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Show ' w ) WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL. OCTOBER HfpfgH i 3 3 3 I 1 for sale 19. 1978 LEADER. OCTOBER C77 Ave Layton Thurs Whitesides Sat or Sun Fi37 Fri People once believed that ostriches hatched their eggs merely by looking at them. 1 . I f HEADERS CUSTOM WELD I N G NEW DISHWASHERS STEEL FABRICATION CALL LAKE Welding & Muffler MUFFLERS a dishwasher until DON T BUY you have seen the new fantastic Maytag Dishwasher They out clean any other dishwasher plus the finest long lasting quality 2 57 East 100 North Farmington 867 5094 R35 38 DISPOSALS 1978 model with large dis $39 95 AND UP Several brands to choose from plus reasonable Perkins installation rates Appliance 295 8229 R35-4- 2 counts available on these We will install Perkins Appliance 295 8229 R35 42 DUALS - if3 ROLL BARS CALLLAKE Welding & Muffler 57 East 100 North Farmington 867 5094 R35 38 To save Moving Cost from our old Bountiful store to our new HITCHES WIRING TRANSMISSION COOLERS CALL LAKE Welding & Muffler 57 East 100 North Farmington 867 5094 R35 38 BIG SAVINGS FOR YOU!! bigger warehouse - All items have been cut to below costs. - PRICES GOOD AT ALL 3 LOCATIONS!! i!nVu.t!j,V PJERIENCE It ! 9. 1978 r i USED VACUUMS FOR SALE RAINBOWS Electrolux Hoover Kirby etc in excellent condition Prices range from 24 00 See at Kirby Co 354 No Main No 2 Layton Ut 766-094R36-3- 7 2 tubeless snow tires 775 14 5- lug mounted on rims Only used one snow season $50 for both Call 376 21 71 or see at 59 vvhitewall 1 From Famous Sands Hotel Las Vegas Re - Elect r Railroad porters were first issued "red caps" to match the red carpet rolled out for passengers on the legendary Twentieth Century Limited. r t M . ft Pf? 1 id m m Vei? 1 OKMES j tSMOB VrViWvvrx-- All teal esiate ad- In vertised this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing' I Act ot. 1968 which makes s it illegal to advertise any f preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, or an intention to make such preference, limitation, or discrimlnal'on This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising tor real estate riHqrrrr nlJSuluui' I fHH3BOARDS 4 f are this newspaper available on an equal opbasis. portunity OF PEACE have been for the past four years Davis County Precinct Court I In La 00 O Justice cf Peace, these four years the court has processed 1 7,457 4-P- criminal and civil cases I have attended Eight Judicial School and Seminars I have organized Davis County Small Claims Court I have been an Instructor in Law "Tl 365.00 49.00 Living Room Sets c. Hardwood Home Desk 503 Room Size Carpets All shags, loops, plushes $20.00 $18.00 253 Pictures ID Color TVs - Zenith 2C0 Pr. Drapes p.lany Colors) Full Plate Mirrors (2Q x3S ) This court is now, and must continue to be, independent of all organizations and individuals, it cannot function properly f v. 2'3"x3'6" 125.00 5.00 1 7.00 11.00 Davis County Precinct JUSTICE S From which Is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in VnMBSV i $165.00 Sofa & Chair NEW 9 Drawer Dressers Table Lamps Desk Tables - All Hardwood 2 Cushion Wood Lounge Chairs S39-S60.0- From Pair 0 3.00 189.00 16.00 9.00 otherwise. f f :'3 am the only candidate for this office who has a law degree (University of Utah College of Law) and legal experience as a Judge. I 23 L -- is t--i kA kU .in F. Rogers 0 ri 0 Vote 257 W. SOUTH TEMPLE - SALT LAKE CITY 562 W. 100 New Warehouse East on the Non-Partisa- Judge Stewart. Chairman Paid lor by Committee to Ballot n S Stewart Stele Representative Paid political ad by Ed Rogers Freeway on 1G0 N. PUSUC UIVITED Bii8 mm Lcnislalive Dist. Ho. 51 of OPEN 9:30 A.M. TO 6 P.M. nr S8E3 iiii ig! iil Family Western Wear llii, L.iii.iu'J 3 :jic!;s CM Fori Lane Shopping Center ICO South Fort Lane -37- j 6-0041 (Neil lo Flower by Candlelight) BGOY SALE Reasonable, Logical Tax Limitation 2. Prioritize Services Essentials First 1. Dont miss our lost big boot sale until after the Christmas Season Men's Acme Harness Acme Boots Limited Supply Reg. $48 Now 30050 m9 Mens Acme Boots ! style No. 4914 Reg. 542 S -, .1"- V1 ; Q93 Now V- Limited Supply - Chiropractor Dr. John E. Clikcman Announus the of his office IU77 So. Mum, I, a tun ' Uur.O daily Men's Wrangler Boots 2 styles Reg. $44 s2450 Call 825 -- Now Only 7.7.7S nr 7M-17S- 4 S24D5 AUTO GLASS Mens J.B. Mustcrson SPECIALISTS Lizard Boots Reg.SUSOOjqoO a V Style No 7076 Now 0 Reg $80 00 s3903 Off Complete Stock of Boots! Sale Lasts until Oct. 31 si Justin Maef Charge Makes: Tony Lama USED WINDSHIELDS SOD GOOD UU Mens Tony Lama Boots Dan Post Wrangler Acme V Available layaway Available HOUSE GLASS St Uo-r,r- Picture V I System B. Performance Evaluation of C. Adopt Cost Effective Procurement System All Employees Improve public notification of pending major deliberations providing public consideration prior to official action. Lf Mg fri iQuniy CommissionGP rdows TherToV Pa o Ooc'S - Serpens FAST INSURANCE CLAIM SERVICE GUARANTEED AGAINST LEAKAGE CM SrjL Quality Glass NOJPI I Management 4. Open Door Policy Reg. 548 Now A. Merit rijx-nin- Ladies Wrangler Boots 14" Tops 3. Improve County CM Paid political ad by Boyd Ivory |