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Show TOM B Bl SSI I 8T RG SICH A si hool niav sound in possiblt in tod iv s world of CLASSES ARE taught from 8 10am -- noon wet at is with studi nts working Mans their own pace students attend the Davis Vocational Center in the af b moors or wink "We try to have kids woik at the white they can achieve and gear Hum to success If a studi nt can ttad al the 6ih gride level we gear the a thi k-- d KAYSV111I Imagine a high si hool with about 50 vludcnt', and five tiaihers whire knows everyone evtryone t Ise and students a Idrt it achi rs hy thi ir first n mil s larft iihools with more ttian thousmd studtnts at cavh but jt the Divis ( ountv SihiMil District s Alternative h , h Si h xil things are dditrent As its name suj jests, the school has been set up to provde alirnative forms of education to students who, for one reason or another, haven't gntttn what they needid in the trad.nonal high school setting According to Vy Palmer, school directo-- , Kids here generally had some problem ad.usting to the rtgu'ar school program and had given up on it Maybe they are dropouts or but we want to turn them back on " a weak stomach better stay away from the gala spook alley to be staged by Layton High School students to benefit Laytons museum project As if they came straight from a Frankenstein movie are left witch Jeanette Weeks dumping insides on victim Sherry who awaits final doom at the hands of sen: tist Terry Ixing Anyone with BEWARE OF WITCHES! STLDENTS AT the school must be referred by high s hool and di .trict personnel The goal is for every student to grad rate, just as it is in the traditional high school But methods of achieving that goal may differ to meet the needs of students, Mrs We try to Palmer says make school a good place to be so that the kids will want to For-pick- be there rather anywhere else " By GRY R. BLODGETT I AYTON At least we re (iff to a pretty good star t THAT WAS the comment of Wayne M Winegar, distuct manager for Weber Basin Water Conservancy District after a survey of reservoirs which supply communities along the Wasatch Front from Willard, Box Elder County to North Salt Lake Compared to last vear when drought conditions al most drained our carryover water supply, this years water picture ould be termed said Mr very bright, W inegar c HE NOTED that the irriga lion season is over and watei was to have been turned olf throughout the system this week Iheie is little question but what our water supply will be adequate for next vear unless we have a complete drought this w ntc t , said the usually consetvative district manager KOSTOFF, chief engineei foi il e district, said the seven testrvoiis serving the district have nearly JIMMY Fruit Heights Hemes Hew Member Of of - to new fill A Councilman Robert M Griffith probably will be appointed the first week of November, it was nounced this week HE NOTED that Willard Bay Reservoir is holding the bulk of the district s an- comparison of the water stored in the seven reservoirs as of Sept 10 PINE VIEW, 71, 160 acre feet compared to only 33,920, Causey Creek, 1,928 acre feet compared to 1,037, Willard Bay, 165,500 acre feet compared to 98,980, Echo, 34,780 acre feet compared to 21,350, Last Canyon, 31,120 acre feet compared to 15,830, Rock Port, 52,500 acre feet com pared to 18,980, and Lost C reek 14 600 acre feet com pared to 8,500 a year ago Mr Kostoff said it is com mendable that the district has such a high water carryover despite a hotter and drier summer than usual in But despite the dry spell, the district pumped only 1,000 acre feet of water from one well this year to meet peak demands compared to 12,000 acre feet pumped from all term elected for a four-yea- r last year and the new appointee will have a three-yea- r plus term to fill Mr. Griffith said he resigned his council position because his professional job has expanded, requiring more of his time ANOTHER GOOD indication of the water year just MEANWHILE, city clerk and assistant treasurer Belva Provost has been named city treasurer, grb are storms This goes a long way to conserving water " eight district wells the year before passed is that late spring runoff from watersheds met customer demands during the early season and it was not until July 2 that the first water was released from the storage reservoirs, Mr. Kostoff noted "That was one of the latest dates in history for users to start drawing water from the storage reservoirs, he said Small classes are one at tempt to achieve that goal Since we are very small were e all on a basis I thought we wouldn't get respect with first names but it hasnt detracted at all The students know that someone here is concerned enough that they can discuss personal or financial problems or what ever," she says first-nam- NOTED that some 40 two water users depend on either culinary or irrigation water, or both, from the dis trict Weber Basin W'ater Conservancy District has been in operation nearly 20 HE years i( v ti al v hanging She is in qjitk " to point out th ti tnt public si hools jre no! at fault "Its not thur fault but kids were turned o'f Last year think not one kid fi It he could make it and by the end of the year we had none who felt that rin ssarily 1 way " PARF NTS ARE involvi d in the program from the start with students and parents meeting with school person nel to work out goals centered on graduating and 90 percent atendance or better Patents also return after eight weiks and meet with students and faculty to review progress common and discuss problems and gods They must be here 90 percent of the time to earn credit They can get an in complete and can stay an ex tra hour to make it up or do two hours of homework for each hour lost, Mrs Palmer We consider that as says long as a ferson comes to school hes not a failure We give grades of C to A and in complete if a student does A work but is here only 75 percent of the time he must put in enough time to earn the credit THESE RULES were among those worked out from suggestions received by faculty from students on how to run the program which is onlv in its second vear r Rpnrjn UU3UU0 JL At the beginning of ay ton Citv Council of Oct 10, the I the East meeting council authorized Junior Green to east of repair (heiry Lane Emerald Drive He is to work within the budget limits MAYOR JOHNSON report ed on the noise study meeting that was held last week He mentioned two zones- - A, which is limited to farming and manufacturing and B, which is one dwelling per acre densitv According to an attorneys opinion, a city could be held libel for allowing building of subdivisions with heavier density than the one dwelling per acre in the B zone The mayor and the council agreed to study the noise problem thoroughly before proceeding with building in the restricted zones The planning commission will also consider density in their work with THE EAST Layton City at- torney stated the city is obligated to stop building in areas where fire protection is inadequate The city is responsible to take positive action to correct the deficiency Based on this report, the city council voted to stop all building along the Eastside Drive water system for two weeks until a recommendation from the fire chief could be secured Two possible city ordinances were discussed 1 An ordinance for snow removal This would require no on street parking from 8 September breaking that dry spell, he said In fact, last summer was drier than the drought summer of the year before and the temperatures were " generally higher CITY RECORDER Alan Manning said applications for the vacated post are being accepted Mr Griffith was MR. WINEGAR praised the water users for their conservative efforts to save water It seems that their conservation practices from the previous vear carried over to this year and water usage was down in several areas despite the long dry spell," he said "It really pleases me when I see canals shut down whm there a carryover water supply total of 165 000 acre feet com pared to only 99,000 acre feet last year at the end of Sep (ember In his report to district of finals, Mr Kostoff gave this storms City council member the vacancy caused by the resignation state with the reservoirs drained almost dry THE WASATCH Front went three months without any measurable precipitation with only a couple of good City Council FRUIT HEIGHTS 17 A, 000 acre feet more in them than they did a year ago at this time We are just amazed when we see the carryover in the reservoirs this year," he said Last year, it was a pitiful than wav Whire pul in i.he time and i Hurt be a success the kids are program that List Job Openings in Layton Office LAYTON of job openings A wide variety are currently listed with the Layton office of Job Service ranging from a position in mobile home repair to an engraver and electrical engineer NEARLY HALF the listings are in the sales and service area with eight openings listed for houseworker, five for waiter or waitress and seven for baby sitter Also listed in that category are single openings for security guard, cosmetologist, fast food service manager and a cashier Other openings include three for assembler and single openings for mold maker, offset press operator and a welder m the assembly and industrial area Two openings were posted for general clerk and mortgage processing clerk while single openings were listed for elec- trical engineer, financial manager and data processing supervisor EIGHT construction jobs were listed including two for a hod carrier and single listasings for a form setter and sembler One truck driver and a painter were among other listings Ten openings for a variety of jobs were listed under the Comprehensive Employment Training Act category The office is open weekdays from 8am to 5 p m with further information available tb by calling 376-127- 4 p m until 8am except for emergency vehicles from Nov 15 to March 31 2 An ordinance prohibiting off- - Absentee Ballots Available - FARMINGTON Absentee voter ballots for registered voters who will be out of town on election day (Nov 7) will be available Oct 23 at the Davis County Clerk's Office, Farmington Courthouse COUNTY CLERK Rodney Walker said registered voters who will be temporarily absent during election day may apply at the clerk's office for an absentee ballot This pertains only to registered voters with legal residence in Davis County," he said Also, residents temporarily living outside the county such as students, missionaries or persons on temporary job assignments may also vote absentee by applying for a ballot by mail that the application must state the permanent residence and HE NOTED voting district, and must be signed by the voter The ballot will then be mailed to the voters temporary address Mr. Walker emphasized that requests for ballots must be received at the Clerks Office in sufficient time to allow for return mailing and to have the ballot marked and back in the Clerks Office before 5 p m on election day grb road parking on Emerald, Cherry, Rainbow, Oakridge and Fairfield and other streets unimproved or under construction or where signs are posted It would also require ten feet of width in the center of the road anywhere in the city for the free movement of traffic THESE TWO ordinances will be studied by the council and will be acted upon at a public hearing in connection with the next regularly scheduled council meeting Finally, the council agreed that city water would be turned off if the bill had not been paid over a three month period Legal action will follow if the bill still isn't paid dmg Studi nt giv a rt nt mcludt with presmtativcs from each home room Homerooms are held daily and include a t.me for studtnts to exch irge ideas anl wcik out probltms (lasses are offered in all b i sic subjects including math stience English and Periods are 45 history niinuti s long with it n minute hri iks tx twttn tlas.ts If a s'uderit doesnt show up for a ( lass he isnt hass, h d but has to make up the work, Mrs Pulmer savs Studi nts must r jss a proficient y list ' a regular high school foie ihev can graduate II ACHERS KEEP close labs on students and meet cine weekly to distuss each student and his progress And Gathers try to visit students at home or at work to get better acquainted When a studi nt is absent the school calls the student, not the parent, Mrs Palmer says Our goal is to make the students responsible Usually the only reason they stay out is because they are ill." In addition to those students attending classes each morning, nearly an equal number participate in a type of home study program, she says That program is set up because Dere isnt space to accommodate everyone during regular school hours or because students work or eb-cte- d cant take attending four We get a hours straight and a waiting list very early lot of kids come wanting to attend Were finding kids really want an education but are unable to make it in the school high regular Hopefully the school won't get big because 1 think it would lose some of its effectiveness Mavbe it could go up to 200 " STUDENTS study ON the home program visit the school once weekly to review work with teachers and receive any necessary extra help Each teacher works with about 12 students during the afternoons Students must complete 150 hours of work to earn one credit and most are taking three or four subjects. Classes are usually conducted with a minimum of lectures as students complete much work from workbooks geared to their level Field trips are taken to such places as the Weber State College planetarium to provide added opportunities THE kids know what like to be at the bottom of the heap here was one who was at pre primer level and is now on a th grade level, Mrs Palmet says The kids - x A other at $137,000 remodeling project for a commercial building on Hill Field Road valued at $108,000 was approved for Dale T. Smedley INSTRUCTORS milud Taylor, who taught at an aitirnative high si hiiol m Og den as well as at Ben Lomond Hqh School He tries to keip his classes as free of lecture as possible involving students Ron in a variety of activities ranging from a scanogram, or word search relating to his tnry, to reading of magazines for understanding of current events to bulletin board work "I try to give the students as many options poss.ble to earn credit Im a resource person and dont have lecture tvpe classes I ve had a lot of good success and like the individualized program I find it tends to be more mv nu he Mr Tavlor is also in charge of the physical education which, though limited, is very much alive "We have football, softball, badminton and ping pong and Im trying to get a church gvm three times a week We also sometimes do such things as go bowling or ski" ing program ALL OF bright, the kids are theyve just gotten turned off, says Were Mrs hre Palmer them develop their skills so they can graduate and support themselves We're all equal as far as human value and have an equal right to reif people are treated spect equal, they tend to respond to help that way addition to high school-age- d students, the school serves as a base for seven foreign residents recently moved into the area Teacher Dennis Hoskins relates learning English to every day situations One such application is by learning the numbers while gaining familiarity with American What is this7 Mr money Hoskins asks This is a half dollar This is Georges half dollar," a student responds In STUDENTS presently include several Laotians and Puerto Ricans, including one with no previous formal schooling But all seem eager to learn, including George Perez, here only two months after leaving his native Puerto Rico "We wanted a change in our lives Our two children were raised I was an ac- countant The school is located in a house and trailer near Davis High School in Kaysville ALL its 1 still have some insecurities but are doing a gteat job She credits teachers with helping build the students "1 dont find the teachers putting the kids down Classes are kept to ten students and the teachers try to be on the student's level The teachers are outstanding and most have additional training for problem kids " County Issues Building Permits FARMINGTON Seventeen building permits were issued by the Davis County Planning Commission totalling $614,086 in construction during Sept THREE PERMITS were issued for projects costing more than $100,000, including two three-plecondominiums in Farmington Both are being built by Sweetwater Properties at about 1600 North 1250 West with one valued at $121,000 and the s studini council Four residential permi were approved including o to Frank Souhrada at 15 North Ewe Turn in Kaysvil valued at $45,900, a Tesidem at 1592 North Stayner Drive Farmington valued at $63,0 to John Lodder and one 3182 North Highway 89 I Layton to Blaine Hanne valued at $27,950 Als approved was a $46, 7f residence for Davis Construi tion at 1737 North 1250 West t Farmington. s A STORAGE buildin valued at $30,000 wa approved for the Bonneviii LDS Stake at 744 South 220 West in Layton, tb School Board Oslis idling FARMINGTON - Trustees Davis School District could be in for a long meeting, Tuesday, with a full agenda set for the meeting at 7pm in the districts administrative offices -- of the AMONG ITEMS to be considered will be the bid opening for Joseph Cook Elementary School, possible personnel matters, request from the State Board of Education prohibiting distribution of religious materials in the schools and school group travel requests and several board conventions The meeting is open to the public, tb THE WEEKLY REI1EX 197 B" North Main SL Layton Phone 376-91- 33 Published Weekly by CUPPER PUBLISHING CO. John Stable, Jr., Publisher Second Class Postage Paid At Layton, Utah SUBSCRIPTION $4.50 per year Out of State Subscription S5 SO Overseas Subscription SIS 00 (Payable in Advance) |