Show THOUGHTS ABOUT MEN an honest man has nothing to foi fl from honest men hard work ie Is hard bard work but it makes easy time times easy the shepherd sometimes forgets it but he really needs the flock more than the flock dock needs him you must keep up ith the procession it you want ant to bear the music every man has bas lie lis price but sometimes the other fellow the price you can make hay bay whilo while the sun shines abines but graas grams win will not grow without clouds and rain it la Is not the lantern but the candle inside it that famishes furnishes the light it if a man tuan was co cc impelled to do wh ehst t he varied to he weald not want to A lawyer docs does not become a necessity merely because he be knows no law doing wrong ie Is expensive the attorney who can tell bow safely to via lato law command r 4 higher tee fee than the one ons who dinou how bow to obey legal enactment enactments W bob holland i i amx vork tribune |