Show POTATOES AND BEETS THAT ATTRACT THE EYE tho advocate hue has had on exhibition for hevral duys days two beets that were UL OL tho the old matt blatt Ill etnas nuuuli b J 1 puce fue ue serea yote teen ott and a hult I 1 und and tho the other thirteen thit th it teen anil and three quarter aumea muttie Mut them thela iu status twit th thu be u uru the tile hernge tige vf f the tike lloid aud were not pickett mr par puce pare e iiley sent ulous Bei berul ertil potatoes chich ore are its line as anth luc giunn alardin Ault neu hua hill ty te tho the display u sia flor tiu rull ull file colons und and a carrot ench pro product dued d ou on slate land ill in the erist end of price alery is 1 no getting ya wound the fact tunit with in cai tie tle aulle products tire the equal of im thing in ili utah or r ent filiere ahe ihy advocator ua os dleon dl eln though has attra Util vi 1 IA huttt |