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Show WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL. uj nmm i OR office space for lease STORE 25 cents sq ft Call OCTOBER NEW LUXURY 2 Nice Kaysville location 2 bedrooms Fully carpeted Appliances provided Call B R ports and storage Lakewood 376-695 R2 773-291- R37 KAYSVILLE excellent close in location very nice large two bedroom duplex carpeted, drapes hookups clotheslines, close to schools yard R37 376-382- 978 LEADER. OCTOBER 1195 00 or 2 1 - no throughout pets Available Nov 1 Farming ton - Oakridge area Call 867 2878 R37 inventory n CUTE COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL location in Farmington Nicely sized and well kept' Makes it well worth your time to see Call Jay Harrison at or Res 867 5011 363-501867 5172 R 37 QUAINT OLDER type Bungalow in Farming-to- 2 Bdrms . nicely sized living room and main floor laundry makes the home well worth your time to see Call Jay Harrison 867 501 1 363 501 1 or Res 867 5172 All Seasons Realty NIFTYFOR THE THRIFTY LOW PRICED 4 Bdrm home with full basement High grade car pets throughout Nice Layton location near hospital Rich Edwards is the man to see on this or one 867 5011 363-501Res 328 4458 All Seasons Realty Inc R37 MIND IFJ ASK up to 45.C03.C0 Contact us today!! FEAT FEE Have openings for two salespeople, call us for an interview Paulsen Heal Estate 020-C05- 0 A SELLERS 4to6 WHY PAY FEW questions? Big family? Want to be near church and shopping? Want a clean well kept home? This 6 Bdrm home in Holladay has just what you re looking for Call Rich Edwards 867 501 1 363 501 1 or Res All 328-445- 8 SeasonsRealty IF YOU WANT A We will list your home for a flat commission of $800.00 up to $45000.00 with additional 5 for wards for more details or Res 867 5011 363 501 All Seasons Realty 1 328-445- MR& MRSEXECUTIVEt WE HAVE just the home you ve been dreaming of A 3 Bdim Enqhsh Tudor with a stream right in your front yard Located in Farmington Community a LAYTGH HEAL GREAI family home in a convenient location see this brick Rambler located in Far mington today Your very own fruit trees included Basement 90 completed Call Rich Ed amounts over $45,000.00. Call us today for market appraisal swimming and tennis courts 825-302- 7 Call today for an ap available see Shrley pointment Aamodt 867 5330 867 501 All Seasons Realty or 363 501 to M 354 ft. Main Layton - 376-495- 5 1 HI 1 RATeDG" home on ry good buy on a home with lots ot room Only 1 yr young is this 4 bedroom two story home with 3 baths fireplace, 2 car garage Asking $61,900 00 HOUSE-Ve- to believe This is 100 basement, 3 bedrooms, 1 baths, double garage, fireplace, a must on your list to see Call for a showing you II be delighted at $69,100 00 HOW CLEAN CAN YOU GET IT-- See one great Kaysville location Partially finished basement Custom kitchen cabinets and microwave are included in this beautiful home in Bountiful Call to go see it today Jay Harrison 867 5011 363 501 1 or Res 867 51 2 All Seasons Realty REDUCE FOR A QUICK SALE Come see this Syracuse beauty and we won t have to ask you to buy you will 4 total bedrooms, I3, baths, full basement part finished, family room Owner is brick mason and the brick work is outstanding Now 3 bedroom (2 up 1 down) brick split home built ms KAYSVILLE $62,000 2 baths family room with fireplace walk in basement double garaqe circle drive corner lot patio fruit trees $52 500 3762082 R37 38 SALE FAILED - GET SOLD AGAIN-Y- es it s back on the so you may be the lucky one 4 market bedroom, part basement finished, family room, one sweet home at fireplace double garage $b4 900 00 in Kaysville too - - KEEP YOUR LOAN DOWN BRICK RAMbLERS 1230 Sq ft UNDER ALL IS THE LAND"-a- nd here is one with a with full place to garden 4 bedroom finished basement One and a half baths This is a great one in Syracuse Act now and don t (eel sorry $o6,000 00 SUPER SIGN-sup- er LOOK FOR sign says wow, what a home Space and carpet galore Owner a and the home shows it 4 is carpet layer balhs -bedroom, family room, kitchen and 1 plush carpe- l- Double carport plus an over sized double garage You II love it $74,900 00 go in this Fruit Heights special rambler with a large double qarage 3 bedrooms with quahty galore, 2'v baths full basement 2 fireplaces Large lof with a view Ready for ca'ppf, hurry1" $91,700 00 ts HOW COULD YOU PASS UP this 3 Borm home in Roy targe family room Franklin stove and bar included Nice shady yard too Call Jay Harrison for more details 867 501 1 3685011 or Res 867 51 72 All Seasons Realty Inc R37 PLUSH. QUAUTY. SPACIOUS LOT AND IN KAYSVILL- Es yt-Ihis home has almost everything all it larks is you"1 5 big bedrooms. 100 baspment, 80 finished, family room, fireplaces, double garage, central vacuum plus extras galore Beautifully decorated execuhve home Call tor an appointment $124 000 00 OUR 3 bedrooms double garaqe bath & 34 full basement firepiace East Layton approx V acre pick your decor builder will let you sub 295 6670295 7242 R38 39 BRICK HOME (Syracuse) for sale by owner 2 large bedrooms fireplace spacious dining and living rooms new cabinets car port full unfinished basement with fireplace Terrific buy at 48 000 Call 773 55 1 5 or 3789669 R36 THE READY-le- mm. VIfI!!ERS!! well kept home m baths large family room Large fenced lot with room for garden For information call 376 4797 most different home on the market a he real show place A must to see"1 Large plush Come see this outstanding Eng1 sh "castle East Layton executive home You wont see another one like it Ouahty - outstanding $125 000 00 FINEST-t- 292-005- OWNER In Kays Oider home, 3 bedroom Franklin Fireplace, 5 Close to schools, shopping, churches, this new home in Layton $54 900 has what you want, 3 bedrooms, fully equipped kitchen, fireplace, double garage and full basement You can move in as soon as your financing is complete If you hurry you still have time to pick the $25 000 00 below appraisal on contract Kays 3768991 R 3 7 Kaysville Lets? Large Spanish Colonial 3 bdrms 2 (oversize master) 2Vi baths ftrepldtes !q garage porch and patio Well landscaped with sprinklers Near schools church and shopping Will sell on con tract or trade Open House Thursday and Friday 4 6pm or call Kays 376 8991 foappt 1971 1 2x65 BUDDY with tipout Immaculate 2 bedroom built in dressers & desk in master bedroom Harvest gold kitchen formal dining area Double sink vanity in bathroom air condi tinner storage shed new car petmq in dining area New linoleum in kitchen & entry 10 from R 37 HAFB 376 8641 Roger Cranney 322 976 (call collect) Century Realtors 21 Grimshaw Inc 292 4488 R17 OPEN HOUSE Beautiful construe 1 tiori Built to last many lifetimes Attractive 4 bedroom family room finished basement large storage room and addit onal outside storage larqe fenced lot with fruit trees This home has a beautiful view is m immaculate condition and close to schools rhurch and shopping 49 900 no agents please 766 0795 R37 CUSTOM HOME WITH LOFT This home has it all Formal Dining, and Living Room, with cozy loft and deck Three Family room-kitche- n baths Attractive entry to greet your bedrooms Wth guests $92,500 HOUSE FOR SALE Norine Moss & pet Jan Thompson up one down dining room double garage 2 fireplaces painted inside & out car draperies Approx Vj 323-353- 376-34- 07 825-3- 7: 1729 Bob Crow 5824 Kathleen Park 8101 Clair Crookston 0763 Ouintes Wilson Mark Brown 9348 Mel Larew Howard Clow ird 376 8304 Jan B'ough S'eve Bronqh Johnnie Lo..i' Bob M trheil MED 376-162- 6 766 3 6 376 376 376 O 376 8439 376-032- Jeanne Kearl 376-890- 4 2 R-S- S2 376-420- 7 acre zoned for Elegant custom design patio ga'age Call 376-420- 7 LAYTON red brick rambler, three bedrooms up Kitchen disposal, range refrigerator hardwood cabinets Finished basement family room utility fruit room, bedroom. New sculptured shag on bath 1 CHOICE EAST LAYTCN LOT 733 EAST SCO Call Cathie NORTH. LAYTCN carpet Fenced yard $4 8 900 3 Br fireplace New paint and Full Bsmt Wally 376 9334773-922- N. SHANNON. KAYSVILLE Mid 50 s All bnck, 5 Bdrms. extra parking. Nice yard Full basement Elame 773-922- 0 VALHALLA baths 3 bdrms Large living room, fireplace, Rambler, 1 basement Elaine ESTATES-CLEARFIEL- D 376-420- 7 773-922- EXISTING 3 YR. OLD CONDO. CLEARFIELD Priced at $40 000 this unit otters 1650 total sq ft Electric heat. 3 bedrms, 1', bath, close to HAFB Call Dana 773-540- 4 or 766-107- 2 R 914 or office W 515 8 HOME WITH ACREAGE Beautiful 1260 square foot bi level with 2 fireplaces. 13. baths, 3 bedrooms super kitchen with builtin appliances two car attached garaqe and more This home is nicely situated on 4 8 acres fully fenced and has a cinder block building and dog kennels Water shares are available $88 400 00 Call Dean at 621 2992 or office 2 TIRED OF LOOKING? For a nice home on an acre of ground Then see this 1 460 square foot rambler on 1 14 acres Tastefully decorated throughout with 3 bedrooms 1J baths super super kitchen, with all the builtins swamp cooler, 2 car garage and sprinkling system plus your own private well Nicely landscaped with some fruit trees Call today' 6 FAIRFIELD FARMS Quality construction by some ot the best builders in the area 12 brand new homes lo choose from Split-levelramblers and two story design Act now and select your own colors Great floor plans with square footage Irom 1243 square feel to 2000 square teet plus full basements, fireplaces, garages e'e Prices start at $o0 550 00 Call our office today tor your appointment Also ask about our guaranteed saies plan Enjoy country living in Kaysville area zoned tor animals elect and sewer available Owner will carry contract $16000 per acre Be ready to start building next spring We have plans and builders will help with your plans Call or olhee or Val 394-915- 8 Pat 773-227-6 FOR THE ASKING?! This maiesbc wlh a unique ca'hedral ceiling has not just tnat ' Unbelievable Mountain View but a whole It includes 3 Us mam level ot 1240 sq lot more bedrooms 2 baths a dmmg area and more Witnan8x12 basement it s a bargain deck. 2 car g iraqe and 0 price at $58 OuO and it you hurry you can still choose carpets linoleum and cabinet tops Located in Village Green in East Layton Completion is less than 30 days or Rea ty World Wes'ern at 825-151- 2 Call Mike at 394-133- 9 or 766-128- 1 THE REASONABLE RAMBLER MADE BEAUTIFUL This brand new rambler ts not your ordinary house It boring is what you re looking for then look elsewhere What it is is s beautiful home tor the person who loves quality craftsmanship This home features bay bsmt ) including 3 bedrooms, windows 1274 sq tt (100 and 2 baths an oversized 2 car attached garaqe, a no maintenance exterior (100 brk) and a new style bnck never before seen in this a'ea with a unique color scheme Compiptmn in less than 45 days hurry and pick all your own colors as well as cabmers too Located in Village Green m East Lavlnn Pru ed at only $61 500 Call or or Real' World Western at 766-128- 1 Mke at 394-133825-151- KAYSVILLE CLOYER ESTATES. 5 Bedim executive rambler Large kitchen formal dining or 376 9909 and tarmly rm with firepl Call Ernie 773-540- Beautiful fenced yard with garden fruit No trees $48 900 agents 70?O R27 - ATTRACTIVE RAMELER HOME. PRICED RIGHT! 376-460- Located in Fairfield Farms, this home otters 4 bedrms , 2 tirepl landscaped yard, family room. 2 car gar and many extras Dana 773 5404 or 825-307- Jay Lyon at 830 siaus, basement 376-856- 1 AN UNBELIEVABLE MOUNTAIN VIEW Large brick rambler 2 deck 773 9220 Half acre with stream $17 800 Great location 2 at - usiing browner Roys nicest areas Other features include a nice kitchen with builtin range and oven baths large L shaped family room witn builtin bar one car garage and patio Priced to sell fast at $46 000 Better hurry on this one1 Call EAST GENTILE. LAYTCN 722 R37 NORTH 141411151.' Paul Liston NEW HCmE LAYTON AREA Custom designed brick rambler over 1900 feeL Family room MANY LUXURY FEATURES Wardley with double carports From $47 500 to $52 900 see at N approximately 800 W 600 Call Robert Lovell Clearfield 7731722 P37 3 773-475- 9 TODAYS THE DAY To see this 3 bedroom brick rambler located in one of 3 ACRE BUILDING LOT animals with Rov $ secondary water See at 5522 S 3 1 00 W Loved Call Robert Roy 773 1 722 R37 LAYTON NEW 3 bedroom luxury home now avai'abe by builder $68 900 1st 13 acre lot If sold by Nov side side by a Hotpomt refrigerator included with house See at 381 South 450 West Layton Call Robert Lovell 1 375-352- 7 .... throughout Beautiful yard - many extras Shown by appointment only 376865 A3 7 ROY NEW 3 bedroom brick home now $66 900 ava lahie by builder new Ogden P.3CM TO ROAM IN SYRACUSE. This half acre offers a farm setting with city conveniences The 4 bedroom home is all brick and has many built in features Extia brickwork enhances the ranch style home Perfect for the family who wants "breathin room " Only $61 .900 BY OWNER IN KAYSVILLE 1200 sq ft split level with 600 sq ft finished lower level 3 Bedrooms up with 4th bedroom and large family room down Beautifully decorated with new carpet and drapes in living loom & kitchen -- - Completely maintenance tree exterior Large lot with truit trees and garden spot Must see to appreciate1 For appointment Contact DeMont - 731 2848 - or office 776-128- 1 - 0 CURL UP IN THE WINDOW BOX SEATS. and fall in love with this spacious three bedroom rambler Lots of storage and a beauty of a fireplace $64 500 bath 4 new homes now available for sale by builder in 3 2 and Acres Greenhill all with fireplaces bedrooms Salt Lake City 766-120- CHEAPER JHAN RENT You can own th'S 2 bedroom Townhouse tor less than it would cost you to rent The comfortable living room and cozy kitchen are on the mam door, with bedrooms and bath upstairs and belief shil ail exterior maintenance, hot water heater and turnace are taken care o through memSit iated in a beautifully lane, scaped bership m the Co-o- p setting and priced to sell at an unbelievable $18 500 See it today' Cali F rank Sanders at 376 5484 or office , 7b6-107- 0 1 643 E. 703 S.CLFD. $03,000 Just the home for prolific parents 6 bedrms 3 bath none of life s luxuries missing here Can Dean 773 5404 or R 926 . 766-044- DONT CALL US you re no! serous about owning your own home W v to?.! listed a 4 ytMr old home m Clinton that $ pedect fo- to purchase all bnck hill baseany younq family ment rammer unq ie ffimiy room fenced yard with more Call today Jay 773 b76 o otce etc If tay .jt HORSE PROPERTY WITH EXECUTIVE HOME mm r r tw HI rw t Cm (IjrAN tK pas jwM Po f M'VKI HCfiE IN PRESTIGIOUS OAK FOREST $139,800 P, A .- ONt COn'RfPl'O'I'T trvffg -! Pl ' Lot L jui t T7 O Op C in PO to Hunt cm Ot LVtff 4'o h M tup L'M3ro Entry c4 Ki m h Cart Family enoyment at its finest, this 31 10 q ft home otters 6 bedrms . 3 bath, large H acre lot two car garage and inor 766-107- 2 door swimming pool Dana 773-540- $43,500 HUNTER OAK FOREST KOI MILL CHRISTMAS IN YOUR NEW HOME 4 BQ ! Sot t (223? Hon ardley Corporation o Real Estate CLCEQGQ ) I H ) BROWN BILL ) REALTY 376-120- 1 No. 1 North Main Kaysville ELOirr CHUT tm & Investments MA'iHgTETO LAYTON ATTORNEY 1095 No. Main fT iiniiimHi vk fv r 766-107- 766-068- 6 MYSVIllE SOUTH OGDEN FOR S35 000 m.e PRIVATE SETTING, OAK BRUSH SECLUSION See this beautiful 1850 sq ft home in E Kaysville which features 3 bedrms, 3 bath, cul de sac street, formal dining a host of other extras Dana 773 5404 or Acre with 4 stall stable tent ot luxury home has 4200 finished living area 6 BR 3 BA 4 3 Fireplaces, formal dmmg and car Qarage Located in Frud call Heights For appointment Charlotte NEAR - HOB HILL BEAUTY One of Kaysville s choicest areas 1680 square feet of family living Family room on the main floor Choose your own colors if you hurry $85 500 KAYSVILLE Newly QUIET LAYTON NEIGHBORHOOD HILL A.F.B. KAYSVILLE - KEW LISTING. room This 4 bedroom home of'ers spacious kitchen-famil- y combination, fireplace and cathedral ce. lings in living room, finished fireplace in basement family room area See it today in Fairfield Estates $59,500 3 beautiful Brand new bedroom Special incentive to buy now Come see at 9 72 So 200 East Kaysville Open Sun Oct 22 f.orri noon lo 6 pm Rosely Barton 376 8641 Roger Cranney 322 1976 (call collect) Century 21 Grimshaw Inc . Realtors 292 4488 R37 covered patio tho Kaysville, Utah make this home choice Built to eliminate squeeks Open House Sun Oct 22 from noon to 6 pm 239 East 1000 So Kays vide Drop m Rosely Barton - situated in one Owning this excellent 3 bedroom of East Layton s nicest areas Everything is beautiful from the spacious living room dining area and convenient kitchen, with builtins to the cozy family room with fireplace Seller is just completing a large game room that would be just right for the family pool tabie Other features of this nice home include a workshop (or the handyman, two car attached garage and a beautifully landscaped yard Only $71 900 and worth every penny1 Call Frank Sanders at 376-548- 4 or office 47 Crcsiwood Road agents olease 376 8797 A SWAMP cooler Free Upgraded carpets rabmets baths 1 31 s:q:.:z talks! fireplace . Kaysville 370-42- ro'ro No i 025-224- In KAYSVILLE GET 2' 2 HAPPINESS IS year s firewood Priced low fifties Shown by appt only large family room 376-560- Clearfield Realty, Inc. got em. Ask us! 773-C3- 42 1 3 BEDROOMS V.'a - KAYSVILLE REALTY NICE KAYSVILLE Location 4 1 Bdrms bath family room dining room snack bar fenced back yard cooler water sof dishwasher Call Vern Boyle About this outs'andmg buy in Layton, $53300 for this bilevel will bring the salesmen Better run fast to running see it before (not after) it is sold 1008 sq ft , 3 bedrooms, double garage and full basement On a lot avay from the traffic noise but close to all services room fence storage shed and garden spot 3 76 4 79 7R37 73 IMMEDIATE occupancy 71 Clean 3 bedroom home in Clearfield 279 Center St. ic:d salesmen know LOW SIXTIES FRUIT HEIGHTS Well kept home on a large lot with beautiful view 1 V bath family 4 bedrooms West 525 North JUST REDUCED $2, 0C0.00..S34, 150.00 caipet Sell V OlVilER ANNOUNCES LOCATION, 17 E GOT! 2 Sessions-325-480- 1 6 376-964- 1 Layton and Kaysville and priced 1 Myron D. 295-341- in Clearfield. Call 6, REALTORS 67 No. Main fully equipped kitchens 4 garages workshop storeroom horse and hay barns cross fenced pastures and beautifully landscaped yard Between bdrms tener 295-405- in home (convertible to duplex) 1 Verg 3, R30 Davis Co 3000 ft 1 level $49 900 00 minutes 376 91 Kay Collmgs 295-414Rulon Smith John Allen, broker, 295-857- 6 295-242- 6; the place We have Lynn Barber 295-083- 8, LARSEN carpeted throughout, big porch with swing Large shade trees 610 acre with large garden Double garage plus storage shed CLEARFIELD 497 North Main, Kaysville 8, Hansen BY 773 Mi OPEN DAILY Earnshaw Call Dean 376 5101 $35 900 BUY Real Estate office, Dentist office, Law office, Insurance etc. 1200 North 1500 East, E. Layton 552,900 to 563,900 4 BEDROOM home - newly painted inside and outside 1 Va baths, carport, nice yard New linoleum and carpet 53 7 Miller Ave BEST OF BUSINESS NEW RAMBLERS, SPLIT ENTRIES, NEW 3 376-427- mm your own place THESE HOLIES ARE a BY OWNER beautiful view lot m Fruit 1 Heights Four bedrooms with FOR GENERAL family use All members of the family will have a place of their own m this 4 Bdrm 2 story home located in Farmington Zoned for animals and if you like the outdoors them s room for a camper also Call today Jay Harrison 867 501 1 363 501 1 or Res 867 51 72 All Seasons Realty ALL IN THE FAMILY WILL ENJOY living in this 3 Bdrm buck home Only 3 months old Carpeted thru out Carries ONE YEAR ERA limited warranty Priced to sell at $37,900 00 ALMOST 978 - BEST TIME of year cominq for arcade gas grocary store near Jr and Sr High in Bountiful Owner must sacrifice for 47000 pics 290-246- 4 R29- - upstairs carpeted seoo WHITE 1 i BR when selling your home!! HOME-Layt- 9, LAYTON CUTE ROOMEY - almost new apt - BR SAVE THOUSANDS SPACIOUS 1 7- 795-790- JOilTGT 1 $ with carpets, drapes, and all appliances, fireplace, air conditioning car- DUPLEX FOR rent 9. OSINIS 4 PLEX LAYTON 773-500- 0 R37 1 Y 376-420- 7 KAYSVILLE 175 So. Main 04 REALTY WORLD WESTERN Estate Real 394-554- 5 Ogden & Development 766-128- 1 Davit County |