Show LAW AS TO CAPTIVES japanese formulate regulations re garding prisoners Pric onera of war attempts attempt i to escape assaults upon git 1 and various instances of refractory conduct on the part of 0 prisoners pt pf war under confinement in tit japan have led to tho the formulation of a gerlei aa of regulations which will be hencel henceforth orth enforced as fol lofte cap cal LErl CR OF NEW RUSSIAN ARNY ARMY GEN geno IL 13 tives resisting their guards will bo be im prisoner tho leaders of plot to oe as capo accompanied by force wil I 1 be or exiled and participants will be e imprisoned iho leaders of orgin org in zed assaults on guards will bo be hanged and participants will be im irison pd captives released upon tak ing an oath that they will not again p in the war will be hanged it t captured again |