Show JOHN C HAS MADE AADE NO PROMISES an OF ANY KIND TO ANYBODY SALT LAKE CITY utah oct 31 hon NV william spry chair man inan republican state committee dear sir I 1 am advised that our opponents in carbon county aro circulating in the coal a report to the effect that I 1 have promised in case of election camps to appoint as state mine inspector a recent resident of wyoming tho report is a malicious nia licious falsehood Nse bood manufactured out of whole cloth I 1 have not promised this or any any other office in case of clec elec tiou tion the nie gentleman mr hopkins whom they claim I 1 have ased the position to 1 is not oven even an applicant neither have I 1 prom been approached by anyone in his hn interest I 1 have never heard before of hir name mentioned with the coal mines I 1 realdo a that there are no more loyal supporters of republican republic ait I 1 in utah than the men who work in tho mines it is agy therefore to see tho the purpose of those who havo circulated this vicious report if elected I 1 shall give to the selection of a mines inspector most careful attention that ho he may bo be thoroughly thoro qualified fled balong experience gitil work in the mines of utah to execute intelligently the tho duties imposed on his office to this end I 1 shall invite the co operation and advice of tho minors miners and those familiar with tho the coal indu industry atry of tho the state very vort respectfully yours JOHN 0 CUTLER g 0 5 4 ia |