Show THE MIDLAND OFFICIALS FIGURE ON THE CUTOFF colorado midland mid land railroad officials 11 expect to be using a cutoff to connect with the dark clark road to lo 10 angeles afore long anil and eny say it will shorten the distance to los angola gels by many miles thoy they say any the work will be finished eoon soon and that it will shorten the distance by seventy two miles the new line to the coast will use the midland from grand junction and tho the blo rio grando grande western from grand junction to green oreen liver from green river to marksville marysvale Marys vale ville most of the truck Is laid and from thero there the road will be constructor od to bund lund to connect with senator clarke clarks new now road to the coast in quarterly conference at castle dale last lost week elder james pe arsen reported the condition of the emery stake academy ho he stated that in was in a very progressive state and that there were enrolled eighty iwa students at present and anor expected in the near future th fod r work that is bulj accomplished p dished by this institution was being felt throughout the stake the educational cat ional lonal board had decided to riv give a abort short winters coure course for the benefit of those who desire to commence school later on |