Show A need of the hour it seems 0 fd o me said hia friend that your college ought to establish a chair of gambling A chair ot of what said the ar gambling it Is the great occupation of nany if not most ot of us and the average college graduate Is apt to take it up in some form or other in spite of all the warning he be may receive therefore thy yby Y by not train him to follow it with skill and suc esa why not have say gay lectures on how bow to pla play poker on how to play the races on how to speculate in stocks and TO so on if you could have these subjects properly handled ou might turn out a corps of experts who would cover their alma with glory and reap a golden harvest for them selves but suppo the movement to be a success it would simply ruin the public well I 1 ludge judge what the pub lie ie Is for it Is simply a question ot of who gets tho the money |