Show DETAILS BEING FIXED north sea incident now in the handa hands of the diplomats accod taing to the latest inform information aton received at the foreign ulce in st Pet petersburg emburg the details ot of the internal flowal which are being beine worked out in london have not been completed it Is regarded however as ti cally certain that the commission to meet at hague will be composed of british 0 md nd russian naval officers with probably a from one of the continental countries although the latter point has not been decided russia has declined to send a representative senta tive to ho he english alry at hull and has also decided not to bold hold a Russ lazi inquiry at vigo fou olli cers one from each of the four battleships which opened fire on the north sea during tha the night of october 2122 21 22 are on their way to st petersburg where they will make a formal report and subsequently proceed to the hague and sive give testimony the admiralty formally states that only seven torpedo boats not eight as reported were with the russian squadron and adda adds that they have all been accounted for nothing Is known hero of the report that the russian warbles z dred on andi and hit each vach other |