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Show I ) WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, OCTOBER 1 9. 1978 Emma Evans Notes 80tli; Open House 1 54 'ifojtll. Ji To Be Honored For 80th Date 0 - v Mrs Elsie Spring Heaton of South Mountain Road, Fruit Heights will be honored at an open house on Saturday, With bnthday anniversary program will be held at 1 i nee She came from England in 1924 and spent two years in Canada before moving to Ogden She in u i led Willmn R lh don on March 20, 19 il in S It nipli He hi S ill Laki 1 it t d in pro ATI THEY mmt kavsville when they resided lot 10 years before moving to rut Heights t i 14 !5, whete iht has k sided sint e She seived an 1)S mission in ondon from 1917 to 1919 She has worked in evety luxihatv mganizdlion of htr chuuh, in addition to serving on the Primary general board ind stake hoard on the Sun 0a sc hoi stake board as veil She 's presemlv active and still serving in her ward I d to R 1 SHE WAS instrumental in Young organizing the Womens Mutual Improve ment Association while a 20 HEATON wrote md had published a history of her life She was lnstiumental in the publishing of the noted book Pioneers of Utah His lory through the efforts ot members of the Kavsville Art lub, of which she is a MRS C member She wrote the preface and introduction as well as edited the material foi the book She was a member of the Kavs -- ELSIE HEATON v ilk (i trdt n Club and served as iis pi i side ni ore term EDUCAT ED IN THE London schools, Mrs Heaton did post graduate work at Borough Poly Tech College there, also at Hit University of L tah ind Bngham Young Universitv Shi i c mams very active taring for her home and gardens, is ollv and witty and eniovshti ind is idmired and respected bv hm many man friends THEY RE patents of one son, Di Howard Heaton of Piovo, a teacher and over the Engineering Department at BYU np W F together Leo AND Mrs MR. Seamons celebrated another anniversary together Oct 10 much as they spend many days, at the Heritage Senior Citizens Center in Clearfield But they dont go there to just while away some time, both are active participants and leaders in center programs Mr Seamons has been the pool instructor for manv years while his wife, Cecil, oversees the daily quilting activities And while hes 84 and shes 10 years his junior, both look ready for many more years together COUPLE THE weir married by a justice of the peace in Salt Lake 10, 1922 C lty (X t J after making almost a h split second decision to go it together They met in the small town of Mona in t entral Kavsville Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Richard Farr, Fruit Heights and Mr and Mrs Stanley Moss of Kaysville Welcoming a baby daughter into their home are Mr and Mis Kenneth Horne of Kaysville The bab arrived on Sept 19 at the Holy Cross Hospital in Salt Lake City and a$ . Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Owen Horne, Kaysville, Mr and Mrs Donnell Wardle of Vernal and a great grand father, Dan Battv, also of Vernal Rejoicing over the arrival of a baby daughter are Mr and Mrs Russell Carter The new addition arrived on Oct 5 at the St Benedicts Hospital in Ogden and weighed in at 7 lbs 7 oz She will be named Melanie At home is a little sister, Jenmlynn The mother was the former Flaine Cot trell of Kaysville Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Btnden Cottrell and Mr and Mrs Keith Carter all of Kaysville Mrs Mvrtle Cot Kaysville, Mr and of Mrs Flovd Carter of Corrine and Mrs Ora Anderson of Brigham City are the great grandparents np PICTURE FRAMES III STOCK About Your Home !rlfage arte 37 So. 825-190- 8oz They have named her Rochelle Mrs Florne was the former Charlene Wardle of Vernal trell 3500 State, Clearfield, weighed 8 lbs When planting small trees or tall shrubbery in the fall, 1 L 9 them with guide wires Cover the wire around the tree with a rubber hose support SET YOUR SIGHTS HIGH. . . only the best for your eyes. Thats why we carry a full line k of Optyl eyewear. A frame made of Optyl material is lightweight, durable and shape retaining. Your eyesight is precious so insist on the best y: frame material professional services by. Optyl B, in eye-ca- re Knighton Optical Emergency Repairs Quick Service Fill Eye Glass Prescription Lab on Premises Convenient Locations work Mr since there He lkinbut gh us v- - m i xi i As qua i) f n d i h ipu r to oman of the Y ir," Jeanne mav enn r t nmpi t ion foi the rs , i top nm business womi n of ABtoA ind the Amem in Busimss Woman of the Yiai" wards Announcement of tnr national award ie ipu ok nil hi mam i ti-- 1 at ABtoA s 1978 n ition tl convention, Nov 2 3 in All in! i, ( JU tn JFANNF STARTFD lover Club oods n Phoenix, Ariz as a receptionist and clerk. In 1970 she was tians ferred to the torpor ire tmadquarters as an admims trative assistant In March (f 1978 she was piomottd to h r present position During the vears, 19 1 60, Jeanne owned and ope land her own flower and gift shop v 1 C Radio (where was no work to be had a m painter with his brother law and later did paint contracting on his own She has had experience working for ihe Missouri Press Association clerking in retail stores and doing light bookkeeping for a drug store ach position has benefit! d her and she gained valuable experience from them SHE HAS an AA degree in sociology from Stephens College in ( olumbii. Mo and a designer degree from Brights School of Design m THE SEAMONS were fust to North Davis tounty when he took a job painting buildings at the then under construction Hill Air Force Base During the war years, while he wasn t called up to active duty, Mr Seamons was called to paint at f ort Douglas and when in army air base was built near the present Salt lake Airport, he worked Chicago, III She has been a member of Beta Sigma Phi lor 20-- , i ars and has held all the officts and chairman positiors m Intei-natton- projects there used in paint for many years didn t help his on The lead this organization it health any, however, and he took leave of painting in 1944 and joined the security staff at the air base U Eastern Star organization, holding all chairs but woithv matron She has worked in the PTA, Little League and the Girl Scouts Currentlv, she is the recording secretary THE COUPLE moved to the Davis County area for good in 1947 when he transferred to the old Naval Supply Depot in Clearfield as supervisor of security, where he worked until retiring in 1964 And during all of thal lime, his wife was busy raising a family The couple bore two children, Richard Leo and Larry J Larry lives in Layton and works at Hill while his brother resides in Tacoma, Wash , working as an au tomobile salesman for the ABWA Jeanne has been a mem bet of the Lytona Chapter since 1978 The association was founded in Kansas ( itv, Mo in 1949 Today, ABWA has more than members in 96 000 active 1, 500 chapters throughout the United Slates and Puerto Rico dmg HOW HAVE they been able to continue in happv marriage all those years9 Mr Seamons points out, "The secret of a AND ALONG with raising two children, Mrs Seamons was busy helping others through such groups as the LDS Relief Society She has helped tie 80 quilts for her own family and dozens for many others and still directs the daily quilting activities at the Heritage Center Mr Seamons finds pleasure in raising a large garden every year and putting up the harvest with his wife each year He also enjoys fishing happy marriage is being active and working to get along together Never go to bed at night if you've had hard words without making up " And part of success is doing a lot of little things to help one another out like his helping her in the kitchen and her helping him with the garden 4 New Davis Hospital Also in Orem & Ogden New Hours Thurs.-Fr- i. 9.00-5:3- 0 0 Wed. Sat. iVo lie 9:00-7:0- 9:00-12:0- 0 0 ieet Mrs Jaynt Cook, CMA ' 1 u pri u!( nr of Hu Utah Six it tv of tin Ann i ic m soi ition of Mi dual A, , turilx (AAMA) will repii st n( the slate of Hal at tlu -- 'in imuial ( mm t' t ion to U b Ins w it Boston, M iss t! )r mi I h t 2 ltd tin , 1 i till r 1 i 28th OVI R 1309 mi du H a jots from 16 st iti s n Uni th Alaska and H iw ut ii Ptov ilk ni i of C anad i w l! path! i m Boston to it t ml H ' ions tat Hi us o , yt f , am' s profiles manv olht r idutational sc , sums e THI KFY ptakf l at opt rung tunc ht on w ill o D' H j t Gardnet , MI), of thi1 pit suk nt f ltd Arm man Medical Asott lion One of the highiigtvs of convention will be tl r oinquct honoring the j t tional and state pti ..ot t ( t i nj idav , Oct 8 Prt sulem J avm Cook a! i d with seven ( (her mid Mstanls from Utah will t im the New ngland st iti s an ! Rhodi Island, ( onm ti in Yinrunt, Nt w Hiiip'-hi- i M line and M Jss u um u tour dais prior to tin i on o t turn 1 ht v will spi nd the on a tout of the morning so r boat off the c ot f Maim hi foie n tin n ij to l Boston tor tht prt non nt u tn it it s JAY Nt , HA8 b( n a irt die il assistant to Dr l toilhani R Schmidt, of is for the past ten it os Sh the wilt of toarrui R (. ok '1 They restdf in Sviai txe t have two children Yniont intt rested m in , mation ibout the M(du d ststants ssoi idtion in D e state of 'ah mav to i t Jayne wet kd tvs all r C p n it 82 0909 vsb of c J t' Satur My, if J Cart qul Syracuse, Claudia ot i L i y South, Hoopf Debra and Fm or-- 1 78 3 1 t C COMPLETELY SAFE NO SHRINKAGE ECONOMICAL ODOR FREE LAWS CLEAN LONGER FAST EFFICIENT RESIDUE FREE FAST SERVICE RAPID DRYING CHEM-DR- Y CARPET CLEANING V 825-153- 9 nel m ' 7, 19 ( C : 7-- i : w m 3 Kaysville, boy Jdiyn and - AM West, Wes' Pn ; Lacr North, 0 W 30 '12 West r'n 3000 i Sonoav, o a At Mn,'y C t , V ' Dr , Monday, Mavne arid Paul Syi acuse, Lk ih b y Octobe' 8, Teiq 1 G 8 7 1233 Ct st October ), 1978 1321 VfManie - Harjn- Late 1 1 Ch f Tuesday, Octoner 10, 1978 tsV-H12C0 1? 111'j C , 3! iro.fi f Jr Cn rytor Weaver Dko- - Oc a d F tiHtt Lavon go ind L r 'I j Wednesday, ' t I L frl'1 tober 11, 1978 ,tnr 10Q8 West CM r -- 714 2200 West, Layton, bov I Thursday, October 12, 19 78 s 10 5 West 2000 tunnel) j or' oia Lee and IS Fashion Taupe, a popular fall colm blends well with forest gn n, burgundv and rust i co il j Woiking women will be seen in new suits wtth wide shoulders on the hip length jar ket Sku ts will be slim, slashed or wrapped Blouses will be soft m crepe ot satin the doitoi inihisMp-Keep i supply iT r m so h king oul th c! dec id how nnu h to t . u Here I mi i s t i - d f ! ti o i , i u H I Selene? Super Star Stylist Fran Brown & Co. What do you have in common with Farrah Marie Tennile Cheryl You too can have a super star stylist style your hair an advanced hair designer for appointment with superstar 766-060- 3 w ud ul ihh foi h e ( tt r is a tb REMOVES STUBBORN rrf f ihe wb ch will bt held the n 1111 t if : ( f 4 unnuK-a- -- f in' t y olfuc tdmn t, tration, nutrition and ( am i r idtoisotopes ind i b v mi (mutton, managemi nt of the burr pjtiuU, office cmugtti (it s and how to tope wi'h th' in 7B 1 ry - . Friday, TetP L ts and ?. c Lc i r ayton L 'v of thi wot kshop , t red will include nbi ,i Hit rap , 1 i nnc rnbiologv, :a 41 'Vot.f Ci i t i Surm ft t IN K - i v ire ( '' N Fuesday, r I, e, M j gati medual at Davis t f s, ind it urn t i wmkshops designed to aid medical assistanl in wiik wuh thf phv nua'i in the ministei trig of Di k ? y.-- : I tso n u i ? t Where Else ? Hearing Aids 9:00-5:3- h 7 secret, younger 2179 N. 1700 W. Mon.-Tue- s. hurt i THEIR WHATEVER it looks like they could be in for many more years of happiness togelher and misses more than anything" not being able to go hunting or shooting, having been an expert shot when LAYTONCLEARFIELD Notice i JS& Inmi Hi It on Get lot iti d it p m 10 xili L SHE IS also active m the STAYS Just West of ast three times NO STEAM TO SATURATE 825-162- l dm ulmmi STAINS Quality Eyewear i G s Seamons had worked 1922) closed in 1929 and introduced i ( love I c lub nod . ( nmp o v ANNUAI LY, 1 A H VBto ( h jptei sc li t Is one ni its nil mbe rs for th s i w a i d St It etion is bas d on iht mi mbei s af hi t ment in hi r lit Id of busini ss, t dm item, pal t is ipation in the issni i i tion and in i ominuiuty e tm any started working as onu V, manage ti itui he it was the depres- Baldwin V eh iptei s monthly me ling on Gil 9 Jt mnt u turn nt v the THEIR FIRST home was a humble three room dwelling without running water and with no indoor bathroom It was in East Millcreek and t in bun tint ( A B to A ) The an linupfeiunt w is made it the 1 sion and there wasn is Busint Utah when he went down there to help his unde run the fai m His w ife was living there and doing Ihe same dung on her family s spread mel her on a bobsleigh ride with a lot of other Mr Seamons people, retails 1 think it must have been love at first sight because I was attracted to her and 1 think she felt the same That was Christmas of way 1921 She visited him in Salt lake City, where he had moved in September, on Get 5 and rather than chase back and forth they took the plunge five days later Their solemmarriage was later nized in the Salt I ak IDS letnple the rent anno n mu Worn in ot the Year ot th I vton i t h ipt r of the int ru in had an orchard We had a pump for water, he says They stayed there until 1934 when they were booted out for being one month behind on Kaysville Births Richard Cameron The mother will be remembered as the former Jodi Farr of ultural Ds 1 tends JEANNE VAN VET KINF.I HUiH con-sulla- It s a son for Mi and Mrs Ronald Moss The 7 lbs 9 oz lad arrived on August 12 at the Lakeview Hospital in Bountiful and will be named MRS, IVANS has always in the IDS ( hurt ti She served as a Sun d i, Si tiool teal her for 19 v p in ihe I avion Third to ad Shi has been actiu in , m dogu il woik JAYNE COOK say the marriage game is outdated, but a Clearfield couple believes in it more than ever after 5b years sV' t jjftf! avion lemple yv in London and also after moving to Vancouver, British Columbia She has been active in civic functions as well, serving in leadership positions She was the first chairman ot the planning board of f ruit Heights and served as member of its board for v ars ' The CLEARFIELD divorce rate may be climbing and there might be some who MRS. HEATON was born October 21, 1898 in London, England 2 4 1 DS I 1924 10, loin active THE 1 VIM will be telebtated with inojxnhot Ward - s " s. Marriage Recipe Woman After 56 Years Of Year Hosting the special event will be neighbors of Mis h Ids, Heaton, the Darrell Arles K Steiners, Ruv Phillips, and Kendell t ; MR AND MRS. LEO SF.AMONS 8 8 jl i Vjki p m C 4 on Ian MM) held in the 6 9pm 4 is like in thi Salt Mrs I rnma vans, 62 to North, Liyton, obst ru d her 80th birthday on tot dm s day, (X t I 4 4 w FRIENDS ARE invited to at tend between the hours o! 7 in the Fruit and Heights LDS Ward at 901 South Mountain Road A ' Yt V ' on the occasion of her Oct v WM M 522 21 A A r - |