Show br sheep and ambs shows improvement EWES ARE SOA SOAKING p good prices of killing stuff most jno 1 encouraging to the army of feeder buyers correspondence the advocate KANSAS CITY mo alo oct ocl 31 tho tile big aud of ahti cattle receipts here last vre ekof cof our cattle and large largo proportion ot of these consisted of thin old cows and medium to poor quality stockers stock cra quito quite it number of hansas grazed lexas etera steers were aso included but tle the cleanups of tho big ranches nindo ninde is 11 good share fillare of tho the 10 mints under theae these conditions and considering consid dring tho head supply of or v alth ith big rinia elsewhere auld bo act pct td and they ean 0 the tile fall to glod nic cattle closed the week herrly et eady wednesday being abeln the low daly but she stuff stid stockers itald leeders lost 2 2 15 conti during tho the eok eek moat t jot the colorado and Pan panhandle handlo killing steers 1000 to ISOO 1600 pounds sold at 0 50 to nad nud ono one drove ot of pound steers from te vie rifle district in colored Col orad aali at t 4 2 som big atrin trine 1 i of iod to sold ot at 2 15 to 2 40 and thin old ca n ti era sold nt at 1 CO tu 1 8 85 11 to the end ot or tho the beek eek medium to good feeders anti At sold at 3 00 to 3 35 and stock calen bad a wido wide range 1 ijo 0 to 3 so 50 tho filip sup pl of attle cattle today la Is head hinr ket on killing steers steady to 10 conta lower she stuff and stockers ind and feeding cattle about steady with celoso of last ccok iho vie sheep and lamb iamb market keeps on ruining bricea anro IS to 25 cent cents higher than a week ngo ago ant and eales sales today R arf at the top notch some sem 74 pound colorado lambs brought V 70 toda nud pound colorado yearlings 1 IW 40 eairly 11 good utah ones sold ot at 3 55 today but choice one would mould go tip to the run N dropping off orr a 7 fokd deal ond and Is liggitt 1 thon than at thie this timo time last acar TI ftp good prices for to r killing stuff a pro encouraging to feeder and prices on these have stiff stiffened eved a little quality la Is not extra good now and practically evera thing hns to be sorted leaving lea ing a good sized feeding end sand for feeding purposes bring 3 35 to ewes 2 60 to 3 CO according to ago and qi allty lamba lambs 3 85 to |