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Show 11 WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NCWS JOURNAL, OCTOBER W w 4W I w i w 1978 19. ' ;4 a4 d , t 1 i-- f 1 ? ? S ' t l ' ; 4 IJMIIKIA i ! 3 f ' i lappy Birthday D'I 'I Vis o There's lots of ai t ion when Muilenlx. lew In i and p oi ft unit tlio ITSA at Luton High Si hool Working tngi tin to in d f oai Ml! osslnl If, hnk, if It. (i If Iit kilt. Mari n . ( d f h c: M Mmg.m, Apal at a k and h a n n ) u m iddl I .1 u I a Idlllf I ( 1 s' out, L.-- V. 4J I I s' I jv J -- rr J i ' . . It ,i II ti nil n, Yn mi Ha , Moon and Si, m Ch' , him n fir li ' I 'til h H M ralld I i ' i ( ) i i iltf i, - ii i n ! fc -J APMIM, I I - ) i if If ( imi'U .. (, I I I ri pkn ement chairs al the I,,. lli, it d i if, o ihi ,ii ! a i mhl t n tmm its pu s mi v i i , a it- I hi 1 V tin- h als ogo r 0e" as uminri d no M i I i1 ' o i, . i j f i 1,, pri tosi ii tin i b i with ,i Yi-l- i tkXl i nin-M.f- milieu s will so, !), able oblam w ithotit os; the hi j and adxue of expert innsul tants in undei standing and complying with job safety arid health stundal ds, it w s an in, unc ed b the ml ust n i t ommission uf I m budpi I t for l'l.S aril nu hulas a sal m, me lease for and lather subst ant ia. jumps in frniffes tnndinp for lihrap, materials ai'd buildings and grounds n, ,11 lo s I i v . t Of! ,, ' t (lf - I lint,, t ,1 lo ei, p hll nit sso se 0 I ( i A I I R I han man f h. f j i or i the lndust aid he (ommission, t ha, sig ned a c on t r ut w n h t s Lle,artme lit of labor he-- diusioil lo pint nk site c unsullaium st rv n ,s OSH A s (m Indt r the i oiitr.n t, (,i eu nmg said, there will imtiall', be m lnghis qualified St Ue that category to $278,065 and buildings and grounds alloc a turns would go from $51,400 to $75,500 Among buildings and grounds items would be Salet and Health who will meet on inquest with pi iv ate sector emplovets at their place of business to explain safety stamkuds that , hi I . , i s w I, n SI ( H impr In.Ani in mi ill f S m1 !,, it i ' Mi), i'll e I be g h sm . mi t, is ' t i i v . s i'm, nit Im b a u ii snl sew (see related storv here in the paper.) th J el-- S lillt I al st rv I ns K It'd .MtmnfiinI Ionic hold Mi'inki , , Oi egnn s Jannl!H, I lint fi nm Mnuntain Hume, Ida spun lie w ki ml with her parents Sill Mr and Mis Goldt n S mud, iv she was able to u a 8 (itM i 14 in - ilt 3 SO fc art 700 Soun Fdrrunq'rn C 1 nmpaiv her brother and - n IS pill In s' i gee In Ip to 'hose em ph o s w Im do not have the re onm s to t mplov hi ir own full lino' salt f.g (it It. oi to hoe a consult nil he addi d di signed , 1, ( n so fd to p it l u u! it If il , who duos II ' 'g d, 10 00,1 SI pi4,Ml W Willi mu, 7 ("it un: a, m n D 11 bv th'- - bbrai v board ,)ui,! uminii sum w ,iti li!,,-- , Si himl f s t r li t t nnsM if thn building is If 5 I I U , I " ' r.l.l K", Ml, o! "IHIURin Uli i IIBKRV matei lals would an mi tease in munev for sf books totalling $4,000 from Ss j.ihki to Joi.oon, a $l,doo lump for peiioduals fiom $7, 00 to $4,700, mrreuse in binding tods from $J 100 to $.1,700 with audio visual aids remaining at $2,K) Salarj' increases would up the budget from $257 .771 in ,M p 11,, tempi, . 1 , r, ul. 'h I Imdj'ft i ,H n ' "I Ii i ' ,1 h nf L r f and (V , i r ,il, i'l f mi witi V s Shat 11! in Mui pt 4 in p i r I mui x 1! ,.i , ' , ni in di n rl Sib 1 . r r-- y M OI Selection. ar 1 ! Unlimited Design I"! v J L 'i y in a, a l alio mill n n Great Homes. I i is ,r furnishings u aaiu Ii epi im d m mi i ill i P hi d w up, t - Ji t hi g i in' m I) & u w, 1 u bul - - J u ih, I I ' r- ' -,l y . i sin. e d l Igllt O' i( Noi th i f Jot b i "id , S' af .imiiifi in, t n 'J i Inul i d 7 ii J 1 - IROHOSI D, S a I n in list l,i sjal Ion gi IM I of l ibles sumo South Bum h m t Most tabic s Bountiful on ihi ir last lees, ibt irv Due' tor h anne I i n' to 'lit II'IH i ' mm u mi Im 'Is uppiuv i! a in mi ti 'ini a sf ill fill n 'fi n- - isf li r I't.'i d .mil si I d MP i ; M b 0 Spectacular Views. f l.,f ( m li , i 'm i til T f i. f No Mu n M i i r pi i If f pin in hi n it If v i i , r-- 5 i I 1 II ii i . ' N . If Ilf 'I Sfi it i ih I. I ! i'l t i 11 x , i. I! m C,U 1ub I ,7S-- AIM li , 1 ( , H. ( l j V I M .til li,"''i mb Dialing Juunnil t tiiigia ul.i t.is! initial. tv, Among them .u A1 im H,rvv , 'urn ,, Mr and Mr Si nil L Llnvd nf t(, N b 0 K in I..iv ton. mi nf M r ami Mm uni rat old mi Oi t a and ten rm V, in ( lmlnn w lnw hirt Ji il (il N tiT't li'KKI lai Sinrii ,1 n.nOii I Alai li brut mg a lari lnl w a - T I, mi N in I urn I unh im f !7 I ul Mi and Mm 1 ( Ml I rlii tr rV"'V-.v- joi:j t;:: ptga I JIh lli llrX G ' IHiliMY ,J.f 'OH I.ilM) I I 7 1 I Ul i t h 1 H spec ifies oi labi'i, HSSi will fund 40 cost of the ol the The agency progiam emphasized that no fee will be mplov to, charged the fm tlier, c onsultatum v ,sits will not tugger lor m a THE STATE OF UTAH IS NOW IN DEBT 100 MILLION DOLLARS c L0SHA inspec lions (hairman Gtonnmg has likewise stressed that the consultation function will be completely separate from the Your First Call ;; Standards cement ac mines For UOSHA Each time the Democrats have controlled the inhave Legislature they curred state debt. 65 million in 1965 69 million in 1975. en-f- fOR EXAMPLE, tnfoima-tioin the matter of violations of standards developed through the consultation visit will not be revealed to UOSHA enforcement officers, except in the unusual case where the consultant and employer have not resolved the hazards which threaten death or serious physical harm to an n For All Glass Needs Specializing In Insurance Claims Auto Glass, Windows, Mirrors, Store Fronts, Table Tops M n is? a The Governor requested 100 million dollars of debt that was not passed last year. employee h'V i, 7 !fk' I it Organization of the consultation service commenced on C hosen to direct the Oct new activity is Max Bergeson, former framing and education officer for Utah Occupational Safety and Health His DAVIS COUNTY screens Representative Franklin W. Knowlton believes we should pay as we go, and opposes all deficit spending in- 1 GLASS CO. duties will coordination debtedness. include advising the public of available services, responding to requests for consultation, establishing priorities for service, etc Delivery PHONE US YOUR GLASS TROUBLES consultation service to employers in the private sector should be operational by approximately Proposes a constitutional amendment against deficit spending through bonded indebtedness ON-SIT- E Dec 1 1978 1, , BASKET SEVmC So. 500 416 (Bountiful) By Sunset Sports W. Carter Knits Carter T. Knit Print Carter T Knit Solids Carter Stretch Terry Carter Bottom Weight 2.59 2.59 2.25 2.79-53.5- 0 Sweat Shirt Knit Stripe T Knits - fall colors Blanket Fleece Sherpa 4.00 Challis 60 Prints (earth tones) Challis Plaid 45 Black B.W. tor Halloween Costumes Men's Shirting Corduroy Prints & Solids & yd yd yd 3.19 2.59 3.50 5.00 2.59 1.98 98 Vj Excellent Selection of Denim ,d Price yd yd ,d yd ,d yd yd Brushed & unbrushed 60 Jumbo Rick Rack Vi Off Remnants Beautiful Poly Gab -- 2.98 15 nefl $459 Lace for Holiday Tables Round etc. Zippers All Kinds 1.79 to Prints Children's Cot-Pol- y ,d & Heavy weight Knits lor shirts & Pants T ol Knits Selection Largest Over 80 Patterns. Can also be used lor children's Paiamas & gowns 1.98 3.29 2.99 i So You Can Vote on This Issue yd Reg Price Swim Suit Lycra Reg 4 59 New Poly Knit Eyelet Trims Fiat White Eyelet Trims Arnel & Poly for Jogging Suits & Jackets - Reg $4 98 Lace Trims yd m Re-ele- ct yd 89 49 ,d ,d ,d 3.98 yd . Knowlton 10lo.-- 1 5 ,d 2.49 ,d Republican Representative Dist. 53 Paid political ad by Franklin W. Knowlton |