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Show I t WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, OCTOBER 1 9, 1 978 Resource Center Open Evenings I he Davis County School Districts Parent r Alburn Vo tar Monado duration g each Wednesday thereafter, throughout the remainder of the school year. The new evening hours are a result of manv requests from parents for extended hours mended for family rooms as well as living rooms. They Shorten drying time for and blankets heavy can adjust light for every bedspreads by pinning the top hem to one clothesline and the bottom hem to another line which will avoid a double thickness children may be borrowed by parents for use in their hiemes A staff member of the cerip'r will be on hand during the evening hours to help pa Irons select appropriate materials for their needs Resource Center will be open one evening each week siart-inWednesday, Oct 18 and will remain open until 8pm, 1 WITH FIXTURES three-wa- pm jxise. Before storing vtiur lawn mower, remove caked on dirt and grass clippings with a stiff brush or putty knife. Drain gasoline from tank for v light hulbs are recom- - safety. Gil blades. Ihe term Selected books, filmstrips educational toys for SEEDTIME AND HARVEST mil m at r"-- al ay ten irSZtc fail'd ,111(1 d in unnouin , thior 'bird eh ot h he s et n e)i lenlav is !im k lie He U t ill i Id I I I -- i,(ii in iiiison and i i lnoL ae lains( In in Og Ii n t Menu got o,,d. oe ot Howe is ,ltid i ( ' N i man i .it ' e i i i end ii () III pH l' , ' r h mine I - in ti 1ms ei'nn Oh o V l end d i 01 ,11 n i ll'Ve n V Is l,n I c h U me ame be the ,r t fth ( h ill b n mu d ( ji window at v Ii flint-- and Mill m iv h ice the ailment for md his wift will rt main fri e ot it Doe lors know th it mo t of Du c llnris to prevent c hie e hlorine foot ie s fool tilth-.u the swimming pool. dis,j is ihh si rpjH. rs, lending of k , md ire irmenl of siux s an not he Ipful Alhletes cos mii ( s n! lit c iujuii l!i. o illu tc f mi r ann lit I i , -- 1) shall lie 'A e guide C Ii gl nidi tie d ,e r v. tnle t . 1 it owlandllie lie i till 1 one bag to match Patterns are i i ail It wail is V a, or r W 'i.li' del, ill h ui c nd we who are t age tart of it all, tie dMire a t ae li liht ,1'eni' t orne and go and s of th TIlS IVoaliior YES. THE weather is a most important influence inn our hunting First, enough ram and the right conditions are required to populate our woods and fields with wildlife, bv giving them vegetation and insect and animal food Second weather often determines when and where birds migrate It can determine where name animals and birds are to be found during the hunting season in heavy, protected areas, or out in the open, so to speak Over 20 Yrs. Experience Uj. Stocm Cleaning Special!! AVERAGE S5 K05 1 With Coupon DAVIS COUNTYS LARGEST CARPET a FURNITURE CLEANERS - 322-371- WHAT SOME people dont realize is that severe weather kills game, as well as people A severe winter following a dry summer is hardest on many forms of wildlife 3 mm ei tin dun f k ot 1 L medicated mis or i e m m tIX 3 I k i il j little daughter their home are Mr and Mis Mike Roundy of M'S West (enter Street Kavsville She arrived on Sept 10 at t ht Davis North Medical Center and weighed 8 lb 11 oz They have picked the name of S J t Urn) Wele ommg a m at w c it i r I c t 111 to , I , , petil i) daughter of Mr and Mrs. Dean Hanney, i' viee president and Jalarie Barton, eiaughte r of Mr and Mrs. Cecil Barton, has t n elec ted secretary at i ( '( nt t Mi' Kclieit Cot'le I Ix-- ilia Hannev J Minister I hope mv hoy , ate carrying aav from Tnnn-- Mia c mi ed le ge somi I h i worth ng whilo Senior SI- - the is more effective use powde i - lot ions, on t n on i - tie St (lied cs ill th ihe pre SII H It t ( "Doctor, you told me to my tongue and you have never looked at it." "No 1 just wanted to write a prescription in peace " show you '.( to s, be kept cool n sue e essfully , the i (ltd he VV gnl xmi gi nli n t inter the most ecru ho rill)' a Old iftle 1)1 ( ill 111 e r ( if hi too (MX) ( e .SI' pul i (I Ve JI i mi I ( w i r Haul' s ol re d si ih m ,y pi s 'I 1'pl III 111 ' el p e'l hi S) ( I s I iaa i Us (Si ,dv p in uui nod eh') Meianom i brown ni bl it k mo'c W grow If s w nit h ,11' ie i ' ill arid lilt d easily w fu ti 'hi fit . ilia, I) gel's g"i n i, foil lacte d inj i roijs n, of lh it i - c ,n lie t a a , t rru t el r 1 Does the weather afftet wildlife and hunting to an appi enable degree PHONE 773-500- 0 BOUNTIFUL CUSTOMERS FAEI ESTIMATES , the helm of things for 9th il 1 lav is .Junior High this veal (Him is include Klin Cottle, Ie It prcsidi ill slie is the el euglite r of Mr anil Ii'- - L; et, especially b ii 11017 LZJ c STUDEUTBODY OFFICERS t Pt voniion re quin s that s m of the fi n the v O' m bf ke ei IZqvgvUIq ? Ikoi fee iboralur I tc " ilhir,nnes am In (list wiilr i c ihiM s fur e emfirm it ion f it .line nt should lx time d at th' I' lx "f fungus e eiismr the nf c linn V, ii km e n in, moist e out ij'i s He g tew ' h nf all ul lung' li i cliff i' nil lu n n th lire I inpi ( in 'i iv hut th' ir tfee I i e m b k pi n r i ni ul Ii ki i p ng lie I'- !' I 'ml in f (Ink, I'e mt d, the world 7 - vri approac h to tre atment w ill of Ii n require the atle ntum of a M(!S I e omtnon foi m of to s 'out is Hi d who b ,v s I due ss in the lx nets and d it the ti eelli s, Y be obtained simple ami bland substances a hut specific ' v our home and around t'ate RLLH I M by i ort 11', lee the follows vonth. hat L k an available in manv sivles and sizes long and burning of 'M fist p n tie ul ir Iv be tween 'I i s Inn ime fungus can bhsje ' i (upturns of the ld s c and cat odors c veiy fashionable or anz outfit ill Ii e We clean all kinds ot turniture we remove dog can sew, you II In alike h tin iirnet oover "pit - i ' d I ill not ee .l'l'."' him lord shall in d rol night tm mer Inn h onk ie Mr and Mrs tt.mi, of St George md , t onkie v M i s U ot Dorse at tc aikeiuile Nevada lie Hs c n 'd s grandpa re nts It's a boy for iho film an ! mil C Her irr in b ue an ( u rtis P i in h iim v es born Ocl h in 0 Ue n to nas one older bi other H's grandparents are I Ills an i ee Blue h ot avion, Mr and Mrs Tred Croslev and c.eoige Htnmanof Okla dme t, liile the earth ri ami harve sf, W AR Some (npi are more sus ptible than ol hr rs A man cell In lidt d klle ,oe , for 1 h ne a fungus lufee non nf the font iiyone can have il lar' elf dotting tin' iv lee ( nd i old md In at. and anl dav him His mm ailt l foot tetni is a inisnoiiii r, s.ns the American Mtdital Association You linn t h ice to tv an athlete to r, lliauks grate fell IVt Unit New Me' rs . 1 carryall pt POfl HI 1 love r. d1" alhlc'tes is coined bv an advertising man in the t arly 19i0s to piomnie a puent remedy for fungus infections of ihe toot w skills 't too hard If you have a n THE CENTFR is (mated in the Monte Vista School, 70 Smith 'too East, T armington it contains a variety of useful and interesting materials for parents Books, filmstrips imi kits are available for loan to patents who wish to increase their knowledge and enhance their patenting k. If youre going to be thrifty and bake yuur bread, place a litlle dish of water in the oven to keep ihe crust from getting JJ, 7P r 'n I L y U J r .j t a Soil Lake U J DlNkll 12 Action Boxing Bouts Women Wrestling Match LAYTON ARMORY 34 Golden Ave. NOVEMBER Refreshments Ringside $3.50 Sponsored bv L-- G & 118 p.m. Prize Drawing Gen. $2.00 Youth Cluh A Awnn UlUV SERVING LUfJGH t f f f i Tues. thru Friday 11:30 to 2:30 VcBiriiJER SERVED 2 i Tues., Wed., Thurs. 5:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday 5:00 to 11 p.m. Two Private Dining Rooms for Luncheon or Dinner ira Beth for the new sister At home is a little brother Bnan and sister Allison Mrs Roundv is the former Madelvn Bond of Ogden Ihe grandparents are Mr and Mis lyie Roundv, Kavs-ull- e and Mr and Mrs Dean Bond of Ogden Mrs Florence Mitchell of Kamas and Mrs Arlene Zeider of Salt Lake City are the great grandmothers A little son named Cameron Dee was born on Sept 3 to Mi and Mrs Wvnn Passey of Kavsville The lad weighed 7 lb 2 oz at both and is their first child Ihe mother will be remembered as the former Annie Dretke of Salt Lake City The grandparents are Mr and Mrs Rex Passey who were pleased to have him arrive on their wedding anniversary Mrs Hanolore Pe- terson of Salt Lake City is the other grandmother Mrs Iretta Passey of Clearfield and Mrs Olive Michaelson of Montpelier, Idaho Timrs.-Fri.-Sa- Oct. f. are the Excited over the arrival of their fust child are Mr and 10-20-- 21 Mrs Brian K Hale of Sandy The mother is the former Julie Iverson of Kaysville Brushed Nylon 108 Wide Shirred Fabrics a little goes a long way (Excellent for quilts) O I Reg. 1.98 (if! Yard Gingham Checks 65 Polyester Reg. $1.79 C (oC - 35 Cotton S 19 Yd. Diaper Flannel the University of Utah Hospital and weighed 8 lb 11 oz It is the first grandchild for Mr and Mrs Robert Iverson of Kavsville The other grandparents are Mr and inch Reg. 39 inch A baby daughter named Tricka arrived on Oct 3 at Printed Flannel Mrs Nathan D Hale of Salt Lake Citv The great grandparents are Chester Flint, Kaysville, Mr and Mrs Clarence Iverson, Mrs Otlia Hale and Mrs Annabell Graham all of Salt Lake City np (Flat Fold) i)F5C Reg. 1.39 fin ) w' Vj yard DiXON P. Batts 25 Ml Patterns 25 REISBECK Off For All Your Insurance Needs E3 AUTO 03 UFE 26 years experience in Davis County law enforcement HOME OWNERS TRUCKS 376-427- Fort Lane Shopping Center Ask any law enforcement office who is the best qualified candidate for Davis County Sheriff Paid for by Committee to elect Leo Monks Davis County Sheriff, Jack 9 197 NORTH MAIN - Republican LAYTON M. Bangerter, Kent White |