Show NOT INOT A 31 MAN A N ESCAPED IF EXPLOSION IN A COLORADO MINE every miner at work when the accident occurred Is killed the sion ion be bw ng ni C used by coal gas the rocky mountain coal iron mino mine no 3 at T alc forty miles west of trinidad colo was go so badly wrecked by the explosion which occurred on an saturday that the era have not yet succeeded eucce eded in r gutrat at trat ing to the point where the wore working Eti estimates mates of the number of men in the mine at the unit time ary frond from twenty to sixty they an are foreigners foreign ao 10 ors with ha the excer a aon of tour four the mine offiel ils hav havo no record of thy the number working though it la Is known that only tent one men went into the tile mine in the morning according to which havo have not been refilled erill pd many more men went into the mini mint in the afternoon it Is reg regarded iriti AS a curtain that of those who veru ere in the mine when the explosion occurred are now alive the nine is a sloping tunnel over 2 feet long rescuer rescuers entered the slope as far as room 13 alch Is feet from the mouth they in reaching this atil point only after tho the most dangerous work and after crawl ing through many narrow places at this point they encountered enco a solid wall of rock thai that had fallen fallt n from froin above and closed tho the passage the explosion was caused by coal sas as which caused the root roof to cave in the c ash waa was so ter terrific rifle that it w wag as heard for miles and the lirati ons nero distinctly felt at teclo miles awty uw ay iy it seemed as if it an arth tarth quake quale had hatt occurred so violently did lid the earth tremble smoke dust and dirt were vere blown from the tunnel and air haft in heavy black clouds broken timbers huge chunks of coal ecal and blocks block of nil were hurled hundreds ef of feet from the port 1 I of the big bore and fell on and around the tipple that stands diree derecly fir opposite the mino mine people who were near thy the mine were showered with band sand and dirt some of bf the atones stones minded fully i L quarter of a mile away |