Show GOULD AND JEFFERY TO SETTLE UP CLAIMS georgo J gould will decide upon tle the plan of settlement to bu mado with relatives of the edin celo colo wreck vic victims tinis the tile of denver dener and illo 1110 orando grande operating odi clala upon that awful disaster of d august ath in which ono one hundred lives were lost lot was sent to now york last week anil and will bo reviewed ty president E T jeffry and mr gould chairman 0 of the tile ironed of directors several claims were filed with tb tho denver and illo rio grande road lust last week in behalf of widows and child dren ef of wreck achim victims t each of which deran need tl ti e statutory maximan maxi mun n of damages 11 0 tremors kremers of the state engineer office lina returned to salt lake city from emery county where he lie went to examine the proposed prop oed reservoir clr basins on the huntington river tn to ascertain the practicability of th their e I 1 r ubo for koring water wat eror for the land lands of D t the buckhorn flat country his report will be maulo to the bate land board in a few days d ays or as soon as he can work out ut the be results of the surveys and measurements made |