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Show WEEKLY HEFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, OCTOBER 19 1978 Darts To f.leet Undefeated Logan Overused Cliches In Sports History bt i's id if tin , t II NO h g oi LI t to i W AM lit t t i tin n (lets j oin s r i .t In ( t bt i in, it hi to m i Si jn c soiipl, ms Will w pt t r 1 i i - MFANttHUL THE St ots wtte doing their thing which is almost a rtwi ite of the Woods Cross scrip! d he Pi n omond ( lub started out w nh 1 three wins Ihui dropped ga mes to Box I Idt r and ogan Avutorv in this gamt is v itdl to both clubs d h rt e learns fiom Rc gion I our are involved in pu t season plavofls of some suit and these two appear to he in the rate for that thud spot Dav is and Log in appt ai to hi two of the thru who h It aw s the tt lick ats and Suits in the bt st position toi Mm d ( mss win would put them in good position to take third but a loss b the A WOODS SENATE munrwsagtt. Hint. Snue Tht mji i ( one n for the tt ildi a dt ft rise will he the p tss more specifically the iass to Robbie Tillman w ho is one of the best all around uMiktes m the state in anv 1 1. situ at ion Robbie his t x t client speed and hands and the ( ats have bt en hint bv the p iss m tecent weeks THROWING THF football tor the Scots will be another good athlete in Dan Moves Runningwise the Ben I omond u am has one of the best in the k ague in fullback Steve Hub batd who tomes from a f imiK of great athletes and nows w hat w inning is all iimul - probablv win the league I say probablv because the Daits still have Ben Lomond on their schedule with the I ogan t lub still to plav W oods ( ross Back to the biggie this wt ck Game tune is 7 it) p m under the lights at Dav is Sorry I ogan, that puts you in a hole to start with Remember though the game is on T hursday night LOOKING AT the siitistus Hiese two clubs are about as Mua! in regards to placing opponents as you (ouki get Davis has allowed 5s points to hi s( it d again. t tht in com pated to t8 foi the og m c lub while the Darts have put up 124 points while the ( n.'lits hav e sun ( (1 112 to tl ( r tit lit No main- r which ms lot k at tl is conn s' tin. ill is tht same u s going to t t lm t at high s. bool f ot b game All the legion mat 'dial e en the line PFOPIE I IK T Mike Mountt i r, Piad Pt It st n ,m t ' y'i'J i v! vi s. v iirTSv- XVv iW Double Scots a gieai oiu punch in running and throwing whith will defimtelv gwe the Cats some problems OFFENSIVELY THE Cats line had double suiting of ue, the Cats have only stoicd 58 points in their five k ague contests for an 11 point u.ei.ige Quarterbac king has hi cn a question mark and will probablv remain that wav with lodd Bailiff, Mark Fuinshaw and Mike Nitzel all getting a good look Runningwise the Cats have who is gist about overdue fot a great game The pressuie will be on the line of the Cats where Mark Tate, Jason tthitnev, John Mont gnmt r and others will have to put pitssure on the Scot passt r Jit! Ostler i ktun Cuddle lo a stale 1 tailback for the Grizzlies both saw a lot of ai i Z3 a vi u i aie good su ms to h t bt for as the vtar got s on, and this vcai Ihtv die as good as they have been in some time ihe Dirts like to win ihe big gurus, tbev hue done il so mam tunes beloie ih it it would be almost un American for them not to w in the It ague title I ogan is entnusiastic and hungry for the title but history facets Davis in this outing In anv event both clubs w ill show up in the state Davis tournament ARMING ION I Although the Dav is County I Board met primarily ibrary to cuss alternatives tor dis new facilities during its regulai Tuesday board meeting, it decided to see matteis right at the preseot I armington headqiiarit rs fust Mr and Mrs Dick Bowman and family and Mis Bill (ook and two children were guests at a family birthday dinner in Oietri nf Mr and Mrs Rolfe (or their tiny son and Mrs children ( raig spent Fishet the John Pietce Sierra Vista, Artz has been staving the past six weeks with his law, Mr daughtei and and Mrs Jav M Adams He is now returning to his home of Liza son-11- SHIRT3-GAL- S TOPS 1 in At tzona Lloyd Larkm underwent NEW SHIPMENTS HASH SWAT Kaysville mi weekend at the Sand Dunes in southern Utah and also visit ed the national parks there with every Jean or Cord purchased thru October 25 126 No. Main both ago and runners Mi 376-551- 1 v . ' 4 JbAj Viewmonts Jim Miller keeps hall for short gam before lxnng decked bv Clearfields Phil Garrett (71) as Kogt-Vincent (Rl) doses in for assist Vikings edged the falthriller at View mont last fndcv cons, ip i r i i iciulv in i Mi d for r p-- t k 01 m w ith a 1 1 if gum rt cord the w mm r of this t onti st is almost assuied of fourth p! u e in t he ri g ion a nd a plauifi for a si ue quai u r final bt rth win bv the ikings wouM the m h nil at - and m t! t ( iso of a tie the expi rts look first at 'he sioie mvulv mg th two teams to decide A i.e tt ith onlv one one left i! i r this .vi k tu w nnei of this g line wo ik! hi ui the di ivu s st at t n t w inner i IN 1 1 I g imt s tin V king defense has onlv allowt d an average of ten points a hul game second beM in the lewmont has onM league given up 71 points total thtough live league g inu s while the l am f rs of avion lead the leagut with 50 points As tough as the Aik mgs ha'e I surgery Thursday at the St Benedicts Hospital in Ogden Mr and Mrs John Mainland of Kavsville and her brother and sister in law, Mr and Mrs Blame M.idsen of Tremonton attended the funetal service of their uncle, Dean Larsen in Salt I ake ( ity last week THAT buildings fust floor was foi merle shaied on a .50 50 basis with the Davis County School District which utilized space for ns book processing The distinl changed to a state library commission syslem Iasi vcai and has since discontinued use of the facility Butkgiilv it still has rights lo one half And Supt Bernell ttngltv lold Ihe board that the disirit t has need fot the lost space, either theie oi somt'whnt else, or should gtt compt nsa lion ' tt e 11 have to move back m and use one h ilf m gtt pivment and make mini arrangements A SCHOOL-dist- i it a I'll v I w llu se L V It. t ' s r l T' yr r I C f. 4 i T8L.V J i 2 7 1 J x7vT Tv GXttU s. Srs Jp i' 9 DFFFNSIVFIY llu Vik.s then trie ks i n iti time against Bouii 'Nil I, nt hacker Craig Corr, who followed a attain Biave bai k and did a grt a' tub n red isn the on! . veapon the Rov club has 'houh their split end Kt vin ( hristianst n is the f t s tt st m the region and ha-- gut n Jcfinsive backs around the k igue a rough tmu V u w mom s sec onda r v Su tt Smoot and linr Mil1 r will hav i the r hand . fin! w h t hi isti msen 1 he offenses of tin m ah i tubs spe II the tl f tc tenet week I , . Rov h is pul loti points up m l he ir five gamt s w hiM tin ikings offense has SM uggh d lo pul up U points But is nit ntmned the iki dc f use Inn bun stingv all veirgiv mg up only ten points a g unt Rov has averaged around Jl ponils a c ontest , one of 'uh; ti i I Ooklinu him down limit r I r h, t for C orry to dr a naridt s as a conip mo n C i v I hursdav dig is an ook I M' t c tits' v lit nt place Ind i Hi , nandi I f could be s ictor I h il plus mov ing the ball V IFtt MONT HAS placed sell lately .pel are anxious to l b ic k into the st 1 a win this week pi ivolfs i ould do it hut n s an uphill tight all the w n off recommending the county ( hairman C Muss lold the ho ire) th it he thought $10 OOikJli) (loo exit ss was in I he pi esent ( nmmissinn Bill sear's library budget ilui ould be used as inn il payment While the county holds title to the building funds would have to conn from the libraiv budget. ( iimmissmner I lint said c i AGRtFING that something he done as quickly as should JJ9 Mu ihe possible, the board jccepu d a motion from F van tt hiiesidt s I S' -- and his battle wi'h idiiv ns i board) It would pmhahlv take two three vtars to puv ( vf one ol II linebackers in tin leagut di s , commission proceed eithei beginning payment to the school board or retain us own appraiser and work out a tnmpiiimivt between the two appiaisds The motion also said c la i ifu atmn is net essary in fat no rooii7ior47er:ev u that at fion, the boa id agreed lo forestall un plans of remodeling the t ist i nuance to the f.n ility, evt'ni Hi d locust toon ip.m lo elect Bumirtghdm cal N, re cut down; LKE THIS lTq PICKUP; full Sim. ST too Agreed, peue," ttc irjct.yv.fidvi.e IS 15 Mu (toil lb rad .a9, 3rd s sSe price Sp'v iciAl vofuntt 74' com lx? sffiaf rr.eans prices mi bast ment use In tel Hum to Cnaumjn Alton Bcjntnnem ADTH5 t financed appraisal conducted about a year ago plat ed value of the distru t s pot lion at Total value of the building was set at $100,5X4 iq-7- $15(1 000 8 NOVA CUSTOM 5E0AN: pewer een oq 10 A j"fc rr ahe, cru i5S, and txcHces, radi&i wV', w75 The 18,000 square foot facility for $lo0 Ooo was built in with land owned and retaintd bv the county Ihe library utilizes the en tire main level and a small portion of the basement for 15 AM griped rad o.CaTrx.na CasXn v.ny rccrfdov','rtGtnd i cJcdVj irtcrior G'dLS t mai'El noig 547. the bookmobile ( ounty of fices for civil defense, senior citizens and the nutrition program take up most of the remaining space Glen I lint tte're not quite in agreement on Ihe asses sor's figure but we have a lit tie money left that could pav off some of it (to the school r i 1 P PaiO by tt F. FFEL tt E owe the school board their shate, said County Commissioner r ? - I -- good t unn. rs m and ijnmi Pn r 'tv 1 n u , r ! Ri m V, his shovn Mui he can ihr w Me shmt to medium ringe v iai X. i in u fourth .it :l X iht'l league lewmont is right bthind k NSIV EL Y ttn h m to gt l ih ngs g and give the di fi use a n H to i ate h tht ir bttah di fi ns. can onlv t ike so a h iml the V kings h ive shed tht ii s lo the limit the e nt ids lo ( oni rol ihe F I I I ROY IS cm p' n e thiet i I w i fh a OG-c- and OZ yaftSA yLsepj ttlGIIAM r , thev usuallv do but with the Paul s first hnthdav annivei saiv on Monday evening iio GUVS A u e tnroweis and tcceivus Iluv have this vi ar no one bl lries oac h ( ulhmoi e MF ANtt HILF i uns the ball, and runs it wul I heir signal caller Brad J n dine is ba k after a good vc ai as a tumor, the I ogan club fielded a vetv young club last season, and is very t flu live at runping the option pi iy ullback will be Chris Hatch With Kuth Nelson going at mvi .V Lt . I for more touchdowns than I III. tt h ile i lot of Jl- s e w il' hing t hi Bonn i K.i Ldvtuii battle, a g mtu l has ihnost the same im ih ur up tt u Ml tit ml will 0 iv w hi e the u w moot It- tin will go hi ad to id Ph Mi R iv its i 11 Andrus Presents u Lit) Bv at laysville Casual Clothes with Class! 0J $ a k rt n r) f n IttUlV wll arid qaartf rhacks 1 ci (' V anhrfK khn and I)j. J bilu llu ow mg the ball 'lit Du's h ive one of tne io-.- t pt h m i ot tc uses in the I o wau h the doubh 'vuv n m turn is limit thing in hi hold unless you nappen to bt a defttisive plaur trying to flgUlt OUt list who dot s i.e the football Davis has ihtown I I i runnmg r f irywr CROSS is looking first trip Place G T'i.tT -- - A 21'Jr.lOijT HIPS FALCOIJS 1 guts the two rius football mutest, thev aren t out of it vet but a loss here would put them out The (ats are due to plav well and realize thev have their backs to the wall Should be a close game STATE a! .on i is WOODS for then I -- I 1 TUT tt d( at ( lab that von tin ir f'i st font games of the st a son be in Hie tt I'd Ogden or will it ' c it c bib that has lost the tlirr e m a iow All things weie going wt1! t r the ( ats up to a tc w w t ks ago w hen thev trac i h d up noun to battle Bov I uh r In that g ime die ( ats st a ( lost one and since have bom bt it en bv Ogden and Divis and m tin now iind them clu middle of the pack ratio r than it the top Illjtt r V'. Y I tin m III SENATOR j expected to win the following week, against the two top clubs, this garni on ans t c t .'Lung to botn of i RE-ELE- he Qnno lyljLlO nei'int Hit big tpu stuui H It d c L-- U- - i idol ii tt dd( ais wo lid all but the Slots of third IMAF ttIGHAM r to w in th t w h g i nt s to i ill IL aiouini tin i pails right now is which tt oods ( i iss t uo w HI show up fot lot ml lit l w ph it e St ots ot In n I n lllls lhbisd iv tt in r uio Ii n ,1)1 N w s, & c abb hi ip ' 1 r By i i jn j pt pi, n il (onus to in so t - iu ed of had lo t.oii ' it (lit Vft S have u decided by another school These two have the best records going into the game and the winnei will cuit v M ifLVMr A -- these two should meet to detide the title rather than the V ,riM c s lost the n win the big ones Hit v m i on game pi nolf then be it t he ( " il nig g um s Ilu ii w h it is ii i c'ub ll' Huston I K is s pioluhlv w while the Logan school is new at ,hs championship talk ITS ONLY fitting that , , TMS PAPERS as ,jk k up on the ni g at iv t s s ol th i n Rt r, , it i t ggie Jai kson strut k ou in tin st on g inn m whu h tin Dodgi i s won 1 he It il m s nid sunns noted that J u kson had choked how (oukl In lie hid alieidv knot kt d in the tnree New II ' 1 0 i l't W & the Darts have company at the top this year LOGAN HIGH is enjoying their best season in a long time with the Grizzlies hold mg onto a league record which matches the Darts output this season in Region Four difference The main between these two schools is that the Darts know what this is all about this time of year GOING INTO game throe of the series, the one Guidry won, all the press people wei e calling it a must win for the Yankees This is ridiculous, it wasn't a must win To me in older to be a must win, for any team, would be elimination if the lost The Yankees wouldn't have been eliminated if thev had lost thev would have still had one mote game, and that one would have been a must win The reasoning for t he must libel was simple No otlu r tt am hid lost tluei in i iow, the first three, and won the series J hat mi ant the Yankees couldnt How do ttuv know thiP Hu res a first for eve rv thing I would hive lovtil the Yankees to ha.e lost the ' must win and tin n won the nt t foui to win the scries What would the big turn p pi is sav hen "tankas lose must ' g ime hut Mil l Mis i mis oat hi mgs up aim hi r point j&o - The baseball playoffs have brought to mind, and the eve, some of the most overused cliches in sports history Some people dont Understand some of the words used or the meanings I v f Bv DAVE WIGHAM KAYSV1LLE Here it is again October, the deer hunt and the Darts undefeated in region play So what else is new, right9 Well how about it, By DAVE ttIGHAM In 'AT' 7 M SAVE BURMGHAM Democrat Auditor krAfc N. MAiN LAYTON it |