Show ME republican PARTY MA MAKES I 1 CS WO WORK it r FO FOR it T THE fa E TEETH daniel webster marlo mado one of df hta his greatest speeches running through t three days july 25 27 and 28 26 1810 1840 he said j tho the interest of overy every laboring community requires diversity of f nc ne cupat lone ions pursuits pur sulta and objects of industry tho the more that diversity la Is multiplied ertia extended tho the bettor better to diversity employment is 18 to t increase Inc rense employment aad and to enhance wages and nir sir take this great truth place iton it on the title pago page of every book of political economy lu III tended for tho the use of the united state states put it in very avery farmers far mera al manac let it be tho the heading of the column of vory every mechanics maga zino proclaim it everywhere and make it a proverb that WHERE THERE IS WORK folt FOR THE HA HADS IDS OF HEN MEN THERE WILL BE WORK THEIR TEE TEETH where there la Is employment there will be bread broad it Is 13 n great blessing to the poor to have cheap food but greater that prior to that and of still higher value is the blessis got of blog being able to buy food by honest and respect able employment feeds and clothes and instructs employment gives health sobriety briety lo and morals constant betant employment and ell paid labor fr produce ir a country like alk inre tars geneal prosperity contest content and cher chear |