Show hitch in traveler travelers story judge Gle gregerich gerich was vas taking recently with an acquaintances more alst with mono money than brains who had bad just come back from h hd ha a first trip to parl parts who were your bankers asked the judge lazard freres lazard brothers replied the returned traveler and a fine pair of men they ate are oh lob ou met some of the members ot of the fins firm personally then asked the judge in some surprise which of them did you meet lei lel me eee set answered tho the travel er after considering tor for a moment ob ch yes I 1 remember now mr lazard was out ot of town while I 1 was there bat but 3 mr ir freres insisted on an my comin coming around and family dinner with him nice of afim 1 it T more than nice agreed the I 1 judge it was actually brotherly brot healy ly and tho the traveler does cot not y aal yal see why everyone mcw york world |