Show untied state land once salt lake city utah octo october 34 aji lo 10 whom tl may concern notice tice 1 b hereby e e b bno el Iv enthat that the or of utah ut has ss a bled ed la 1 tu t 1 fitce fintis of lands selected by by the eald said statty tat under station is 13 ot of the th not of r congreso con a gresi up proved july in 1 the following tract tracts embraced ID lu said lists are in townships con mit e ul ut claims or record viz lot 4 section 30 township 10 S range 8 3 1 embraced tn to litt 1111 2 12 reservoirs reservoir SK se s 4 4 f action 10 19 lot at a E SW sv 4 X H niu it section 30 10 S range 8 E N M SU ar it bention to 10 SW U 51 section 14 n aj section t s LR L 4 NL 22 township Tow US IS kt fc em embrace bracelin J in list no re 1 4 SE M bertion 20 SW SV W J sectional r N W U 34 SW NW SW section 38 N H NL 1111 1 M aw M SK 4 aart ant 41 ecklon i 38 TZ ship lu 10 S 11 lanea lane 8 K kaalt salt lake bler I 1 dian embraced in list no 2 1 0 reservoirs cop e es 4 ot of laid said list so far as they belale to enid said tract tracts by ilo sub d 1 vi 1 11 have been c conspicuously 0 n posted in tb abie 1 a 1 office m oos for inspect t t 0 u 0 adv person interested and an 4 by tae t a public generally miring the sixty days next follo following wint tho the da dato ot of this notice nailer under departmental ID in tg chions ot of november 27 1896 1 23 L D ISO pro protects prot cita teits the tha the elate state to any of 0 the tracts or sub 1 divisions hereinbefore described on the ground that the me Is 1 more valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposes ies will be received rec elred aad and noted tor for report to tiie general land omee jt at a D C failure so to protect or context within the time specified will be con eldered buOl bum clent evidence of the bon non mineral s abe said tracts and the thereat thereof being otherwise tree free from objection wilt will be recommended for approval FRANKI HOBBS register obo GLO A SMITH receiver first pub oct 27 last dec 22 |