Show IS SIMPLY A CAM CANARD politicians in the coal camps of carbon county are indus triou sly circulating the report that in tue event of john 0 cullers 9 a election to the governorship thu tho latter la Is te to appoint murk mark hopkins a lato late coiner to the county from wyoming a as state coal mine mi no inspector the story is put out to try to make votes for moyle ahat hat no n one ne may be deceived the advocate quotes the revised statutes ot of utah on this thi appoint anent section says the coni coal inspector hall shall b be a roal coal minor ot of not I 1 tana avo ll 11 yere years practical praet ic experience 1 and nil he hall shall chave hv ba boon a coal miner minor in thi this state ft for it at left least two yn years prior to laid III appointment no pert pan 1 u later toted ard in the tb operation of a coal aln la in ati nor ar plo of a coal tola ine ing coni pany hll shall be qualified to bold hold uch tiace tho the attention of ho john job 0 cutler belag being directed to the methods nit bode of t the demo critts through state chair man spry mr M cutler at abonce once address ed a letter to the tile state chairman and which the puli publishes pu klishes dIshes oa on the front page of this impression voter voters in n the mining camps should give no to this democratic canil canilla ld those these acts and good wd sensible u ud d vice we nye tuko take from last FrI fridays duys lo 10 gau gall republican it is a known fact that looe evolt has his ever been a friend to the It irrigation pro eject lie ile recommit abed it lu in his ilia message to aa and used every personal endeavor to secure favorable legislation ulous thic hue line president roosevelt has bus beun all over this country and knows exactly the grout great benefits of irrigation he ile Is one of very few eastern men who favor ept money in to the west parker has bover been NN veat est and know what an irrigation is 18 he ile is also one of the wall bereit bombl nation that bel believes lees in tor for tho tile E hist only ilia voters should take these things into consideration to on november ath archbishop Mes milwaukee velus tho of of members of the catholic Cat hollo church when he abye 1 I believe thui that president policy in megumi to tho the philippine friars has litts mec inet the ap of the vatican cau authorities und tind ther id Is a butling that in ili cuse of tits they auld be assured of and considerate personally I 1 should be glad iseo provident president roos velt elt elected president preal dent it is all cigut lur tor too tile democratic IQ in carbon county to say what they will do it elected the democrat la Is long on pro prom n 1 aises but short on fulfillment of them there will te le something doing in dowles diun cita olt now A real laro editor has been converted and has taken up his roId euco its walls whilo while criticizing your neighbors character it might be nell to glance at tha diagram be he has of yours ho ile may have a hors on ou 11 T there here will be no bargain sale da days at in the implement line in ila anticipation of mr olsene olsons duties taking him away fram from price |