Show PARKERS DARKE R S ELECTORAL VOTE WILL NOT BE AS LARGE AS BRYANS NEW YORK nov 2 the now new york tribune estimates roose belts vote at farker at anu and the remaining eleven votes a ar doubtful it concede to parker thirteen states virginia Virgin la north carolina south carolina georgia georgw florida alabama mississippi texas arkansas louisiana kentucky tonnes tennes see and missouri it makes maryland and nevada doutt doubtful ful its forecast gives roosevelt from to in new now york over in new jersey and about in indiana ewt estimate Is made by forecasts furnished by the newspapers papers for their respective states throughout the nation in wisconsin sin the republican majority majo rit on the national ticket is placed paced at above the fhate tickets in indiana west virginia and wisconsin are believed bell eved to bo be close but the tribune estimates make them all republican parkers porkers vote in the electoral college Is thus believed to be sure to fall under that of bryan and his popular oto ote is belie belio ed cd to be 0 e to show a corresponding decline the Tri tune claims all the success of the national republican ticket in colorado by bir a small plurality but concedes the state is doubtful on the local ticket its canvass of greater new now york city concedes a majority for parker and davis of about where bry an a had under in 1900 u IA ij |