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Show 00 Hornet for Sole 400-Ho- l&R 4 egrx CoH Curvwe lots 32H, 9wa i d NTTJ!"V $400 DOWN Chris 5664)90 tXQ annual Incam Good Cf edit was o Oe effrgulrea own o new Ant Joraun name J f lw J S3JWJ Cak. II7J TRAOf'lt MDFRSRFAITY D0NCAMP8EU 571 778? 0tew Reottors 134500 FHAappr. sedjorvm. brick bongo-loaetoched garoge New root, point, carpet Moo down MOO mo to working buyer Drive by, then coll 122 East 2nd Ave MKtvole (500 .Vest 7750 So.) Paui M. Probe a NEW 3 BDRM., 2 BATH Bay window. Huge kitchen cmd New Home, Large basement. Super tow lh FHA. or VA (not an AJiM) pymt from MW PAi. Fixed; never to rise! 4677582 or RIN0LES6ACH HOMES (xVm. New 2 barn., double garoge, for down. Work off dosing costs!! New homes trom M3, 750, with bsmt, doume gor, brlckalum. Blair 09.2097, Keith 909.1 170, Dove CLARK & $347 NEW RAMBlER-6'- txfrms. Double 14. NO BANK QUALIFYING 2 baths, sprinkler beefrooms, system, huge fenced bock ytrd. Total poyment of $540. CaM Bob, BYOWNER-HOOADA4 Dallas, MUFORDCO. TOTAL $500-$80- MOVE-I- move-I-n cost can be this tow! Aoorptans, full bsmt. toy window loci Laroe krfs. Borders new WVC pork. $46,950. Low, low pymt. RlNDi ESBACH: 9662400, 9677562 total $600 move-I- 197 tod. flee boy window; Coiv ntol door pfcg. Fufr bsm. Urge tots, borders new West Valley City pari. $46,950. Total pymt. $430. RINDLESBAOt 9662400, 9677562 A -- Sandy Draper - THE Y 400 Homsi for Sols 400 Gory 5714196 Jenkins Reafty MODEL FOR SALE Fenced and soded, 3 bedoom, 2 bath, basement and dbi gcroge In West Jordan. Only $81,500 5620163 Ckre Joy s Reafty RENT TO OWN Or we wttl heto wtth down on this new west Vaitev home. BUILDER'S TRADE IN Name your tormv Builder wtfr help wtth down. Low income qualifies. PP REALTY, Todd $250 $90JX)0. SKtfPED dean up. 5 bdms 2 gcroge, 2H baths, fruit trees, family rm., great neighborhood $49,000 or offer. 7 Fife 6 Co. 5722614, YOUR Spocious repo. Needs ar RAMBLER COMFORTABLE bdms 2 baths. Compieteiy upBEST BUY IN TOWN graded. Energy efficient. 2.100 sa No qualifying. Way below cvproisai. ft. finished. Cottonwood Heights Shcrp 4 bdm, family home. area Deck, view, garoge, fenced $3,995 down. $548.00 total payPriced to setH $76,900. ment. Owner Broker. 4 BEST HOLLADAY OCATION Only $09,300. 3 bdrn 3 baths, 2 frpis. formal dtoing, bsmt. Aieno Resort Prop City SEE TO APPRECIATE! Newly remodeled 3 bdm. Good Kearns area. 53,000 down. $40's. 2925755. t $260 PER MONTH $41,900 2 BEDROOMS. SINGLE FAMILY. NEW. 2507345. OXBOW Realty. $39,900 TWO Bcfrnt, beauttfui kitchen, dishwasher, mkrowave. Shop. Deep fenced tot. HOME INSPECTOR 3 bdrm. spilt entry. $53,000. 4444 South 4100 West. 9663933 FORECLOSURE, tow Interest in m creas. down, Reofty 4667711, BY OWNER. TrUevet with unfinished hoff basement. 3 befrms 2h baths, fully landscaped. Quiei Southeast location. $17,000. 5664766 after 6 pm $39,900. NICE . reody to brick, 2622 aft. 5 pm So. tow llve-t- 3000 West Realty, 79M073. $75400LOW DOWN assumes FHA 3 bdm, Ik baths, 1600 sq. ft. 9h avoil. owner agent. BELOW Appraisal. Near U. View, 7 bdm. $105400. Consider contract. No reoftors please! CANT SELL YOUR HOME? Let us trade ft for what you want. Agent. Assume Window r, GREAT BUY!! home, wtth wood turning stave excellent crea at Magna Jeff, Only $53,000. 2776721. Oxbow Realty! RIVERTON-- By owner. 5 bdms 3 baths rambler. $79,900. Owner finance. No ogentv bdm. es on olmost bath brkk content. Reduced $5400. Owner Irons. $99JX. Sait City Rlty. 5 BEDROOM, 3 West. weekdays 3 3 bdms, OPEN 4766 SOUTH 4340 WEST 7 United Bond 4154 191, pay- THE BEST BARGAINS in WANT ADSI todays DIAL are 3 237-200- 0 REAL SUPftt Great family horn woak gourmet kitch., offke on main, 6 bdrm., A thop area. $164,900. 943-315- 0 Gale frond ten FAMILY HOME WVIEW Great East tide home wtat. dith., new decor A fumithlngt. May be told with or without fumith. 0 Marjorie Gump Kent Mod ten 3 BEST BUY EVER fob. twin home dote to town A freeway. Ira. rmt., toiteful decor, view. $li 4,900. 2 MardaOown PRIVATE PATIO Copttone Foy 3 bdrm., 3 bth. condo w2200 tq. ft. Excel cond. Joycs Idwordt 364-324- 3 COUNTRY CLUB AREA Well maintained, ttorm window!, 3 bdrm., 2 bth., rmbler. Great area. Kevin Cameron ' ! N.W. TRIPLEX $63,000. Well built wlrg. rmt. Rent it 5625mo. 0 CUTE STARTER . Great buy on thii W. Valley 2 bdrm. tplit. Juil $42,900. 943-090- 9 Debra Sjoblom 'Above $150,000 CLASSIC Original ownert, Red brick beauty, Adacent Bonneville Golf Courte, it time on mkt. 1 Rich Moore 6 TONS OF STORAGE loti of ttorago in thli very ele- Nettled In oak, Kint rambler, more extrai, $I33K. Dan fielding A - OWNER. Fantastic view deoutt-fu- i setting, above Wasatch. 3365 South. AH brick, dottoie garoge. formal dto. 4 bdmv 3 baths, 2 frpiev $104,000. 2726206 8300 So. 550 East Single family homes with AVE.GUUEY Fab. redone bung, whrdwd. Art., crown moldingi. French drt., 6 bdrm. 3 bth. $174,900. condo conveniencesl 5 models quollty. differences!!! 9 Brenda Downs Jana MondonhoH JimTuttto 8316 S. 943-173- 0 TRADITIONAL ELEGANCE Excpptioaol quality throuahout, 5 NEAR ST. VINCENTS $140,000 lovely 4 bed. home, Gorgeout lot, Big treei, loti of prlvocy, Immaculate condition. bd., 3 baths, Gorgaoutlitchan, Brick, Ouiat clrda. iMUoda Coltmon 4 942-610- 4 EL MANICERO Myrno Riddle Betty June KRey 566-731- 4 9 IDEAL FOR HANDICAP 2640 tq. A., 1 level, 4 bdrm., 3 $142,500. 943-664- 6 bth., rec. rm., Form, din., (89,900 1956 BRYAN AVE. Excel, brek. home. Quiet 6 bdrm., tpoclout rmt. Main Aoor den. $ 1 29,500. 0 Marjorie Gump 7 Sutonne Alfred Betty June KHey deck, $79,900. S. 3680 E. Spoclout yrd., unbelievable price for that orea. 4 bdrm. 487-397- 8 Ikk Wltemon built In Vacant, Reody Motivotedl Steve Holliday SANDY CHARMER Updated iplltl 3 bedroomt ond den, Great yard. Value $80,000. 100 FINISHED 4 bedrooms, Double garoge, Willow Creek orea, $86,900. 0 lorry Brown 942-246- 6 - X. show, PERFECTLY CHARMING $79,900 brick rambler, 3 bd , Huge master, 2 bath, Tile counters. 4 Leelktda Coleman 486-127- 4 -- 553 E. Kwisingtofi ( 1 HIM X J S.J 2 8914 So. Sheffield Way (2320 E.) low down, owner finance on Irg. homo, 6 bdr., mom fom. rm. Dan Fielding Myrno RtddU lovely 5 bdr., 4 bth. brick rambler, Pork like yard and extras Susan Soari $73,000. Nan Gascoigne 272-619- 4 Village 3 Manor House Modal, A Ron Davidson Comfort, 100 942-040- 1 E. SANDY $69, 500 Spocious 3 bdrm., 2 bth. rmblr. Shows well. Present all oHors. 943-090- 9 Dobra Sjoblom finished Grade Crompton 363-318- 1 GREAT AVENUES Totally remodel kitch. New appliances, roof, w. heater. 15)0 East 6015 South luxury 566-731- 4 BRICK RAMBLER R4 llv. rm. wfrpk., 4 bdrm., 2 bth. 943-173- 0 943-880- 8 $7 5.0004100J100 COTTONWOOD AREA 4 bdrm., 2 bth. home oft Highland Dr., New kitchen, $79,950. Jim Tuttle MURRAY LOCATION Spotless nearly new split wunAn. bsmt. 3 bdrm., 2 bth. 277-529- 5 Erica Erokton y 2 $37500 BEDROOMS wtth great garage 25x32. woodxrntog stave, MORE! 6545 So. 3130 West. Wendy, Frank Kohogen WILL CONSCER TRADE New 2 bedoom rambler, fuM bsmt., 2 car gar. Matire freev South West $59,900. Carry, SUPREME HOME BUILDERS 3 CONTRACT SALE!! Bdmv. 2 full baths. Below 15th. East High Ared Great price. 562 Oxbow Reafty 5556 $57,500-SAND- R. LEASE WITH OPTION TO BUY! $30,000 under ccprotsai at $739000. y 4500 squere feet; dfreefry on of WMowcreek Counfry Club. $)500 mo. Owner Agent NO QUALIFYING! Assume low equity contract ar lease wfrh purchase option. 1965 Layton Spilt entry. Leav'ng Stale. Motivated Ownerd ft. $14,000 DOWN assumes VA loan. No qucrifty tog. 2,200 sa ft. finished 4 bdm. ran bier, all the exlrav Fabulous vtewt East Sandy toe $69,900, cofr below tnproisd. bdmv, new carpets and linoleum. Exceiient cond By owner. Call BEAUTFUL Brkk Rambler, to secluded Bennion nekftriMrhood of WEST LAS VEGAS HOME For Sde executive homev 4 bdm, 2 baths, or Trade Far Yars to Soft Lcke main loundy. Many exlrav Low Vdtey. Vi Acre, 4 Bdmv. 3b $60'v Qukk sate. Baths, 2 Flreptaces, Huge Private WeU Patio, SpO 1135.000. 7026734491 BEAUTFUL WVC 3 bdm, 1540 square ft. rambler. 2 bafhv Mato $359MO. fl. fieri loundy; pantry. wafc-t- o Unfin- ished bsrrn. Double gtr. R.V. prkg. Much more! $77,900 9642244. Branc With woodbimtog ffrepioce! New! $120 down. Gary Pc Lindsey Co. $1,000, 6 bedoom, 3 bath 2 flreptaces, Pepperwood tocaron. Jordan Contemporary $73500 Jordan rambler $60,900. Brent $600, 5 bedoom, 2 baths, 2 frpic, 6 Southeast location. Parsons & Co. FORECLOSURES West West NEAT AS A PINI 100 finished, 2 fp, coxy fom. rm., 3 bedrooms, $79,900. 57 1 6663 lorry Sandro Ballets 2858 E. WESTERLING Irg. 3 bdrm., 2 bth., socludod backyrd. Cottonwood spa. Holon Roppoport 5 WONDERFUL VICTORIAN Perfect to restore, leaded glass, corner lot. Only $99,900. 534-063- 5 Peggy Griffiths 2 ACRESLOG HOME GAR.$50'(. Terry HIN 2 RIDGECREST bdrms., new carpet Great floor coverings. 582-849- 3 Jane Bigelow On Weber River. Charm. 3 bdrm. wbsmt. partially fin. 277-379- 3 Kent Madsen 7 STEPS AWAY FROM Pork Cafe, 3 bdrm.. Stone frpic. Great area, Super Andy McNeil CLOSE IN EASTSIDE Lovely 6 bdrm. brek. wcity A mtn. views. Apprals.for $I25K. 467-356- 5 Nadine lyngle CAPE C0D$97,900 3 bdrm., 2.5 bth., main laundry. Form, dine, gor. Newer. 943-315- 0 Gale Frondsen ADD SPICE TO LIFE Move Into all the comforts. Irg. mstr. Private. $94K. Shirley Miller CONTEMPORARY$90K. A lots of trees. Mary K. Merrimon SANDY RAMBLER 3 bdrm., largo kitchen, fireploce, brick, $58,500, terms. Susan Soar! 4 UNIQUE CONTEMPOI Indoor pool Tyls location, Sm. yd., Db). gar., Shows Ilka modal. price Non Holmes ALTA HIGH $73,300 4 bed, 2 bath, Family roomGrt FHA Assume low loanl Ip., 255-758- 5 Steve HoNIday 487-506- LOCATION! LOCATIONI Wolk to everythlnal Huge lot Murray, 4 cor gar., 3 br., Br. rom 943-660- 4 Brenda Downei 467-621- $ 909 SO. lOOO E. new, 2 bd., cot Darling tage, close to U., Immaculate, All $49,500 Non Holmes 6 HARD STUFF IS DONE Eostside cotloqe, New furnace, wiring ond root, 539,900. 4 EdBelka 2 NO STAIRS CONDOI Irg. bdrm., Ill bth., Ip., wcovered patio, lorrySondra 943-496- 6 Helen Rappoport $71,800, Immaculate duplex, Good area, 2 bd., units always rented. leeUnda Coleman 942-610- 4 5 NEWER 2 BDR S X S Great rental orea, Garages, Maintenance free, $79,500. 3 larrySandro Ballets REDUCED $60,0001 Fab. 3 bdrm. unit wform. dine, Irg. kitch, tennis, pool, etc. Only used 3 times. $162,000. 7 Kevin Jenson GREAT INVESTMENT Susan Soar) Lrg $99,000. Lots $34-063- 5 WHAT A VIEWI Ready to build on this prime lot in Jordon View Estotet. 272-619- 4 SutonSoori VIEW OF CAPITOL Exclusive Zlons Summit. 1 or 2 bdrm., $92,000. TarmsI 272-683- 8 37 ACRES WITH A Waterfall, 2 dry fish ponds, IS shares water by Mt. Pleasant. 278-427- 4 Jane Mendenhall GREYSTONE Gorg. 2 bdrm. condo. In Sugar Hso. wform. dine A extras. 5 Erica Erekson DRAPER LOT Beautiful country setting In nice orea of Draper, $24,900 943-862- 8 Danllndberg BRICKYARD 3 BDRMS Groat unit In earthtones wmany upgrades. Atrium. $96,000. 7 Kevin Jensen PRIME LOCATION W. Volley office blda. on over 3 ocret of commercial Ind. fxcel exposure, area, terms. 7 KevInJenten HIGHLAND PRK. CONDO Established quiet 3 bdrm., 2 bth. unit wl 200 sq. ft. Choice area 3 Vikl lyngle 8 ACRES E.tcel. commercial prop, visibility A post, terms. Kevin Jensen WOODHOLLOW CONDO Best loc. looks over pool A golf retreat. Assumpt. $62,500. 466-870- 4 Basil Vetai 9 7 4wvA whlgh 7 MOTEL STATE ST. House In front would make great LOWEST PRICE & flexible. 2 bdrm., 3 bth., pool tennis, etc. S.E. $55,900. Gwen Bain convenience store. makes good Income. Peggy Griffith I 1 units 534-063- 5 HOLLADAY DUPLEX Excel. Side x Side 2 bdrm. uniti wfrplc. A priced to tell. $1 10K. KevInJenten CONDO'S CONDO Prowlwood Countrywoodsl 7 OFFICE BUILDING Needs work. 2 firs., owner will carry. In heart of city. Btfl, 2 bdrm., view, balcony, up. Barbara Modson CAPITOL HILL End unit, 2 bdrm., Fireplace, One corport. Upgrades, Pool, 39K 272-619- 4 38 ACRES W. SIDE Excol. commorclallndustrial prop, on 2 1 00 So. wgood terms. 7 Kevin Jansen AMERICAN TOWERS Washington woutttonding view. 14)8 sq. H'. 2 bdrms., 2 bths., unit. Air, An unbelieveable income property. In orea of other rentals. ST. MARY'SVIEW Remodel oxoc. unit wnow car-po- t, paint, etc. Shows like new. One level. SI60.500. Kevin Jansen 7 decorator 3 ABSOLUTE BESTIII VIEW OF VALLEY American Towors olegant Lincoln 2 bdrm., 2 unit. Quality thru-ou- t, bth. Southern view. THE kitchen, Seller finance. 943-496- 6 Rachael Stephens Betty June Kiley Pvt. yd. $59,900 3 BDM. S X S DUPLEX Terrific condition. Upgrades, Good rents wcashflow, $79,500 ORCHARD CONDO Choice top center unit. 2 bdrm., 2 bth., all the club amenities. 3 Joyce Edwards Condominiums 968-561- 6 277-600- 5 Fruit Heights, btfl. home. 4 bdrm., 4 bth., $50.000475.000 A SUGARHOUSE CHARM Orig. woodwork, form, dino, gar., carport, frpic. $54,500. Gwen Bain CARRIAGE LANE Ground level, No stairs, 2 bdrm.. Robin Hough 2S28 W. GAR$99,900 Holladay new kitch. A bths. 4 bdrm., moln lam. rm. A laundry. 943-- 3 1 50 Gale Frandten ncomeCommercial Shirley Miller MURRAY $47,900 Clean, cute, frpic., 2 bdrm., 2 bth., pool, 1 yr. fee paid. Gwen Bain 277-600- 5 TRIPLEX AVENUES Always rented, good Income. Best loc. A terms. $84,900. 359-612- 9 Meg Averett Park City Office (801) 649-855- 0 Commercial Office (801) 486-581- 1 A. $61,900. SUNHAVEN PER MONTH BEDROOM WITH FAMILY ROOM NEW. OXBOW REALTY one of our offices for more Informatlon'on these and otner properties'? A DECEMBER GAS BILL Ceiling, R30 Waits, 90 efficient $39.94 furnoce. Quality built. From or Peggy Griffiths marvelous 2 bdrm. Darling A spacious rms. 2 486-127- 4 466-870- 4 562-227- 520 5 Call inr to MURRAY BARGAINI din4 br., 2 cor garl Semi-forming, Family room! Great areal 4 Brenda Downes PRIVATE WTREES Atm. low H fHA, 3 bdrm. cont. by Big Cottonwood, Mn. A. rec. rm. South Valley Office (801) ANTIQUE LOVERS Old but newly remodeled. 63K, Immed. post.. Assume UH Mori. 466-870- 4 4656SycamonDrhft 277-529- 5 4 MURRAYOUIET AREA 3 bed., 2 bath, 2 fp.l $78,500, 3ar R ty, Poui, 5625556 or 16493514, REPOSSESSED WONDER Bedoom rambler, exceiient cond 2 garage. Move to for undo $1000. Just $46500. Fife & Co. Rachael Stephens 3 $47,500. TVBBQ, Jan Johnson GREAT HOME Eait loc. Apart, Great dote-ldown, 5 bdrm., 3 bth, $ 05,900. 943-090- 9 Debra Sjoblom Salt Lake Office (801) BatMVetoi assume, lorry Sandra Ballou 278-874- 9 FAMILY HOME 2 complete kitchens, 4 bd., 3 ba., 3600 Ann Sorg 4 486-127- 4 VIEW THE CITYI Immed. post., 4 level, 4 bd., Fam. rm., EZ terms, nice SE area, 99K. UNIVERSITY AREA Btfl. colonial. New kitch. A fam. rm. Hrdwd. Art. Coll utl Jim Tuttle 4 3 bdrm. homo with many extras, 3910 sq. A., Sauna A much more. 4 SutonSoori ' flteplact. Gwlg Crompton S.) EZ $52,000. Arlington HHIs rmblr. Bonk foreclosure. Need to sot quick. ' $75.0004100.000 MURRAY Nearly new, Beaut, neutralt. Seller motivated, Excel. Cond. 942-161- 5 linda Summert Emille logon fenced yard, Terry HW $100.0004150,000 Colemon S50 N. Cambridge Cir. (1300 E. 436 E. 8260 S. 4 bdrm., fam. rm., now point A carpet. Great buy. SSO's. 8 BELOW APPRAISAL Widow Creek tudor, $199,500, Irg. matter br. with wall to wall Come see the yard. WSWi6l Sprc MAKE AN OFFERI 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. Family rm., E.) New listlngl Totally redone Hrdwd. firs., btfl. decor. $139,900. Torry from $76,900 to $94,000. Top ABOVE FOOTHILL DR. Wndrfl. cuttom built brek. rmblr. wlrg. rmt., groat view!, quiet A full btmt. 0 Nodine lyngle leeUnda MEADOWS SUNBURST fenced 166,000ofTer. REDUCED 10 DAYS ONLY Bennion brkk, 4 bdmv, 3 baths rambler. 2 flreploces. wood stave, garoge $61,9& CRAIG AVERY REALTOR IN Condominiums (2050 East) 1 YALE Mog Averett Erica Erekton 12:60-5:6- 6 But now authentic Victorion wloodt of extrot. 4 bdrm., 4 bth., city viowt. S.E. $255K. 943-315- 0 Gole Frond ten 560 ( 1 Holladay. 5 Adorable home for tingle or couple. French doors. $55k. 7 OLD WORLD CHARM In JoAnno Often 485-020- 0 826 E.Yol (1080 4 teduded. $280,000. Kevin iensen Damon Gr bdrm., 3 bth., 3 frpic., $235,500. Extrot. Susan Saar! S. Newer fam. home lovely end unit, Spotless, 3br., 3 both., Fireplace, Mony 582-517- GREAT CONTEMPORARY Neor Cnyn. Rocq. club. Brff. 4 bdrm., 2 bth., gar. 277-187- 5 Gene Zenger Nadine lyngle 4885 6880 Soirtti 700 East ST. MARY'S CLASSICI Elegant French Provincial exec, ret. wall the xtrat. Very charm. No sign 3 C. N I Circle $59,500. & 3:00-5:0- 0 2:00-4:0- 0 12:30-2:3- 0 942-610- 4 E 4505 So.) posted E XCEPTIONAL bdm, formal flreptace, family rm. with wood stave, afr cond, gcroge, Woodtree OPEN HOUSES Above $150,000 letUnda Colemon TAT S E NOWfr HOME FOR SALE $',000 DOWN. Finance $54,000 Wood stave, deck, outside storoge shed, refrig.. dishwasher, 4 bedooms, 1b bams, '66 7 after 5 appraisal $55,000 TWO bedrooms, full unfinished fully fenced, landbasement, scaped Very clean. 5269 West sprlnkers, $380 bdm coil for appt. 2624614. to give you lowest a FORECLOSURE PENDING. BEAUTIFUL 6 montli ok) brldi ram-bie- r Must sell! Assume VA loan. Less In quiet Riverton 2 bath, S2J00 down. 3 than Owner buHder. Many extras, extrMeveT rock flreptace. 1,564 sq. ceptional craftsmanship. A must ft. 6377 South McDowell Court seel CaN Richer d or Bartxra, (5060 West) 2627)96. Rosse Reafty, $73,900 JUST REDUCED! 3 BEDROOMS. 3 baths, fro. family Beauttfui S bdm, 2 bath home, wfrh room 14x40. Assumctoie toon. Irg. elegant living rm; Family rm, Must see. 1472 East Gronodo flreploces, gorope. frg. yard Con(6ve0 Sa) Owner agent, Wendy venient Southeast area $7900. 5691600, Frank Kohogen R. E. area, 1150 sa , double carport fned yard, Contemporcry decor, MUST SELL 3 BEDROOM BRICK! Great home, trees, 2200 East 26ft Sa wo Mcke offer Oxbow Red 4 bdm. tamlly 4 2 bdm. rombier. Full unfinished bsmt Reduced $7,000 Great Southwest loc. Groge, fenced sprlrk. Etc $52,000 Terms) 966644 235 MAGNA AREA bedooms, garage, all (toMances. fenced yard. Poyments $300 month. Cafr Brian 250169? 2 UNUSUAL home to town, new construction, Ctoprox. East 900 Sa, buHder wfN sell tar $5,000 over actud costs. Approx. $63,000. To see call Doug 96M173. Exsale Properties VACANT $500 DOWN rep- home- Cdl owner ogent TWIN HOME WIM con- FOR SALE BY OWNER VA loan. Brkk ramAssume 9b bler, 3 bdmv, 1b baths, 2 garages. frpic. West Valiev. Karto price pos stole. Beauttfui 4 bdm. home in Hollodoy. Excellent neighborhood $125,000 tar quick sate. No ogentv 9427387. BY East locotkn conventional, home OWNER -- MOV ALE, 4 BDRM family room. 1h both, 2 car patio, fenced yard Lots of storage. Close to Elementary and Jr High. $3(500 ASSUMPTION Bdm, 2 bath, family rm. fenced yd By Valley Fair Mail Assume FHA $703 pmf $60,000 bal125 3 ar ance BY OWNER MOST 90 900 Pymtv $419 mo. at 10.5 APR. Lovely 4 bdm, 2 bath, new carpet, cppfe, carportOniy $39 950. Mark1! SI. ocre. Wos ogeal, 0 nice Dedoom rambler near Kearm Hury) BY OWNER, Vi a new home? We So. VA, troct Brkk well kept BY 4 HORSE PROPERTY Call BY OWNER sell FHA, bdm. 2 baths, kndsaped CRESCENT RIDGE ESTATES RURAL SETTING WITH URBAN LOAMENITES. EXCELLENT CATION AND FEATURES. Take 106th sa exit to 355 E. 110th Sa NO QUAIIFYING! Brand new 2 and 3 bedoom home, carried on controct directly from the bu rider! Coil tar details, Alan 5720166 Chris ASPENWOOO 5622600 10400. Ail serious offers considered Contract possftfre. Owner 'H ACRE tor to for motion. Coil Rob PROPERTY ENTERPRISES, INC CAN YOU QUALFY-7FHAVA BEAUTIFUL OQUIRRH SHADOWS 156.900 OWNER, $66,000. 9 FHA, PlTl $555 4 bdmv, 2 baths, flreptace, tumriy room, oarage fenced, i4 gioaed Inferior 1935 West 120)5 ki., Riverton. new CaM resent vorlous, locol 4 Must Mogno. Qualify LIVINGSTON REALTY 4 $1 to LEASEOPTION only $2400 ments of $500 puts you to A CHARMING ENK311SH TUDOR ITS A 10 B HOLLADAY Formal dtoing, 5 bdms. 2 baths. 2 16 car gar .$79400. Gedge 967-Boyd F Butier Realty BEAUTIFUL spocious 2 story wfrh krge bdmv and luxurious touch- CovertogAir Cond Free Bdms fuU bath, ig. kitchen g landscaped Many extras) New West Jordan Area Owner 2 BANK FORECLOSURE 1 y orw mufti level, 3 bdm 3 baths. main floor family room, over 3, 160 Far below appraised value. Excel. South East toe $93,500, tormv Quiver B Assoc CHRISTMAS STREET SPEClAl BY OWNER, $67400 1571 GLEN ARBOR, 563-- : 5141 3 SALE FELL THROUGH Before you buy, hove an expert analyze the plumbing, heating, electrical, roof, foundation, ana termites. Written report. 4672597 BEDROOM. 2 bath, 2 car garoge, Irg. fence lot, near Jordan Temno realtors. ple, $70,000. TRANSFER forces sale of 3 veer ota West Jordan rambler wtth garoge $62,500. $1,500 down; $635 mo. 10 APR. Mtn. Serf Rfty. SANDY:4bdm lh bam, gar, Price reduced $)0i00 tor quick sale. $6400 DOWN 10 FHA No Qualifying 3 Homsi for Sols bath garoge BY DRAPER HORSE PROPERTY listed. BANK REPO 4 $126,000. bdrm., 3 oaths, ail brkk rambler Full bsmt Dtl garage 9 Interest Qualifying split entry home to Dixie mart Wonl Vaftev Assume 8h last tong of this price 263-or Scott Harvey Homes for Sale 400 $139,900. BY Owner. 4 bdm rombier, 216 bath, toi. ctr gcroge. 2 frpis, good condition. Appraised $62,000. sac Good terms. 2139 W. $72J300. Ouoitorook Dr. (4790 Sa) 9644261; 9666251 loc GEORGETOWN COLONIAL St. Chariet kitchen, 9' celling! on main, library, formal living at Itt belt, $239,500. $37,400 No down. Take over payments and pay closing costs FHA 235 Twin home 3 bedooms. lh terms 2 yer old, 1600 sq. ft 3 bdm. brick rambler Many extras. $117,900. Terry GUMP & WEIRS New Listings YEARLY HEATING BILLS rR ENfRGY EFFICIENT POLAR BEAR HOMES. For inter mo- tion builders and hove spectocukr plans and buridtog sites to Sandy. bdm J941 LASTi owner wfrh neerty to West Jordan, ail LOOKING tor or 6 105 HANDYMAN SPECIAL Low down, easy terms, buys this 4 bedoom, bath home Payments under $400 Hign $40s Thermo 266 90s4 Joy s Reafty ble garoge, landscaped ond fenced Just $65,500. ke 3 CALL for detaHs and subdlviston GREAT STARTER HOME 1,400 sq. ft. finished, Taylorsville, landscaped, 3 bcfrmv, family rm. wtth frpic, double gar., $54,750. Seller wM pay points to a 10 FHA buy down. $2,500 down. $460mo. 9699643, No ogentv Hove the home of your Yearns! Brand new you pick the colors) Easy terms and payments under our unique program. Severol . Call for details. or Chris 5619906 jf L r HOOD Alta Granite BY OWNER. Cottonwood family NO QUALIFYING home necr ail schools, churches, $3,560 Down assumes 9V FHA shopping center. Fully lond 3 bdmsJ GarogefBig iofr $91 downd toon on this 1,400 sq ft, 3 bedroom scaped fen. yard Sprlrk. system. 1H years okL 2 car Wonl last! Jim Margie 2 frpis. krge master bdm. 2 Porter & Co. $640.mo. 1 bam fuH finished bsmt. FOR sale by owner. Dbi. lot. 4 $750 ASSUMES 2 HOMES 3 topics 3 family rooms, 3 2 to. DOWN car gar. Large workshop. Private 4 bdmv, 3$399 mo.2 Dose rm. West family baths, bdms lew 4 bdm, 2 bam, garoge, behind home. Stansbury storts at $550. Pymt. Valley. Shirley $363ma Larry Park. 23 ml. west of Si-- C airport. 11U 30 yr. controct. Owner Porter & Co. No traffic $130,000. ogent, Ooug HOLLADAY. 4964 Kalonl Dr. 6 MODEL HOME, Willow Creek, must 4 BEDROOMS, 215 baths, near Big Bdms 3 baths, 2 frpics modern sell, offered by owner. 4 tarnt, 4 Cottonwood Canyon. Formal dkv kitchen, frying rm, amusement bam, family rm. sun room, cusmoto floor family room and tog, tom decor, fully landscoped, rm, staraoe, 3600 sq. ft. Only loundy, dbi. garoge. Exceiient ARM assum-(toi$150400. Redwood Real Estate. fenced, bsmt. 9 view. Lots of extras! Exceiient Must Seel OR TRADE FOR DOWN AND CLOSING COST AT: REALTY AND CONSTRUCTION. toy this great 4 MMIcrsek Homes for Sale 400 WORK MUST SELL FAST! BONUS! Sandy home at East 6320 South. 4 bedroom, 2 flreploces, double garoge, large yard, deck, view AND RELAX tor 7 days to Palm Springs os a free bonus. Asking $79,900. Peter 266 4664 Mtrilyn 2023155 s Retfty 9663535 NO DOWN to $500 Cottonwool UTAH COUNTY LINE NO QUALIFYING Brand new 2 and 3 betfroom home, carried on contract dfreefry from the builder! CaM tor details, Alan 5724166 Chris 5619906 ASPENWOOO BUY ON CONTRACT NO CREDIT NO BANKS HOME 1409 SOUTH 1000 WEST 9439507 THOMPSON REAL ESTATE SALES TM oces, 4 bdm., 2 kftchens, garoge, frepkxe, krge family room krge yud, with fruit trees, $79, UX WIN consider trade tW and afters considered Moa-ct 9am.-5p.r- QUICK Cart 2h LEHl ASSUME Only 5 minutes to town from this 3 bdmv, new point, new carpet-n- ow under $50,000 Ron krwgnf $ WON'T MOTHER KNOWS BEST Shell love this brkk 4 txkm. rombier wfrh family room 2 bafhsroaroge, and RV parking Assumption or contract Only $67,500. Ruth Don Harvey Jenkins Reafty TRADE HOME Assume loan on this eostside home. 3 bdms, 2 baths, flreptace. dou- lu u. 1500 DOWN 4 Sugar House Riverton Bennion Bluff dale South Jordan both, remodeled kitchen, potto, gar. carport, many extras. $95,000. 154 saA. on each floor. 2001 Terra Undo Dr. (4400 So.) 2776202 No Agents txfrm, 2 Canyon Rim Otyumpus HHts Taylorsville Magna Hunter West Jordan INTEREST garoge, covered patio. Tiny down poyment. Choose carpet and move to. Must sell now) West Jordan. Bob, 966-0- SOUTH EAST , Granger Kearns oat PI Dwn( low SOUTH WEST HANDICAPPED SPECIAL Jordan home designed tor wheel Choir. 4,000 sa ft- wtm Vi Will horse property. consider trade. High $90s. Cheryl MiUsfream Realty LOOK! $47,900 Drastically reduced owner despar-ateBeautifully remodeled ail brkk, double carport, parklike bock yerd wtm barbecue. Close to town. 1300 sa ft. on main floor. Nor ah t C21 Realtors TRENDSETTER 3 V OWNER BY SALE HoHoday toe 10hX with $2,450 down. $4V,U0U HEATH Reafty 260 223 ? 7M NEW HOMES Qucrifty custom homes buirt to your specs or choose trom, several started Wilt trade ar carry cuntrjctv CaM Vondo agent, or kym-oge- Anxious home SALE BY JORDAN Beouttfui vourted ceilings, 3 bdmv. 2 baths, family room, frptc, ? car gar., finished bsmt., large yd h block park school. $62,400 Assume FHA So. New 2 txfrfn, garoge, $46,950 Point for down, FHAVA. Tovtorsvllle-Bermto- NEXT TO HEAVEN BEAUTIFUL UPPER SANDY home with fantastic view. 4 bdrm., 3 batos, vaulted celling, cozy family room, 2 flreploces with Insert. 100 finished to perfection wtm landscaping to match. To many benefits to lift. Priced In tow $90'v Chris Petro or 9676464 ERAVirioge Realtors REDUCED FOR Realtors. TRENDSETTER ASSOC. I QUALIFYING $15,000 ASSUMES-N6736 SOUTH 1460 WEST Cothefrai ceilings, white brick and cedar exlertor. Beautiful carpet and ifrapes, 4 txfrriv, 2 bam 2 car garoge. Covered deck. $79,900. Cali George Boyd F Butler Realty point and fuff down! NEW COUNTRY TWO STORY Sipor Energy Efficient 3 bdm. loundy, basement, gar., beauttfui unique custom od krtchen. Front Shodows. Oquirrh kmdsccptog, $1600 down, low $400 PiL MARSH ENTERPRISES $3,500 DOWN (Pont Mbs This One!) FOR see to appreciate Lkety 3 txxmv, ik burns, finished basement, sprinkling sw Many PARK Large3bdm flrepi.dri gcrage Super yd 2 partus. FHA Finunong TIME double 'garage New! $191 bsmt Bril Dean Co Porter 6h. 4 ROSE to West ne ) Odm you r wHIiog to Oonuie jor Jun, some at your time Pymts skvfrog under $500 Jay, Jtrl, 5? Owner Agent IS THE 467 4661 Must S3 $376MO. Cuddto by Are, tango Irg. living rm. 2 Drfrm. nestled to frees, Sandy of House $45,900. Rttz, $100 TO $5,000 DOWN? Receive Interest os tow os subsistence Very low payments. Many styles, 3 locations. Lots of brick. e 2 car Up to 6 brfrrr garage, no down. Great opportunity. CARLA 5614363 Glen TRADE WEST 2 10n CO 972 6002 Includes krtv Dam up to COMPANY S500 DOWN I tot $56 000 George Bovd F Butter Reuffy bdmv, CO. lOVER'S COTTAGE Mark, Anytime e All ONI LFVFl PE RFECTIY DECORATED remodeled kitchen 1A60 homemogregt ToytorsvHie brkk runkMer, 4 Ukmv, 2 2bdm 90o 562 5556, Jeff. or $66 ea Only 6 pi Luge burtis temriy room Oxbow Reafty Low down, tow rates, tow p kev For more tntor manor cull Woyne at & Assoc G Middletons 9 ond carpeted V OVERPAYMENTS By Owner, No Dual tty tog Reasonable offer down puts you In mis Immoc Taylorsville home. Low monthly poyments. For more Info., coll nome, wonderfully decorated' Draped Homei for Sole 400 SQ ft CASH BUYS NOW mom QUIET family neighborhood, floor fomrty room, bay windows. 3 txfrmv, h baths, fireplace, patio. 2 cor garoge Open Sot 6. Sun. pm. or by appt 601 E. Taro Clr, (7050 So.) Colvin Brody TAKE voulted ceUIngs. 144,250. Call Peggy, CARLI & bdrms Brod, NO QUALIFYING 2 3 2100 SOUTH Glendale I Co throughout Big family-sizcozy Itvig rm., 2 txtm., Furtbsmt Only $47,70b car garage. Ivorv And Compony bedrooms. 1,276 square feet H.000 to M.750 down. New 00k $500 DOWN Twocor goroge EAST CENTRAL Foothill Indian Hills St. Marys Hills WEST CENTRAL Dosemenk down! Chris $172 O REDUCED tor quick sole1 3 year old home with great mounton view Beautifully decor, wtm woipcper and minutes from this 3 beefroom, new lewef. Brand newt Pick colors! Above to with as little as $ 1,000 down. Don't miss mis opportunity Forget throwing your money owoy with rent Call Alan 5720166 ASPENWOOQ 2615400 fun bdm.. garogel Mke Porter Is ERA SWALLOW 13th SOUTH $500 CANYON EMIGRATION Ant 500 DOWN MLAFORD GREATLY HERCULES Uke Realty TrMevet wtm REALTY WORLD ALDER, WALLACE, INC REALTORS REPO'S new or fixer uppers. Priced to sell Coil todoy to make sure you pet me one you Ike. RoO-e- areas, Ross Park C19 196 19, I sum clot mg cxnV vauvit 3 txnenierft. drtt guruue Int bco. 9641)4 Duws, North Crest Avenues Federal Hetghts Sunday, January Homes for Sale 400 4xuer, ?7 IvU NORTH EAST NORTH WEST 2 Xd, utu rm.. Lunftoct tanuiy joraun. Uwnw ONLYll $373 MONTH! 3 12; REDUCED $ 10 Salt Lake City pur (jye 4ievet4(Mm 7 bum a fenetd, fange trftig, poo tate Ddvtk County Line North thru Famwigtun est 755 Tovtorsvihe Bennion parking Beautifully decorated and kmoscoped, FHA ossumaote low interest loon. $79,900 566 3 211 Wood Cross Bountiful DAVIS COUNTY LINE area, boms, boms, tormai Cknmg, earing area, (tot pm aye, cent! ai air, spr tnk ting yv, and k V BACEC LOP S ESCAPE V39 900 or 2 txkm and ready to move In Small yard plus close to town, Judy or Ganlele YouLl FEEL LIKE A LAND BARON On this acre horse property-- 3 txfrms, 2 bam brick rampter Room tor horses and growing tamlly 578JOO Carolyn Or Kathy WHAT A DEAL! 173,795 23 16 sq. ft of famWy living In 2 bams, walkout entrance flreptoce, formal dining. Dee or Rick K'J'JMwvwal j to 5 oeooom HOT through out vaitev I'M non 1 107, 0 up to 126,000 oetow a4XOisol Afto lever at invest ment properties All distress priced with excellent terms. 4 ARE a Cntrvill 2 Bountiful and Farmington City al curntiy rented F HA 3 W'I lYeptace, 'fioh Len Farmington SOUTH DAVIS down. Assume I0,0U0 $ RAMBLER, to v, mme vallev Se 0363 ewev F0REG0SURES AW $JU0 BANK REPOS tvergi foreclosed praperfles Govt, private jnd As tow os down, $35,000 to $500,000 Call ten hi-f- i ft DougO 942 5722 tarn, bowne terms any oat noquafffving. 363 So Ask tor Roy 9o6 9925 2 STORY sandy Ut Deal STOP THE BAN ER Beautiful 5 ourn, J oom. Kitchens, J frpttv, brick romwer ht Compwfeiy tented t cur healed gauge wm opener 43. 26JI j kem gteage, man, Wulll, sectelty system, Apwatsed 5235,000 re- - . Homes for Sole 400 for Sole me, bo custom txjtft home, h xm st A, b uss, petto windows, nLh, 0Hkk Must SU basement, fenced, tonoMoued yurd, rtee fmtaiy hood horn MAK.6 400-Ho- lW'JfrRf0 MIDOL6 $50$ ASSUMPTION SUPtS for Sole me, I |