Show m 1 SAYS IT WAS AN ACCIDENT russian admiral mistook fishing fahne boat for japanese vessel vessels A dispatch from born VIRO vigo spain says that admiral in an in terriel terr ter lew espre r ed gamt robret over the north sea incident the admiral stated that the unfortunate occur renco rence was purely accidental tho the weather on the in question war rather hazy about I 1 s m tuo tor redo boats which the russians Ilus elane supposed were apan sk atts rafts suddenly appear cl I between the two of it tho the and an seemed to dIe dime charKe harge torpedoes torpe doea tho tile russians immediately opened fire they saw no and were not aware annare that any damage 1 had been done evidently the tho admira said the fisherman thermon fl hid shown lo 10 lights the admiral repeated that ne tie great ly regretted chrit any injury had bail been done fishermen hermen and added that he hail bail no doubt tho the russian goern government ment would make empio complication compAs atlon |