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Show WEEKLY REFLEX- - DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, OCTOBER 19. 1978 -- f vWf High Time rs A ?Wv 4 v 5 no i;8GC d In the western democracies the sinking power of large labor unions has never been reconciled completely with the public welfare, Mi I have lived in this house more than half a lifetime, long enough to accumulate stu h a load ol cargo as would have sunk the ark. When we moved into the new house w h its mud landsi aping, w plann anvthmg wluih promised he green and growing MAJOR private sector strikes, such as in transportation, inconvenience or nipple major segments of business and society. Obviously, a better answer is desirable But a belter answer has nnt tnen found. Organized l.ibor )i ilme.lv guards its power to strike, for it is, alter all, the ultimate weapon of the unions One can understand this attitude without .inept mg the theory nothing belli r l an lie devised IT IS understandable that the famdy hhould feel grief win n the cat decides to move mi and be upset when the By FlORfNCE BITI NT R enthusiastically unary hutrumbs These are living capable of receiving and returning some degree of .diet turn. But when the object o( our affection Is an old b i lull c ap or a mildewed Hdlowetn costume made for thud grade, why the wave of guilt to UIK1Y DURING ab these yi.us, we have hauhd home assorted trinket' net ess ies, edibles, we ir i hies, onihusiibles and jii t plain junk I or every catloa ' we hauled m, we have i at rn out muvbe a hag or two o! Does (he old costume feel it ji i ted if it is consigned to tin i.b.hag'' Does the baseball i ip care tti.it it hi s forgotten mi the sht 11 under a pile of ic ati i s, all outgrown c illy, state es UOVT lulled keepsakes mil junk I acquire books my tunny and corner in 1 i mplou If such this house is piled with books, .nut patting with even Ihe most insignificant causes um i in I may have to give a hi lure one day and want to that as a reference u I New of fit (IN .it the llelrtl of tilings (nr 'If ,11 n III High Si hool for the IhTh 7 m hi ol year iik lui.lt Hlenda Tow nley , It It, 'eint.irv; (urtts Child.-,-, vice president, Omdv Cluiil'., vice president our luhs and lt nt .Jurgens n, (rout, presidt nt CLEARFIELD OFFICERS and fanuli d.i Mi and Mis Mni ris Juhn , ,i vuird fi n m ' s i v i r,. 1 their sun. Dr Kav Jnhnvin amt he moving tu ills. Idaho to m ike hev ite now their hnmi I e ( Hiessa, 1 siding is taiiulv Idaho will t 1 111 ddie Miller who h is tnen making his home with the David Phelps f mill, the last month has received his mission i all to st t ve a inis a nd i sioti to the S w r ,t niva Mission He will t ntt i he t IM on Dei 28 He is a I I del t I I the Kavsville I r u it Heights Second - ml Si ott Hunter of Dern i r, (olo has hem staving with the Phelps fumilv the past few weeks He is now staving in Provo with David Phelps Jr and ilassmates David is attending BY U Another visitor at the Phelps home in t tint Heights is Padasi Sasaki froni lokvo, member ol and Mis Ho Ips w ill relui n hnnn m 11 fi oin H iwan win n lie h is hi en spending tin miii no iionihs pic king pun tnjdi H his In a pan Barri Phelps, son of Mr o' in in i. Ms and Mi Mis 1ms mb t t a C ( A n S.n 'h Si i pin n , , w h v Mis Mis P Kill Mis dal Sn tl it Id Mis (, oldie P i nd j dmm i met n and pio i i of the I n ni'l si on tnirsd . t h ind tin t on i hs I III,. in Mis ,!i a (.,: W i. one a lesi ,ng at hi r tioo I. a .diet undi t going s n u wet k in Salt ake 'IV i rs hildit M Mi W aid I uni n spun tin w. i ft nd in Ini i la nd veiling with hi r pan ills Mi and Mrs !h mv lirown A ! hut s a vision of Mr and Mis S i a Mi Mlmti i was ( her s.sit r S min lt.rd fiom Magna CHAiiXJ SAWS - ElY TiGY i i (Ksl rv Ruggedly engineered to pile up plenty of firewood and fuel savings for years to come, an Echo Cham Saw has to be one of the soundest investments you can make Oult fueling around! Come in today for a FREE demonstration. a S Small Engine Repair 768-131- blue III is a C aspei on li ir hv t si II t t t i our 3 tie tnswi r in, i s, hut I an At outvoted UP tout ht d and in i dt d I in , Inn d t ht i r home md i hi ,r do ir old mo'ht r fis ort VI adswnt ih. stats n Island He flew to I t ill t i at ti nd I DS (n m ral ( onh renie 1 (.RADI AI LA. II ha, ui r. d to me muc h if mm i rn is for all t reasut es In v h iv e tu c and to isit with Ills p u i ots, i in Mr and Mis VI tialbiaith In Januai v he w PI he st at I oi Hood 1 x i hi Um e v ai a' agnmeiil t Col ( Ret ) and M s mi d a i i Morel B Jefferv halt te turned home from a tin dav hi ti ip v Nt tiuquerque, 1 hi v w Mixho wtte hnuseguests tor e dav s of ( olonel ,md Mis Ken Ihnnias where t ht attended the Air Rescue Si i vice Reun on in Albuqueique There weie eight couples w ho all si ved togi ther at A heeus f aid Iripoli, fvhia I n route home thi v spent time ai K ir.gm in A , Homei Dim and slopped in fas i g is Nt ,ada to v isit a iinisin, Mis Alt tha Mi s soi ole (hn Kaysvifie thi t'JVt I .(hire the-jo- Win n one gets down to unions in utilities, transportation and inmiminnations, can one dav be avoided ui the stnke, cuTTcr.s ccrrr.riucus LQVfEGT FRIGE EVER For Residing! or Commercial Cuildlnga Various Colors Caked on Enamel Custom Mada with Precision on Job :itiy nr:: corn Don Pearson FUSS - Manager CSTir.lATSC-773-G5S- or 3D4-G50- G 5 LAYTON, UTAH No Seams No Leaks Requires No Maintananco fl P? L,72 L c 0 0 0 0 bi n c 0 s least weve got a good start on the storehouse part R 1 r rn b jonnsitinnununouaiicimnmnunEinnmaEinnQcncJ Stop V Looking-It- Here! s 5; The newest expert unisex hairstyling salon. E si A A z?, ;r r We have the top (5) five stylists in the area. h course of instruction are eligible for three hours of college credit in Physical . . Education and Hygiene He joined the Navy in July 1977 Our womens room will be CLEAN HORSE MANURE, NO WEEDS, offering you ladies our U LOAD.. S5C3 5JC0 WE LOAD CALL ic 2 reason and outside the pus sibility of discussion So we mav become one of those f unifies like New England and the South where genera lions reside in the same house and where attics and basements become store houses of the history of na FERTILIZE UOl FOR UEZT SPRIHG PICK UP LOAD, it C At drill. seamanship, Naval history and first aid Personnel who complete this close-orde- ti w THE AFFECTION of mv biood for the house is beyond fields Included in his studies were ceremonies HE IS an Air f one Reserve Master Sergeant assigned to the 508th Tactual Fighter Group (Reserve) at Hill AFB as a training management technician Sergeant Neil and his wife, Cnrrine, have two children di t at and belter Settlement apparatus by whnh strikes in Ihe public servue suitor, and C general military subjects designed to prepare him for further academic and on training in one of the Navy's 85 basic occupational - ALL AMERICANS have a duly to strive to develop a new ,.Ai3j"TTCiE3nE3E3nE30EE:utit2anti!3E3nmarsnc:noor2nnE:i rummaged through generations of sinks lor a mate The downstairs b ithroom where plumbing to seem emergencies I ongregate San Diego DURING THE eight week training cycle, he studied APB MSgt Billy J Neil of Ogden has rweivid a fh vear pin at Hill Af B ft HE IS AN ordnance equipment specialist in the Materiel Management Direc torate at Hill The futility room we have incamngli ss c HILL Af B - Kavsville resident Woodrow W Pilcher has received a Sustained Superior Pc rformanre Award at Hill AF B ceremonies tunning son of Blaine 0 and Elizabeth A Arave of 2428 Noith 473 West, Sunset has completed recruit training at the Nava! Training (enter, IN THIS year's postal wotkeis crisis, a new Dost ma .ter .enerul stood ready to uphold the law, and demand c d wotki rs tc'spc t it I hat is ihe only course government It, uli t s an follow if t bans is not eventually to p it.llize the i His live turn t loiimg ot t he ?rfi sc lull' What I have tome to sus pi it. however, is that it is not the possessions whith are so ih ar, it is the house itself Hie dent in the living room w ill made by a boy practicing on a new bicycle on Christmas morning otieyed and res pet ted workers c ft urry to sort atul Ini tantly part with a few hen thev quietlv haul most of it hat k and put it awav where I won't see it for a ,e, they hi Mayors, governors and federal officials currently have a unique duty to prevent Americans from (trifling mio a chaotic situation in which no strike laws are rendered workers' crisis, 13 begin to mumble N I nidibly about the acquired m isures whnh infest the ii and (or pennies tmns Navy 30 Year Fin 1 kt d Arne, n; HII flan htiome tl" oven Arave Comp! 2 ies Training Seaman Steven 0 visiti d in Dui ingo. with the ia Indi in Pueblo's en route to AI olo I oi th r id tile kt l psakl s ins fondm s 'or m inimaii ohjei ts is a quit k ki 1 I I awav Wltf i T t h id struck and di tied the law, and the government did little to require i umph.iiu e with law or ourts 1 . i i,u wouldn hddhood would mu T ihfot m i She is i fi n nd of Miss I bine I 01 iK I vnn ( tl hr ai ti and f mull an now residing in Sew Imk w hi i e In is .t ndi ng a s pi i la i hapiain si bool at he a. WAILS AND in ( hi t londommiuni liousegui st at the home of Mr and M rs I u ar f oids for a lew d jv s while en route home from frequent used bonkstoies re absolute treasures tan I it k and survev tin m going to avalain he it all to tin dump and j o of r saving imE suvs 180 No. Main St. - Ma lilt ( L a C I v I Ml) II O i, Sat in d i m Phut nix At iznil.j to sh ml t i o u f s w nh fn r in Mil' i Mis s (i i All) mo J plane c51-- n? A SOULD iss tan so ighhots ran cripple nations, laws against public employee strikes must therefore be .strikes Weak or civet v poll Dial leaders have lacked toe necessary courage to invoke the law in several key tests in the last several years 1 I i V- I the n on M D iv id still Mv I mull has threatened to do mv book weeding for me, have protected nut thus far mv inllection The problem is Init we i an find tin house Vie were fn ginning to roM mble tin i jstle in w tin slei ping In anti n i lull d a punts ti d tiv a hundrt d vt u -cut i .i j rowth of ht a m till ht imhli s, tiul not all Periodii alls I op n a i In a l m jump mil Mis 1 inn S ind ill Mi v imO d m I i H e on ! hursd.i', will) Mi .uni M s Nohl S in Wi ago sea-urn- Carter did piartirully nothing to eitfnice court oidi rs In an earlier postal strikes among public utility employees THERE ARE, of course , lawsagunst public emplovee i HAW fn t orne fair' I itoi i uthb ss in the vat d want dt a rt and mud ag m hut I slopped planting and si irti d i ult mg out si v i i .i genuine sympathy), the unions nevertheless defied court orders and Piesident government mn be shut I hat down is obviously highly undesirable, as are i uiquisilion final truth of it, massive strikes can come very c lose to mob rule. In the private sec-to- r we have existed with the collective bargaining system because it is better than the traditional alternatives. BUT Cl NERAL strikes which paralyze governments This has encouraged (wildness, in defying the law, among some union leaders in thf: rec ent coal miners strike (with whith one has c THE SITUATION is he timing ntu at in America tml.ii bee ause org inied labor is now penetrating Ihe ranks of 1 di si aril We have rt ached the hob mg point I he huv ing ha . slowed maikedlv, hut stdi we stum hie over tilings am1 wondi r win in to put one mmi C ZQQ U 370 - 5222 V V V Heat Wave Perms $2po Bobette Nielson Laurie Belnap r f which includes our cut & stvie Cut and Style for Let us give you that easy to care for look of today! 4 W, KIsnu Our mens room will offer you gentleman your a Sandy Freeman $700 and iomjlinientarv Chnstel Reames beard mm How Offers N Family Style ITALIAN DINNERS OESTOUIlOniS Layton, 505 N. Main Ogden, 33rd & Washington YOUR COMPLETE DINNER EXCURSION STARTS WITH. 1. Hot Minestrone Soup, all you care to eat. 2. A trip to our fabulous Salad Bar (go back as often as you like). 3. Choice of our specialty garlic rolls or hot bread. 4. Main Entree. 5. Dessert: Choice of Spumonl, Sherbet or Ice cream. -- a plirf ffutr mfiiiitiilt u i j Judy Lazenby Managerco-owne- r Specials good 1, 1; Lillian Fowler Ileceptioncstco-owne- through-ou- t November - r the grand opening beginning 1978 til November 15, 1978. Phone: 376-365- 1 Address: 360 F. Fort Lane Layton, Utah !; |