Show WHEN IS SUCCESS A FAILURE when it has made madi yoa you a physical a victim of nerves and goodr when it has lowered v our standards and made you a traitor to all your highest and noblest impulses ft when the hunger IF r more mony more land more houses and 2nd bonds hu bai grown to be vr dominant passion when it has dwarfed aou ou u ally and morally and robbed you of the spontaneity and enthusiasm of youth when your example has dragged others do down n hen your injustice and tyranny have crien men to despair when you have used others as stepping stones to lott f 01 tune unc and ignored their existence etie nhen hen our selfish ends v ere attained IN when hen it has hard hardened ned you to the needs and sullo tinge of others and made you a scorner of the poor and when nhe in our climb to rower power you have trampled on duty friendship love honor patriotism and all the most sacred feelings of humanity na when bon there Is a dishonest or a deceitful dollar in your possession nhsn your fortune sadis the ruin of widows and or orphans phani or the crushing of the opportunities of others wham the me world is not the better and tue the richer for your ile when ben you have hoarded every dollar you have made and havo have refused to help boar less tortu Bato fellow follow men when you rott thoc thoe abo vho work for vaa a of what is justly their due and then po poe r philanthropist by con a small fraction of your unjust gains to some charity or to the endowment of some public In ansti orison swett I arden in n Su cLess |