 So. SUITE ALL THE COMFORTS OF HOMO One bedoom. I6& Mold service avoiktte. Agenf. SMG: 1308 SO. 1700 EAST. Stt-S- f 600 1 and - SOUTH 5rh EAST bdm. furnished or unhm.' carpet, new point, new Leve-lorReal Cleon. i?75-$37- 2 New BEDROOM $73Sma wtth $100 deposit, PETS OK. 7 Bedooms. 4 piex. 1381 South 400 Eost. 53 0)45, 1 5325423, HEAT PAOI CHOICE unit in clean, QUIET Bldg All utils, except 2 WEEKS FREE, 7 bdm. Ilghtv Parking No petschfcfrerv 1325, Midvale, WeYe tenant oriented. Why rent SANDY AREA 2 BORM.4 piex. hook elsewhere. 621 So. West Temple. , ups, appN. 1360 to 1375. S6M266 EAST MURRAY U. No LarOe ? bedoomv Newly furnished 1300 DELUXE bdm. near Condo. New carpet, flrepioce, oir, 5324318 smokers, petv port, pool. Adults only. No petv $400. DELUXE 2 bdm. near U. No 53245)8 smokers, petv DOWNTOWN LUXURY APTS $180. UTILITIES pold Cleon studto land 2 bdm, furnished, 230 Eost 300 teartment 407 Center St, South, security, hot tub, exercise room, coble, ond cov ered parting 5361222 NEAR BRICKYARD Bedoom $745 BRAND new hrnithed aptv, studios Neat. Clean! 4848672, 2774361 to 2 bdmv, short or tong term) Several excellent locations to 1, 2, 3, BEDROOMS, stodtov U of U, DEAL IN TOWN energy efficient, has washer-dryhookups, laundry facilities; free cable; that is a family and adult community with schools across the street, then DUSTY HOLLOW at 7600 South Redwood Road, is the first place you want to look, and the last dan area, that neor BEDROOM Aves a 2 or 3 bedroom apart2 full bath in the West Jorwith ment ia er place you will need to look! 1 Townhouse, on 00 carport, $300 U. $250 372 JUMP Looking for 262-755- bdm 2 bedooms, oir, UDOWNTOWN. pools, gym 1320 East side 2 bdm, carpet, dopes, appliances, fenced ved. NEAR Capftoi, bdm studto. tow 566-539- 2 choose from, os tow os 060 or Sotey, Magna 5340525 NICE 2 bdm Hkups. Fenced. 1W Midvale. 1310 both, CLEAN bdrm., no smoking, dink Ing, Prts. 225. 775 EAST FIFTH AVE. bedoom. 1770. New carpet; point. 466- 7286. $7451775. ONE-bdm. 665 Fifth 1st. So. NICE bdm. New carpet, $200. 3080 So. 700 East. STUOIO, or 4120 South 5th East bdm, 2 SMALL Ave ar NOT HEARD! AND 2 BEDROOMS NEW $245 Ok $245 Ave. 736 Eost y Most QUIET Renters only. SEEN AND ADULT COMMUNITY 7 dshwasher prtg Near fieewoy, 2 SECTION SHOULD BE PHASE 2 1 NEW LARGE 2 bdm, heat poid. $77$, evev days, BEDROOMS, no smokers, no petv 3500 So. 5700 West $25 AVENUES, Capi- NEW BEDROOM 500 Eost So. 1 FIREPLACE START AT 2 BEST 1 CHILDREN UNDER 5 WELCOME FREE HEAT FREE AIR CONDITIONING COZY PRICES washer dyer. SHHH... ENJOY FAMILY HOME EVENING ATMOSPHERE 942-559- Kids prtg OK We make It easy for youl One low payment and you are payi::g no nitKi iizATins dills? bdmv Shower, flrepioce, yard, $723. 235 West 400 Na FREE W. In The Apartment Resort to Carpets, 30th South 400 Eost. $300 DELUXE 2 bdm. townhouse $275 Dishwasher, disposal, private potto. Midvale 292-770- 4 loped and managed by Robertson Homes Propertie 3374 month. Bountiful Manor 290 bdm 2 dapev 1 L) ms. $25 . smokers pets, Cdport, AVENUES Cozy bdm oportmenfr 1725 Plus Utnmev 363035 TWO bdm. bath. Carport Hoc efov fenced $775 rent $150 dea 3277 So. 3450 West C 57 LARGE na gas poid. a BEDROOM apt. $175 month plus gas and Ilghtv $100 dep. Reference! Cenfrai city. CLASSIC bdm. with flrepioce, all paid except lights, $245 thru $275 732 East 100 So. amenities, both, BEDROOM Duplex, 940 East 400 Sa $360. plus utttv CaN Ross 5 evev mornings, wtth NEWLY remodeled, 2 bsmt., 821 Roberto St. (250 East), $775 The Manors Owner TO TOWN! Convenient tol HIU. Cozv bdm $250 Utily Included. 1300 bdm $240mapk.q uhlv No smokmg petv a NO DEPOSIT 0 BEDROOMS 777771 NEW 7 BORM, hookups, dishwasher, prtg Nr town ond freeway Kids ok $285 mo 964108 WALK bdm 2 NEARuCean FREPLACE! 7 bdmv 3896 Carte-fir- e (2845 West) 1295 3599041 2 BEDROOM townhouse. lease, . child, hkpv no pets, 1335, 2726668 EAST Ave.$260. bdm. no smoker pets. Utttv except lights. 3633696 bdm, 2 943-- Studio did Nice. Sara Lee CLEAN AVENUES bdm. $190 to $235 379 East 1st Ave. CaM S. 700 E. 19 SOUTH 800 East. 2 bedooms with yard. $295 373 NORTH 800 West. 2 bdmv with yard, hookupv $295 $215 CLEAN studto, Westminster, no smoke, high stonderds 466773. DELUXE 2 bdm. Eost Side. Laundy, uttts. pold.1310. 4666)20. oN V Dhhwash 565726. DELUXE 2 bdm. 4 piex, balcony. $27$ Midvale 56572. Sandy ipv MiLLCREEK area bedoom apt. large kltcnen and living rm $275 Coll tor appt 1 carport, hookups, oir. $300. central OR 2 bdrms, 1 hex $200 PLUS Lights. Clean 461 1st Ave. 6 yd HOLLADAY AREA bdm, hook ten, off No petv 350-28, 5 MURRAY 1 Gov area No smok- South. ing or pets. $270. Sa 3335 CAPITOL 4650 disced, carepted, ONE bdm, lots cupboard spoce, $170 mo plus lights. 75 So Gieen St 1645 Eost). call Tom $250 2 BEDROOM dean, modern, quiet 244 East 2330 South CaH 3 or SNUG AND COZY And Much More. PETS Allowed! FROM $269. dea bdms, $335 ft MlSTOv BEDROOM 4 piex $295 Pius $150 ROOMY bdm. $225 483 1st Av deposit 3444 So Beaver Sit eet (3030 West) new paintfrogr. BEDROOM I 1350, 344 So 800 East BEDROOM, capeirv close to $250 town, parking SPACIOUS Bdm Adults, Carpeto Includes utMv 571- - 26 AppHonces, Hkups $225 FIREPLACE 2 bdmv Child en welCLOSE IN 2 bdm 4 piex, cov ered come- $?9S. Century Vllto 4?6 East park tog 1250, to 1245, f7 areg BEDROOM opts. Nice. Car pet Drapev Fenced vd No smok- ing ? appliances sa DELUXE 3bdm f, Midvale 1350 7 7 garage. 262-404- 1 3770 Appli- $200 dep. Recreation Sauna Jacuzzi Cab la TV available Microwave in aveiy im We're on our way to ll Oy 2 bedoom qpt. 2 NICE 3 2 Waijht fmifcxitxJ 1270 The Brittany features uxuzy Yiar-nw- fo) r"eni inc IIvIhq near town East 100 South Building 1365 2 BEDROOM apt. to 4 piex. Vicinity 2300 Sa 900 East Clean $270 ma No pets CaH Fay ONE bdm duplex. Hoi today area $275 $100 dep, 150 non refurrv no answer tte. 1174 Renovated TOWNHOUSE, Offering One Month Free Rent OFFICE HOURS: ! WOli 253 EAST 3170 SOUTH 2 bdmv with hkpv $295 SANDY. 2 bdm bosement pt. $225 phis utttv No smoking, no pets mo. 1, 2, 3 BEDROOMS AVAILABLE 4929 SOUTH LAKE PINES DRIVE MURRAY, UTAH 84107 From $345 2 BEDROOM, good size, all utily pold, located at 148 West 1700 Sa Larry. BEDROOM to stove, refrig., hookups, fenced yard 2531 So! parking GAS HEAT; COOKING AND HOT WATER PAID WEIGHT AND EXERCISE ROOM LIGHTED BBQ AND PICNIC AREAS DEADBOLT LOCKS PRIVATE PATIOSBALCONIES FULLY EQUIPPED KITCHENS LAUNDRY FACILITIES FREE CABLE TV COVERED PARKING RV PARKING POOL TABLES SWIMMING POOL PING PONG SAUNA LIGHTED TENNIS COURT CARD ROOM 1 SPECIAL NO DEPOSIT 4 piex Salt Lcke, West ValKids Ok ley SUGAR HOUSE bedoom Excellent condition. Covered parting $225. Call 778 599 bdm $250. SOME AVAILABLE WITH GAS LOG FIREPLACES Sa 1300 East, 7 ma, $150 deposit, 2534 4 piex. 2 bedooms, 2 baths, arportv 4117 South 5th OSo. $335 $385 East. 1425 NEW SANDY 2 BEDROOM Hoakios, toundy. caport. Kids $290. Coll 2 Sa CONTEMPORARY BEDROOM, like new. 1380. Good fwy. occesv Air cond; possible carport and free microwave. Low deposit Midvale. 2 BDRM. 4 sun bd m 3 levels, trpfs. Quiet dyer,9thlots of storoge 1520 135, DUPLEX. 3 bdm. New point. $330 Vic. l?m So. 2nd Eost FOR Slct' HOLLADAY DUPLEX Three bedoomv Two boms. Yard Carport nook vps. 1550 MURRAY LOCATION First month to tree rent Large 2 bdm, garoge. 135 724 EAST 700 SOUTH bdm, sepddto utility room. New carpet Cov carport No petv Rent $775 mo. Call J TWO bd rru, 1250, bv Udv., Low dn posit 467 )157, A vt hut S I bd m. No pets $250 ma" 7 pus aep metope heat TWO BtMWVCrCarp4od $28? PKis untv IKK dep U60 NICE, forge 2 bedoom, $315 NKE quiet Ave apt carport, extra storoge heat quid too 7 ox, 533 9U9. 359 347) SANDY QUET AREA LualAv 7 bdm Ipwnnouse in bathe, no Pets WO, 2 BE DROOM dawnton yuud location m Suycvhuse $25 per ma plus ok unimev Loti aeo Jld WI15 y bdm, an 06 AVENUES, 3 bdrm. 2 oath, no petv incl. neat $400 Pius dep 596JVA DoPl E x bur m paha NrCitW Hill UXI. 11th AVENUE bdm and drrfc 10 a Sharp free CAPITOL HAL Clean 2 bdm toundy, parking 1300 378 miui-i4500 W 97-0- 4th Ave B Sheet Potto, swim pool, secistty. mti heat ae $30 Cun ONE bedroom i smuM-pef- . FAN bdm, with heal poKl Terms neyut tor nynt tow ant 550 Sa 500 East I74 Handsome large, with dtofog rooms 137 S Heal paid Hkups, storage, covered prtg 1 pet 05- 5844 S No SuPtR bcm ye 12$5 Apartments 2oedO(ynosne hone. urns poKl, neur 3At) 4th Eost 155 So You pay eteclnc AS WITH US IN THIS COME MAKE YOUR SECLUDED, QUIET ADULT COMMUNITY IN NATURAL WOODED SETTING WITH WATERFALLS AND LAKE anye L Unfurnished 200 i KRGE VJV-- F81ST months rent tree! $280 rent, $250 dep 2 bed ooms. 48V Pameto Wav SUGAR house LM new 7 bdm No pets, kids. 304 So H40 Lost 17V$ pms deo and utits MONTH FREE RENT UPFRONT Hoaktpv 1 baths, covered s Extra forge, 2 bdm. unit. 2736 parking Playground ROSE PARK CONDO'S (430 Eost) Shop? 2 bdm, 1 bath. MOVALE 2 bdm. from 1300 ma Hookups, car1245 OtC bdm, newty decorated Free teat and hot water. Covered AVENUES: 3 bedoomv Flrepioce. 4 or 9734141 port, pool. quiet residential st. no petv parking; new carpet, paint and Dishwasher. parking Adults only. 124 East Vidas Ave. HOLLADAY 3 BEDROOM MANAGER WANTED Levotorv 1375 Call $400 plus utttv 336 St. (2600 Sa 2nd E.) 21 bath townhouse. Hkupy, carport. 1320 2 bdm AN utils paid except 1215 2 BEDROOM, carpet, frepioce, Kids OK. From $450. ilghtv Rent reduced No petv So. extra large! Mature persons only. !M,$235 TWO WEEKS FREE RENT Salt Ldu 825 EAST 600 SOUTH No petv Refv required. 2642 So. 150 Sa 7th East. Large HoModoy, 2 bdm. 1300. Nice 4th Eost. curport, storooe, laundy. bdm, HOLLAOAY. 2 bdmv Very clean, dea New carpet-poinNo pets. From $220 mo. NO DEPOSIT sunny 4 piex. Hkups, oir. Quiet, 2 WESTMINSTER ARI Discount on rent. Ldge 2 bdm. du2 bedoom BEDROOMS, DELIGHTFUL Dining room, seare. 1325. stone flrepioce, plex. Frpic., air. Kktspets OK. new point. 1524 South 700 East. Excellent chUd ok, no pets, 1300'. MODERN 1 Bdm. Carpets, hkps, hookups, 1400 mo. West Valley. location. Very clean. or 36M500, Steve. parting No PetsChilden! $189. UTILITIES pold, 1750ma rttce 2nd E. 14th So. CLEAN BDRM, located at 12679 Sa 1206 EAST 1st SOUTH bdm. upstairs cot- near Trolley 1630 West. Oft street bdm. town homev Free parking no Sq. Coll Bdm. Includes all utils 1265. Also NEW pets, hookies, 1225mo, 1150. decable. Hook-rodishwasher, pvt. studio, wood fir. 1235. 2 BEDROOM posit. Coil Lori pattov Over 1,500 sq. ft. 595-- n 19 HUGE bedoom. in Hoi today. rpic, Coto-a- p Laundy. No Pets! CLEAN STUDIO Located 2035 So. 1347 East 7000 Sa $290. ? Fenced yard Prefer 4 PLEX, 3 bedooms, 2 baths. Fireplace. 300 East. Owner pays heating no 1375month. 205 Tiffany Town TWO single, non smoker. $400 includes bedoom, low Income rent asEvepets, CaH Linda, or Utttv Dr, Midvale. sistance avoUabie. Midvale area nings and weekendv 255-FREE RENT UNTL FEB. 1 and 2 bdm opolments ovati. 1225 to 1275 175 dap. plus 1st mo rent to move In. for wonr dver.no tutn Hoax up. 4 ptex, HOllADAY RSiTY (10 oitowance for monogement). 104 Sa Roberto St. (750 Eost.) Ldge BDRM, turn Cl 3 16 19, Aportmantj boh., bosement apt ummet paid except iigntv No AVENUES 615 1st Ave smokers petv 970 Gar beta Ave Lage studio, portty hrrvshed, Com tor 1)95 bdm, 1225 appi after pm, 34-7iSUGAR House area 3h bedoom CLOSE IN I BDRM $199 apt 135 month $125 dep Heat, water included. No pets 74 E Sutiday, January Unfurniihed 200 Swimmw Pei test to) 2 mo put Jhi t usl 7;4 4a0 House I Bdm Cleon quiet L oundy No efttd pets twU 1) 78 473, 777 $657 So 9th 6 - HEAT HOME MONDAY-FRIDA- ig et 2 BEDROOMS, MURRAY SATURDAY-SUNDA- bdrm LARGE aeon I and 2 bdmv, pointed, new ddies, $125 refundttte aepuvft South 2no East 942 2875, lake: pines 262-432- pi fX I DO WNT 0WN-UMVNewer Ldge 7 bdm Osposal. atr $795 LARGE HOLLAOAY bdm, $275. 2 bdm, $295. Quiet, clean, oir, storoge, EXTRA Ldge 2 bdmv, living room, kitchen. 1300 month. 255 So. 600 East, Suzanne Apty PAC Roomy 2 bdmv New point. town and U. On bus route. ok. Dep. 1340 month. Clean, quiet d apes, dmxwd. Carpets, 2 374 4th AVE. 2 bdmv, appliances parXina 1715 NO pen. Month Free Rent. SPARKLING CLEAN 4 Scott Ave. Bdm, adults, no pets, no stoiry dea, Sugartiouse puoi wasne 4 0ttv4AJMS i Suuh lies new bdm, $0 BEDROOMS, CUTE HEAT I qutei $725 ATTRACTIVE DuPl East 900 a and 5 toduded Eves and Weekends tore, Got aye 4 PLEX $290 extra nice, clean, no petsJ145 Sa 2nd Eost 2 Salt Lake C'il taper Close to keef Fiee use of SUPtr R 7 Bf UROOMS, vThmg 4jf South 190 ot washer ana Over 10 mm. from ar 943 3570 62V itl Umv month DUPLEX 557 bdm, I a TWO So v TWO LARGE BEDROOM, waster dyer hkpv, 577 Sa SthE. air cond, wood taming stove, bedoom. Pool and 1300 ma vttch ind. some lids. TOP FLOOR, locuzzL 1st, lost; security. $310 Non smokery 4 No eteckic smoke. plus LARGE, clean, 1 bdrm. No smoklngdinklng Only $225 mo, FREE HEAT $250-$29you pov utttv See at 270 East 5th or coil Ave. bdm, Na Soft Lake. 53M442 Lake 1724 tra ttun E x fix Carport, 2 REMODELED STUDIOS BDRM. WaA to town. Heat 1775MONTH, d. TWO BEDROOOM $245, re- turn r East 3dd Sa CHARMING downtown studto and bdmv, starting at 1220, Resident pays lights only. See Mrv Gillette 120 So. 300 Eost 202 to town. Beauttful studto or SOUTH 10THEAST One bedoom Heat poid. 1280 parking Laundy tocilthev SMG 1304 SO. 1700 EAST 1573 FREE RENT $265 Up. Lrg bdm. apt. Quiet 1494 Lots of stor. No chliden-pet- (745 EQ4t) NEWLY 1325. bdm, 25 19 SUGAR HOUSE St. uHK. 425 EAST 3RD AVENUE 1275 carpet, dopes, appll, oir, East ONE MONTHS FREE RENT BAY Window. 2 bdm From $240. $100 dep. Near Lfoerty Park. 424 So. 5th East. No petv d pold Clean. Lrg. rooms. Walk eves. terdver 1245, U bdm, (Mjtmetd oval. Includes water dyer hookipv 1210 up. 473 2nd Avenue. To see cal Troy i 2 decorated, So. 300 d dining, bdm, wafc-k- 1300 SPACIOUS 1765 bedooms. Twin window comfcrh 450 feet Clean Studentratev WEEKS free with lease bdm. $70 month. Convenient 3300 So, 2nd East Motor Red Estate 7 or All apQuiet Secluded adult 15 DAYS FREE pliances. Washer and dyer hook CHARMING English Tudar home, 1335. New 7 bdm. 4 piex. Kids sm OR ups 1325. small bdm, main floor apt. pets OK 3550 West 7700 Sa 1250. incl. heat. High Avenuev CAPITOL HILL two 2 bdm Clean, 3634346. BELL WINES SX EAST 1st SO spoctous. All amenities Inct. pool, Unfurnished 2 bdm. utilities turn, frpics. Heat pd 1425 and 1525. No except electric No pets. Adufty Child en please. $100 Off WITH 6 M0S LEASE and 2 bdm CITY VCW APARTMENTS CLEAN, downtown, U of U, bdm. See the NEW lovely qptv Broadway Tower, 534-- Tti Heat and most utttv paid. 3 Uk v to U. Utilities paid foundv facilities, oft bdmv Aduffv Frpic 546 East street parking BEDROOM 3905 Sa 1040 East 1st. South. Cak os Suocr House, hookups, off street bdm. O month. 1200 1300 parking 7 carpets, off st. parking No pefs- DELUXE BEDROOM appt. deposit Refer encev 2 WEEKS FREE RENT smde. 1150 Garfield 1245, BASEMENT Apt. in HoModoy Heme. All 2 $100 OFF I ST MONTHS RENT 1325. Ldge new 2 bdm Low ufllv 720 EAST 5th AVENUE No pets SJ..C 1300. One bdm, at! utttv except lights, free extte Adults only. WEST VALLEY: Deluxe two bdms. MOVE IN NOW! bdm In 1230. 3 bdm. on ground ievei, 1330. Both pleasant west side location. Open Sahrdoy ond Can by BEDROOM UNBEATABLE LOCATION! bdm. condo. Modern Int I bfc from dfra No petv 1795, gas tocL basement apt Separate entrance Very clean and nice 1360 Includes udv No pets, smokery 995 SO. LINCOLN ST. (945 East) UTILITIES PAO, except Udrts. Large 2 bedoom basement, new carpet dopes, point 1330 ma Deck. CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN AND washer dyer deck Murray dea No petv 1775 U. 1750 pec mo. Includes heat and water, $200 deposit, no petv 333 Douglas St West Ar $80 GRANADA By UTAH TECH bedoom. 1 Washing foettv Garage. No pets, FIRST MONTH, RENT FREE ok. 2 Deluxe bdm, carpet, bdy BEDROOMS 1775 Responsible dopes, refrigerator, stove hook 1619 Circle Ivy ups. Odultv No kids. Pets Ok. Laundy focitftlev Off Street parking .9 HEAT PAC St. bdm New Cdpets, new blinds 1295. 144 2nd Avenue. 2 NEW EAST MOVALE. bdm, cond bdm, 2 3375 one 4e' hh East Dean 74 451, dfo 1903 3443 I Agent days, BEDROOM, dose to $275 bdms hookups, clean, no petv rent SOUTH EAST 2 BDRM. $295 New carpet, new pamf, new Child OK. No pen. Can Vickie or Nice 1 VALLEY APARTMENT MANAGER Lrg. 7 bdm fl00 allow from 1050 Rose Pork. washer-dye- child, JOE as! at So Stole prkg, etedne pa. 1215 ma No children dep petv AvaN LARGE ettte 1255 No pees Carport REDUCED bdrm, Owner CHATEAU MAIRE 21 I bdm (340 E NKE nh ver Unfurnished Apartments n,hot Mjrn, xkhen Bmi pus fry) bdm h4v BEDROOM, mce ground level, Close to trapping. 44e0 1255 Coll Je4 4364 SO LE bedoom, 1011 West 500 Ndih, 1 195. 2 bedooms, Midvale, 36 So. Holden; 1225 2 bedooms, 562 2 )W4 200 Unfurnished Apartments LAXDt pen 5A5 10THEAST 3RD SOUTH Bedooms. Heat Paid Catte TV Avdktte kids Ok No Pen! Manager )0H, MCE bdm, air. parking 1730 mo $60 deo Basement tor storoge No petv 1499 So Rooerto ? 1230. West 1300 8m So No Equal Mousing Oppuilunitv 2 bdm townhouses, mo. Pod. tennis. Clubhouse with steam and sauna or Mur ion, SiLVtRWodo 7944, u CM MOAvlH free rent 2bdm In 4piea ided ioc l04cEast oft ma 1795 bdm ered prkg. before W0 2 Near d act Wtwettho access 2 large townhouse, 12 bath, capets secluded, $425. 271 Tiertfc MONTHSMttfc WtNI Pov no depose optute 1 bdm. bum ikxntei woods Apaiimentt m Murray 2e2 4367 4TH EAST, bdm, xs, ownerogent street prkg. Hot water pud. 2 Dedooms. Ano, 2 bdm, same as BOUNTIFUL Spocious! Large ctosefv Thermal guss. above, 1265 Central air Dishwosher 1240 739 2'n Carpet dopes, or, storage. Oft street pkg Near bus. No petv 1320. Deo. Negotatt. 474 651 NORTH 200 WEST 1304 SO. 1700 EAST. HOLLAOAY 2 bdmv, Cdpet, new point, hookups, carport, secluded 1964 E. Lincoln Lane. 1340 less winter fuel discount. Frpic, New Carpeting, Drapes, Bultt-loPrtg. Townhouse 2 bdm LARGE 2 I hookups, avn, Lincoln Lane, 3759 7 TERRACE E 1340. BEDROOM PLUS GARAGE Adults only. No petv Completely redecorated. On bus line. Near 2100 So. 7th Eost. 1200. parking. Recreation Jonuarys rent Is free. WEEKS bdm 2 at AND 3 bdm. family townhouse. Starting at 1340 and up. So. East bench. Cable TV, flrepi., hookups, bdmv, bdm., carded, dopes, dep 56 554V ERAEW00D AFTS Spockxjj 7 bdm. with hookups. Child en welcome Nice Moray foe LARGE ONE BEDROOM: 1195. FREE first month's utilities and last month's rent. SMG: mOliaDAY fc purt, J Two bedrooms, lorge view of park. Star uge balcony Carport 1315 per month tnefodes on Jhf 1200 deposit reg Cau for 2796 So 900 East tfopt Eves and weekends - Adults noukupv 5937 North 400 West; 1300. r washer-dye- FARR JAN. boms, oil kitchen oopuonces, washer and dyer hookups basement 1395. 7J7 So 2000 Eost or 264451 UNiQuE bd m. apartrrwnt In earihtonev Washer ana d yer 2 bedoomv Kids ok Near golf course Hkupv, So 9th East 1315. 4652 bdm. Adult and Family Apts. FREE Cette TV Beautiful Amenities, sauna, weight rm. 3425 So. 700 West, S.L.C. Parking. Coll LARGE Large 2544 2 BORM located at J So child okay, no pen, 12eS mo, SO Deposit, Cd 3?2Je5 CiAe bdm m studws tor V s and Hundxuppea Close to Suit Pd d 200 Apartments 2 hef en500 Unfurnished 200 Unfurnished Apartments ULAN $100 1239. North or: dishwosher 1, 2, A 3 covered LARGE NOW RENTING ARLINGTON PARK APTS MOUNTAIN SHADOW 2 fc or 1310-- Redwood AxJs Okoy 1795 566 SUGARHCHJSE THE NO. MU 7 200 1.9V2 BEDROOM. A. kcw. range, rcfrig dshwshr , dsposa ettte TV avail Caput com uuv 6, 2295 So y No pets Mgr 2nd E 47 M3. 5 30 FREE RENT bedoom m Midvuie LARGE Bdms., carpets, dopes, Covered parking. or A3TS j5e, after 359-- J540E) East 415 EAST 6fh SOUTH cond. 1300 PAW 2 bdm 27Q Setunty i uund toe ms Parwv No pets I A) aep 6i So par a Si BRIGAD00N 1059 FAIRBROOK APARTMENTS Adult Community Spacious 2 bedroom apartments, mony extras. 1335 and 1350. ideal location and spectots for our senior citizens. 1732 East 4400 South, TRADITIONAL ELEGANCE 1160 VtSTA v com-Pe- . AVENUES includes uhimes. Smoll barm., new carpet S725. bdrm. $270 lv bdm, V305. 2 harm flrepioce, dining room, S435. Oftstreet parking. Free microwove for years leose Disposal, dishwosher. hAps, air, carport, found y fenced ploy area COVEY Conveniently loc. within woiking tance of Downtown. Studio, 2 bdmv Mon-FrSat 2 Unfurnished Apartments bdm, 140 tou close peon 200 Apartments MAiNTfcNANffc PERSON 0f cunao complex tati or pu tmw Must hove 3 toS yrs pr in property maintenance Referent reg 1 go per ha Can f 1(Hh Upper Unfurnished 200 Apartments heat pd. porting, 2720621, 1770 Sa DRIVE APIS. 466 ' ' Bedoom, furnished, new point, real dean. 1300, Coll d CHft WELCOME! utttv except etoc Donl rent onywhere until youve seen these All units! See- PICCARD bdm., gas pd., Avev, d. Lg See at 707 Eost FOOTHILL $240. 454 South Y 1)5 So 5th Eost 300 Eost s Furnished I bdmv and studios, furnished except elec Coble avail. Ho petv Adults. PETER PAN 44 EAST 300 SO $285 LARGE 2 bdm. Single frpic., yard, gor CUTE I bdm. starter apt $715 plus dep. Mogna. TWO bedoomv 2593 South 3600 West. $280 Furnished studios and bdms utilities furnished except elec No pets Adults. UTILITIES PD. Downtown 2 bdm. Adults 1215. 1710 Murray forge duplex pets 1775 Suoorhouse piex, all bills pokt 1300 plush eost bench, gar view RENTAL DATA upstairs, ? BEDROOM deluxe apt Boltons, 2310 on 7th Eost $390. $235 EXTRA NICE. QUIET 3 RMS. Youll entov living here Adults, utilities pokl No Smoker. 7661970. 74 SO 500 EAST PtCADiLLY STUDIO Apt. Semi furnished. Uttts Furnished I bdms. Utilities fun expoid Hoi today area. $235. No elec cept pets Aduitv NEWER 4 bdm. 2 both, c export, 1245 Cl E AN, part fun., bdm, tile hookups. 1430, bath, heat, carpet, dope, carport THREE bekm., 2h baths, frpic , Refs 71 So 6fh Eost or $45 mo DESIGN! RS deom, 2 bdm., 2 bath BEDROOM, washer dver, $250, condo, gtyaoe, mony extras! 486 1462 Eost 1300 So., 1060 or SUGAR HOUSE CUT. 2 bdmv No AVFNUfS DELUXE STUOtO cots 13 IS Jmf 486 12M, Dishwosher I evetor s, carpets very dean. 1773mopiui utttv AND LARGF APARTMENT GARAGE, 1300 mg BEDROOM, nke location 1720mo 1347 So 900 Eost utt'toes LARGE bdrm. Good cond. Star, 9,328-027aft. 5 pm dose in. $195. 417655 i! A.M. AM t 1 M - |