OCR Text |
Show Autoi for Sal 900 5000 1 T . 4 9 IMjrt very wycx Loaded equ. PONTIAC 13 OKiA $ 95 allRPO TR'yjrS so WiMjo ;?oo PONTIAC 4000 loaded, mi , excellent mnd, cuM 13 UJ00 AulREC BUICIf 144 NESr 7300 83 CMC TRtjCKS SO 83 PONTIAC 4000 LE ioodedl Musi seill Seiow wholesale dock. lE, v. cruise. or, Good conamon. ar AWO 4 OR 0 0 pjto excellent cond, 14, '28 MODEL Best otter A. restored Partially 70 BOSS 302 MUSTANG. Desperate! Must sell. 16,500 after '65 MUSTANG COLLECTOR Car Ford Totrtod drive 8 15,000, 68 COoGAR. Completely Beauftful. 1200 ar best. restored 66 CLASSIC BMC OWNER t CHEVROLET 2 Coach. Cat x en 8 Bonnie jock son 31 '60 OOOGE Seneca miles. Always 1500 actual garaggl 66 Se 2625881 ctrome l or, flit, W otter, 2 L., NEW a . jr dr 12,150. PONTIAC Firebrd, auto, am-fradto, air, Immaculate. See to lieve! $4,411 Ask far Mont Mark MHter Pontiac. FireOird SE, low cond., 16100, ask for Wes. miles, excellent or ROMEO 10 BONNEVILLE Broutfiam, VI. aN power. 60100ml 12,991 '80 PHOENIX. Beautiful and eco4600 So. State nomical. Bloch with tan Inf. Power door pwr. 79 spd at, red E, beaufttU. 78 BMW 3201, 7 BMW 3201, 190 80 MGB Overcrtve. Low miles. Snow tires, very mce condition. Lost year moae. Collectors item. dir 13,491 74 dir thm 16850. St. front wheel auto, ar, 12,991 DLR 75 FIREBIRD. PowerhH 79 403 d engine. Lots at rubber, locking wheels, 100 watt Alpine stereo. Needs shocks and smdl amount of body work. 12,500 16 PORSCHE 944 Turbo. Loaded! Factory warr. Low me, 121,900. 15 PORSCHE 91 CarTtra Cpe. Extras! Factory warr, $32,900. Exceptional U.S. Cars Only BiH Heimes 15 PORSCHE 944. Low miles. Factory Warranty. STRONG PORSCHE AUQ1 '85 PORSCHE 944's. Several colors. 266-003- 3 Doug wh. 76 MERCEDES M0 sedan, knmocu-lat-a car, wnita flmsn and fully equipped very tow mHey $8,49$. 186. $3,000 down $390 mg 12 PORSCHE 928$, 3,000 ml Mint, condhon. Cust. wheetv 5331041 ar cond, '69 AUSTIN America Great car. Ccrs Tires Hke new! AN original equto-$4010 PONTIAC Firebird Excellent or best offer. 11 PORSOE 911 TARGA. Wine red cond. loaded with extros. 15 CHEVY Corvette, Red power AN Opftonsl $3Q,900Qffer RedS3,49S. 4864794 dfr. door locks, and seats. Defroster, 10 PONTIAC Sortord 4 spd. red Imis Bose cruise, Delco, stereo, leatter 10 PORSCHE 924 Trta This o must see Hem. Sieve Harris inv maculate. Low mL $1,900 ar best seats, glass root. 4 speed overotr. Financing aval Or. ports, 808 South Main, dive. Less than 500 mHes. New d car slicker $29,101. BEST OFFER 79 PORSCHE 921 Peiro Blue. 4200 10 PONTIAC Formula l aula, or Evenings new stereo. Trades weF mL Star Cond HIOOBest Forshee Auto Saits come. Arrow, Dir. Jerry EVERY 10 SONBffO, 4 spd, p. low mL, 15 CORVETTE; 78 PORSOC 921. pecrl, air, auto, OPTION! brown. 5JOO mi. immacuoRe cond, 13,100 or otter $12,900ofter 56 collect or 75 PORSCHE 914. White. Good '15 CORVETTE. Black. Glass tap. 1979 PONTIAC PHOENIX. 17 shape Best offer. After 5, Bose sound syv, leather, knmac. sharp, low miles. ONLY 11 195. 73 PORSCHE 914. Must seU this $21,000. S3rd Motors, week. STREAT0R CHEVRCHET 14 CORVETTE, excellent cond, MAIN AT 5TH SOUTH 70 PORSCHE 91 E, excellent cond must sen. Jenny reav offers considered 14 CORVETTE, low miiev glass top. 13 SAAB 900 air, 5 spd. Alpine Leather. Sac $16,875! 79 PONTIAC Trans Am, 61 litre red Must seiM$65 eng, auto, 13,491 566 6063 DLR 13 Z2I Camara AN exlrasi 5 spd, 16 TOYOTA COROLLA GTS, $ Spd, Must seN! excellent cond 71 PONTIAC Grand Prlx. Owner, My loaded No mNev Brand new. Block. Air. Must sen Matt air, p&, p.y 7400 mL Good cond 13 Best otter . 29,000 mllev $6,491 12 TOYOTA Sicra loaded, 48,000 12 CAMARO, air, cruise, auto, tope, 71 PONTIAC FREBKO, ml CaN V6. excellent cond. $6,000. ABSOLUTELY TOP tONDTHON. 79 TRIUMPH Spiffre. good cond, 11344 Trent Drive ONLY 11,795. tow ml $2800. 71 PONTIAC Trans Am. 403 cu.irv, 4 12 Z28 CAMARO loaded with 79 TRIUMPH Spitfire, tow mL, excel-leMust see. $9500, Grea spd, new red paM, roddv cond $300offer Dir. 1395. Arrow, ' 74 TR6. Factory hardtop. Good 10 CAMARO Z28, cherry, tow Scondtoon. $3,000. loaded $6300, 78 TRANS AM. Nice COT. Only 13391 '10 71 TRIUMPH TR6, compiete overCORVETTE, low mileoge, dL hauled eng. overdive Irony, runs excellent cond, av, power d. great, $4,000 besf offer, 77 GRAND PRiX, new Irons, and locks, pd, rear window defroster, tot whL cruise coni- - AM-Ftires. Excellent cond 11,300 ar (gw '68 TR2S0, complete restoration. oct. CaH best otter. or 47,000 ml deck, cond, Many detaHy Must sed otter 6 p.m. weekdays; 77 PONTIAC PHOENIX, 2 9. White 10 JETT A. NICE! Excellent cond, anytime weekend vinyl top. Red A real beauty! Mag new snow fires, amfm easy, wheels, auto, sound sw Only sportyroomy. 4900 mi. 11,195 or otter. PL 1123. 77 CORVETTE Nice ar. Must see. 10 VW SCKROCO. New Ermine. 77 PONTIAC GRAND SAFARI Good Condition. $4,300. 4671169 Only $5991 J. WAGON, mfltt Otterl 77 CORVETTE, 4 spd, LI2 engine, 76 FREBfiD Esprit rebuilt 400 eng, AMFM cass. Excellent cond Red new rimsradal tires, amfm with red Int. $7,650. WRIGHT CHECKED USED CARS cass 12300best otter. No calls on AND TRUCKS 77 CORVETTE Stingray, winter 9 Sun. time sale! $7,000 or offer. Ofr. 1982 MAZDA R X7. Famous 75 FREBtfD Fcrmuto. amtm with qir conditioned performance storea li5Q. 4854205 comfort. Sunroof. NOW ONLY 77 CORVETTE, less motor and 75 PONTIAC Trans Am, new engkv $7499. $3J00rW-191, dr. irony, Irons. tires rims point. Kenwood stereo, ashing 13500best 76 CORVETTE Needs minor repair. OWEN WRIGHT INC 7200 So. $3991 Otter. Caff Kevin rft. 5, d Freeway Exit. 75 CORVETTE. 4 speed, rebuilt 13 280ZX $ spd 74 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX goto, looded, Great sh&e! AbsfthJteiy dfr. engine. Ofr, $8,795, must 2771087 sed $4,700. 73 PONTIAC J2000, air, pd, Aexcei. condition, best otter, 75 CORVETTE. Origin. mech. $5A00offer. aN CORVETTE 70 73 PONTIAC LeMany New tires. Roadster, orlg tow ml, excellent cond H. Needs point. 1375. 15 ALFA ROMEO GTV6, 5 spd 70 CATALINA. Blue. New radtoH. CORVETTE HEADQUARTERS Looded Under 5.000 mi. Was No rust. Low mHes! 1495. Ifrd St. $20,000 new; sooiflct, I15J45 v Motors, ar J - 0 excel, sunroof, BBS wneers. Must sell! $7,200 offer 74 MERCEDES 2400, $4,900 OR OFFER. GREAT SHAPE. new paint. 73 MERCEDES 450 or $16,900. 73 MERCEDES 280. work. Mcfte offer. 72 MERCEDES seHl offer 6 200S. 0 Foreign Cars art, wAdyy '69 RAMBLER Wagon. 6 cyi, excellent transport. $450. otter. offer. DL1 22. NISSAN 300ZX, auto, Looded Bright red Super nice! Sacrifice, $12,29$ or offer. OLl 121 300ZX Turbo, 5 ipd, leafher, dgitoL Low mL Super nice Dark yoy. $14,475 or offer. DLU72. NISSAN 14 NISSAN 300ZX turbo. Loaded 5 twtch-boc-h 10 SAAB 900 Tixtto 5 excellent condtton Strong spd. Lit new! Sacrifice, 512,995 or offer. DL 1)22. PorscheAudl 15 SPRINT deluxe. 6100 mHes, '$3 DATSUN 280ZX rew light blue auto 50 mpg. As new. Rear detoo. paint, auto, bra, tow ml, asking tow book. $9400. wiper wash. 2 tone. Cost $7,500 new, sen for $5,800. 12 280ZX Tirbo, block, has everyt11 TOYOTA Tercel, FWD, 3 door hing! Leather Int., Immocutato. $10,300 or best offer. hotahbock, Sspd$3,29li8-2101- . 76 VOLAR! WAGON. Afr, p.y, pi) 12 DATSUN 780ZX Tibd Auto, dfr, .loaded 51,530QFFER WAS $1075 MOW $975 WHOLESALE TO THE PUBLIC Mentove Bountiful ALL TRADES OPEN 122. 261 Must M5, BounttM, auto, 14 14 REPOSSESSED! '67 COUGAR: $500 or best ROC, Intaridte Thrift: CHEVR01ET 9691221 offer get a FREE 3 year or 50,000 warranty with your purchase regtrdtoss of the price. Do you mtie 84 CRX: AiR. Wheels, stereofrpe, Oeani Cruise. $6775. dl 16 NISSAN Stanza Wagon. Blue, ar, ALL MOOELS IN STOCK WE ARE DEALING $9,095 8 Cali: 11 PEUGEOT Sunrf. At, 5 13 AUDI 5000$ TURBO. toHy looded $8691 Sd Main St. 13 AUDI 5000 Turbo, Loaded ded. Must sell. P71212. PEUGEOT NISSAN Sentra Deluxe. 4 door. 1,000 ml. $6,900 or offer. 15 NISSAN Maxima SE. Sliver. Mint condWon. $11,795. CaH '84 NISSAN 200SX XE coupe. Auto, air, cruise, mags, amfm plus more. MINT. Bank Repo. Priced to sen. $7,550. wkdw 84 NISSAN Sentra, 2 ., sedav Great economy. Go to the snow. $5,118. CLARK Buick Nissan BMW GMC. Woods Cross Exit on 3 M5, Bounftajl, '84 NISSAN Sentra 2 door, deluxe. Air, 5 spd, low mllev $5,588. CLARK Bukk Nissan BMW GMC, Bountt-to- i, Woods Cross Exit on CUNE'S 4600 So. State 79 AUDI 5000$ fuel tolly loaded! Sa Moin St. 15 tor $4,300. 17 DATSUN seN or frode. 14 Chev Covafter. Low low mHes excel cond, extras! Must 13 Pont ReHant Wagon. At 13,795 79 AUDI 5000. Owned by mechanic sell. 58,495. 12 Nhsai Stanza Ar, 4 door. $3,Ju0 $2,500. Lfhboch. CeHco 78 Toyota $2,495 11 DATSUN 280ZX 11 Chev Caprice EST Wagon wmer Excellent 78 AUOI Fox. outo, oir, looded xffth low. low ml 13 Monto Colo, cond Ak, sunroof Exiro clean. $7444. 1155 So. Main St. Loaded 9 passanger. Only $3,790 13J300 or offer 11 OATSUN 780 lA 2 Phil 2 GL. 3950 South Stale. Di 78 AtCX 5000S sun roof, Must sell $2000 betow book $200 WSL GET YOU A CAR omfm cosy, fuel Injec value. LAKES 1NQ250 So State 76 AUDI 100 LI 4 spd Good cond 11 DATSUN 780ZX tow mi 22, SAVE SAVE SAVE $1,000. cond CaH Toad 11 CADILLAC Eldorodo. below 74 AUDI 100 LS, 4 sedan. looded, whotosoio booh $7,495. 5?) 0340 d 80 DATSUN 780 Z. Exiro clean, very good cond very nice car. Only $5591 72 CHALLENGER RT 340. '63 PlymAuto, tow ml $2,000 OLR outh Belvedere, factory 4 spd, IS BMW 635 csl Ike new, looded, 80 DATSUN 280 ZX, looded. 51,000 new motor. factory warranty Dove Strong mllev Desperate $4,991 Firm. Porsche Audl Mtctael 15 BMW 7351 5 spd, European eng., 79 280ZX, 5 spd., oir, silver block, sunroof, loaded 7,000 ml. 5 yr. mint, must sell by 50,000 mllev warr. Ken, 79 780Z X, 2 plus 2, excel corykhon RARE CARS! Excellent Condtton BMW 3111, Bronjfte beige. 9,500 '85 15,000 ml oshlng $500, 26M77$ 58 OLDS SlfrER II $2450 ml., easy, 5 speed, '64 RfVERA $3,100 79 DATSUN 780Z. Only $4491 off 6. Cota '60 CHRYSLER 4 Dr. Windsor $2,000 DLR IS BMW 37SE. 4 4 No down. 79 DATSUN 280Z X, 7plus2, owner, lease '67 FNEBKD 400 with ram oh 4 excellent cond $3,300. 15 BMW 5351. Dolphin pev, Beige heads, E debrock and 650 CFM 79 2 DATSUN 780 ZX 2 knmocutata-OuIctoother. on Hohy. 4J3 posi. TA rodtah $6,100 or best offer center line mags. $2,300' best of15 BMW 578 Auto. BroniH. leather. 71 DATSUN 780Z Excel. CVto. Must fer low ml $19,000 sen $3,700 3 '52 OCV, plchio, 350 cu. In Auto '84 BMW 3181, Bronze with charcoal p.y Custom wheeH, stain, 76 DATSUN 2807 coupe, 4 kit.. S spd, sunroof. Mckr offer spd, 0r less visor and more. Needs to be CoH NfcXl, Top cond Runs perfect) Only finished Must sell. $,700offer. $3,395 or offer. PL 1172. '84 BMW 4 ipd, 289 65 MUSTANG Cote eng. Restored New expensive point ob. Much much work done Gorgeous. 84,WSoftor All CLASSIC '54 Chev h ton pch-t- . original! Over foods, rebuilt engine Solid body fncl. floorboard. No dentsl Best otter. THUNDER BIRD 4 door Excel Cailtornio car All repoh records, driven dolly. 1300. '55 CHRYSLER Imperial Crown, Heml engine, pwr windows, pwr seats. Coil Wes wh dovs Shorp $2,025 '74 DATSUN 260 $6,295. '84 Alliance. $3,995. dfr. AMFM, ak, 4 door. 12 RENAULT Le Car. Silver, sunroof, stereo, 31,000 mi. DESPERATE $3,000. SheHey 76 RENAULT Gordin! Convert. 84 RENAULT NISSAN Power wtndowv Stanza, doary amfm cosy Aitov whlv, mint cond $7,900. 14 NISSAN 200SX. Loaded Mint cond., 9.500 miles. $7,950. Must 13 OATSUN Maxima, priced to seH tost. Loaded and to great shape. Stave at or eve. 13 DATSUN Senfras' 20 to choose from. Starting at $2,999. 1200 Sa comptotaatarm system and radar detador, must seH knmed $ 1,995 ar best offer, mark MILLER 3734 Sa State, 13 SAAB 900 Ttrbo, exceftent cond Priced to seiN 3 fr, 5 spd, ar, amfm easy, sunroof, many Must see to cnreciata 1! CaN evev, 2654994. 13 SAAB 900 TURBO Leather poefcoge. CaH SAAB Tixbo. 3 ik, aH opftany 12 gaugey rodkxs wd snow tfrev 70400 mL $M00. CaN Leah days evev 12 SAAB 900- - AN Exfrav $600, 13 MAXIMA 4 fr. 77 M0 mi. Looded 8 Sunroof, $6,99Sofftr. 13 MAXIMA 4 door, auto ACOND. Must NISSAN seH. Kothy STANZA 4 door. Auto Irony, air cond, stereo. WAS $6,995 NOW $5,975 Mentove Bountiful '83 NISSAN Sentra wgn. 5 spd Amfm. Great ml $4,49$ 12 OATSUN 280ZX Turbo. Auto Leafher. Excellent cond, or 12 SAAB Tirbo, 3 frY 45400 mL, air, Noon to 9 pm., 10 SAAB Tixbo 4 (k. 61,000 ml, many exfray ExceNent cond $4400. Cot Sieve CoH STRONG PORSCHEAUOI 12 DATSUN 280 ZX. knmocuiato cond 11J00 mHes, outo., leather tot, ok, Looded Must see to appreciate. $1,300. 12 DATSUN Senfro wagon. 5 spd, 10 SAAB 900 Tirbo. Check this one out. $5,450 $3400- SAAB" 25M793 12 DATSUN 200 $X. hqtcttaocfc. Good cond. low mitov T (Along bids. Sid ot 12 DATSUN 280 ZX. 5 spd. leather, Block and Silver. $7,950 or Authorized Sotos. Service 4 Paris GARFF MOTOR CENTER 575 So. State or $1,500 HAQObest otter 254- - 7 334 ton and ports hutk, dump (tuck. 1W 67 Gt dnnr prrwl r I U eng DATSuir?40Zrouto7AMFM sNvpl $2,375 New point Extra offer Dl 1172 Or NISSAN Phone WANTED 73 7 402, ok, mags, rebuilt some rust $1,600 73 DATSUN 7402 'Mechcrtc's sole brecfti. Bestofter 70 FL CAMINO TRUCK J96, OUto, excellent cond Me otter. '48 Rf O '45 Chev or 73 or Tempest.pas-enoe- ond ren quarter 300ZX 13 BMW $11,000 3701. CoH frode leave message Excellent Mke 13 BMW 3201, excellent cond., ml., sunroof, 5 spd, oir, snow fkev ATrbo"T 4 5 Spd. 19400 mitoy $6250. NATE WADE SUBARU 1300 Sa Main I DL 14 SUBARU 4x4, hxbo, station wop-o- luoded with equipment, sacrifice. MARK M8.LER SUBARU, 3734 Sa State, 14 SUBARU GL 4X4, 4 door, afr, outo, cruise, sunroof and more. $7,995. 278-- lfro pm. 14 SUBARU Brat, 4 wheel Ofr, 4 shell. $7,200. spd, SUBARU BRAT GL, 4x4, only 8,000 mHey new, $6,295. 14 SUBARU wogon. 4x4. GL, air, tow dfr. ml., only $7,365, 13 SUBARU WAGON GL 4X4 Excellent cond 20,000 mL, air AM-Fski rocky $7,200. off 6 14 13 SUBARU GL 4 wheel fr. Wagon. Loaded, low miles. $6,195. offer 8 OL 13 SUBARU GL 4x4 wagon, tap COnd, warranty $6,750. 13 SUBARU DL, 4 k, S ipd, dean. 10 DATSUN 2807 GL, oir, S Spd, runs great. $4M. CLARK Bukk $3,995 or offer. Nissan BMW GMC, Woods Cross Exit on MS, Bountiful, ok, stereo tape, 0 DATSUN must seH, $2,49$. MARK MILLER SUBARU, 37j4 Sa State, 10 DATSUN $10 WAGON. Luggage rock, new snow to es, stereo easy Great cond H.9Q0 Evev 10 DATSUN 2)0 DX, $ spd, good cond deon, S2,7QOoffer, 79 DATSUN 2I0ZX. 5 Spd new toes, owner, $4,795. THANK IN 1985 ThM Cart Mutt Gol 82 PEUGEOT WGN 5,295 5,699 QUANTUM VW NATE WADE SUBARU WGN. RAB8IT 5,795 7,295 YU FOR MAKING US MUST SELL! THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS AND THE OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE YOU AND FOR MAKING 1985 A SUPER YEAR, OUR GOAL IS TO CONTINUE TO DO OUR BEST BY MAKING YOU THE BEST DEAL AND MOST IMPORTANT BEING OF SERVICE TO YOU AFTER YOUR PURCHASE. 82 MAZDA RX7 30JXX) 13 BMW 374 looded MaMoffw 546 1042 (Vtoy 13 SUBARU, 3734 $1400- DU172. 84 MLLER 14 SUBARU GL, 4 fr, 11 DATSUN 310 GX $4,000 or Offer. to. BMW E xceitonl condition. ophons Ser tous c4h only or ) $28 0 Selling VxrN Ca o XX) Z X with and leather tor only $281 o month plus 17 BMW. Champagne color $10,500 or best offer Office 778 4641. tax, based on o 60 mo confroct VtoortSKkial of $6,47465 Can Bin home Brew8oveJ6? 552 II BMW 7)J Excellent cond Must sen M4e offer 7 4 260 7. new nrkofs, point, mogs, 377 5)15 auto, $1,99$ 80 BMW 5781, 4 spd, aH options, 14 IXXGf DA V TON $877$ I eolher NATF WADE SUBARU tot, tonrtedl tow mllev $899$ offer. 1)00 So Mato o, MARK Sa State, 15 SUBARU GL Sto wga. 5 yexr fuH warranty. Loaded 1,100 mNev 10 DATSUN 700SX Matchbock, SL pkg., 5 spd New point. Looks and runs great! $2,645 or offer. cond or 13 BMW 5331, mint cond, chrome wheels. $11,500 4 13 BMW J704 Must sell $9,499 firm AM lease NATE WADE SUBARU 1300 Sa Main 15 SUBARU Wagony 4x4's, 2 to Choose from. Storting $1,495. 11 DATSUN 200 SX, blue mefrtile, tow mileoge. Must sell, moving over seqy Offer. NATE IVADE SUBAMI '82 SAAB TURBO C0il$AA-94- Amer 15 SUBARU Turbo, 4x4, RX package, 5 spd, dean, $tOJOQ. 5 spdak, low mitov 4 or. hofchbock, runs great, ,980 or best offer. 12 SENTRA (?) 4 door. $4,481 BMW OF MURRAY VW 7 85 SUBARU 4x4, 6 cyiH hb, afr only 10,000 miles, excellent cond. $8x95. NATE WADE SUBARU 1300 Sa Moin 12 NISSAN Stanza 82 CaN 77 SAAB 99 GL. $2400offer. 2 door. 4 speed Stereo, nice interior and or 7 body cond 12 DATSUN 200SX, excellent cond Low mitov New tfrev Loaded Offer. OL 78 SAAB Tirba Sferpest 78 to town! Steel gray, wool seotv air, sun roof, low mitov $3995. NATE WADE SUBARU 1300 Sa Main with extras! Wm. 3 door, starea 3J00 mHev $11,750. 14 SAAB 900$, sunroof, 21,000 ml, (DLR) 13 DATSUN Nissan Sentra silver, excel, condtaa $3,991 13 DATSUN 200SX, $6,188. BMW OF MURRAY 13 seH. IS SAAB 900 State. 41 the block. leather '84 RENAULT FUEGO TURBO. showroom condition. $4995. 1155 So. Main St. Dl. Z, no rust, '65 MUSTANG COUPF,'?89 outo Runs veot 12,000 or best offer week dovs after 5 pm 35 FORD Ponne Delivery bunt 1UJOO No the filchers or B V CSJ mitov $73,450. Consider Dll 172 1967 '56 CHEVY Panel Wagon, new starter, generator 633 76 DATSUN 280 Z loaded! good cond options. Excellent cond wm or 261)9)6 sacrifice $2500 best offer '84 BMW 7331 LOADED! M4e Offer 75 DATSUN 780 Z Mags, Air or Assume Lease New Point First $1,600 BMW 7451 Tirbo, btocfc beige 74 DATSUN 2607 coupe, 4 spd, oir, 13leather wire whls New point, frlro looded, under 20,000 91 aN 14 NISSAN PULSAR. Very nice. 0 Sporty! Lke new. Low ml mpg Hardship must sen now and, 10 AUDI 5000$. Tan. Used as business car. 51,000 mllev Michelle: 12 STANZA, excel. Must sacrifice. Asking $5,000 or offer. 53,000offer or frode? 2 10 AUDI 5,000 S. beautiful beige, 11 780ZX TURBO Very clean. $7,495 auto Irons., and Is looded Yost's DL 80 AUDI 5000$. Auto, excellent corv dtaon. $3r500 Quick sole. 79 AUDI 5000$ outo. ok. loaded! less than 42,000 miles. $3311 1155 So. Moto St. equipped fuHy stereo, afr, 14 NISSAN Senfro Wagon, air Hit, cruise, stereo. WAS $6,995 NOW $5,975 Mentove Bounftfti off inieettoa $5551 ml., or PORSCHE Executive Orrera, 12 NISSAN Stanza 4 door, auto, ak, cruise, nice. $3,995. Warranty. 1155 SAPPORO-to- S2J95. intarwr, afcov wheels, sunroof, alarm system, pulsar telephone. Extended wan'ontae. Priced to seW In the SJO v For addtHonai info and demonstration caff Leon or after 5 p.m. RENAULT ENCORE 15 air. stareo, Hke new! $4666. 1)55 Sa Moln St. 1155 11 $4,950. $9,995. NISSAN STANZA front whi cfrlve, new snow tfrev Excellent cond S3700.bost offer. Stave WM Ttfbo Diesel 50SS spd Wos cond. saertflee, OREM 96 WEST CENTER TOLL FREE 85 NISSAN 2005 X hdtp. EX pfcd, dlgftai, 5 spd, AMFM easy, power steer. windows, air, mags, sunDL1122. HONDA ACADEMY pm 12 44JM0 mi. Offer. good Bv- - ONLY AT 351 14 AUDI 4000$. Excellent cond Runs Authorized Sates and Service Merrill Bean Chevrotot-imporWaH Ave-- , Ogden 12 DATSUN 200 SX wholesale QL priced 61 FKEBtftD. Excellent condtton '15 AUDI 5000 auto, sun root, 10,000 12 DATSUN Maxima, loaded! Must Coil tljOO. ml. lie new! $1600. 15 NISSAN. Desperate student! Must 2 see to believe! '68 PONTIAC GTO. Classic! Good sel Pay oft or best offer. Let's 15 AUDI 4000S, warr, JXO mi, lie 12 NISSAN Stanza 2 door, omfm, shape. See to appreciate. WM tod. Cdl new, $13,500. 537 10 12 or 266-- 179. ak, 5 spd. Looks Ike new $3J95. deal 2614950 or evtnings 14 DATSUN 200 SX All option, tow 14 AUDI 5000 Wgn. Lit new. Sac 7 PONTIAC TRANS AMS ml payoff loon. 94: 35 a; FQRSFE AUTO. SALES $1350. We hove 2 1982 Trans Ams: Cross-lir- e NISSAN 300ZX, TtrtO, tow mNev 14 AlXX 5000 S, $1 1.700. 5 spd, roof. 12 NISSAN Stanzo 4 doer, 5 spd, ak, auto, mags, 14 4 cylnewf nice. - omfm, sunroof, Why buy Super Chuck. cruise, plus morel Bar repo. pi, or evev $3,995. $14,911 CLARK Bukk Nissan Priced to set 16,500 each. BMW GMC. Woods Cross Exit on 14 AUDI 5000 S. Looded Low mNev FQRSFCE AUTO. SALES GUS PAU10S 3750 W. 3500 1 eng. 3535 Mechanics Special new; Needs MERCEDES-BEN- $2,900. roof. Showroom restored, MUST SACRIFICE BEST '68 MERCEDES. gain. $1,075. 73 BMW Bavaria Very clean. Good condftlon. Sunroof, air, AMFM easy, auto 73 BMW 2002, good cond, $1,300. 71 BMW SL. 250. SELL NOW!! OFFER. Sheri 75 BMW 10 SI, new point, rebuilt Irony, sunroof. Offer 74 BMW 2002. Very nice. Runs Must 2773 Mercury, Sa Mom, Bfflf), 76 MERCEDES 280. Like new appearance! New Michel in rodlary Ar etec winaowy Beauttfui ax! 77 BMW 630 csl. 50,000 mi. outo. Must sotTtflce. $9,900 firm 76 BMW 5X1. Browntan nt. $4,000. Nice car reouilt engine, no rust. Kedh 9 am. to S p.m. 76 BMW 2002, very dem. orlg. paint, no rust low ml., root good runner, $4,645 offer yeat. Lincoln Bounrttui 7 15 Beauft-fli- Cdrtoiet. Loaded 91 auto, $4,850. shape, $4800. and weekenav very sharp, tow ml sun roof, stereo, $5,600, 71 BMW 5301. All aphony Good cond Must sell. $4,500. 77 BMW 5301. 4 speed toother, or, 0 hm. 13 PORSCHE locks, auto. Kings 3201, SE. $9,500 280 rir rA-- shepe Randy dl Storks, 77 MERCEDES CALL $8,900. 484-- 8 Block bKxk. 450 SL. One owner. Loaded. U23 $6,400. offer extras. 13 PORSCHE 911 SC, 13,000 mlev Gold leather Inter. Assume lease $387 ma 48 monthv $3,500 down. WIN carry to qualified buyer. fflt Bctoted d 1092, 78 MERCEDES OlR 14 PORSCHE 928. Spodessl 130,900. (MS windows, wheel, EXCELLENT 254-- 6 64 118,900. '84 PORSCHE 944. Lots of Excellent condMon. STRONG PORSCHEAUOI ALFA 79 BMW 5281 Excellent cond auto., (rather New alloy wheets Mlcne-Ho- y low mi. S.WO. 79 BMW 5281. Great car, every ex- - 3201. New dash $19,900, old dash be- BMW 321 Unique European, cyl. Showroom cond CSi Atono 80 BMW Becarros, 50,300 mi. fra $3,900. ce 6 364-- sunroof. 7V3D, 79 naERCEDES 450bEL, brown. new. $1700 ar best afr Traoes Dfr weicome Arrow, 79 MERCEDES 50 SLC Looaedl $2,UO0 down $250 ma 777 4)5019 71 MERCEDES 450 SEL. Silver black mtertur Looaed $15 950. Extra nice. Randy Stocky 159-- ? 78 BMW Mom Also 72 80 tost, 320, XWSD Turbo 79 Charged SaCRiFuE kT liO.taue Looded Good cond 3201. a best offer U(UM ml.. XWO, 74- 79 BMW loaded TRUCKS Sports Cars BMW Fortign Car 1 1 ?4 must eH I D,) 79 VMLRCEDfcS 450 SL. Sliver btue rnienar S5M0 mttov uouued FL Rundy stocky naming M - BMW 7331 Auto, loaded knmac-uiuiMust setf $ 2, too ur best jftor Arrow, Ok 80 BMW 7331. 59 J00 mikev Perfect snepe Betow oouk $,J00 9 10 uui $9 80 Excellent. , 5 188. Foreign Cori Grcyffrl condrtkto 7331, sunroof, 14, 85 MERCEDES 117,500 1 CoH 79 BMW MAZDA 91 Foreign Con 1 cond, patJujue, r MAZDA RX7 S spd Ar, loaded! Jr 15,900 80 MAZDA RX7 GS. 5 spd, AM.FM cass., ar, mogs. Extra shxrpl 15,495. OL 1121 79 MAZDA RX7 Loaded immaculate condition. $3,500. 12 PONTIAC owner, dive, 3899S.Redv.ocd 973-703- 0 State PONTIAC fuHy '84 PONTIAC FtERO Grand Prlx, LJ model, ok, cruise, p.v, pi, power windows. AM EM easy, VS, automatic, wire wheel covers, new radian, excel, condition. 13400 best 78 ALFA GTV. Runs well. Ar, 5 spd, otter. sm. dent In fender, wav below D. 'll sod, ftm 8 PONTIAC 'll 5 , 82 1155 So. 1986 4 MAZDA 12 ?95-- 5e 0 70 OPEL GT rebuilt engine, 1400 or otter. Will trade for small truck ar car EMYS.DAYCO. 9. MOOLEKAUE So. l smp 8 BMW 324 Sunruof, Muny exirav Excetient 80 80 Exlr'JSl Betow boded prtet nego. RED CARPET LEASING PONTIAC Gfl PRIX $4,95 Showroom Low mi. OLH22 78 MGB. Red, new top. Beautiful cond 12195, otter 74 MG MIDGET. New engine, runs or greaf, ATd '64 MUSTANGS FORD CARS ar cond, 17 995 MAZDA R x 7 blue oook Offer 12 MAZDA RX7 GSL. Fully oobedl immaculate cond. Ail extras. Leather int Must sell! GmC No rust Runs good AH ortq. $wB 95 FORD Restored aft 5pm OKynol 1 500. 1926 TALL MOGELT BOGY 1200 or best otter 255-- 8 04 ou low payments Defare you lease ar buy CAUPAUBEAN 3449 cond spd AMFm fl x 7, $ exceitont iJM. ttMyv Aiptna MU condl-fto- 64 Chech '81 Good 1956 home PONTIAC Grand Satari wagon, 9 pass, auto, ar cond, VI, stereo, root rack. Great family transportation. Financing ovaHdke. Dan Eastman jeep Renault, Auto., MAZDA case., ae restored FORD 81 9 Convert 91 Forign Con 1 46 83 '83 TRANS AM. Low mL 38,000. Excellent cond. AMFM tope Loaded! Sacrifice, 17,500. 7 FiREBiRD, custom paint, wheels, new fires, cruise, 9 Mnt cond low ml. OFfrfcR 572 7389 SEDAN HUDSON Brougham, 1949 1914 Modei-- WRiGnT CHECKED USED CAPS A NO TRUCKS 1983 PONTIAC GPAN PRtX. Low miles, loaded, included glass NOW ONLY Gas $7,995. OWEN WRIGHT INC 7300 So. Freeway Exit. 8 PaCK 4 MJ-2- x T Mate 'Jtfer 1 700 FERO GT Stiver 4 ipd, aH ow mi li 19$ M jACkjAR xxE. Ong. Lew mi Cwun 'lunar r renow Desuer ate 3 PONTIAC SONNE VILlE Station Wagon. Fully looded with all toe toys) iow mile. 14323. 1155 So. Main St. PONTIAC 4000 power, stereo. 1950 F A r x 12 100 85 13 FiREB.R0 flit wheel Pioneer stereo. cassette 8, TnUNGEFbiRD Must sew 62 W:AC 82 83 to58 T9 91 Sportj Carj 78 F'A Parts JAGUAR 15,300 ps,pJ., automatic iron., lean nafcnoock Recuntng am, fm otter 12,450- Osaarn and Sons POnTiaC GRanG PRi a, itgnt ode ve engine, ver clean. 13 MUSTANG, v I, auto., excellent! cond, tow mi., new pamf and! erfwefs, tsr 144 66 910 Antique Vhide 9C4 '85 8,495 VW QUANTUM 9,795 MUST SELL! DAVE STRONG VW 7th SO. MAIN 355-862- WE NEED I t J YOUR I TRADES J BEST PRICES I AND BEST J DEALS A nico p!aco to do business 1207 GO. G1AIH 35S - 7571 |